I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

This matter is already after one o'clock in the night!

Basically, most of the people who watched the closing words on time at zero o'clock, they all finished watching the 21st chapter of the evil as chapter at this time!

Obviously, basically 90% of people have an emotional breakdown on the spot!

In the middle of the night, I saw the scene where Okazaki Shio fell into the arms of the hero in the snow...

Especially those two-dimensional fans who have grown up, married and had children, are really cool in their hearts!

This is not the ending they want... Who watches anime, movies come to find abuse?

But the problem is that this plot is so outrageous.......Many people have sore noses and burst into tears at night!

Once the play page is off, it's ready to start spraying directly!

However, when the people from the inland and Japanese islands came to Zhao Qinyin Weibo to push the bottom......

Before the broadcast of the last episode of Zhao Qinyin, the dynamic that Chuyu requested in advance to send has an effect!

Fortunately, in this world, it's four episodes a week, and the death of Okazaki Shio and the last episode are broadcast serially, so...fans of this world don't have to wait another week to welcome this work. ending!

Zhao Qinyin also avoided being madly sprayed by fans for a whole week ending. After all, the anime fans who sprayed people would not be merciful when you are a cute girl, otherwise who are those little fresh meat and beautiful stars? Is there a bright spot in the face? Should be sprayed or should be sprayed!

But if Chu Yu doesn't prepare in advance, those impatient fans will definitely not wait until the final episode is finished before they start spraying!

At this time, I saw Zhao Qinyin's dynamic fan that was about to blacken, and stopped the car first...

"What's the situation with this dynamic? Could it be said that the last sentence has changed?"

"What can be changed? Okazaki Xi is dead, so how can I drop it? No matter what God unfolds, his last words are useless!"

"However, teacher Zhao Qinyin seems to have said the expectation a long time ago, so this news was posted. I have a look. The sending time was 23.59 minutes last night. No wonder I didn't know. I went to watch the newly updated animation at that time! "

"I'll slip away first, go and read the last words before speaking, so as to save time when I spray it wrong!"

"Me too! If the plot is not right, come back in twenty minutes!"

"Aren't you afraid that this is just the evil taste of Teacher Zhao Qinyin? Teacher Shui Xin also likes to speak irony to deceive fans. Doesn't Mr. Zhao Qinyin like to learn from Teacher Shui Xin? This......"

"Don't be afraid, if she dares to deceive us, next year her works will usher in the spontaneous resistance of millions of fans!"


When this group of black fans began to wonder if there was something tricky about the last words, they had adjusted their mentality, and sensible fans like Shen Mingzhang had clicked the link to the last words in a sad mood.

Mainly Shen Mingzhang is an animated video up host. He must watch the final words before he can evaluate this work rationally.

But basically, he is now calculating how he will complain about this silly work in his own work!

Do you think this work is good? Of course, how can it be impossible for a work with an average episode of more than 15 million broadcasts?

Whether it is animation production, plot rhythm, story content, they are all top works in love dramas this year or even in recent years!

But in the end these two words are all ruined!

Not only did it break the heart-warming healing style that lasted for more than 40 words, but it also reversed it so violently that it only took one word to let the audience and fans realize what pain is!

The story arrangement made Nagisa Furukawa die already outrageous. From that time on, the tone of the work has become weird, but fortunately, Okazaki Shio appeared in time. This cute baby instantly soothed the audience fans' dissatisfaction with the ending of Nagisa Furukawa, and even more so. Earn a wave of sympathy tears from fans!

From this point of view, it's actually okay. After all, the number of viewers not only has not lost, but because Okazaki Xi is too cute, it has increased a lot... But in Chapter 21, after Okazaki Xi died ...... Shen Mingzhang felt that this work had collapsed!

From the campus chapter to the present, this work of forty-two chapters of God's length collapsed in chapter 21 of as chapter!

This is a love comedy fan drama, not to Yufan!

This kind of plot arrangement is like the initial d protagonist Fujiwara Takumi drags down the cliff and fell into a vegetative man. Natsume's friend's account protagonist Natsume Takashi was eaten as Yoneda Ko during the process of conquering the monster. White album 2 protagonists Haruki Kita and Touma On the way Hesha eloped, both of them were killed by food poisoning. Tennis sports anime can smash the concrete wall with one ball. Now I go to buy lottery tickets and win 10 million...It's the same outrageous, the same. It makes no sense!

