I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"I just want to quietly draw comics, novels and cool notes ( to find the latest chapters!

The carved starfish were distributed to school students, and they agreed that when their sister got married, they would come to the wedding.

The next plot is the joyful campus comedy plot, mischievous style, Yi Fuzi, Okazaki Tomiya and Furukawa's friends met, played house, played games......

She is special in school. She has no friends or classmates, but she sees her loneliness. Sisters Fujibayashi Xing Fujibayashi, the male protagonist Jiyou Spring Garden, the male protagonist and the female protagonist pretend to be her classmates, Furukawa's mother Sanae pretends to be a teacher!

"Fengzi, everyone here is your classmate and your friend!" Said the teacher played by Sanae!

The plot at this time... The audience was very happy to watch!

But some senior water noodles are a little distracted. Are they standing up?

The plot of the fifth episode ends with the happy smile of Yifazi!

The ed song of the Tuanzi family sounded...

"Inexplicable, a little touched!"

"Yes, it's really a very happy group of people. If other animations engage in this kind of play house plot, I will definitely feel nauseous when they say this kind of thing, but now, I really feel that there are a group of friends like a male protagonist in my life. Good!"

"I'm in love with Sister Sanae, otherwise the heroine will change from Furukawa to his mother!"

"Agree, it's so cute, much cuter than my daughter Furukawa!"

"Furukawa Nagisa won't be the worst heroine in history, how come there is a girl in the animation, everyone should compare her with her, and then whip the corpse!"

"No way, I think Furukawa is also very cute, that is, Teacher Zhao Qinyin has made other characters more cute. I admit I am guilty, half-hearted is an LSP! Sorry!"


In the middle of the night, everyone continues to watch, the animation rhythm is still extremely happy, the bakery, the starfish, the male and female protagonists interact, and then the male protagonist plays pranks again, again, and again!

Lie her nostrils to drink a drink, lie to herself that she can actually become a girl, interacting with Sanae...

It is the ordinary daily plot, which is not liked by more than 90% of the two-dimensional enthusiasts, but... it is very strange!

The barrage comments are getting more and more joyous, and the number of barrage is increasing. The questioning barrage that began in Chapter 5 is gone after Chapter 6!

Everyone is discussing the possible future trend of the plot, discussing how Okazaki Tomori also wants to play pranks, discussing the heartbeat of the audience that Furukawa's occasional shyness makes the audience...

Everyone didn't realize that they had watched this animation critically at the beginning, but they have completely changed now!

If you want to say that this animation is progressing to the present, it may not be how exciting the plot is, but if the animation company does not update the four episodes tonight, but updates the animation in one breath, most people think that until now The level of performance of this work allows them to watch this work all night......

But what about the joyous plot? It is impossible to continue forever!

A large copy of the Japanese island animation water plot, campus festivals almost appear in more than 60 or 70% of campus animations!

Like the concert of the protagonists in White Album 2, I want to tell you that the misunderstanding between Kuronuma Shuangzi and Kaze Shota is also deepened at the campus festival.......

And here, Nagisa Furukawa prepares to meet Yi Fuzi and her sister, Master Ibuki at the campus festival......

It can be said that Furukawa does not do this, and fans have long wanted to make complaints like this!

In other words, if there is no such plot, the plot of the Yifazi chapter is buggy!

Obviously, Yi Puzi was in a car accident and was in a coma in the hospital, but why the self-proclaimed Fengzi man on campus can sculpt starfish, send starfish, interact with campus students, and agree on the wedding of her sister!

If this ghost can be said to be seen and touched by ordinary people, why doesn't she go to see her sister? On the contrary, he kept avoiding her...

At the campus festival, Fengzi still spared no effort like everyone gave their own starfish...

The bgm began to sound slowly, the moving melody and the plot were combined, and I saw the style of trying to communicate with school students to participate in the wedding of my sister.....

A faint sense of healing rises in the hearts of the fans.....It's so cute, this guy, and a little touched!

It's just that everything changed when Lord Ibuki came to the campus for the festival!

Whether it is bgm or atmosphere!

The male and female master He Fengzi stood in front of her and greeted her, but Master Ibuki... can't see Fengzi at all!

The sixth chapter ends, the seventh chapter begins...

It's close enough to talk, but she can't see her at all!

Originally, this is how ordinary people should react to ghosts!

However, everyone in the school can see Fengzi, but only her own sister is not aware of her existence.

The classic bgm tide sounded, and the joyous atmosphere that everyone felt before disappeared!

And my heart is blocked inexplicably...

"Damn, this story is a bit bad!"

"What is this bgm, it's sad!"

"It should be just a temporary sad story, and it will definitely be joyful in the follow-up!"

"Fengzi, come on!"

"It's really a ghost! Is there such a cute ghost?"

"I am not afraid at all. I hope that more ghosts like this will come to me at night. I am willing to offer myself to them..."

"Hey, you don't need you for this kind of thing. I am a very compassionate person and I am willing to descend eighteen levels of **** for all living beings. Such a ghost should come to me!"

