I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Speaking of Hayao Miyazaki, the status of the island of Japan in the parallel world is absolutely beyond doubt!

Although he is an animation film director and screenwriter, but in terms of fame, there are few directors on the islands of Japan that can compare with him, even if there are real film themes!

And his most classic works, such as Spirited Away, Laputa in the Sky, have been popular for more than ten or twenty years. Spirited Away has also won the Oscar for animated feature films in Parallel World!

Among so many anime masters in the parallel world, he can be regarded as the master of the masters, and perhaps the existence of Osamu Tezuka can overwhelm him in the historical development of Japanese anime!

Chu Yu has always been curious about his work. After all, Chu Yu knows it. In addition to the commercial value, plot, and popularity of the work in the original world, the most important thing for the system to determine the rating of an animation work is the length of the work!

Works like animated films are generally only two hours long, and many of these works have a relatively low rating in the system space!

But Hayao Miyazaki's works are different. Although they are animated film works, basically his works are all S-level works in the system space! There are a few works that are not in the category of S grade, but a closer look at the composition of the production staff, he just put a name, it is the work of other people in Ghibli Animation Studio, the participation in these works is not high!

And its pinnacle, Spirited Away, has firmly occupied the first place in the box office rankings of Japanese island movies in the parallel world for more than ten years! Although after more than ten years, the total box office is surpassed by your name, then these two works are also likely to be surpassed by the movie animation of Demon Slayer: Wireless Train!

But considering that Spirited Away was released in 2001, the movie ticket price and the number of movie theaters and screens at that time could cost 260 million U.S. dollars, which is almost RMB 1.78 billion at the box office. How crazy!

At the box office of one billion RMB in 2001, China, which was parallel to the world, was the richest man in the country at that time. He had only a few billion RMB in net worth! At that time, Huaguo movies claimed to have tens of millions at the box office, which was the era of hot movies!

Anyway, depending on the information, evaluation, and status of this person in the system space, Chu Yu felt that it was quite outrageous!

But after viewing so much information about Hayao Miyazaki, Chu Yu became more and more unbearable!

He actually watched a lot of works, but his gaze is always involuntarily looking at Spirited Away. Although Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind are not bad, and the depth of the works is even deeper... ..... But if you want to have the effect of sniping the star of the movie and the book, Spirited Away is the most suitable of these works!

After all, judging from the revealed animated film called Shujing, that movie is very suitable for the style of Spirited Away!

All are the adventures of the protagonist who accidentally step into the mysterious world!

That is, the exchange price is too high. It is much higher than the work of Slam Dunk, which can produce hundreds of animation lengths, and the top three works of the parallel world Japanese island manga volume sales list!

But... Chu Yu, who was fed up with the system's cheating lottery, finally indulged himself, so why not?

Although expensive........ But Chu Yu believes that with this level of work, if he exchanges it for himself, produces a finished product that does not lose the quality of the original, and then he is willing to spend money on the promotion channels to do it. ! No need to think about the production cost or anything, it will lose money, and even the world points consumed by the exchange will pay back in the spread of subsequent works to the audience!

The question is... After you have the ability to redeem it, can you make an animation that does not lose the quality of the original?

To be honest, Chu Yu felt very emboldened!

After more than half a year of personnel adjustments, the gt animation company that I currently control has basically improved the overall production level of the staff! After all, who doesn't love money, it is normal for Chu Yu who can afford to recruit talents!

In the Tokyo metropolitan area, Chu Yu also feels that the level of his staff is at the upper-middle level in the entire circle!

But there is still a big gap between the top companies...

Right now, he can redeem this kind of work, he won't regret the classics!

Moreover, it seems that there is no need to use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken. Although Jiang Qi is powerful, it is not comparable to Hayao Miyazaki. If you want to beat his book, maybe Howl's moving castle is enough!

But after entangled for a long time, Chu Yu still gritted his teeth, and his heart shook.......

"System, I want to exchange Spirited Away!"

Chu Yu thought silently in her heart...

In the next second... he doesn't need to worry about it!

Chu Yu showed a rare expression of pain and happiness!

To be honest, he doesn't feel much about spending the Dragon National Currency now, and spending tens of millions of billions of dollars will not fluctuate too much!

But there are not so many points in the world, and he once again felt the feeling of heartache...

But apart from the heartache, what followed is cool!

After all, the pleasure brought by consumption, even Chu Yu still exists!

Impulsive is impulsive, but who is Chu Yu, rich...what about the world point?

As soon as the two works were exchanged, Chu Yu entered the animation industry for six years, and the total number of world points he saved fell by four-sevenths.......

He now shows a foolish smile, looking at the two works that he has already exchanged... This kind of lottery without being controlled by the silly bird system, it feels great to make whatever animation you want!

It's so cool........


Consciousness withdrew from the system space, Chu Yu felt his heartbeat ups and downs, then drank two large glasses of water, and then immersed in the system space again. Tonight... he was going to have a preliminary understanding directly. Two masterpieces! Anyway, watching the animation in the system space, the body of the external world is basically in a deep sleep state!

As for why Chu Yu usually likes to sleep... If you don't come to the system space to be in a daze, it's just because you don't have the spirit to sleep, you will feel bored. It's better to just stay in a daze all night until morning or watch an animation. Sleep better!

This night... Chu Yu looked at the system space with a refreshing...

Not only the work, but also the author's detailed life, why the slam dunk master does not have a national competition chapter in animation, and the contradiction between him and Shueisha........

One night passed quickly........

Chu Yu opened his eyes at six o'clock on time. He was well rested, but he was slightly exhausted, but it was not the kind of tiredness who wanted to sleep, but the kind of brain that received a lot of information!

Chu Yu got up to wash, brushed his teeth and ordered breakfast takeaway......

It was not until half an hour after Chu Yu got up that Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu in the other two rooms got up with sleepy eyes!

Compared to the Star Star press conference last night, they were a bit scared. After all, Chu Yu had a very clear attitude, and she must go with Star Star, this time!

They are not afraid that the company and Tianxing will fail after they die~www.mtlnovel.com~ They are mainly worried about whether Chu Yu may be hit hard after his failure, and will be devastated.....Chu Yu has never failed in her debut so far. , No one knows where is the psychological endurance of such a proud genius who has never failed?

After all, both of them are pessimistic! I like to think bad things!

But they were in bed together...they saw Chu Yuduan sitting on the dining table, with a half-table in front of him, all kinds of breakfast...

The two of them rarely saw Chu Yu wasted like this, and they knew that a considerable part of these things were cheaper than wild cats and dogs nearby! That's how Chu Yu handles the inexhaustible food!

It seems......he doesn't seem to be under any pressure at all, or that the ease last night was actually pretended? Actually it's a lot of pressure, so order so much food?

Su Lu has a lot of friends, and overeating under pressure, she is also afraid of Chu Yu.....

But after sitting right across from Chu Yu, after seeing Chu Yu's eyes......immediately, immediately, she gave up this idea!