I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. This is a test of Zhao Qinyin!" Chu Yu casually said something pretending.

Su Lu in front of him straightened up and looked at him with the look of Gupi!

Chu Yu finally reviewed a cooperation plan with advertisers. It was about a sports manufacturing company in the island area of ​​Japan who wanted to plant their basketball brand logo in the hands of Slam Dunk. After confirming that the requirements were not excessive, he agreed to this. After receiving a cooperative opinion and calling an employee to come in and distribute the reviewed documents to the various departments, Chu Yu got up and was about to go home!

Of course, many people under the company estimate that they will have to work overtime at night. This is due to the tight schedule of Slam Dunk and Spirited Away and must take measures. The only difference is that overtime and late-night snacks for employee gatherings and drinks after get off work, including As long as it's not too outrageous, Chu Yu agreed to reimburse all the expenses for traveling home. After all, the two animations invested 7.8 billion yuan, gt animation company has only 200 people in total, and their consumption is not compared with the total investment It's worth mentioning that Chu Yu didn't want to save this money either!

But now it seems that Chu Yu originally felt that some people worked too hard, especially those from Songgang who filled the group. Some of the benefits that were temporarily modified out of the conscience of the bourgeoisie were regarded as commendations to these workaholics. Now, a large group of people have nothing to do when they get off work anyway, and they are still paid very well for actively working overtime. Anyway, as long as there is still work, everyone wants to work overtime instead of tomorrow. Anyway, it is a bit beyond Chu Yu's initial expectations!

"Go away, go home!" Chu Yu stretched out.

"You are finally done!" Su Lu looked at the dark sky outside the window!

Although Chu Yu got off work early tonight, in fact, it is now 7:30. There is a considerable gap between the latitude and longitude of Tokyo and the inland. It gets dark early, and the streets are already feasting.

"The president has worked hard! The vice president has worked hard!"

"Thank you! President, Vice President!"

"President, go slowly! The vice president has worked hard!"


When Chu Yu walked out of the company, all the employees met on the road bowed and greeted him, and Su Lu, who was behind Chu Yu, also enjoyed the same treatment.

"Speaking of which, the employees on Japan Island are really serious about class consciousness!" Su Lu followed closely next to Chu Yu and said as he walked!

"It's really very different! At least inland. When I was in the animation studio of the copy, I went home at night. The group of employees didn't bother me at all, but when I was paid, I was carrying two large backs of cash to give bonuses At that time, the expression looked at me a little bit like I was his godfather!" Chu Yu raised his head and made a rare joke!

"This is the life of the rich, it's really a bit boring! Sometimes it's boring!"

"Just continue to acid me!" Su Lu said quietly.

"Say this in front of poor people like me all day, and get struck by lightning sooner or later!"

"Hahaha, you should be a rich woman now, and you are still poor!" Chu Yu smiled.

"All shots into the production of Slam Dunk and Spirited Away, if the two works hit the street, I will be poor again!" Su Lu leaned back against the elevator and said with a negative hand.

The relationship between the two is too familiar. Talking about this kind of money-related topic will not have a strange atmosphere at all. Both sides are talking in a relaxed and joking tone.

"I won't rush!" Chu Yu said seriously.

"What if? I'll be a pauper by then, you raise me!" Su Lu looked at Chu Yu with cunning eyes.

Chu Yu's brown candy has strong adaptability and thick-skinned skin. If he doesn't take the initiative to bring the topic to this topic, this guy will only shrink in his own turtle shell!

"It's impossible to raise you, but if you find someone for a flash marriage, then I will be sure that the red envelopes are not small!" Chu Yu was taken aback for a while, also joking.

"Haha..." Su Lu gave him a cold look!

"Don't, I can't bear this kind of gift. When you have other female friends of the opposite **** getting married, you will give one million or ten million gifts to the wedding. I can guarantee... My husband is looking for you desperately that night!"

The elevator reached the parking lot, and the two walked towards the car in unison.

But as soon as I went out, the air-conditioning swooped over!

The company has heating, and Su Lu is fine in the company's outfit, but now when he comes out, his legs shivering with only a layer of black silk, the whole person approaches Chu Yu.

"Go out in the morning and ask you to wear more clothes, let's do it now!" Chu Yu had a gloating expression.

"Who do you think I want to be such a demeanor and not warm! You are still laughing here..." Su Lu was directly angry!

But I was also used to Chu Yu's behavior, and it only took half a minute to get angry.

Chu Yu talked to death again, he himself is a bit embarrassed now!

"..." Chu Yu.

Chu Yu was speechless, after all, he had no choice but to not respond to the other party's obscure words!

"Well, what do you want to eat? I'll order takeaway first!" Chu Yu said!

After getting into the car, Chu Yu quickly turned on the air conditioner, then hesitated, took off his jacket, and covered Su Lu's legs.

After all, the temperature is three to five degrees Celsius, which is really cold!

"It's another order for takeaway...Can't you have other ideas? The takeaway came and it was cold...Really!" Su Lu said still pretending to be angry.

"I think it's okay. The food takeaways from those big hotels are basically delivered in an incubator. That time the soup would be hot..." Chu Yu frowned and said .

But seeing Su Lu frowning next to him, I won't say anything else.

"Then......Shall we drive over and eat, and then go home?" Chu Yu asked tentatively.

"Whatever you think is good, so be it! Anyway, you invited me to go, not I forced you!"

This is what Su Lu said, but his angry expression disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face!

"Oh...then so be it!" Chu Yu hesitated and drove directly on the road.

I always feel like Su Lu is the same as Gu Yan. I don't directly say what I want, but I just want to go to the store and say it. Chu Yu really thought she didn't like takeaways! How could he know without saying? If it hadn't been for a long time with Gu Yan, Chu Yu couldn't really guess the true thoughts of these people.

At the same time, in a certain recording room, Zhao Qinyin was introducing some spoilers of the final ending to the camera with a smile on his face.

At the request of Chuyu, Zhao Qinyin read out the manuscript he had memorized.

"Please don't worry, everyone. The ending of this work is definitely not depressive or uncomfortable, but a happy and happy ending..."


In a restaurant, Su Lu and Chu Yu were sitting at the dining table. Chu Yu ate and feasted, but Su Lu just simmered and looked at Chu Yu, with a smile in his eyes and a funny expression on his face.

"Aren't you hungry? Why don't you eat it!" Chu Yu began to urge Su Lu.

After all, he doesn't want to wait for a while and have to wait for Su Lu to eat slowly~www.mtlnovel.com~ He is still busy going home and playing games, after all, it is rare. After the production is over, he will not be Chu Yu and Su Lu in his leisure time. I will not leave the company so early today.

"I lose weight, how many times have I told you about this! A little is enough!" Su Lu said teasingly.

"You have such a good figure, what can you lose? It will be boring to lose it again!" Chu Yu vomited.

"What can I do? You still don't like it? You can only reduce it until you like it!" Su Lu took a sip of the soup and looked at Chu Yu.

"Cough cough cough... this is not my problem, okay!" Chu Yu had a headache again.

"Hey, Chu Yu!" Su Lu took the initiative to change the subject, knowing that he would force Chu Yu again, this guy was about to turn on the cowhide candy mode, pretending to be a fool!


"You said, is this our first date?" Su Lu paused and said suddenly.