I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

On the inland side, as expected by Chu Yu, he directly launched a negative news offensive about gt animation company's use of Songgangchong, the former director of the street!

After all, the masses in the inland areas do not know the details of the animation industry on the island of Japan.

I don't even know how to compare the pinnacle works of Songgangchong, Zhao Yongbai, and Jiang Qi. The pinnacle work of Songgangchong is definitely higher than the other two pinnacle works in the world!

The masses in the inland just think that he is a failed animation director, and such a big animation film by gt animation company has been handed over to such a person........

Moreover, Tianxing Animation Company also used the navy to discredit Songgangchong, spreading some scandals about him with interns, being arrested in the red light district, and going out with fake news about his wife and daughter....

Poor Songgangchong has no daughter at all. His wife cheated and divorced him 20 years ago. Someone spread this kind of fake news. He was disgusted when he knew the news!

However, it is true that netizens do not need evidence. Although everyone will not really believe in these unfounded rumors, at least, a bad impression has been produced!

Disappointment, incomprehension, lack of interest and many other emotions emerged. Everyone's views on the two works of gt animation company gradually turned negative!

Even Zhao Qinyin's fan group is a little shaken!

"I always feel that Teacher Zhao Qinyin won't mess around this time, right? I heard that Songgang who worked with him is not good at character!"

"Don't listen to the nonsense of the media. I am a big man in the animation industry on the island of Japan. It would be good if you have seen his work. The shooting, shooting, and rhythm control are simply awesome....... It's just that the plots of some of the works are too cerebral palsy to understand, and now these rumors are all coming out to discredit the master! All the navy is discrediting!"

"Then how do you prove that you are not helping Songgang to fill the land? Anyway, it's all network information. I don't believe anything. I'll just wait for the work to come out at that time!"

"It's... But whether these rumors are true or false, at least an old man who has retired from the animation industry for more than ten years in more than 50 or more than 60, he still has the ability, strength, passion, and belief. Directing a large-scale animation film with an investment of 450 million yuan? I doubt it..."

"Now I feel that the two companies are really completely torn up. By next year, who really loses and loses the face series!"

"It's not just a shame. Both of them have invested 700 to 800 million yuan. A total of four works are not a small amount of investment for both parties. The four works are played at two points in time. In this case, one can't make a direct work. There may be a big loss!"

"I hope that Teacher Zhao Qinyin will have a great victory, surpassing the two teachers of Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi. In this case, after the ban on Teacher Shuixin is lifted the next year... she can be regarded as really capable of facing the water Teacher Xin, when the time comes, the two geniuses will fall in love and kill each other and compete for the identity of the first person in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry. This is exciting enough!"

"Well, don't worry about things that will happen almost a year later, just care about the present!"


In the middle of the night, Chu Yu watched the quarrel among Zhao Qinyin's fans in the inland area on his computer alone.

Chu Yu sighed as he slapped him badly before the broadcast.

However, fans of these animation companies in the interior are more imaginative, not so many of his works, they are all the results of the counterattack later!

"Chu...Chu Yu, is that you? Can't you sleep either?"

Behind Chu Yu, Zhao Qinyin's voice came, and his voice was a little nervous!

After all, it was one o'clock in the morning, and Chu Yu opened a floor-to-ceiling window in the living room with the light off, looking up information, under the faint light of the computer, it was indeed a little scary!

"Oh, why are you awake?" Chu Yu turned around.

He hurried to close the window and turn on the air conditioner!

He just couldn't sleep, so he was blowing cold wind here. Zhao Qinyin had a weak physique. As soon as the temperature of 5 or 6 degrees outside the wind blows, it will be bad if he catches a cold!

But at night, the two of them... the atmosphere is really embarrassing!

Chu Yu started all kinds of wild thoughts in his mind, he believed me, the other party should be the same! Chu Yu's seat was a little farther away from Zhao Qinyin!

"I just saw the overwhelming negative news about Songgangchong teacher in the inland at night. I was a little angry and breathed out. I didn't expect you to sleep!" Zhao Qinyin also noticed Chu Yu's movements and sighed slightly. !

"Are you also worried that the negative public opinion on the inland side will be too great, affecting the results of Spirited Away and Slam Dunk?" Zhao Qinyin quickly recovered and talked with Chu Yu on other topics!

"No...I am not worried at all!" Chu Yu shrugged, his expression very calm.

"Passers-by often remember for seven seconds. Now those who laugh at you and Songgangchong on the Internet will basically forget their behavior this year!"

"But the negative influence will remain forever! Are you not going to clarify it online?" Zhao Qinyin asked rhetorically.

"It's not necessary at all. It is a rumors and smears. If you take it seriously, it will only make more people pay attention to these rumors! The other party is eager for us to stand up and clarify various explanations, and then unintentionally focus on the production of the work!"

"It's not okay to keep going like this!" Zhao Qinyin got up without turning on the light, and poured a cup of tea for him with the light of Chu Yu's laptop, and then sat on the sofa next to him!

"What's this? Soon the inland and island animation circles will not focus on these places!" Chu Yu said.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Qinyin moved closer to Chu Yu a little bit.

"It's up to you to think about it, where is it going to be serialized now! In just two or three weeks, the last dozen plots of this work will be released together. I dare to say... It must be a curse at the beginning on the Internet, and then after the ending is relaxed, it will be a praise for you!"

"At that time... everyone's confidence in you will definitely skyrocket. Who cares about these rumors at this time? It will definitely turn the touch on them into confidence in you and invest in thousands of people. Go with Chihiro and Slam Dunk..."

"So are these all in your expectation?" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu's face thoughtfully.

"Do you have confidence in that?"

"Of course, that's..." Chu Yu took a sip of tea and turned to look in Zhao Qinyin's direction.

Suddenly, I was stunned!

too close.......

Without knowing it, Zhao Qinyin sat directly beside him, tilted slightly, and could smell the sweet fragrance on his body. The two of them faced each other, and they were less than 20 centimeters together!

"Cough cough cough cough cough..." Chu Yu coughed twice, preparing to move his **** seat again!

"Chu Yu...Didn't you say that? You treat me and Sister Su as friends, but if they are friends, what do you hide from such a distance? I used to stay in this position. You never care about it!" Zhao Qinyin said in a weak voice.

"After all, it's late at night, and there is a difference between men and women...I don't care, but to you..." Chu Yu smirked, and sat down again!

"It's not just today, but you have been deliberately keeping a distance from us during this period of time. This is not an act of treating us as friends!" Zhao Qinyin said again.

What else can I do?

I'm trying my best to control the distance, what can I do with you?

Chu Yu complained!

"Where did we talk? Skip this topic!" Chu Yu started to change the topic.

"Sister Su and I won't eat you again, what are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid!"

"Don't hide if you're not afraid! Since you treat me and Sister Su as friends~www.mtlnovel.com~, who would hide from friends, or do you have a guilty conscience?" Zhao Qinyin said calmly and began to use her. The clever head went around Chuyu.

"Am I hiding?" Chu Yu took a deep breath and said.

Then the next second, the whole person froze...

"If you really think of me as a friend, you should be indifferent to such behavior!"

Zhao Qinyin raised her to hold Chu Yu's hand, and said calmly.

"It's just the usual handshake between friends! It doesn't feel strange!"

"No!" Chu Yu's expression remained as usual.

In fact, I was so flustered that I already wanted to go back to the room as soon as possible!