"Don't be like this, you guys, it's obviously a sad story, why I want to laugh a little when I see your speeches!"


The plot continues to develop, but it seems to have been tense in a bad direction!

The doctor told Master Ibuki that Fengzi might never wake up...


The students on campus gradually seem to be invisible! Those who accepted Fengzi Starfish also gradually forgot about her......

The male protagonists gradually discovered this!

Those who forget the wind are just strange campus students at first. 61 Library

Fengzi's starfish can't be sent out at all, because everyone can't see her at all!

"No, what kind of plot is this!"

"My heart is a little flustered! What will happen if this develops!"

"If everyone forgets her, what about the appointment with her sister's wedding? Don't you remember it?"

"Then she didn't work in vain all this time?"

"Damn, isn't this person Fengzi's friend before? I have received Fengzi's starfish, and can't see her?"

"There is a bad feeling. I feel that the previous plot is a happy sand sculpture fan. The turning point of the eighth episode will not be Zhiyu Fan!"

"But this is a love fan! Zhao Qinyin's old love made it clear that this is a love fan!"


In the second half of the eighth episode, the plot turns sharply...

Although it is late at night, the fans of Japan Island and Dragon Kingdom have been completely attracted by the plot.

It's a rare situation to watch an animation when you are nervous and dare not breathe loudly!

Although the plot has not yet begun to abuse, but everyone always feels that it will develop in that direction!

The attention is extremely concentrated, and it is really done so that all fans have no urination!

Compared to the group of people dozing off when they saw the fourth episode last week, this week is the same time period. When they saw the eighth episode, everyone was full of energy!

Finally, everyone's guessing situation has come...

The good friend of the male protagonist, Chunyuan, forgot the existence of Fengzi, followed by Fujibayashi Apricot and Fujibayashi Shigaki. Those who drink together and have fun with Fengzi and become friends, not only forget Fengzi, even Fengzi stood in front of them and couldn't see it!

But what made the audience tears the most was that Chun Yuan had forgotten Fengzi, and when he was arguing with the male lead, he subconsciously said something to a place where no one was.......

"Hey, Fengzi, talk about him too!"

Then he reacted, stunned for a moment in front of the Fengzi that he could no longer see!

"Hey, I seem to have said something inexplicable just now!"

It's okay if you just forget it, but there seems to be a memory left in your body.......

Chunyuan tried hard to remember her, however, there was nothing she could do...

Although he can no longer see Fengzi, Fengzi still bowed to him...Thanks for his efforts!

"My eyes are in my chest hair!"

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin shouldn't, I really want to tell you how to make a tear-jerking plot come out!"

"I didn't learn it from Teacher Shuixin!"

"Don't jump to conclusions, as long as the ending is good, it doesn't matter to the tearing point, the ending of Teacher Shui Xin is bad!"

"Damn it, it's almost two o'clock, how can I fall asleep like this!"

"Hope Fengzi's plot ends in the happy ending of Chapter 8!"


It can only be said that human sorrows and joys are not interlinked...

The memory disappears and spreads from people who are not closely related to people who are closely related!

After they returned home from school, Furukawa's father, Qiusheng Furukawa, carried a baseball bat and walked towards the stadium with an unhappy expression.

Muttering in my mouth, there seems to be something important forgotten...

He turned a blind eye to the wind in front of him!

And Furukawa's mother seemed to be normal... Watching the three men and women enter the house, they called out their names!

The audience was relieved!

"It seems that Sister Sanae still remembers Fengzi, unlike the big pig's hoofs of the heroine's father!"

"I'm so touched, look at Fengzi's expression, and I feel happy all at once!"

"This feeling is really terrifying. The people in this world you think are important forget you one by one, can't see you, but you have always been there. Teacher Zhao Qinyin has a very ordinary brain, but it gives me a deep impression. Although your consciousness still exists in the world, human being... is actually dead!"

"Yes, if you have been forgotten, and you can't communicate with others, can you realize that the world feels like nothing, it's no different from death!"

"The barrage philosopher has come out! But this time I stand with you, it really makes sense!"

"It's so uncomfortable, this plot, I hope to make some happy plots like before, Teacher Zhao Qinyin!"


At this moment, the barrage is densely packed, and today's plot is particularly attractive. It seems that everyone hasn't slept!

Compared with the situation where the number of barrage in the first episode was reduced by half when we saw the fourth episode last week, it is a world of difference!

But then, Sanae's smiling face instantly collapsed......

Because...she is greeting Fengzi on the surface~www.mtlnovel.com~ but in fact...she can no longer see Fengzi standing next to the hero!

"I can't see Fuzi..." Sanae knelt down and cried.

bgm became deep again... but the barrage was silent for two seconds.

This contrast is too big!

Everyone really feels that it seems to have been punched in the chest, which is a bit uncomfortable. To be precise, it is very uncomfortable!

This feeling is almost the same as watching the melancholy works of Teacher Shui Xin!

Three words of inexplicable joy, the eighth chapter made this... a bit unacceptable!
