I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

I just want to draw the comics quietly Chapter 797 Audio Novels Listen Online

As ordinary anime fans, they don't care about this personal grievance between the animation company and Tianxing Animation Company.

But there is no doubt that, as the two works that started to be promoted two months in advance, their competition has already begun at this time.

For the animation enthusiasts on the islands of Japan and the mainland, this period of time is to open the major animation stations, and 80% or 90% of the recommended pop-up windows of the stations are these two works!

Zhao Yongbai appealed to his fans to support his new work through various social accounts. Although Zhao Qinyin is in the magic city, she also fully cooperates with the company to promote it. When a variety of recommended fans support Slam Dunk, another news that surprised the fans of Longguo Animation came out.

Teacher Zhao Qinyin was invited to participate in the Lantern Festival Gala as a guest. The news was confirmed

This is really exciting!

This news spread quickly throughout the inland through various channels. For the new generation of young people, who would like to watch the Spring Festival Gala and the Lantern Festival Gala?

For this reason, the programs of the Spring Festival Gala and Lantern Festival Gala in the past two years have begun to change. In order to restore the sluggish ratings, all kinds of popular stars are invited to come on stage.

For the Spring Festival Gala, the effect has been verified and it is indeed effective. In the Lantern Festival Gala, some well-known celebrities and top figures from all walks of life have also been invited.

Zhao Qinyin is one of them, but there is no doubt that, shortly after the nad ended, her popularity is also the top among this group of people, and her appearance is also a crushing level!

Once the news was revealed, it quickly appeared in the top ten of Weibo's hot searches. Not only people who follow the animation industry are hotly discussing it, but those who do not watch animation are attracted to it.

"It's too ridiculous, this year's Lantern Festival, please invite a young girl like this? It's also a hot search, is there any background?"

"Although the Lantern Festival Gala is not as good as the Spring Festival Gala, at least it must be a first-line star. Zhao Qinyin has never heard of it!"

"No, you guys, don't even Teacher Zhao Qinyin know? Haven't nad seen it?"

"Remember it is an animation, what about c, what, does it have anything to do with this little girl?"

"Forget it, they are all grandpa and aunt who don't pay attention to the animation circle. There is no need to argue with them. It's boring, we know it!"

"Yes, yes, right, but it's been a long time since I saw Teacher Zhao Qinyin show up, I'm so excited, I don't know what kind of show Zhao Qinyin will perform on the stage?"

"Performance should be impossible. It only depends on the situation to find her temporarily and invite her to be a guest. After all, it is a very important party. It is impossible to let people who have not learned the talent show systematically!"

"Looking at what you guys are talking about is so interesting, I searched it, and that person named Zhao Qinyin is really pretty. No wonder there are so many fans, but I sympathize with you a little bit. That's a CCTV lens, a CCTV lens known as a demon mirror. After the stage, people criticized the beauty, not to mention that the beauty camera and photo retouching are gone, maybe you will have to take off the powder overnight!"

"It's another cloud-eating crowd. He may not have thought that the pictures from Teacher Zhao Qinyin are the original shots, and it's not over. The Lantern Festival has been on for a week, and they will know what the situation is!"

"Yes, I have a hunch that this wave of teacher Zhao Qinyin will definitely attract a large wave of new fans who first enter the pit of beauty, enter the pit of talent, and finally become loyal fans like us!"

"Talent Pit? Are you talking about animation? This is what Luo said starts with the value of the face, and finally is talented? But I feel that it is a pity to be an anime creator with the value of Zhao Qinyin."

Network, there are heated discussions about Zhao Qinyin's invitation to participate in the Lantern Festival Gala!

But for Zhao Qinyin, she did participate as a guest, but she was not the kind of guest sitting in the theater where the camera flashed by, she really had a role.

It's a magic show at the party. A lucky guest station will be randomly selected for the day of the party's magic show. Of course, Zhao Qinyin will be drawn by coincidence that day, and she needs to act.

The organizer invites all these people, and more or less will arrange an opportunity to show up. However, among this group of famous people from all walks of life, Zhao Qinyin has the highest reputation and the largest number of real fans. Because of the superiority of the mirror, this kind of work was directly arranged by the organizer. This thing needs to be rehearsed in advance, so Zhao Qinyin has to be busy these two days.

Although she found it quite boring, when she thought that she could take this opportunity to help promote Spirited Away, Zhao Qinyin still went to the scene very seriously and started a teaching process of acting.

