I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

For the works produced by themselves, Chu and Yu basically all watch them. At the beginning, it was to find out the audience's niches and improve them. But staying with Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin for a long time is actually a common sense. Greater than the original intention at the beginning.

When the three of them stayed together, they acted together in front of Zhao Qinyin. Chu Yu didn't think there was anything, but now... it's really embarrassing!

Chu Yu was no longer the innocent boy back then, and now he is 23 years old. The fact that Zhao Qinyin likes him will not make him too embarrassed to get along with her too much, but it is certain that he is uncomfortable.

After recognizing his feelings, Chu Yu also admitted that no matter it was in high school or now, he always liked Zhao Qinyin. No one like Zhao Qinyin likes him, and it is impossible not to cheat! If one day Zhao Qinyin gives up, he will definitely lose, but he is more sensible........Chu Yu doesn't think about himself in everything.

In my own situation, I have been confused with Su Lu Gu Yan, and then it is logical to continue to develop with Zhao Qinyin. Chu Yu is already messy enough anyway, don't care if it is a little messy, but for Zhao Qinyin, it is different. ....... She has other options......There is no need to plunge into her own muddy water!

So from a perceptual point of view, Zhao Qinyin is indeed attractive to Chu Yu, but what keeps Chu Yu and her away is his own reason!

One day Zhao Qinyin abandons her, finds another boyfriend, then gets married and has children. Chu Yu may regret that she can't sleep at night, and she can't help but slap herself in the face when he thinks of it all his life, but in reality, she tells her rationally. Chu Yu........ She absolutely must restrain herself.....Don't be too selfish!

As far as Zhao Qinyin is concerned, it is definitely better to stay with him only as a friend than to be with himself a step deeper! Otherwise....... Grandma Zhao Qinyin learned that her granddaughter had become one of his Chu Yu girlfriends.......Can't you come to him desperately? Quarrel with Zhao Qinyin!

So Chu Yu is contradictory. He is sure that a fourth woman will not come to him from now on, but for Su Lu, Zhao Qinyin, and Gu Yan, who was in love with him in college, he really can't help it. Erase these feelings.

But by the way...Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu are both very smart people. If Chu Yu can think of things, the two of them naturally want it too!

But the two of them just didn't leave and didn't think about other possibilities at all. After knowing that Chu Yu was an indecisive person... they kept taking advantage of this weakness.

Su Lu finally succeeded after repeated trials...and Zhao Qinyin!

The colleague who was broadcasting the latest content of Slam Dunk sat next to Chu Yu, and at first just watched the latest animation quietly... and then leaned his head on Chu Yu's shoulder.

Here comes... Chu Yu's body is a little stiff.

"If you want to sleep, the company has a rest room!"

"No, I'm not sleepy, I just want to do this. After all, the couples I see do this every day! I want to try it too!" Zhao Qinyin said with clear eyes, watching the slam dunk animation on the screen. .

"But we are not lovers!" Chu Yu wanted to move her head away.

"Don't move.... Since you like me, why do you reject me?" Zhao Qinyin suddenly increased in volume.

"..." Chu Yu.

"I can feel it if you don't say it, and I can guess a little bit about your ambivalence..." Zhao Qinyin continued, looking at Chu Yu.

"But I want to tell you, it doesn't matter...I don't care either!"

"It doesn't matter how many girls do you like, or... what other people think!"

"You have something wrong today!"

Only then did Chu Yu discover......Zhao Qinyin's condition today is definitely not right.

She is very calm on the surface, but in fact, she will never be as cool as she is now, impulsive and reckless to do things!

"You are..." Chu Yu asked.

"I don't have a cold, I'm not sick! I'm normal, I'm just today, Sister Su is not here, and then I don't want to act!" Zhao Qinyin got up, his eyes flickering.

"Acting...what acting?" Chu Yu's heart sank.

"Play...a scene where you pretend not to know that you and Sister Su are actually together!" Zhao Qinyin said in a faint voice, the calmness on his face finally broke, and his eyes suddenly became red. stand up.

