I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After all, it was just the script of the last seven or eight episodes, and Su Lu seemed to be fast too.

It's just that when he got to the back, Su Lu's face was wrinkled, like a piece of equipment in the League of Legends, male and female... Uh, the full name is too long, nicknamed the "mask of pain"!

After all, Su Lu was psychologically prepared, and unlike animation, with voice actors dubbing and music bgm, the presentation effect of the script will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

But...Even so, the shock that this plot brings to Su Lu is still great...

After all, the level of animation in this world is indeed quite low. There are few tear-jerking works like this, and the famous ones are basically made by Chu Yu's large water heart!

But this work, the as chapter, is undoubtedly a direct sublimation, especially the plot after Furukawa's dystocia and death...

Tomo Okazaki also felt that his father was very useless. He felt that he had not taken good care of his mother and was irresponsible to his children. But how did he know how many setbacks he would encounter in his life? He hated his father, but in the end he lived. Become the appearance of the person you hate!

He felt that his father was unfamiliar with him and did not look like a father, but only after he had also experienced the life of being a father can he realize the greatness of others!

Especially daughter Okazaki Shio...

When Su Lu saw the plot of the scene between her and the hero in the snow, he almost wanted to put down the script and charge Chu Yu who was on the table! She wants to be a black fan!

Chu Yu is not a human being!

Fortunately, continue to watch, the final ending is reversed......

After reading it, Su Lu was filled with emotion......

Just as fans praised this work in the parallel world, writing and reading life!

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is not unreasonable. After reading the whole work, it will indeed make you think about life a lot!

Although after thinking about it, people who should be salted fish will continue to be salted fish in the future, but a work that allows you to have this kind of thought at a certain moment is already a great thing!

Su Lu is a person with a high tear point. When reading this kind of draft script, the eye circles are red. She can fully imagine how outrageous the effect of the finished animation will be.

No wonder Zhao Qinyin has been silent since finishing the script with Chu Yu in the morning, deliberately still thinking about life!

But.... If only I could have a daughter who is as sensible as Shio Okazaki in the future!

After watching the ending, Su Lu suddenly overflowed with mother-in-law love!

But when she looked at Chu Yu with a dull look on the opposite side, she suddenly became angry!

Why can such a guy conceive of girls like Okazaki Shio and Furukawa Nagisa, God is blind?

"I know why you are so confident in this work!" Su Lu said after a sigh.

"To be honest.... Before I watched the ending, I didn't have any confidence at all. What you said surpassed Lelouch!"

"But now...I don't know if there is a possibility. After all, I can't decide the market. I think that for good things, the market response may not be good, but at least it brings me feelings. Far beyond the rebellious Lelouch!"

"Suddenly I am looking forward to it!" Su Lu's eyes suddenly became excited!

"However, according to the broadcast speed of the four episodes a week, Xiaoyin may be sprayed badly!" Su Lu looked at Zhao Qinyin with some schadenfreude!

"This kind of thing...I thought about it a long time ago! It doesn't matter!"

After Su Lu reminded him, Zhao Qinyin only thought of this. As soon as he calculated the schedule of the animation broadcast, his brows frowned, but it was not easy to seduce him directly!

When Chu Yu next to him saw this, his head tilted, but he didn't see it!

Chu Yu earns a lot of money, but Zhao Qinyin's black pot makes Zhao Qinyin back. It's a bit unnatural to say, but in fact, it's inexplicably refreshing! But Chu Yu would definitely not show this kind of psychology...


Every day, the office of the president of the company staged various small theaters in the speculation and imagination of everyone in the company. After all, it takes an hour or two for Su Lu, Zhao Qinyin to run out of Chu Yu's office. Xuan Xuan Book Bar

However, in most cases, gossip is completely incorrect! After the script was produced, Zhao Qinyin also distributed the animation production arrangements for the final few episodes.

Of course, proper confidentiality work is still to be done. If it is not necessary, it is best to be able to contact one less person and be able to contact one day later!

For several key members of the animation production team, after reading the complete script, they were naturally touched! Even shocked!

The look in Zhao Qinyin's eyes is different!

It is really hard for them to imagine that this kind of work could be created by such a little girl, but in the next second, they are completely excited!

Even conservative people like Su Lu find it very powerful, and this group of people has a keen sense of the market!

Wouldn't it be the work of Lelouch who can catch up with the rebellious Lelouch!

It seems a bit too arrogant to think this way, but it's really amazing!

I won't discuss that possibility for now, but at least it should be better than I want to tell you that your grades are better, provided that there is no problem in animation production...

Suddenly, the ideological pressure of the production staff arose! And then, this kind of pressure also turned into motivation for work!

After all, if the final effect of animation production is outstanding, this is also a good opportunity for everyone to become famous in the animation industry!


Compared with the animation production team of an animation company, the middle and high-level seniors worked like chicken blood for the final script!

In the animation market in the inland and islands of Japan, after this week of mutual amnesty between fans, there is no doubt that it has a huge advantage compared to the direct competitor, Qingxian.

Everything seems to be a matter of course. Li Xiaojun appeals to fans to support Qingxian every day, Tianxing Animation also makes various propaganda, and the Navy applauds all kinds of!

It's a pity that the entertainment industry is like this, the quality of the work speaks for itself!

The works produced by large companies can only be said to be leading in the channels and publicity, and then the industry has a strong influence, which can open the back door to the works to a certain extent!

But this does not mean that if you feed the audience, he will eat it too!

The Nezha, Wolf Warriors 2 and other works in Parallel World are not produced by a big company, but if they are to become a hit, no one can stop it!

However, although the Star Animation Company has spared no effort to hack it, the quality of the work is there. Even if the Star Animation Company has a much stronger influence in the inland than the animation companies on the island of Japan, it is still the same in the face of this situation. !

In the end, you still have to use a bayonet, and speak with the quality of the work!

Therefore, on the eve of the third week of the animation broadcast......Li Xiaojun and the members of the Qingxian animation production team of Tianxing Animation Company are very nervous!

Compared with the works of Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin, the directly related people are still nervous!

After all...there is indeed an obvious take-off situation now. After two weeks of airing, the popularity growth curve has almost caught up with the original situation. I want to tell you the initial situation!

Until now, no one thinks that it has the potential to surpass Lelouch, but it can be better than I want to tell you, that is also very outrageous!

It seems to tell you this level of work. Putting Shui Xin's abnormality aside, the normal situation in the interior may be that one will come out in four or five years.

If this is Zhao Qinyin's ~www.mtlnovel.com~ two consecutive animations of this kind of achievement...

Then Li Xiaojun still competes with Zhao Qinyin for a fart?

Among the young and middle-aged generation in Longguo animation, only Shui Xin can beat her. Even if the seniors in the animation industry of the middle-aged generation over the age of 40 or 50 are counted, few can catch up with historical results.

Li Xiaojun is just looking forward to it now, hoping that the upcoming update of the plot will pull across......

But in any case, although she harbors malice, for fans of Longguo, it has been a week since she waited for the update!

This evening, before the time was up, fans of Xinman.com's exclusive broadcasting website had already poured in.....
