I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"I recently watched the latest animation work of Halong Country, and I am very obsessed with the work of Slam Dunk. You can check it out if you have time!"

In the evening, Chu Yu couldn't stand Su Lu's soft and hard blisters, and finally made this dynamic after logging in to the Weibo Queen of his water heart.

In reality, as Su Lu expected, this dynamic quickly caused a huge impact on the Japanese island and inland animation circles.

After all, the name Shui Xin is now a bit of a myth in the islands of Japan. The genius left behind a series of masterpieces, brutally persecuted, and disappeared... This experience can be filmed. !

"It's great, Chu Yu, the influence of your Shui Xin identity is not diminished back then!" Su Lu said happily.

At night, Su Lu put on a pajamas, his chest was choppy, his legs were slender and white, and his whole body was lazy. Chu Yu looked very angry, but it was a pity that the big electric light bulb next to Zhao Qinyin was continuously discharging!

"It doesn't make much sense, I have said it, wait a few weeks, the popularity of the slam dunk will definitely be reversed, and now let the opponents arrogantly, then their faces will hurt more!" Chu Yu put down the phone, helpless Said.

"I don't care, who knows whether the situation you said will be realized? I just look very angry now, and I really can't stand the arrogant faces of Zhao Yongbai and Tianxing. You didn't see how he looked down on us... .... If you don't know how to play basketball, it's fine to look down on us, even your work......can't bear it!" Su Lu said angrily.

"Sky Star's navy continued to spread comments about bad dunk players for 24 hours, and the effect was obvious, but the navy we invited did not have a big impact on the other side... Since In this way, it's not normal for you to have the identity of Shuixin to help yourself? I don't believe it. The Shuixin account of your tens of millions of fans can still be black?"

"Zhao Qinyin also has millions of fans, isn't it the same hacked?" Chu Yu retorted.

"So, Shui Xin has more than 10 million plus Xiaoyin more than 10 million, with a total of more than 20 million fans...I don't believe that Tianxing can still be black?" Su Lu was very serious. Said.

"This can be an addition!" Chu Yu was too lazy to complain.

At least half of the two identity fan groups overlap, but......it doesn't matter, Su Lu is happy!

"By the way, in return, I will pay attention to you first! You also pay attention!" Zhao Qinyin fiddled with his Weibo account there, and said calmly.

"Okay, but I don't care if there is any over-interpretation in the animation industry by then!" Chu Yu shrugged and said.

"Can there be any over-interpretation?" Zhao Qinyin asked curiously.

"Mainly, your accounts and I are only followed by others, and usually do not follow others. If we follow each other this time, it can be said that the two accounts are following others for the first time, and it is still between each other... ....... Maybe there is some rumors coming out! Of course, this kind of thing as a hype, it can also be a wave of publicity for the slam dunk!" Chu Yu coughed twice.

It's not too obvious, but the meaning is clear!

Zhao Qinyin thought for a few seconds, and immediately his face became a little unnatural.

"It's okay, I don't care and" replied somewhat in a low voice.

I care!

Chu Yu looked at Su Lu.

She pinched Chu Yu's waist at the blind spot of Zhao Qinyin's vision.

It is painful, but not fatal!

Promise her!

The meaning in Su Lu's eyes is clear!

"I see, I will pay attention to you on my account, so do you!" Chu Yu said to Zhao Qinyin.


After Chuyu Shuixin's big Weibo made a motion in support of the slam dunk, he paid attention to Zhao Qinyin Weibo's actions within a few minutes....Naturally, he was noticed by Shuixin's fans. .

Teacher Shui Xin, who has never paid attention to others, not only made two voices for Teacher Zhao Qinyin during the ban, but also...and paid attention to her Weibo!

This....... What's the situation?

What's even more outrageous is that after the Shuixin account followed Zhao Qinyin, the Weibo account of Zhao Qinyin quickly counter-followed it back.

Both of them are paying attention to others for the first time, but the objects of attention are actually each other!

This situation directly caused fans on both sides to climax.