Chu Yu heard that......the body was stiff, but immediately relaxed again.

"You...Know it!" Chu Yu smiled bitterly.

There is nothing to argue with, the other party is not stupid!

Chu Yu directly admitted this sentence.

"Yeah! Actually I had a hunch, but... I want to believe you! Until... before I went home, you and Sister Su were not at home but you lied to me together!" After Zhao Qinyin said, the tears in her eyes finally filled, but she did not cry. She was not ready to use tears to win sympathy, but for a while she said that she couldn't control it.

"I'm sorry!" Chu Yu whispered.

"It's nothing to be sorry...It's your right to be with whom you want to be with. I just envy Sister Su a little bit...and...a little sad. That's it..." Zhao Qinyin held back his tears, his somewhat thin but tall body looked a little lonely.

"Sad...what!" Chu Yu hesitated and asked.

"You obviously accepted Sister Su, why...you can't treat me the same way!" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu was immediately shocked......I was with Su Lu, and you still have to squeeze in, do you have to? Looking for a boyfriend is not easy for you!

At this time, both of the two of the latest plots of Slam Dunk cast by the projector had no intention of watching.

"Uh, the matter with Su Lu...There is an impulsive factor in it. Although Su Lu does not regret it, I understand that I have harmed her a bit, so I am sorry Gu Yan... .... Because of this, I don't want..."

"I said, you leave me alone, I am an adult, if you know what you are doing, you just ask yourself...whether you want to associate with me!" Zhao Qinyin said loudly.

While talking, Zhao Qinyin got up with courage, stood in front of Chu Yu...hesitating for a while, the whole person fell under Chu Yu's somewhat bewildered eyes , Knelt down on Chu Yu's lap, her upper body was very close to Chu Yu, in this position she was half a head higher than Chu Yu, and then condescendingly looked at Chu Yu.

"I don't care about other people's comments, whether I will regret it in the future, whether my behavior is morally corrupt, why should you care about it? You are not the kind of moral imitation at all, right?" Zhao Qinyin is serious, but Chu Yu felt she was scolding herself.

"No...what are you doing..."

Chu Yu's patience is limited. Zhao Qinyin itself is very beautiful, and wears a black silk skirt, which Chu Yu likes very much. From this angle, Chu Yu looks up at her beautiful white face and the meaning of her eyes!

The body reaction rose instantly, but Chu Yu still resisted his restless heart.

"Hurry down, stop making trouble!" Chu Yu's tone was a little harsh.

"I am worse than Sister Su, what is worse than Gu Yan? You tell me and I will come down..."

Zhao Qinyin was not afraid at all, holding Chu Yu's hand with one hand, and then without any hesitation, directly let Chu Yu press her hand on her chest.

Chu Yu only felt a softness in his hand, and couldn't help but grab it.

Zhao Qinyin blushed suddenly!

"Except for this, I think there is nothing worse than the two of them! Do you like the girls of the European School so much?" Zhao Qinyin's voice is crisp, but full of temptation.

Chu Yu is completely stupid!

Zhao Qinyin could have such a bold operation, he hadn't thought about it at all.

Recalling what Su Lu said, if Zhao Qinyin knew what happened to him and Su Lu, he would definitely change that sentence, Chu Yu did not take it before, but now...

Chu Yu hadn't thought about it clearly yet, Zhao Qinyin squatted down and kissed him on his own initiative.

Now they have a very strange posture. Chu Yu leaned back on the office, Zhao Qinyin knelt down on Chu Yu's leg, and then Chu Yu touched her chest with one hand and was forced to kiss by Zhao Qinyin.

In front of Chu Yu, there were Zhao Qinyin's eyes that were close to her. Zhao Qinyin told Chu Yu with his eyes......Right now, he could do anything.

So....... Chu Yu held back!

Looking for an opportunity, he pushed Zhao Qinyin's upper body away a bit, and pulled a crystal clear filament in the air.

After all, it was different from last time. Last time Su Lu had alcohol blessing, and this time Zhao Qin's pure temptation, Chu Yu can still hold on.

