I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"Rely, what's the situation? Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi joined Skystar like this? Tears, the animation works of these two people have accompanied me to grow up. Although the two of them did not retired, I thought they were making enough money. Quit doing it, I didn't expect that there would be such a day!"

"Both of them are only in their forties, what are you talking about? Retire, it's too early to retire at this age!"

"Is this the legendary ten years of sharpening a sword? It is true that these two people have not moved in the past ten years. It may be that their past works are too classic to be surpassed, so they have been silent for such a long time! Damn it! Tianxing, half-talking, just said that the two joined them, and did not say what will happen after the two join them?"

"Anyway, Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi's work will definitely be supported at the first time. They said that the status of these two people in the animation industry of Longguo is not worse than that of Teacher Shuixin before the ban. Now there are nearly two people in Shuixin. It's only been unblocked in the new year, and there are a few more such old antiques to make the Dragon Country animation industry a little more lively!"

"In the field of feature-length serial animation, Shui Xin's paper grades must be invincible, but Zhao Yongbai's works are mainly too classic. Although the commerciality is not as strong as Shui Xin's Lu Lu Xiu and Xiao Yuan, But Long Guo didn't know how many people grew up watching his animations when they were young! Teacher Jiang Qi mainly works in the field of animation films, and has nothing to do with the type of works of Teacher Shui Xin, but the three of them must be at the same level, just Shui Xin. The teacher is too young, maybe it's a bit of a disadvantage in comparison!"

"Thinking about it this way, it's no wonder that Tianxing Animation Company made that announcement these days. Although Qingxian's defeat made Tianxing Animation Company very faceless, it doesn't matter that two great gods join this!"

"On the island of Japan, Zhao Qinyin's animation company is a bit uncomfortable. He just mocked the Tianxing Animation company. It is estimated that he wants to make some hype while the popularity is rising, but now it is a bit embarrassing, after all. Tianxing Animation said that if the animation company wants to jump, the two companies will continue to fight next year! But now...how to fight?"

"Indeed, although teacher Zhao Qinyin is very strong, he is still inferior to the two teachers, Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi... After all, who is not a genius boy? These two people? I was also a genius in the animation industry at the time, and I have been developing in Long Country for so many years, and suddenly there are actions that will come out of the work is definitely not mediocre. The animation company is a teacher Zhao Qinyin... Always lack of strength!"

"In vain, I thought that these two companies were going to be up against each other. Looking at it this way, it's really meaningless. Let's wait for it to be over! Although it looks like watching Teacher Zhao Qinyin continue to face Tianxing, it can't be overwhelming! The teacher is back now suddenly, and it is hard to say that he can overwhelm these two people!"


People in the animation industry and netizens all talked about the big move of Tianxing Animation Company!

The enthusiasm got higher and higher, and this matter was once a hot search on Weibo.

But there is no way, these two people really brought an indelible impression to the inland animation fans. Several of Zhao Yongbai's works in the Long Kingdom animation industry are equivalent to the four-wheel drive brothers in the parallel world. These works of Digimon are in China. The status of Chinese animation fans is average. Although the performance of the works was not too exaggerated at the time, it was also due to the rampant piracy of that era.

The two people of this status were recruited by the Star Animation Company together, which really shocked many anime fans, and the sense of anticipation suddenly rose!

As for the animation company, the employees did not respond to this incident.

After all, Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi are not familiar with them, so it's okay.

But for Su Lu, Zhao Qinyin, and Huang Ming, the mood now is like eating flies!

Especially Huang Ming, he originally thought he was disgusting to Tianxing, but who knew that the other party actually invited the two great gods to his company!

Moreover, these two people can be regarded as old seniors in the animation industry, and he was very longing for them at the beginning, but now this situation makes Huang Ming feel like a dung pit.

With such a bad reputation in the Tianxing industry, even if you make a comeback, look for a good company. Go to Tianxing......It's speechless!

In the office, Huang Ming was looking at the news on the Internet, and his mood became irritable!

He couldn't help seeing Chu Yu's excited expression!

"Brother Chu, what are you laughing at? Our enemy Tian Xing has added another wave of combat power. You can still laugh?" Huang Ming was speechless.

"What's wrong with this? I'm just happy that Teachers Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi have new movements. A lot of my childhood joy is derived from the works of these two people, just from the perspective of an anime fan. Is it okay to be happy?" Chu Yu's expression was very calm.

"That's what I said, but I'm very uncomfortable to see the enemy happy! Especially since we and Tianxing are enemies, it means that the two people who join Tianxing in the future will also be our enemies. Don't you feel anymore? "Huang Ming said.

"Feeling? How else to feel? I am definitely going to surpass these two people with or without joining Skystar. It's better to be an enemy...I just like their work, but I don't like them. People!" Chu Yu glanced at Huang Ming, took a deep breath and said.


Huang Ming was a little speechless. This old brother Chu always said something like this at a time when there was no atmosphere at all. Normally, such a declaration should be announced at a work release conference, and he said it like this. .....In this kind of ordinary office.

"I am very pleased to see that your ambitions remain unabated, my brother. I also feel that the focus of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry next year is Tianxing's works. It's just a bit uncomfortable! It's true that you are no worse than the two, and I No need to be nervous!" Huang Ming murmured.

"How could Tianxing be the protagonist next year?" Chu Yu took a deep breath and said.

"What else? The two people have joined Skystar now, and it's already October. Maybe the two people are expected to produce the work Skystar has already started the preliminary preparations. With Skystar's manpower, material and financial resources, what will happen next year? There will be results, and I don't believe that these two old monsters will go out of the mountain to make a splash!" Huang Ming said helplessly in his eyes.

"However, in the animation industry, there will only be one protagonist in a period of time! When Lelouch is popular ~www.mtlnovel.com~ there are no shortage of outstanding works, but basically there is no sound... ..... No matter how excellent works Tianxing launches next year, as long as there are better works competing with it at the same time period, Tianxing's works will definitely not be the protagonist of the market!" Chu Yu said slowly, but the words said. Meaning, it goes without saying.

Huang Ming's eyes widened suddenly...

"what do you mean?"

"Snipe it!" Chu Yu said directly without selling it.

"You want to snipe... Zhao Yongbai, and Jiang Qi?" Huang Ming felt that some of his brains were not enough!

Chu Yu's statement is like when the Marvel movie in Parallel World was released, some people also made similar works to be released at the same time. When Avatar was released, you said you wanted to suppress it, and Hayao Miyazaki was ready to make a big move. At that time, someone had to compete with him at the same time period and also made an animated movie...

It's not that it's impossible, but is it necessary?

Everyone in the animation industry produces works for the purpose of making money. Staggering the schedules of powerful works is definitely the most profitable. Tianxing Animation Company invited two masters to their company. The intention is to let everyone know that I will be the main player next year. If it is not necessary for the works of the two of them, everyone will show their face when they release their works.

Chu Yu is fine, it's the other way around!

"It's not sniping the two people, it's just targeting the sky star. Anyway, we are on the island of Japan. It doesn't use any despicable means. Everyone just collides with hard power!" Chu Yu smiled.

"I am also a person who holds a lot of grudges. I have made Qing Xian disgraced this month. I find it very interesting..."