"Wtf, what's the situation? Don't tell me that these two people actually know each other!"

"Two people who are so cold are actually paying attention to each other, and Teacher Zhao Qinyin said that his favorite person in the animation industry is Mr. Shui Xin, and Mrs. Shui Xin helped Mr. Zhao Qinyin's work twice!"

"What kind of work is Slam Dunk? I was in tears. I missed the second year of Teacher Shui Xin's absence... After Lelouch, I stopped watching anime after graduating from college. An anime recommended by Ms. Shuixin, the cold guy... Needless to say, you must support it!"

"These two people..... Interesting. Teacher Shui Xin paid attention to Teacher Zhao Qinyin, and Teacher Zhao Qinyin also followed him back! Fortunately, the two teachers were fans of Fodu, and some of them were bored to notice. These dynamics, judging from the time of the fans' screenshots......The time interval between the two teachers' attention to each other is within 30 seconds......This must be an appointment together, and we can do it. Let this matter! Otherwise it would be a coincidence too!"

"They know each other?"

"It doesn't seem strange to know two geniuses of the same age!"

"No... I always feel that this is an inexplicable CP combination! Teacher Chu Yu is a decent girlfriend, isn't Gu Yan a little green on the top of his head!"

"At that time, our fans on both sides pinched each other, and the two of us are very likely to have a good relationship. They are friends! Then stay together and watch our two fans tear each other?"

"You guys think too much, maybe it's just that Teacher Shuixin simply can't understand the sky star, so you can support the enemy of the sky star, teacher Zhao Qinyin! After all, it is rumored that the inside story of teacher Shuixin being hacked is that the sky star is behind it... ....."

"Anyway, I don't know what is going on in these situations? But I only know that the works recommended by Teacher Shui Xin must be supported!"

"Don't say anything, all stand up!"

"I hope that Teacher Shui Xin will return to the animation industry. I am not interested in the duel between Zhao Yongbai and Zhao Qinyin. I want to see the duel between Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin!"


Shui Xin changed to Zhao Qinyin, the two biggest Weibo fans in the animation industry. When their fans started to discuss one thing together, the movement......

Before midnight, "Shuixin cheated the corpse!", "Shuixin teacher commented on the interesting slam dunk, is it really so unbearable?", "On how the slam dunk was by the navy from the beginning of his birth It's dark!" Waiting for a few hot search words to enter the hot search list.

Many sunspots are now dunking dunks, and the environment has suddenly changed, not only facing Zhao Qinyin's fans, but also facing criticism from Shuixin fans.

After all, Shui Xin has said that the slam dunk is very interesting, but these sunspots have been saying such things, what do they want to do? Want to prove that Teacher Shuixin's vision is not good?

It was only one night that the network navy, which had difficulty suppressing Zhao Qinyin's fans, was immediately suppressed by fans from both sides.

Combined with Slam Dunk, many plots have been improved this week, and public opinion has changed a little bit!

On Tianxing's side, Yin Tian gave a lot of instructions overnight, but there was no way. Shuixin's fan base was too much, and it was not just as simple as the number of fans. Although Zhao Qinyin paid attention to a lot of fans, his debut time was short. The influence is not enough, so these navy soldiers are okay to deal with her!

But the identity of Chu Yu Shuixin, since his debut for seven years, works such as jojo, Moyuan, Lulu Xiu, and initial D have spread widely in the Dragon Kingdom. This popularity is not a simple fan base, but also as time goes by. , The confidence that fans have built in him!

Zhao Qinyin's fans were shaken to her after only a few weeks of slam dunk plots, but if Shui Xin started a new work and rushed to two or three works, this would not happen!

Some people in Zhao Qinyin will question whether she is a short-lived genius, but Shui Xin, there is basically no such thing!

So Shui Xin's dynamic support for Zhao Qinyin and Slam Dunk, the direct result is......On the Internet, it was originally a battle between the Shui Army and Zhao Qinyin fans. The two sides are four or six. Now Shui Xin fans. Joining in, the navy can't stand it anymore!