Although the work is the world created by the author, she can edit it anyway, but at least...Don't be incompatible with the tone of the whole work! A work with an average of more than 10 million views, your screenwriter started to cheer and mess with the plot...Who can accept this kind of thing?

Shen Mingzhang can't accept it anyway!

But it still needs to be seen at the end of the speech. After countless grass-mud horses rushed past, the scene of the final speech unfolded in front of Shen Mingzhang's eyes!

Of course, the ensuing countless insults from fans who directly screened on the barrage, after all, many animation fans didn't know that the screenwriter was Zhao Qinyin, so in the end, the storyline began to spray on the barrage!

After a few seconds, the situation got better.......

In the end, at the beginning, the girl and the shabby in the miserable world

The story of the robot!

The girl had fallen in the snow, and the robot was waiting for her beside her, but there was nothing she could do!

After the op song, the picture came to the ramp again, and the ramp where Tomori Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa met for the first time!

Here, as long as Okazaki Tomomi is silent, Nagisa Furukawa will skip class because of cowardice and go straight home... Then, there will be no intersection between the two!

It can be said that this is a major choice in life. Tomoya Okazaki, who has all the memories, did not wonder why his spiritual consciousness appeared at this point in time, but... hesitated... ...Would you like to continue talking with Zhu Furukawa, and then again...toward the dark and sad ending!

Zhu Furukawa passed him by, his expression indifferent!

In the end world, the girl who fell in the snow wakes up...

"I finally heard your voice. I am no longer a human, so I can hear your voice!" the girl said to the shabby robot.

"I had a dream, and a lot of things happened in the dream......about me, but also about you!"

What the hell? What kind of plot is this?

Shen Mingzhang was puzzled directly!

He has carefully studied many details of this work!

The story of the girl who ended the world and the robot in the animation is just a script performed in the Furukawa Nagisa campus chapter!

But it seems that now......it's a bit different!

In fact, up to now, there are still many things that have not been made clear in this work!

Why can Yipuzi appear in the form of a soul? Whenever the protagonist solves a friend's problem, what is the rising jade? After all, when Okazaki Tomya's father's plot ended, there were thirteen brilliant jade pieces in total. This thing appeared again and again, but it was useless!

And now, it's the final word, and I'm still talking about these plots...

We want to see Okazaki Shio, who wants to see these!

Shen Mingzhang is a little angry and depressed!

"You and I were in the same world, and it was near this world... a long time ago!" The girl weakly said to the robot.

Shen Mingzhang, who has passed the level of science fiction, is just a spoiler for this sentence. With the keen sense of the old anime fan for many years, he suddenly noticed something wrong!

and many more......

This is about the theory of parallel worlds. Then, there is a world near the end of the world... Is it the real world where the male protagonist is?

Long ago in the real world, now in this end world...According to the theory that most of the supernatural events in the work will be related to the protagonist or the people around the protagonist, so the identity of the girl and the robot in the real world, Is it the people around the protagonist in the work... or is it the protagonist himself?

Nagisa Furukawa knew the story of the end of the world girl inexplicably, and turned it into a script school drama performance, and she clearly stated in the animation, I don't know who told her this story, but I know it inexplicably... . Could it be that... this girl is the reincarnation or projection of Furukawa-Zhu in this world? .....Who is this robot with its own consciousness?

The male protagonist, Dad Furukawa, Haruhara Hirohei, Yoshino Yusuke...In this animation, there are male characters with names and surnames, and these are the male characters who have roles!

I thought this work was a love drama. Last week, teacher Zhao Qinyin told me that it was a parent-child show. After the last sentence, I thought this work was in a mood-making style. In the last sentence, teacher Zhao Qinyin told me again, this Is it science fiction animation?

Do you want to be so floating....... The screenwriter is amazing, isn't this bullying?

While watching the animation, Shen Mingzhang started his brain, and by the way ruthlessly complained, he saw something famous, but most fans who didn't realize Mingli were just swearing, venting their dissatisfaction with the inexplicable plot!

