I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

When the heroine Nagisa Furukawa saw her daughter's face with her last strength, she looked at Okazaki Tomiya with a gentle gaze, and finally closed it slowly, and then slipped down with her hand weakly...

The bgm of the Tuanzi family is accompanied by the warm and soft animation at this time. Just watching the animation, it seems to be a healing and happy family!

But the true plot actually made a loyal fan like Qiu Qian dumbfounded!

It can only be said that Lejing's method of writing grief was used by the animation production team to produce animation, and the real effect is undoubtedly much stronger than that of pure tragedy expression!

"Look, this is Xi's face..." The scene of the male protagonist holding back tears beside Furukawa, trying to wake up his wife, really caused many audiences to burst into mentality!

The animation began to flash in this work, Furukawa's various scenes, all of which are her happy, lively smiling, warm and healing scenes, and then the camera turns... Furukawa, this popularity The only heroine of anime ad, her final picture is a serene face on the bed!

It's the same as falling asleep!

The next development of the animation was a bit difficult to understand. The screen flashed, and it came to the ramp where Okazaki Tomiya and Nagisa Furukawa met for the first time in the first episode...

Nagisa Furukawa talked to himself as always, but Tomomi Okazaki... did not respond to her!

"It would be great if I didn't respond to her......it would be great if we each walked our own way!"

"I won't meet Zhu, won't marry her, and Xi won't be born...In this case, there won't be such a tragedy!"

"If we hadn't met, it would be great..."

Okazaki Tomomi also thought about it in his heart, and did not respond to Furukawa talking to himself, passing her.......!

The plot here is Tom Okazaki's inner thoughts immediately after his death in the production of Nagisa Furukawa! It just borrowed the scene of the two encounters for the first time, to let the audience have the reverie that Okazaki Tomomi also made another choice at that time........!

Of course, this fantasy is actually a foreshadowing. At the end, there will be a follow-up to this foreshadowing... But... But now, the audience watching the ad is very brainy. stiff!

Everyone couldn't speak, or even reacted!

This...what the hell!

"Is this teacher Zhao Qinyin feeding us? Gu Hezhu was forcibly killed by the plot!"

"Why does a warm and healing love animation have this kind of turning point? I came to watch the Furukawa family live in love and love each other, not to watch this life and death, the tears of the old man... ..."

"She's not dead yet, she just looks like that, maybe she will be rescued back next time!"

"It's dead, it's so obvious that it's dead, so what hope do you have!"

"Then what's going to be done next? In a love animation, the heroine dies first, and there are so few words left, how will the plot progress?"

"I don't know...I'm so sad. Now, although I thought Furukawa was not good at first, but seeing now, I really like her... ... Teacher Zhao Qinyin, you have no heart!"

"Is this a common problem with geniuses? Free yourself? Obviously it can make us audiences happy, but they want to make these tragedies come out? I was disgusted...I want to give up!"

"Let me wait and see a few words? I will read today's update and then see if Furukawa really died? Then I will give up too, I really can't stand the tragedy!"

"I always feel that Teacher Zhao Qinyin has a problem recently, why do you want to do this kind of plot? Isn't it good to make the happyend ending? Isn't it good to let the ad end well? The last two weeks? I still need to do these things. Come out? Even if I'm Teacher Zhao Qinyin's diehard fan, I want to spray her!"


After the 16th episode of the ad is over? The entire ad fan base is completely fried!

After all, how to accept such an ending!

Basically, the comments are bad news!

However, although it is noisy to abandon the fan, after all, the previous plot of this work is very popular? These people's congresses still have the patience to continue to watch a bit of content......

But at the beginning of the seventeenth chapter? It took a few minutes to tell the story of Okazaki Tomomi who also died in Nagisa Furukawa. His life lost its meaning. He drank and wasted time. Throwing his daughter Okazaki Shio to his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, he was depressed all day. .......