In the words of the commander of the navy in a certain hotel in the magic city, there are too many fans of the water heart and brain, and those fools don't care whether the slam dunk is actually good or not. Seeing someone black slam dunk is a verbal abuse. No quality at all!

The purpose of the navy is to bring the rhythm, so that Zhao Qinyin's fans and them will argue with them because of the plot of the work, and then under normal circumstances, passers-by have so many disputes and the plot is so mentally disabled that they are naturally dissuaded from it!

But now... it's all messed up! At this time, the situation is not just spreading on the slam dunk, the fans of Shuixin are screaming, and even the basket wind is also black!

Zhao Yongbai's Weibo is himself a fan of Zhao Qinyin. This time, he and his own fans have been spraying each other day and night, and now a large amount of reinforcements have joined.......

"Ms. Shui Xin said that this work is good-looking, and Zhao Yongbai said that this work is rubbish, so the goal is very clear. Zhao Yongbai is the one who antagonizes Ms. Shui Xin!"

"I originally heard the gossip that Tian Xing and Teacher Shui Xin were not dealing with each other. Now, on the surface, Teacher Shui Xin is supporting the dunk master and Teacher Zhao Qinyin... Actually, it's just Simply target the sky star!"

"So can it be said? That rumor is true? The one who played the black hand behind Teacher Shuixin was..."

"What's the matter with him? Anyway, Teacher Shui Xin is standing in the team, Teacher Zhao Qinyin, let's fight against Teacher Zhao Qinyin's opponent first..."

"Beautiful lady Qingben, how can you be a thief, Teacher Zhao Yongbai, you disappointed me so much that you actually joined Tianxing!"


When Zhao Yongbai saw this, under his Weibo, fans were sprayed by Zhao Qinyin and Shui Xin's brain powder so that they could not speak.......Suddenly felt bad, and posted a post overnight.

"The animation industry relies on strength, not gang formation. Speaking without conscience is ultimately only self-reliant!"

It was still a sarcasm of recovery, but the meaning was obvious. He brought in Shui Xin and expressed his disdain for him and Zhao Qinyin!

When Chu Yu saw this, the troll attributes were aroused!

He didn't like to speak with his water spirit, mainly because he worried that he was too active, which led to the exposure of Zhao Qinyin's identity! But it's just a little worry! Don't make him daunted!

Now that we have made an exception to the Shuixin account today, it doesn't matter! Chu Yu logged on to his tuba again late at night, and posted a message again.

"The anime industry really relies on strength to speak, so... Do you think your basket style is so boring that I watched it fall asleep three times, is it powerful?"

In fact, Chu Yu still finds it very interesting to watch the basket wind, but at this time, how can he care so much? Help yourself and Zhao Qinyin first to speak out the ill-tempered anger!

This kind of tone is his tone when playing games against the opponent player. It does have the taste of Timo that is not flat!

Zhao Yongbai's words were relatively subtle, only referring to Sang cursing Huai, and Chu Yu was straightforward and typed out the title of the work!

When his news was sent out, the animation industry practitioners who paid attention to this incident were immediately confused!

As the saying goes, Wen has no first and Wu has no second. It is difficult to find the real first person in the entertainment industry and the film and television animation industry. At most, one can only judge that someone is the top echelon of the industry!

And Zhao Yongbai, no matter how he counts, should be regarded as the animation industry, the top echelon creators, maybe the entire Longguo animation industry, there are more than ten people who can compare his seniority and performance!

Shui Xin is certainly qualified to be tough with him, but the problem is......this is too straightforward! There is no room for a back road or a turning point, it is simply a sentence that offends people to death!

An inland animation producer exchange group!

"Cheat, this is a young man! I don't talk too much and think so much, just whoever thinks is just whoever is right!"

"It's mainly aimed at Tianxing, but if Zhao Yongbai took Tianxing's money to help it do things, he must bear the hostility of Tianxing's enemies. There is nothing wrong with it!"

"I don't know what is the relationship between Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin? I always feel that the two must have an inexplicable connection!"