Zhao Qinyin's face was flushed, and his eyes looked at Chu Yu suspiciously.

Chu Yu took a deep breath, looked at Zhao Qinyin who was kneeling on his lap, hugged her lazily, and threw it on the sofa aside.

"Sorry, I want to calm down..." Chu Yu didn't feel like a man.

The so-called calmness is not for myself, but for Zhao Qinyin! The most important thing is that Chu Yu has a guilty conscience!

"What do you want to calm down? I'm like this, you still..." The blush on Zhao Qinyin's face turned pale, his eyes changed from doubt to self-doubt.

"Small breasts......is it really bad?"

"It's not for that reason..." Chu Yu couldn't help it, and said directly in anger.

"Indeed, I like big ones, but it doesn't mean that I hate small ones! I was also a lo*ic*n in middle and high school. I just like Yujie and Loli very much, and the difference... .... It's a thousand miles away from hate, don't guess..." Chu Yu suddenly became incoherent!

"Lolita......I am not!" Zhao Qinyin blinked. After all, she is 1.69 meters tall!

"It's all right...mainly the style and temperament of the voice..." After Chu Yu replied, he felt that he was stupid, and someone was actually explaining this. !

"Forget it, you know what happened to Su Lu and I. I already feel that Shura Field is a hell. The pressure is heavy every day, so don't get involved in it!" Chu Yu said seriously.

"Do you know what it means for you to come in? I don't know who I will marry legally. I can't give anyone a promise or answer, and after you come in, you will definitely be criticized by people who know the situation and by your relatives I don't understand...My Chu Yu's parents died early. The last time I saw my relatives was at the funeral of my parents ten years ago. I don't care about it at all........but What about you?"

"I admit that I do like you, but it doesn't mean that I have to talk to you. I don't necessarily have to confess my secret love to someone!" Chu Yu took a deep breath and said.

"What happened just now, I didn't think it happened!"

"Didn't I say it at the beginning? I don't care!"

Zhao Qinyin said, she sat up from the sofa, her clothes were a little untidy, the corners of the skirt showed large areas, her long black silk legs were extremely seductive, and there was saliva in the corners of her mouth, but she didn't care in front of Chu Yu, if Chu Yu was beastly. the best.

"How can you not care? Isn't your grandma the person you value most?" Chu Yu was stunned!

"Why should I tell her the facts? Then I will say you are my boyfriend, and then when the age is reached, I will say that I am married to you, and it will be over. She will never study it deeply! You will take some time every year. Just act with me! I didn't expect anything to marry you and me legally, after all, I'm the third...fourth! As long as you are serious about me, that's enough!" Zhao Qinyin's eyes were serious about this.

"Marriage?...How can you even lie to the elderly..." Chu Yu didn't understand the three views of Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu at all.

Chu Yu himself felt that he was very guilty like this, but these two people are good, they are really fearless and do whatever they want!

"No, your thinking is wrong!" Chu Yu shook his head.

"So you are not going to be responsible, right!"

Zhao Qinyin was relieved to mention it, Chu Yu seemed to be completely out of anger!

If you fail to try once, you will find the opportunity next time. Although you may not be able to muster the courage next time, the ending is not bad at all.

"What responsibility do I have to bear?" Chu Yu was stunned.

"You touched it, you kissed it, what do you say? I have...Do you think you are not responsible?" Zhao Qinyin whispered.

"..." Chu Yu was unable to refute, but you went out to look for it, how could you not find it!

And you have exactly the same shameless behavior as Su Lu. You are a good girlfriend, and you haven't learned all these things!

In the end, Chu Yu didn't know how I would respond. He sighed, dragging the word tactics to his heart, walked out of the office, and got off work by himself!

A person who meets someone in your life who looks at her and she looks at you is very lucky, but Chu Yu's misfortune is that he has met three, and sometimes he will think, anyway, they are all scumbags. The two people seem to be the same in nature, but at least the final human nature still makes him resist this behavior......