"In this case, we really shouldn't stay in this world! Go back, let's..." the robot responded to the girl!

"I'm sorry I have to stay here. I am in this world, that is the world itself... If I am gone, this world will not be there anymore. In this case, the glorious jade of this world will become unfortunate. ..... That is the emotion of the inhabitants of the world opposite, and you are one of them!" said the girl.

"Another world, is there another me there too?" the robot asked doubtfully.

The animation ends here, all the characters in front of the male protagonist's action to untie the knot, the body of the light jade emerges from the screen one by one...

Shen Mingzhang's brain seems to have caught something...

this is......

The robot is transformed by the light jade produced by a certain character in the real world. What about the girl? She must be in the real world, with corresponding roles......who are they?

"You should be able to understand! Because you exist in both worlds at the same time! Now, you have to close your consciousness in this world and wake up in the opposite world! Then...you will meet me!" Said the robot.

"Countless people's emotions are transformed into light **** in this world, and we are seen by us. The same is true. My feelings will also turn into light **** in the opposite world. Although each light ball is very small, if it is gathered together. .... It will definitely become a magical and powerful force!" said the girl who ended the world.

Gather Guangyu, a magical and powerful force!

Shen Mingzhang's heart was shocked, he was a little aware of something!

Could it be said that this force can......

The girl in the animation hummed the song of the Tuanzi family, and the robot immediately turned his head to indicate that it knew the song!

"Yes...this is the song you have been singing to me!" the girl said to the robot.

After saying this sentence, Shen Mingzhang was completely aware of it!

Throughout the whole work, one person has been singing this song to the other is Nagisa Furukawa to Tomiya Okazaki, and Tomiya Okazaki to his daughter... Okazaki Shio!

But the re-connection is the corresponding relationship between male and female singing...

The hazy sky in the ending world was pierced by a burst of warm and dazzling light, and the world was full of light...

At this moment, the bodies of the girl and the robot instantly turned into light particles! Before the body dissipated, the girl finally said to the robot... the corners of her mouth appeared to be gentle and tiny!

"Goodbye, Dad..."

Sure enough, Shen Mingzhang's eyes were bright!

The girl is Shio Okazaki. Although she looks like a teenage girl in this world, she is Shio Okazaki... and the ruined robot is the bright jade of Okazaki Tomiya's emotions. , The projection in this world!

The slow version, lyrical and tearful, bgm sounded at the right time, so that the fans of the audience who were constantly arguing and insulting stopped their actions!

Seeing the robots and girls slowly disappearing in the summarizing world, an inexplicable touch rose up!

So Okazaki Shi... Even though he was alone in the end world, then one day, the light jade transformed by his father's emotions came into this world and became such a robot! It's also... Do you recognize this as her favorite dad at a glance!

The moment the girl and the robot disappeared, Okazaki Tomiya, who had broken into it and was still confused whether he should meet Nagisa Furukawa, had a light in his eyes!

The light jade collected by helping friends before, after being gathered together, seems to play a magical and powerful role in the dark!

"Nagisa!!!" Tomomi Okazaki also turned around!

I looked at the girl who was going to leave her!

He was crazy, rushing like her desperately... Sure enough, he still couldn't let it go!

Okazaki Tomomi also hugged Nagisa Furukawa, the cherry blossoms fell and the sun was shining!

"Nagisa, I am here!"

Tomomi Okazaki also said a word... Shen Mingzhang's eyes were instantly filled with tears!

Although I don't know why, but he who prides himself on tears, just can't help it!

He who felt broken ten minutes ago, when he saw the scene where Okazaki Tomomi also hugged Nagisa Furukawa again......The emotion at that moment in his heart is endless!

"Ponya, great......you finally talked to me! I'm still thinking, Peng will not be thinking, it would be better not to meet me!" Furukawa responded with a smile.

Although I don't know what the plot is, after all, it's really hard to understand the ending at a glance. Except for an old anime fan like Shen Mingzhang who can roughly understand the logic of the plot, 99% of people don't know what's going on!

But this did not prevent them from being moved by this scene...

There are overwhelming tears and tearful expression packs on the barrage screen!