Chu Yu on the island of Japan, it's the beginning. I miss Zhao Qinyin's fifteenth day

Ever since he was bluffed by Su Lu's madness, Chu Yu is now like an angry little daughter-in-law, all kinds of being squeezed into the corner by Su Lu

The company, car, home, Su Lu's offensive against him suddenly appeared every moment. He was clearly wearing a coat that could wrap her tightly, but when he was alone in the car with him, Chu Yu would let Chu Yu take care of him. Turn on the air conditioner, take off your clothes, inside

Chu Yu couldn't ignore it. It was a slightly tempting office suit with one more button deliberately unbuttoned. Chu Yu drove next to him. Because of his taller height, he could directly follow the clothes and look looming. , Actually Chu Yu can't see anything, but there is plenty of room for imagination

In the office, I must come to Chu Yu's office during lunch break. The air conditioner is turned on very high, so I can't take off the coat outside. Then I took off my shoes and the whole person was suddenly tempted by Chu Yu. On the chair, lying down for lunch or doing nothing, staring at Chu Yu all the time!

It's a pity that there is no Titanic in this world. Otherwise, Su Lu's sleeping posture during lunch break is basically Jack's posture when he painted a real portrait of Rose, just wearing clothes.

But there is a poem that puts it well, still holding a pipa half-hidden. For Chu Yu, who is a heavy black silk, Su Lu deliberately changed summer black silk, took off his shoes, and then wore this kind of workplace clothes again. A seductive lying position instantly made him feel! Although the clothes are basically neat and tidy, the excessive **** is actually more lethal to Chu Yu!

Not to mention at home. After taking a shower, she didn't wrap herself in a bathrobe and ran around. Instead, her body hair was deliberately not wiped too dry. She changed to a white shirt with a long hem. You said she didn't wear pants, right? Actually, I wore it, but if I wore it, it was hidden by the bottom of the shirt, and a pair of long legs that dangled Chu Yu's eyes were exposed. Then the shirt was still a little moisturized, half-closed to the body.

Chu Yu's cartoon really couldn't stand it. She went to play the game. She still followed her facelessly. She moved a chair and sat next to Chu Yu, her long legs swayed, and the curve of her body was deliberately shown to Chu Yu, but the key parts were Covered tightly again

Then I was tired and fell asleep on his side dazedly by Chu Yu's computer desk. When I fell asleep, many places were not noticed and exposed. Chu Yu vaguely saw a lot of inappropriate parts. When I went to bed last night, I couldn't fall asleep directly!

This also caused the tragic experience of Chu Yu kneeling for eleven in the queue last night. He was sprayed wildly by his teammates and he never returned. He slept in the middle of the night and his nose was hot. When he got up and turned on the light, his nose bleeds on his face.

Indeed, I can't sleep, I am out of wandering things, and my anger is a bit heavier.

Unfortunately, he can't say anything!

After all, Su Lu also said that if you can't stand it, you can ask her to leave and move away from his house, but you may not be in touch in the future.

As a result of the latter, Chu Yu decided to apologize to herself, or a bit of nosebleeds. The doctor said that blood donation is good for health. Although Chu Yu was reluctant to donate blood, the blood ran away from her nose. In fact, the effect is similar to that of blood donation. From a point of view, Chu Yu is actually not at a loss!

Well, in fact, Chu Yu missed Zhao Qinyin's return mainly because he knew that after Zhao Qinyin came back, Su Lu would be reserved. She acted as a demon in front of herself, but in front of Zhao Qinyin, she still wanted to maintain her image as an imperial sister.

Zhao Qinyin will come back soon, I guess I will be overwhelmed by fire if I don't come back again!

Chu Yu looked at him and continued to change into a teacher's outfit today. Su Lu, who had a lunch break in the reclining chair that was less than five meters away from him, fell asleep with a smile at the corner of his mouth. Although his sleeping posture was inelegant, he felt full of temptation. I can't stand it anymore!

The eleventh day of the first lunar month!

All employees of the animation company received a notice from the president Chu Yu

Today, everyone is forced to not work overtime at night. After four o'clock in the afternoon, they will take the company's car and go to a manor outside Tokyo that he has contracted to celebrate the great success of nad.

Today, Su Lu has no time to harass Chu Yu because of his busy schedule. Although he feels a little disappointed, Chu Yu is finally suppressed by him.

It was really too uncomfortable. A vigorous man was working **** the island of Japan, and the beauties around him all tempted him. In fact, Chu Yu admired himself, and he asked himself that Liu Xiahui did not have such determination in his situation!

Fortunately, tonight, we will have a small wine to celebrate the work, and we will have a good night's sleep for another two days. After Zhao Qinyin comes back, how dare Su Lu continue to behave?

Chu Yu couldn't help smiling from the corner of his mouth

"By the way, have you made the promotional trailers for Slam Dunk and Spirited Away?" Although Chu Yu knows about wandering around, he still needs to pay attention to the work that should be paid attention to.