"Really? Isn't this the male protagonist's dad having to copy it? His dad just drank all day to numb himself. After he was drunk he also discounted Okazaki Tomoya, who was a special recruit for basketball, and left him with a hidden injury on his arm, which made him unable to play basketball anymore. In the end, I went to **** and got caught? That's why the relationship between the male lead and his father was so bad. In the end, the male lead didn't want to see his father and moved to Furukawa's home! But..."

"At least the male protagonist's father raises the children. The male protagonist doesn't even take care of his own daughter. He is working, sleeping, and drinking all day long. After a few years, his daughter will be soy sauce... .."

"What have you experienced in the plot in the past few minutes? So Furukawa really has a cold? Damn, brothers, I can't stand it anymore. I retire first. This plot gives me a stomachache! I abandoned it!"

"Me too, I can't stand it anymore, I abandon it!"

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin made me so sad, I supported her so much, but she failed my trust..."

"Is it because I saw teacher Shui Xin proving the Tao with Yu, and when he saw that his healing works were far away from teacher Shui Xin, so I went to learn teacher Shui Xin? I want to change some styles and see if the results can be achieved. improve?"

"I don't know, I abandoned it anyway! Brothers, let's start spraying together tomorrow, I will rest tonight!"


At the beginning of the ad of Chapter 17, when it was determined that Furukawa really died, many people directly abandoned the idea!

But after all...reluctant!

A work that has seen nearly forty episodes, only the last five or six episodes are left. Although most fans have such an idea, they still have the idea of ​​chasing this week and next week to make this work come to a successful conclusion. Keep watching!

Especially Qiu Qian, at night, was completely blown up by Furukawa's death, but she was holding back her stomachache. After reading the seventeen episodes for a few minutes, her spirit... was attracted again!

Mainly Okazaki Shio, who is already able to talk to the protagonist's daughter........so cute!

Just playing for a while, let the audience feel as cute as Yipuzi!

Although Furukawa's death happened only ten minutes ago, many people still fell in love with this cute little girl easily after focusing on the plot again!

It seems that......except for the death of Zhu Furukawa, the rhythm and atmosphere of the plot is still the same daily drama!

It's just that the heroine is gone, the love element is missing, and it becomes the daily life of the father and daughter?

This...what the hell!

But I have to say that the fans of Nagisa Furukawa are still heartbroken, but the appearance of Shio Okazaki allowed them to pour their love for Nagisa Furukawa on her!

Some spectators who like to spoof have already called Okazaki Tomomi to his father-in-law on the barrage.

Although part of the audience has gone, for this work with tens of millions of fans, the proportion is not too big!

After all, the death of Nagisa Furukawa is just the first step for the screenwriter to feed fans. As long as there is no second and third step, everyone can still bear the discomfort to watch it!

After all, it will be over in a few words, and as an audience, there must be a beginning and an end!

"Unbelievable... So Nagisa died like this! I feel like it was yesterday! She seemed to be smiling before my eyes just now!"

"Nonsense...... Twenty minutes before Long Country Time, she was still producing in the last episode of animation~www.mtlnovel.com~ However, the animation of this episode 20 minutes later, there is time in the plot. Just jumped for four or five years!"

"Wow, I really can't guess what Teacher Zhao Qinyin wants to do? So it's a change of heroine. From the heroine of the love fan, Nagisa Furukawa, to the current parent-child heroine Okazaki Shio? This... .... It's really hard for me to accept it! Although it's fun to watch Okazaki Shio's daily life! But I would like to see Nagisa Furukawa appear again... Tears! I think again Cried!"

"Um... I just wiped my tears, but based on my years of experience in appreciating the works of Teacher Shui Xin... Chapter 17 does not seem to have continued any dark plot. ....... But I always feel that Okazaki Shio's cute plot is not numbing us, is it? Actually, it's just to warm our hearts first......and then. Impose greater despair!"
