I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"It seems a bit interesting! The plot of the game is unexpectedly beautiful!"

   "And unlike the basketball style, the supporting role will interspersely explain the basketball rules. I am a girl who doesn't understand these rules, but Xiandao is really handsome...regardless of looks or personality!"

   "Shonboku feels that apart from Rukawa Kaede and Akagi, the other players are very good. Although Sakuragi Hanado is a beginner, it is better to play than the other three!"

"Don't think too much, the actual basketball game is completely different from what you imagined to play basketball with your friends. Sakuragi Flower Road may be able to keep up with physical strength, but with the cooperation of teammates, passing and moving, there is nothing at all. It really goes up. It may be that when you are playing the game, four people are playing a group, and another person is in the wild. Even if that kind of person is strong, equipped, and enough to operate, it is useless! The same is a pit!"

   "It's an animation after all, don't make it so real. Although the plot is also very interesting now, I still want to see Sakuragi Flower Road come on stage!"

   "The game is getting anxious, the fairy road is really strong... and the animation production of the slam dunk master, I must have invited professional basketball players to guide, dribbling and shooting are all standard!"

   "Basketball is almost the same!"

"In the case of the basket style, because the style of painting pursues beauty, the action also pursues beauty. In fact, many things look strange when the protagonist scores a goal, mainly to make ordinary people look handsome... ..... But in fact, the realistic style of painting like Slam Dunk is just as good, very realistic...and also very handsome!"

"Ruchuan Feng has exerted his strength, I rely on it, I was covered by Xiandao, and I rubbed it. It was a fake action. The ball was passed to Chimu in the ball...This shot is a bit cool! "

"This work seems to be completely different from last week. I was worried that Teacher Zhao Qinyin might not be very good at creating basketball games. After all, a basketball game of tens of minutes of drinking might make the audience doze off. ...... But now this game has been played for a while....... I am watching it more and more interesting!"

"What kind of training match was taken out two weeks earlier? What was the previous judo match. Sakuragi basketball was training in a hurry, and the plot that Akagi nearly retired twice was deleted, and the training match with Lingnan started early...this This work will not be questioned like it is now!"

"Damn, Akagi can't make a shot, and Rukawa Feng catches the ball in the air and slams a slam dunk. This is too handsome.......We also have county basketball games in our county. How do our basketball players feel like this Water, too sci-fi, are Japanese high school students so good? Slam dunk is as easy as eating and drinking water!"

"Um, let me say that the level of basketball in Japan is indeed very good. Many players in the inland lba league are from Japan, and...what do you think of the level of these high school students now... ....I can only say to see the promotion level of the American High School Basketball League.....A strong team may come to play lba and be a strong team..... "

   "Long Country Basketball is not so bad, right?"

   "There is nothing to do with racial physique. You are abused by us like playing table tennis! You can look at it from a point of view!"


On the animation barrage, as the plot unfolds, fan comments have changed from complaints to open-ended discussions, and those female fans, as Rukawa Kaede and Sendo show their talents, they also began to bubble, barrage The number has increased a lot compared to before.

   Seeing this, many fans of Zhao Qinyin were relieved!

   After all, if this kind of basketball game plot cannot satisfy the audience, it really only shows that Zhao Qinyin is not suitable for this kind of theme work!

   The plot outside of basketball is so fascinating, if the basketball plot is not exciting, then there is nothing to say!

  The fourteenth chapter of the slam dunk is over. The battle between Xiangbei and Lingnan is anxious, but...Sakuragi Flower Road still does not play!

   Coach Anxi's fat chin was patted by him. The audience laughed at the sight, and they were a little impatient!

   Fortunately, in the fifteenth chapter, the title is the first appearance of Sakuragi Flower Road.......Finally, a large audience is excited!

The difference between    Slam Dunk and other basketball animations including basket wind is that he will not be a tense and solemn game throughout, but will send Sakuragi Flower Road to be a funny character when appropriate.

  This kind of plot is found in many popular animes. The tight plot is indeed very attractive to fans, but keeping the rhythm of the number of words, or even the number of words, can easily make the audience tired and mentally exhausted!

Like Naruto, Pirate, Dragon Ball, these animations, the protagonist likes to commit two in intense and exciting battles........and Sakuragi Hanado is all sorts of weirdness to coach Anzai on the basketball court. , When the spy eavesdropped on the opposing coach's tactics... and even listened to the order of coach Anxi to warm up, in the Lingnan Basketball Hall, he played his own set of two-handed dribbles, which was ridiculously fast. Performance!

