I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the original game, Yufuko, Fujibayashi, Fujibayashi, Tomoyo Sakagami, etc. are the heroines of each line. For example, the story of Fuzi in the animation is actually the key plot of the Fuzi line in the game!

Because the lines of this work are not independent of each other, if you want to clarify the plot of Furukawa-Zhu completely, the plots of other lines cannot be ignored.

Therefore, in the animation production, the relationship between the male protagonist Okazaki Tomomi and the female characters in each line is hidden, and the main line part of the story is retained. The purpose of warming up human feelings and promoting the development of the plot!

Although compared with the original game, the animation is much less interesting than the game because of the omission of many details.

But as the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison!

In the parallel world, the adaptation of the animation has many flaws in front of the fans of the original game... But this world does not have the original game, and Chu Yu has absorbed the shortcomings of the animation adaptation in the parallel world that have been criticized by others. , The details have been changed. Now that the fans of Parallel World animation have been known in advance, no matter whether the fans of the Dragon Kingdom can see these problems, it is natural to avoid them in advance!

So in terms of the situation after the broadcast, the popularity of this work is amazing!

After the animation of the third week was broadcast at 0:00 in the morning, in the morning......The fans on the islands of Japan and the mainland have begun to commotion!

At noon, it might be a bit exaggerated to say that it was the Tuban, but the discussion posts about the role of Yi Chuanzi were all over the place.

And in the evening... Finally, three consecutive related topics were hot searched!


Is it Chi Yu Fan?

Is this a star or a starfish?

The first hot search term is obvious. After watching the updated animation, Yi Fuzi is a strong fan. Compared with the male protagonist Tomoya Okazaki and the female protagonist Nagisa Furukawa, it is much more popular, and the second chapter The popularity of Kotomi Ichinose's main character is even worse than that!

After all, she is just looking at the wooden starfish that she has carved out, and she can be cute by it, and then she will be fainted...Yes, it means literally, Yi Fengzi saw a cute thing, starfish, Pigs, toy hats, etc. will be cute, and their expressions will immediately become very cute, wandering around, in a daze, and the brain loses the ability to think!

For this skill, she was often pranked by Tomomi Okazaki during her daze, but how do you say it?

Yi Chuanzi was stunned by cute things, and fans who watched anime were also stunned by her! Fan groups of Yifazi on the Internet have sprung up like bamboo shoots after the rain. Under Zhao Qinyin's Weibo account and Xinman.com account, tens of thousands of fans have sent private messages to her and let Yifazi continue to appear! To be frank, even if the follow-up plot collapses, I will definitely finish watching this character!

And the second hot search is because Zhao Qinyin Weibo's story update ended last night, a group of people commented on tears, can't stand it, tears, etc.! Passers-by who want to get into the pit for unknown reasons think of the topic of Shuixin, a pit-comparison, and stir up a stir!

As for the third hot search, Cun is purely funny. It is a video of the characters in the Fengzi chapter of the up main editing about whether the thing Fengzi carved is a star or a star. This hot search was made by fans!

It can be seen that although the four-chapter animation updated in the third week involves most of the plot of Ichinose Kotomi, the plot so far is undoubtedly the most impressive opening chapter!

The boring start of the first week, the in-depth plot of the Fengzi in the second week, and the end of the Fengzi plot in the third week, or the role of the Yifazi in three weeks, let the question from the beginning have been questioned to the present. Praise.

The audience rating on Xinman.com directly jumped to a rating of 9.6, and two weeks ago, this rating was still hovering at 8.1!

The media in the entire animation industry have now changed their previous venomous slogans, and they are not stingy to give out praises such as strong contenders for this year's best animation and dominant works in the animation market in October!

Enter Weibo...

"Awesome, in just two weeks, the new mannet score has risen so high!"

"Although it can be modified later, the viewers who rated it are also very lazy. If the work is not good to see, to a certain extent, those who scored low in the early stage will not modify it later! Just like the takeaway, it has already given a bad review. People who know that their impulse is wrong will not deliberately change the negative review!"

"No wonder Mr. Zhao Qinyin's work has to be updated four times a week. Indeed, if this work is updated every week, the reviews on the Internet must be a mess. I have definitely abandoned it! Fortunately, Zhao Qinyin I knew where the flaws of the work were, and I avoided the flaws in time! I didn't miss it!"

"Now I'm waiting for a good show. Tonight, after midnight, the third episode of Qingxian from Tianxing Animation will be broadcast. I guess Li Xiaojun must be panicked now! She thought Teacher Zhao Qinyin was a soft persimmon at first. Pinch, I deliberately provoked this battle of works, but who knew I wanted to tell you that the popularity would explode in the future, and suddenly the popularity began to explode and grow!"

"Speaking of the Fengzi Pian, the plot is really good, and everyone on the Internet is also vying to promote it. If the quality of the subsequent plots is maintained, I guess there is a lot of possibility that the performance and I really want to tell you to compete for this year's Dragonland popular animation!"

"Indeed, I just didn't expect that in the first year that the Japanese island and the inland animation circles opened up to each other, two works on the island of Japan actually appeared... Now, teacher Zhao Qinyin The reputation will be stable. No one should take her young anymore. Maybe it's a short-lived genius to talk about it!"

"In fact, I feel that teacher Zhao Qinyin will continue to develop like this~www.mtlnovel.com~ I am afraid that she will be able to compete with Teacher Shuixin in just a few years! In terms of work performance, she is not much worse. In terms of the number of works, this Things and time can make up for it, in terms of the degree of productivity......In fact, both of them are quite productive!"

"Let's stop milking, in case the plot collapses in the later stage, someone will definitely come and spray you! I can only say that Teacher Zhao Qinyin has a bright future. Her performance so far, what inspirational words to surpass Teacher Shui Xin, I think at first She is enthusiastic about the old teacher in Shuixin, but the factual development seems to be really moving in that direction! I can only say that it was hasty before!"


Tianxing Animation Company, at this time, the Qingxian Animation Production Team changed the joyous expressions of the previous two weeks, and everyone's expressions were very serious......

Now that twelve episodes have been broadcast, the average number of broadcasts in the entire network episode has exceeded 5 million, and the number of followers of Zhao Qinyin's Weibo fans has also risen to more than 6 million, and Qingxian... The broadcast volume just exceeded four million yesterday.

Among so many works broadcasted in October, Ao Xuan ranked third, and the second-ranked work in terms of popularity is still a samurai battle animation on the island of Japan, Frost Blade!

Although the popularity has reversed in the past two weeks, other works are not without competition, but...everyone can feel the potential of animation... . Obviously, the quality of this work is so good at the beginning, and there will be a large number of cute and new people who will enter the pit.

In contrast to other animation works, everyone knows the rules of the three opening episodes. After the three tricks are done, the plot will have a boring vacuum period!

Thinking of Qing Xianhe's struggle...Li Xiaojun is now riding a tiger with difficulty...