"I don't know, but let's see how Zhao Yongbai reacted, maybe the two of them really tore their faces completely and get tough!"

"There is really a feeling of passion!"

"Shui Xin is really not afraid to offend Tianxing!"

"It should be said that he and Tianxing can be regarded as immortal, what is he afraid of? People have framed him to death, and I have the opportunity to prevent Tianxing from coming to Taiwan!"


At this time, it is already two o'clock in the morning........

I watched the basket wind dozed off several times...this mockery!

On this day, the fans of Longguo animation industry once again recalled the era when the Shuixin network and people sprayed each other.

He has even done this thing about spraying people on the show!

"Young people, don't be too proud, you don't know what to do after being banned? Three years of ban have not taught you what the rules are. Are you afraid to suffer a greater loss?" Zhao Yongbaiweibo quickly replied!

Zhao Yongbai was so angry that it was the first time someone slapped him like this in the animation industry!

Chu Yu's eyes sharpened after seeing the other party's response!

He just feels that his grievances with Tianxing are not too great with the grassroots employees, and he is not prepared to make things too ugly. However, the other party has been targeting Zhao Qinyin on various occasions in Longguo. He is too active and will pay it tonight. Take the initiative to line up with him, completely without the basic qualities of a star as a worker, too active!

Anyway, this is the case, and Chu Yu doesn't bother to think about it so much!

Although I still like Zhao Yongbai's works, it doesn't affect him now to tear each other!

"It's banned? So what? So don't you talk about grades?"

Weibo of Chuyu's Shuixin account responded quickly, and then quickly posted the results of several of his works.

The rebellious Lelouch has an average of 21.2 million views!

Puella Magi Madoka's new chapter, a rebellious story! The average number of episodes is 16.7 million!

Magical girl Madoka, the episode has an average of 15.7 million views!

Initial D, fourteen and twenty million!

White Album 2 and three seasons, Miss Kaguya wants me to fall in love, Natsume's Friend's Account, Second Five, Voice of the Stars...Unheard of the name!

The results of a series of works are listed in order. Except for the unheard of names, the other works are all works with an average of over 10 million broadcasts.

The most outrageous thing is that, at the end, a score chart of Zhao Yongbai's best work "Clear Sky" is placed......

Although the score of 13 million in episodes is very good... and he has created four works with an average of more than 10 million views in his entire life!

But compared with these......the gap is not small!

Zhao Yongbai is stronger than water, only his qualifications, but because he has said it himself, anime creators should compete for their strength........So now it can't be said about it!

"If you are not convinced, the basket wind score surpasses Lulu Xiu and I will come to me to lean on the old and sell the old, now... please don't talk!" Chu Yu finally replied!

It can be said that this is not a bit of face left to Zhao Yongbai!

Many employees of Tianxing can't sleep at night, and they are almost exploded under the honor and shame!

Zhao Yongbai was even more angry, trying to put some cruel words on the Internet, but holding a mobile phone in his hand, he was so aggrieved that he didn't know what to say!

Because he understands very well that he will only be more embarrassed if he makes things worse. The guy Shui Xin has been banned and he has no scruples, so he is not afraid of him wearing shoes with bare feet!


Chu Yu waited for the other party for half an hour, and found that the other party started to pretend to be dead, a little disappointed, but finally checked the time, the phone turned off, and fell asleep!

Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu in the room next to him did not have the first time to appreciate this sight because they went to bed early last night.

However, the news of Shui Xin and Zhao Yongbai's hard work was completely detonated on the Longguo network this evening!

Get up early in the morning, many of Zhao Qinyin's fans look stupid!

They couldn't think of it, Zhao Qinyin hadn't reacted yet, Shui Xin had to tear up Zhao Yongbai first, and she didn't dare to say a word.

Although the series of results comparison charts are too slapped, there is a feeling that young people do not speak martial arts...but it is really cool!

"Shui Xin tears Zhao Yongbai!" This hot search term not only topped the Weibo hot search list that night, but also increased in popularity after everyone got up in the morning!

