I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The brisk and soothing music ran along with Kuronuma Shuangzi, and then missed Fengsao Shota's inner monologue.

  Even Kuronuma Shuangzi and Walnut Zemei. In the early stage of this animation, everyone is very annoying. They pass by the female villain who has done a lot of bad things with Kazezao...

   Shuangzi didn't find it.

Walnut is definitely the most important role of Kuronuma Shuangzi who is determined to find Feng Shotai to confess at this time...Although her early tricks and cunning, but after admitting that she lost, she also quit cleanly. .....

   can be said to be half washed out!

   She knew that Shuangzi Kuronuma was going to find Feng Zaoxiang too confession, although her expression was lonely, but...there was no more troubles like before!

  The processing of this paragraph...To be honest, fans are very comfortable watching it.

   One thinks that the character of Walnut is actually quite sad, and the author doesn't have to portray her wickedly. Although she is a bit fake, who's not like that? Then again... the atmosphere has been stirred up, and the blood pressure of fans who come to a spoiler will definitely rise!

   "Chong Chong Chong!"

   "It's been a long time since I watched the animation and I've been so excited. It's worth waiting for me for more than eight months. This is the moment!"

   "Teacher Zhao Qinyin, don't learn from Teacher Shuixin's pitfall, just let the heroine win the victory!"

   "Sisters, what should I do if I am so excited? It feels like I'm going to confess, the sense of substitution is too strong!"

   "Damn it, this school corridor is too long, how come Heonuma Shuangzi hasn't finished running yet, hurry up!"


   "Always timid, shy, afraid to know what he thinks of me..."

   "What am I hesitating?"

"His back, blushing profile, anxious expression, angry expression... a laughing expression, if... I want to say I want to get all of this ...What kind of expression will Fengzao look like!"

   "I want to break the wall between him..."

   "I want to tell you......my heart!"

   Kuronuma Shuangzi's inner monologue, and the contrast of the music and animation pictures...At this moment, the audience's inner sense of expectation has risen to the highest.


   "Is this love? It's too sweet!"

   "My God, I'm so excited!"


   "I've clicked the question, I really wanted to tell you the name of the work for this moment! Teacher Zhao Qinyin is awesome!"

"I really want to cry. I didn't meet such a partner in high school or university that would make me fall in love. Unknowingly, I am now thirty-two. I have zero successful relationship experiences and four confession failures... ...Uncomfortable!"

   "Me too, I am seventeen years old, and I was dumped twice in love. It was a failure. Seeing the brave Kuronuma Shuangzi in the animation, I am really...moved!"

   "Raise your hand if you haven't been in love at the age of twenty-five!"

   "I'm twenty-three, the hand of the woman I've held only signed my mother when I was a child!"

   "Twenty-four-year-old single girl is here......"

   "Huh? Are there so many singles? Singles still like to watch romance animations, aren't they looking for abuse?"


   Discussing and discussing the barrage, it becomes a miserable meeting.

   But the animation plot has been moving forward...

   Finally, the hostess came to the door of the classroom.

"tell him...."

   "Tell him!" Hearing these words silently, Kuronuma Shuangzi opened the door of the classroom!

   She pushed open the door of the classroom, and the orange sunset light leaked from the crack of the door...

   Countless fans opened their eyes wide at this moment.

   I look forward to seeing the figure of Kazaa Shota, but...

   Another brisk voice sounded.

   is the ed song I really want to tell you...

   At this moment, the barrage is quiet!

   Japanese islands and inland, countless fans at this moment...

   They want to vomit blood!

   Do you know the feeling that you want to go to the bathroom but you can't wake up anyway?

   Do you know the mood of turning it off when you are awakened by the alarm but can't catch it early on the weekend?

   Do you know that you are the lead singer in the school concert, but when you introduced yourself, you were nervous and couldn't remember your name?


Yes, at this moment, countless fans saw the ultimate confession atmosphere in the last second, but when they saw the ed song in the next second... they felt more anxious than the above-mentioned situation. , More profound....

   They are going to vomit blood!

   is about to vomit blood by this plot!

  Don't do it, Teacher Zhao Qinyin!


   Under Zhao Qinyin's Weibo.

   Her fan army was almost assembled within three minutes of the end of Chapter 33.

  On the island of Japan, gt animation company official website suddenly sent thousands of bad review emails from all counties late at night!

   I used to watch the love animation on weekdays to ease my mood, but I really want to tell your fans how to know... Not only did it not relax at all, but it also made it harder to sleep.

   As soon as I close my eyes, it is the scene of Heinuma Shuangzi flying into the classroom, and then she will imagine that the scene after Heinuma Shuangzi opened the door...

   Will you confess in the next sentence?

Will    confess success?

   What if the confession is unsuccessful?

   What if there are more misunderstandings?

Heinowu Shuangzi mustered up the courage to run to find Feng Zaoxiang to confess, but he went home early, and then the heroine's courage faded, emotions became awkward, and the two had more misunderstandings... ...

   For a true love fan, the plot of this story... is great, but the ending is... terrible!


   Zhao Qinyin Weibo next...

   "Teacher Zhao Qinyin, let's show up and reveal the plot of the next episode to make me sleep better!"

   "Teacher Zhao Qinyin, don't be too foolish, so you will lose your baby!"

   "Teacher Zhao Qinyin really feels, so I cut off the plot here, to be honest, it smells like that!"

   "That taste? Teacher Shuixin?"

"Does that still need to be said? Since Ms. Shuixin disappeared~www.mtlnovel.com~ I haven't felt this way for a year, this kind of anxiety.......This is what I like about the second element. The reason!"

   "Exactly right, you basically don't have such a sense of substitution when you watch romantic TV series and movies. The moment I saw this ed song, my roar made my roommate throw the toilet paper and hit me!"

   "Teacher Zhao Qinyin, don't be so cold, let's show it below, so that we fans are so embarrassed!"

   "I just want her to reveal whether she can let the confession plot end next week... If not, I will send her the rat from my hometown!"


   The hot discussion among inland fans lasted until three in the morning.

   also because of the enthusiasm of the fans, I really want to tell you the 33rd chapter and Zhao Qinyin's two keywords once again on Weibo's hot search.

   This makes Long Country's various industries, especially the stars of the entertainment circle, quite speechless.

   They wanted to search the hottest last time, either because they were domestically abused or married, or they were looking for a mistress.

   This Zhao Qinyin......and the Shui Xin of the previous two years, why is it so popular?

   And a group of colleagues in the inland animation industry......I really feel the familiar taste from Zhao Qinyin.

   I don't really want to tell your fans that they feel this way. Even people like them can feel the momentum of Zhao Qinyin's rise at this time... and Shui Xin's abnormality, it's too similar!