After being with Su Lu, her attitude towards Zhao Qinyin was even stronger than before, but if she wanted to do this continuously, Chu Yu didn't know how long she could resist! After all, he was never a determined person!

As the president of the company, there will always be willful times. Chuyu Chuyu walked out of the company with his head and face black, and ran to a house he knew, went in at a nearby boxing gym, swiped his card to apply for an annual membership fee, and even did it. Zhang Qie's actual combat tutorial season card, I hired a sandbag instructor. Although I probably won't come again, it's a waste... But if he doesn't do anything, Chu Yu will feel uncomfortable!

Zhao Qinyin in the office slumped on the sofa after Chu Yu left, thinking that he couldn't help it before, but now that the situation has developed to the present, now he feels scared for a while...

Some parts of the conversation with Chuyu were true feelings, and some places she would act, but only one thing she understood... After Chuyu and Su Lu were together, if she kept pretending not to know, Then, the more you go, the less chance she has!

Because Chu Yu is such a person, after Zhao Qinyin knew that Chu Yu and Su Lu were together, he also understood a lot of incompatibility. He obviously had two boats on his feet, but he would still treat Su Lu and Gu Yan. Feeling guilty, he must be very gentle to the two people who are already with Chu Yu, but for Zhao Qinyin who is still an outsider, Chu Yu will think of this every minute she sees her and every minute of time with her. A sense of guilt, a sense of moral condemnation, and then a mentality of resistance, for a long time... That guy also became really hard-hearted!

Zhao Qinyin sat up and finally waited until Su Lu left, but today's raid on Chu Yu was half a failure and half a success!

The ending was a failure, but the one who succeeded was to understand that Chu Yu was far less resistant to him than he showed, otherwise he would have been scolded by him a long time ago! He won't be sulking and skipping work!


Of course, when Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin had emotional disputes in the office, Slam Dunk's latest update of the week, the number of people after watching it increased a little!

This week's slam dunk has four stories, and on the whole it is a word...confusion.

When everyone felt that after the match between Xiangbei and Lingnan, the slam dunk plot would quickly progress to the high school basketball game, this week's plot gave them a big mouth.

Chapter 21: When Miyagi Ryoda, a powerful second-year guard, appeared, the fans were still excited!

But starting from Chapter 22, the gangster group led by Mitsui Shou directly found the enemy Miyagi Yoshida who had kicked his teeth to pieces......

The goal was directed at the Xiangbei basketball team. The players were blocked by the gangsters, and the impact was bad. The basketball league qualifications will be disqualified and they will not fight back.....

In order to protect the basketball team, Miyagi Ryoda was beaten with blood on his face and bruised by Histo Mitsui!

Although the basketball stadium was closed in time, Rukawa Kaede and Sakuragi Flower Road could not help joining the battle one after another...

The imaginary story of the basketball game did not appear, but it was a total violent fight!

Caizi was beaten, Miyagi Ryota broke out, Sakuragi Hanado was directly beaten by the opponent's top thug, Tetsuo, and then couldn't help but fight back.......

This plot is outrageous!

It can be said that this is completely different from the plot that everyone imagines, but if you say it is not good, it must be nonsense.

After all, this kind of campus fighting plot, which is clearly condemned for fighting, actually seems to be the easiest to get to the top!

At the end of Chapter 24, Akagi was on his way to the basketball hall, and so did Coach Anzai, Mitsui Kotobuki and his gangster friends, Sakuragi Hanado Rukawa Kaede and others, closed the doors of the stadium and fought each other inside!

This is an unprecedented experience of watching anime. The animated barrage of these four episodes is the four that the slam dunk has the most barrage so far.

So that after the animation is broadcasted at noon, less than two o'clock in the afternoon, slam dunk master, **** plot! This hot search term was listed on Weibo Hot Search.

"Unexpectedly, teacher Zhao Qinyin also tends to be violent. She can also think of such a violent animation plot!"

"It's outrageous, is this a gangster animation or a basketball animation?"

"I don't know, but it was very exciting, especially when Sakuragi's counterattack was bloody!"