Two weeks later, fans saw Nagisa Furukawa again, but Tomiya Okazaki in the animation waited for this scene for six years!

"I don't regret meeting friends, I feel very happy! So, please don't get lost..."

"No matter what difficulties are waiting for us in the future! Please don't regret the encounter between you and me!"

Furukawa's words not only shocked Shen Mingzhang, but also shocked the tens of thousands, one hundred thousand, millions of fans watching the animation at this time!

Adults, in particular, should have been a group of people with high tears, but they are on the contrary... I couldn't help but burst into tears when I watched it!


In the spirit of Tomiya Okazaki, from the end of the world, the power of Guangyu gave him another choice on the ramp!

Before his eyes, it was no longer Okazaki Shio who died of illness in the snow!

It's... the night when Nagisa Furukawa produced Okazaki Shio six years ago!

The cry of the baby woke him up, and in his hand, he was holding Furukawa's hand! He thought of Furukawa's death, and couldn't help crying!

The classic bgm of the big family of dumplings sounded...

A barrage of crying!

"What's this, do you want me to watch Furukawa's death again?"

"Then Okazaki Shio grew up again and died that winter again?"

"I'm almost dying. I burst into tears at night, and my nose and tears were all brushed away! My eyes were covered with tears and I couldn't see the screen clearly!"

"Damn it, Teacher Zhao Qinyin is too silly, this kind of plot...will you come again?"


No, I won't be here a second time!

Shen Mingzhang's eyes stared at the screen, and sure enough... Gu Hezhu's closed eyes slowly opened!

It seems that all the stories from the eighteenth chapter of the as chapter to the present are just a dream of Okazaki Tomiya!

Is this the power of Guangyu gathered together?

From the first chapter of this work, all the things that have happened, all the stories, and the thirteen glazed jade collected up to this moment are just for this moment...Rewrite Furukawa Nagisa and Okazaki Shio fate!

Shen Mingzhang has never seen an animation that shocked him so much......so touching his heart!

Just looking at Nagisa Furukawa's calm and gentle face, Okazaki Tomiya's surprised and incredulous expression......

"What's wrong, Tomiya!" she said!

With the plot of forty-four episodes, let all fans know, what is the touch of the lost and recovered!

This sense of tears, this kind of heart can't help but cheer for joy!

Although many people still don't clarify the logic!

But it does not prevent the animation barrage from being staged, the large-scale national quintessence drama......changing face!


"All rise!"

"I took back my bomb and blade, and ate it!"

"I am not a human being. I actually suspected Teacher Zhao Qinyin and scolded her. I was wrong. I love her too much! She is so awesome!"

"I think my blade can be used to grow a beard! Tomorrow Teacher Zhao Qinyin will give a cup of cappuccino!"

"You can't think of it. A 180-jin fitness coach cried at home! It's so touching........It's not the same as the tears caused by Ms. Shui Xin. This time I'm Moved with joy to tears!"

"God, this story...God! I feel that the scene of Furukawa's resurrection gave me a shock, and I have to **** through the death of Lu Luxiu! Teacher Zhao Qinyin didn't brag, this work , This ending......I don't think Lelouch will lose!"

"It's too outrageous, I have lifted the knife, and I am embarrassed now! I want to find a paper towel to wipe my eyes........I blown up this animation! Thanks to teacher Zhao Qinyin for his mercy !"


Fans of Dragon Kingdom and Japan Island at this time, even though they spoke on the barrage, they still watched the rest of the scene intently!

Tomomi Okazaki also bathes the baby Shio Okazaki~www.mtlnovel.com~ The big family of Tuanzi plays to the climax!

The picture is warm and warm, and the fans are crying!

The picture, music, plot and the audience's emotions are perfectly combined at this moment, and this moment has gradually become a masterpiece in their hearts!

At this time, the person in charge of major video sites discovered the number of single-talk barrage comments on the first day of this animation! It only took a short period of time to quickly soar... No matter how ruthless the diving party, they all express their words on the barrage!

Shen Mingzhang blows his nose again, he is already thinking about what to do in the video tonight!

That's right, after reading the rest of the content, he will edit the video overnight and make the animation evaluation products!

Unlike his previous thoughts, he is going to blow up this animation now!