"The slam dunk has been produced, but for Spirited Away, Director Matsuoka said that this matter should not be too rushed. There are still nearly five months left before July. Don't worry about the promotion of Spirited Away. Money goes in, time is too far, little effect!

Moreover, the inland area is still in the New Year, and now everyone is not thinking about this, so we will wait until Teacher Zhao Qinyin will come to the company before making the second round of announcement arrangements! "

Chu Yu, the secretary, has been in the company for almost a year, but her secretarial work was basically carried out by Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu, so her actual work turned into Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin's secretary. Now that the two of them are both busy, she has the opportunity to act in front of Chu Yu. She simmers and frustrates when she speaks. She keeps a slightly shameful smile on her face that is lightly applied, and she communicates with Chu Yu's eyes!

It's a pity that although she is in this company and even this office building is pretty good, but Chu Yu has been in contact with Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin all day, watching the difference between her and the aunt who sells pancakes downstairs in the company. It's not big, and didn't notice her pro-attitude

"I know, go down!" Chu Yu waved her hand and let her go out!

"Understood!" A trace of loss flashed in her eyes.

I knew that I was not as beautiful as Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu, but I didn't expect Chu Yu's wave of hands to be so casual, not looking at her too much.

"Oh, yes" Chu Yu stopped her.

"Is there anything else?" The secretary turned her head back with surprise in her eyes.

"The long recliner opposite me is probably not too heavy. It's a hundred kilograms. You can resist it. You can resist it. Take it to Vice President Su's office and tell her that I don't have a place to sleep in the future and tell her not to come here. !" Chu Yu said, looking at the recliner that Su Lu was lying on on weekdays.

Isn't it heavy?

The secretary looked at her with thin arms and legs, and she looked graceful, so petite, how come the president of our company has this kind of personality? He doesn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu at all?

Although the word "straight" appeared in the heart in an instant, the idea of ​​Ma was dispelled, and it became possible that a successful person has such a mindless mind to achieve success!

Then she took a deep breath and she really dragged her tall chair out alone!

One afternoon, Chu Yu dealt with all kinds of things without any distraction.

In the afternoon, he stretched his waist and walked out of his office!

Along the way, people from all departments in the company greet him like him, with an attitude or nervousness, or sincere, or envy, or jealousy.

But as long as the work can be successfully produced in their hands, Chu Yu doesn't care about these forms.

The two hundred people in the company, including the front desk and the sweeping aunt, were invited by Chu Yu to take a car to a hot spring manor near the destination of Tokyo.

In fact, this kind of celebration activity does not have to go so far. Chu Yu can afford it in a hotel in Tokyo. After all, adding nad's income and the income from previous works around the world, the copyright income of Chu Yu now has total assets of 40. Chu Yu, the giant of billion Dragon National Coins, has a huge amount of funds now, which is really exaggerated. Even Chu Yu at the bank wanted to black them out. He called in two days to ask Chu Yu to buy wealth management products, and Chu Yu was still anxious! There has never been a rich man like him, who has no concept of financial investment at all. To put it bluntly, he is rich and willful

But Chu Yu still ran so far away to celebrate the feast~www.mtlnovel.com~ mainly to keep a low profile. After all, his ban period has not passed, and he doesn't want to be exposed inexplicably!

But the location is far away, and Chu Yu is still unambiguous in terms of specifications. The chefs invited in advance have been preparing today's food and ingredients since yesterday. The manor is very large and all kinds of entertainment facilities are available. Although the Tokyo area is still snowing, it is not at all. It does not affect the white smoke of the hot springs in the village, and a smell of sulfur and heat that is not pungent can be felt after entering the manor

Moreover, the island of Japan is notoriously different from the inland. Chu Yu also invited some geishas to perform and arranged for a lot of women to drink and chat with his staff. Of course, this was only limited to this. Chu Yu didn't want to start the next morning. The person who was reported and arrested was pretty and nice, but very formal.

After the staff came in and took their seats, it was completely different from what they imagined to have a casual party in a certain hotel. From the dishes, wine, and service at the table one after another, they could see that the banquet tonight was definitely a bloodshed!

Especially those employees who were persuaded by Songgang to join the animation company had a different sense of Chu Yu!

After all, whether it is Parallel World or Dragon Kingdom, the basic technicians are not too valued. Everyone has experienced the celebration banquet when the work is successful, but basically everyone like Chu Yu has never felt such attention.

Of course, Chu Yu didn't have the thoughts of being overwhelmed by others, but could deliberately engage in these.

The main reason is that he is too profitable, nad billions. I really want to tell you that the two regions add up to hundreds of millions, and the two works such as Dragon and Tiger are hundreds of millions. This year at least 2 billion revenues are paid in. He thinks he spends a thousand cents. A few of the proceeds will give everyone a bonus, and it's not a big deal

However, this seems to everyone to be a capitalist of conscience!