So that after Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin got up, they saw relevant information on the Internet in the inland and Japanese islands.......They just stayed!

When Su Lu was eating breakfast, he kept kicking Chu Yu with his legs under the table.

Chu Yu, you guy, you are like a salted fish on weekdays. Facing the enemy's attack, you are malicious and indifferent, and your anxiety about us will only persuade us to relax and say what situation will change!

However, you can play it by yourself at night, and the spray is so cool. You don't take us with you........If you knew that Chu Yu was going to open the spray, you would ask for his account to come over and organize the language by yourself. Up!

There are a lot of words in Su Lu's mind. Chu Yu guessed at a glance, and didn't want to bother!

For Su Lu's kicking legs under the table, clamp the legs to prevent her from moving!

"Then what should I do on my side?" Zhao Qinyin suddenly asked Chu Yu!

After all, Chu Yu-Lana is out. Now if she doesn't express her position on the Internet, fans of Shui Xin will have other ideas!


Half an hour later, Zhao Qinyin also used his account to post on Twitter and Weibo, as well as on the Xinman.com account, almost the same content as Chu Yu last night.

I also want to tell you about the comparison of Zhao Yongbai's work, and finally posted a long post!

"Let's talk to everyone first. I have never regarded the work of Lanfeng as an opponent of a slam dunk... so... please me Fans of slam dunk don't lose confidence in the slam dunk. During the serialization period, I said that it would surpass the teacher Lulu Xiu of Shui Xin. I'm sorry I didn't do it...but the slam dunk.. ....... I will take this regret with me and realize my goal!"

This is the most offensive passage from Zhao Qinyin's social accounts!

Of course, it was Chu Yunian and Zhao Qinyin typing. After finishing typing, Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu were still hesitant!

After all, this discourse is very informative and mad!

Conservatives like them have never felt that Lelouch and such phenomenal works can appear casually, even Chu Yu, it is impossible to say that surpassing oneself is surpassing oneself!

Moreover, the start of the slam dunk is controversial, the ratio is worse, and I want to tell you the results, both of them think it is very good!

But Chu Yu strongly urged Zhao Qinyin to speak like this... She still did!

So her response to Zhao Yongbai and Tianxing finally brought this matter to a climax!

Beyond Lelouch.......here again!

But few people really laugh at her, after all, her upper work almost did it...

After seeing Zhao Qinyin's reply, the two-dimensional people who are still immersed in the abnormal behavior of the water heart in the interior and the island of Japan have no idea what to say!

But there is no doubt that Zhao Qinyin's reply to Zhao Yongbai is combined with the two events of Shui Xin's end...... Instantly detonated the Dragon Kingdom animation market!

From this moment on, the two works have evolved from a purely competitive relationship of interests to a battle for reputation and honor between Zhao Qinyin and Zhao Yongbai!

Moreover, the turmoil caused by this incident also caught the attention of the LBA Basketball League!

"Basketball, you can't lose to the opponent's slam dunk player, otherwise it will have an extremely bad impact on the reputation of our league! If it can't be done, follow-up cooperation or something, let alone mention it!

Yin Tian hung up the phone...... his eyes were gloomy!

Water Heart... Chu Yu!


The turmoil caused by this incident did not reach its peak until three days later.

The major media rushed to report, various animation commentary programs, and talked about it over and over again like a joke. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Zhao Qinyin's reply showed her confidence in the slam dunk...

So, when this work is so much behind the basket, is there any chance of a comeback?

Shui Xin came to help Zhao Qinyin. Did she know the other party? Or is it fun to be a pure dunk, that's why it makes a sound?

Or is it true that the gossip is true? Shuixin and Tianxing really have an enemy? That's why he spared no effort to support Zhao Qinyin?

It's a pity that Shui Xin hasn't moved anymore since that night...

However, this series of things really shifted the focus of the animation industry to slam dunk!

Is Zhao Qinyin's aura that contrasts with the past, is she purely bluffing, or is she really sure, behind the slam dunk?