   It is true that nearly half of the plot in Chapter 14 is this kind of funny plot, but now there are not many people spraying the plot water on the barrage, but it is a great applause!

   This situation caused Zhao Yongbai, who also paid attention to the story of Slam Dunk, to frown!

   When he watched this anime, he did feel that the story of the slam dunk this week was much better!

   But even so, he still feels a little uncomfortable seeing so many good comments on the slam dunk barrage.

   After all, now he, Zhao Qinyin and this work are already mortal enemies. Whether it is for his own face or practical benefit, the worse the slam dunk score, the better......

   "What's the matter, the expression is very solemn!"

   Next to him, Zhao Yongbai's old friend Jiang Qi suddenly sat down, and two middle-aged men in their 40s and 50s met during a break at noon.

   "That's it? What are you worried about? Your basketball style is now so popular and leading such a big advantage, you never think that this slam dunk can catch up later!" Jiang Qi said in a relaxed tone.

"Before the ad ended, it had an average of 14 million views, but after it ended, it soared to more than 20 million... Although I declared to the outside world that the little girl was nothing terrible, But you won't really believe it!" Zhao Yong lit a cigarette, and the smoke escaped from his mouth and nose!

"In case this work, like the last words of ad, there is that kind of story that is super god, sublimating the theme of the whole work........The popularity of this work will catch up in the later period. It's not impossible!"

Although Zhao Yongbai hates Zhao Qinyin, he is not the kind of person who is easily dazzled by anger and loses his mind with blood anger... At least when looking at the work of Slam Dunk. , He is very objective!

"You think too much, I admit, that little girl is indeed a genius, but like that kind of work, it may appear casually. That work is very likely to be the pinnacle of her life! And the temporary plot is conceived. , The slam dunk who hurriedly mounted to snipe you must have many plot flaws, and you will soon see the level of disorganization of the plot in the early stage of the slam dunk........this work is nothing to worry about!" Jiang Qi followed along and lighted a cigarette!

   Zhao Yongbai was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled.

"Actually, I think so too...but because of her, there are so many miracles created by inhuman geniuses like Shui Xin, so when considering enemy affairs, she always can't help but think about small probability events. ..... Indeed, he is just an arrogant and arrogant person!"

"But......it is true that she is the slam dunk master who sniped at me. From conception to production, to now broadcast, the time is less than half a year! But the one that sniped at you, the thousand and the thousand Search, but for more than half a year.......Cl's miracle may not appear on slam dunk, but it may not appear on Spirited Away......you Is it too early to be happy now?"

   "......." Jiang Qi's expression was stagnant.

   "Just kidding, don't be nervous!" Zhao Yongbai smiled.

   "How could the two of us lose to this arrogant junior, don't think too much!"


   In the fifteenth chapter, Sakuragi Flower Road debuted. It was too nervous and stiff. It blocked the shot from the fish column but covered the whole person on the face. The fish column nosebleeds, which can be called a court killer.

   But this kind of performance is more real, being watched by hundreds of people, not nervous at all, that's not normal!

  , on the contrary, combines the funny with these psychological and emotional changes. The audience does not look abrupt at all, and they feel more and more interesting! Especially in order to make Sakuragi wake up from the nervousness, Rukawa Feng directly gave him a kick, and the two wrestled with the team on the basketball court... true and true!

Sakuragi, who relieved the tension, used his unique single-player wall defense skills, various steals, and shocked everyone in the animation. At the same time, it also made fans excited. !

   See here.......Basically no one questioned the excitement of this game anymore!

   Even speaking of it, when it comes to how interesting the game is, the game between Xiangbei and Lingnan is much more interesting than the first personal show of the protagonist in the blue wind chime!

   The plot is reasonable, and the characters have distinct personalities. Sakuragi and Rukawa Kaede each have a ghostly basketball, and the psychological game between the coaches on and off the court...... There are too many details!

Obviously it's just a training game that the audience felt that the two episodes might be over before this week's slam dunk update, and even many people who said before will definitely be very ugly....from ten The second episode started, and now there are 16 episodes, four episodes... It is obviously just an insignificant match, but... the audience hardly feels procrastinated , Don't even feel like I've seen enough!

Compared to the game where the protagonist is still in the handsome stage of the basket wind, the first game in the slam dunk, the situation is anxious, Sakuragi is nervous, Akagi is injured and retired, Yuzhu and Akagi's grievances, Xiandao's Leadership ability, Rukawa Kaede forbeared leg cramps, and still ran all over the court, making accurate shots successfully... handsome, and a little touched!