"Then what Tetsuo was very arrogant at first, Sakuragi will not be able to fight back!"

"But have you noticed that the plot is starting to become fascinating again? What about the basketball league I'm looking forward to? How come a wretched man Mitsui Kotobuki and a silly iron man come to the basketball club? Teacher Zhao Qinyin is true Improvisation, wherever the plot thinks of it?"

"Although it's actually pretty good-looking, everyone is very passionate and passionate, but I don't know the meaning of this plot, it's really outrageous!"

"Twenty-four episodes, it's actually back to the campus violence plot, slow heat is not such a slow heat method, this picture is Lelouch's words, the first season is over, the clannad male and female protagonists have confessed to being together, magic Girl Madoka and Xiao Meiyan are all turned into demons. In the case of Lanfeng, the second professional league game of Twelve Chapters is over, slam dunk...I'm not saying that this work is not good-looking, and Lingnan I watched the game with blood and tears. What are you playing now?"


Obviously, everyone has a lot of expectations for this week's slam dunk, but the problem is that the plot did not respond to their expectations, you say it is not good, in fact, the plot of this kind of gangster fight is okay, but everyone always feels inexplicable!

On the other side, the tense-minded Tianxing all went up and down, seeing that the slam dunk had just taken off, and the plot was dead again, and the joy suddenly blossomed.

Zhao Yongbai and the many animation circles who have a good relationship with Tianxing will naturally not let go of this opportunity, and have expressed their disapproval of the next plot of the slam dunk on various occasions!

"This is the shortcomings of young people's creation of long-form animations. The plot has no main line and is fragmented..."

On the second day after the update of Slam Dunk's Twenty-Four Chapters, Zhao Yongbai posted an article to criticize Weibo!

After all, the face is torn, naturally not soft, but fans in the animation industry are also tired of this. Zhao Yongbai once again spoke and criticized Zhao Qinyin. It is not news. Anyway, the people who eat melon are also eating snacks and watching both sides.

But in the morning, Zhao Qinyin didn't respond, and many people were disappointed.

Of course, this does not mean that Chu Yu, Zhao Qinyin does not want to respond to the opponent, and now Chu Yu is unwilling to hype the opponent's basketball style and slam dunk competition, then the opponent will suffer more humiliation, but the problem is... .... He is not available today.

Since Zhao Qinyin's surprise attack on ~www.mtlnovel.com~ caught him off guard yesterday, he went home at night, and the other party looked like a okay person, but he was uncomfortable.

In addition, after Su Lu's return from a business trip, Chu Yu was still thinking about how to discover Su Lu about Zhao Qinyin's relationship between the two of them.

But when Zhao Qinyin got up early in the morning, he said directly to Chu Yu.

"You'd better not tell Sister Su about this, otherwise...then the relationship between the three of us will become very awkward..." Zhao Qinyin ate breakfast. At that time, a sudden sentence made Chu Yu's head suddenly grow.

At this time, he looked at Su Lu, who had returned to the company, and Zhao Qinyin, who looked as usual on the side, and then thought of Gu Yan, his decent girlfriend who was far away in the magic city.... sighed secretly!

Except for Gu Yan, everyone in this office, including myself, is quite outrageous!

"By the way, Tianxing is hacking us again, do you want to respond?" Zhao Qinyin raised his head and looked at Chu Yu.

"You can respond casually, otherwise you will always feel uncomfortable. Anyway, it is not bad for the flow of public opinion wars over there!" Chu Yu said casually, and then looked at Su Lu.

At this time, Su Lu still didn't know. Zhao Qinyin had noticed something between himself and Chu Yu, and even Chu Yu was attacked by Zhao Qinyin just one day on a business trip.

But the sixth sense of a woman made her feel that something was wrong, but she didn't think much about it.

"A husband's opinion!"

Zhao Qinyin is also familiar with the road. Weibo took a look at the latest developments of Zhao Yongbai's black slam dunk and put away his mobile phone.

Looking at Chu Chuyu, Chu Yu just dodged his gaze!