I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Three days later, Tianxing Animation Company will hold a media reception, at which time there will be major announcements.

The Star Animation Company was cold-hearted. Fans of the second element of the whole network were crazy about Halloween. During the carnival, the news was announced on Weibo, official website, and major forums.

It was sudden, but it was so taken for granted.

Many people contacted the news that Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi joined Skystar announced last week by Tianxing Animation Company. Those who turned their heads a little faster already knew what Tianxing was going to announce in this so-called media conference.

It must be Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi's new animation project promotion meeting. It may be one of the two, or both of them will release the new work together........

Thinking of this....... Those fans of the Dragon Kingdom who have noticed this news are completely excited!

What is the most regrettable thing in Longguo animation industry in recent years?

That is, the teacher Shui Xin was inexplicably banned. This incident can be regarded as a great loss for the Dragon Kingdom animation industry.

But what is the most exciting thing to say, it is of course that Zhao Yongbai and Zhou Qi are active again.

After all, the animation industry is like this level of creators. The Dragon Kingdom animation industry is very rare. Most people are already very old. The creative ability has basically been exhausted with age. There are really only a handful of predecessors who continue to shine in the animation industry!

The major forums are now frying pan!

"Awesome, so fast, you deserve to be a star!"

"I heard that Teacher Shuixin was brought down by Tianxing, but it can make these two big brothers come back. I think even if it is true, it will be enough to offset it!"

"To offset a woolen yarn, I will be black all my life, but the works of Teachers Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi, I also must watch. I love the two teachers and hate the sky without conflict!"

"The two teachers were too impulsive. I chose to join Tianxing. This made me very conflicted. I like Teacher Shuixin very much, but the two teachers are also childhood memories.

"Oh, what do you care about so much? Anyway, we just care about the work and support the two teachers to launch new works!"

"Speaking of which, what kind of works do you think the two teachers will release? I am really excited now!"

"I don't know.... But judging from the works of the two teachers in the past, Jiang Qi's main focus is in the field of animation movies, and his works are basically famous for youth science fiction and dark fairy tales, although it has not been nearly ten years The new work is released, but I don't think the overall style will slow down too much! And Mr. Zhao Yongbai, his past works are famous for sports and passionate works. The well-known sports animation Ping Pong Soul and the animation Akabane about tennis competition should be shared by everyone. Childhood, even for a four-year-old dragon nationality world table tennis champion, He Xiao directly stated in a speech that he was interested in table tennis after watching the animation of the soul of table tennis when he was a child, and then went to table tennis. The career path...I think he is likely to copy his old career this time, maybe..."

"But don't be too happy, everyone. Although Mr. Jiang Qi's Black Doomsday was well received at the beginning, there are also **** works like "Bingya" with a score as low as 3.7 on the entire network. The investment of 150 million Dragon National Coins, everyone Animated movies with huge expectations, in the end, the global box office totaled 99 million Dragon National Coins, and the investors lost all their pants! This kind of thing can be the first time, it is hard to say that there is no second time... ..."

"There is also the "Basketball Soul" of Teacher Zhao Yongbai. This work was originally planned to be made into a large-scale sports animation with hundreds of words. However, because the protagonist was too serious after the broadcast, the protagonist was so awesome that the audience would watch it. Later, I felt that I was a mentally retarded illusion of sports, too magical, and was eventually resisted by a lot of basketball enthusiasts, and the popularity of the word of mouth collapsed. Therefore, in order to stop the loss, the seventeen chapters of the animation ended hastily. This work is also the experience of teacher Zhao Yongbai. A **** spot... It is said that once on a show, the host made a joke on him with this work. He smashed the glass in front of him on the spot and left the scene angrily during the recording.... ....This is the second black spot for Teacher Zhao Yongbai!"

"Oh, don't always hold on to these black spots. Who can guarantee that his works are classics. One mistake will only grow the genius. You people should look at the good places of the two teachers. If people don't say so many masterpieces, they just talk about them..."

"I don't agree with that. Teacher Shui Xin didn't have a work to hit the street! He just lost to the crab!"

"There is also teacher Zhao Qinyin.......So far of the four works, none of them are bad. The quality of the works is just the difference between very good and very good!"

"Don't brag about these two people, they can only brag about it until they reach Teacher Zhao Yongbai's grade. They have been in the industry for decades, and your professional resume is blacker than yours for a few years. This is very unfair!"

"But the number of works by Shuixin is not lower than that of the two teachers! Haha..."


On the Internet, the news released by Tianxing continued to ferment.

As the chairman of the board, Yin Tian put down the project plan and story script in his hand, with a happy expression...

He was very satisfied with such a big response after only one news was released.

This reminded him of the situation when he saw that young man two years ago.

What is a person who knows current affairs? Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi are very knowledgeable about current affairs. They are greedy for money, lustful and talented. The most important thing is that they have enough life experience. They know the cake and eat a portion of it and share some of them with others. It can last long, and others can join in and make the cake bigger!

What's the use of being like that kind of young, talented but defiant? I feel that I can make more money with my talents, but in the end I can't make a point!

But it's a pity........ The lifting of the ban will come in more than a year!

Now that the environment has changed, during the period when the cultural fields of the two places are greatly integrated, if the guy comes out again, Yin Tian can basically only use normal methods.

Just as 30 years ago, there were street liuzi in all kinds of villages and towns. Now those people are basically eating the national food of the Dragon Country. Now... If Tianxing is not low-key, the result is not good. .

After all, the tree attracts the wind, and the industry's top volume not only brings Tianxing huge fame and benefits, but also exposes it to everyone's eyes... Although Yin Tian is arrogant, but not stupid.

He knows ~www.mtlnovel.com~ The previous time is basically gone forever. In the future, he will keep a low profile. If he conflicts with others, he can only engage in legitimate competition. However, with Tianxing's current size and strength, he can compete legitimately. Who are you afraid of?

Regardless of him, no matter how good the guy is, he will be alone...Even if he comes back, what can he do with his Sky Star? And maybe after the comeback, he will go directly to Waterloo, and directly make two street games, and fall into the altar.......

After all, there is a saying that is very good, and it is prosperous and declining. Lelouch is already the ceiling of the Dragon Kingdom animation. And then down, even if the guy is not banned, there will only be a downhill road to go!

It is appropriate to think in some direction that makes Yin Tian happy, and his expression has become more joyous!

It's just that he can't think of the gt animation company on the island of Japan that caused a little trouble to his star, and the beautiful screenwriter Zhao Qinyin who made him shine and have a lot of ideas. The people behind it are Chu Yu. .....

Moreover, there is no need to wait for more than a year, just now...he and the Sky Star under his control have been spotted by Chu Yu!