   Unlike Sakuragi, Rukawa Kaede is really pure with basketball!

   So when the handsome posture accompanied by Rukawa Kaede's successful shooting, the 16th episode ed song sounded...Inland, countless spectators on the island of Japan spontaneously said "Ah!".

   was too fascinated to watch, so I didn't notice the animation progress bar!

   "I wipe it, it's over? This week's update!"

"I have a big grass, four words, a training match with Lingnan is not finished? This is also...Sister, I want to scold Teacher Zhao Qinyin for being too watery, but the actual feeling is. .....This game is really good!"

"Indeed, let's not talk about the other plots. In the depiction of the basketball game plot, teacher Zhao Qinyin's slam dunk seems to be much more interesting than the basketball style... The plot of the game is very detailed and true. , And...very passionate! I don't know why...I'm obviously from the Lingnan team, Yuzhu and Xiandao just can't hate it!"

"The character portrayal ability of teacher Zhao Qinyin in this work has nothing to say. I remember the name of the protagonist, heroine, and enemy of the protagonist in Lanfeng! But the slam dunk high hand Sakuragi Legion Gao Gongwang four-member group, Rukawa Kaede, Haruko, Da Orangutan Captain Yuzhu, Xiandao, Anzai, Caizi...Unknowingly, these characters all impressed me! There is indeed something!"

  Recommended, really good, it is worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

"It's the rhythm of the game......I won't say it is slow or fast, not enough to watch! Four words, only hit the last quarter of the second half, I will go, according to this situation, There will be at least one more talk next week before this game will end!"

   "I'm a little bit appetite... Rukawa Kaede and Sendo are really cool! And Rukawa Kaede's attitude towards basketball makes me a little touched!"

   "Anyway, today's update allows me to refresh my views on this work.......Unexpectedly good-looking, and last week's judo club torture plot is not at the same level!!"

"If you have this strength, take it out early. This work is changed four times a week, so we saw the astigmatism point in the fourth week. If this work is changed every week... Open, and watched it for three months. When you saw Sakuragi Hanado not even playing a game of basketball, you were still fighting with the judo leader for the photo of Haruko Akagi....... I believe that any normal sports animation enthusiast will take this work off, take Zhao Qinyin off... and then curse, what is this production? But now, I only I want to say, it's kind of fragrant!"

"Anyway, the sense of anticipation brought to me by the slam dunk this week is slightly more than the suspense at the end of the eighth episode of Basket Wind... If this work can continue to play, don't engage in the daily routine of Sakuragi Flower Road. The plot, that's it!"

"Similarly...but the whole island basketball league will be right after the training match, so...from this week, the story of the slam dunk should basically be the story of the basketball game. Go inside..."

   "If that's the case, I will follow this animation..."


   After watching the four episodes of Slam Dunk, it's almost time for work and school in the afternoon.

   But unlike the previous few weeks, the popularity of slam dunk players started at this time and rose rapidly.

   Anime viewers, these people are very real, praise them when they look good, and spray when they are not good-looking!

   Although the story of this week's slam dunk is good, it is not so good that it is particularly exaggerated, but after all, many people's confidence in the remnants of slam dunk has been ignited again after watching it.

   Under Zhao Qinyin's Weibo, a large group of fans poured in to comment ~www.mtlnovel.com~ They basically praised the story of the slam dunk this week!

   On Xinman.com, the score of the slam dunk has gradually risen from 8.1 to 8.4 in the evening.

   This situation...... let those anime commentators and the media who are gearing up to change the slam dunk for the black and black Zhao Qinyin!

   After all, there is nothing more popular than the news that the genius girl Zhao Qinyin has fallen. The navy invited by Skystar was supposed to wait until this week after everyone watched the slam dunk plot. The fans were disappointed and they were helping! Slam dunk and Zhao Qinyin into the abyss together...

   But tmd, this week's slam dunk plot has been very well received!

   Although there is still a big gap between the results of the basket and the wind, but from the data analysis, the gap is narrowing, and fan confidence is returning........

All the employees of   gt animation company breathed a sigh of relief. It has been four weeks since the slam dunk has been broadcast. Finally, there will be a week of their works not being sprayed by fans!

   Of course, whether it is on the island of Japan or inland, now I just feel that the slam dunk will maintain the level updated this week, and then continue to the end, the 400 million investment in this work should be recovered, or even a small profit! Basically no one thinks that slam dunk has the same potential as Zhao Qinyin said, cl and Lelouch...

   However, it is impossible for people in Longguo animation industry to think that this week is just the beginning of the take-off of the animation of Slam Dunk!
