I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

From noon, after the 7th week of Slam Dunk's animation was broadcast, Longguo's animation industry practitioners and anime enthusiasts only saw the slam dunk master's complaints before the broadcast. After more than an hour, the style of painting has changed. Applauded in one piece.

In the afternoon, major websites were already overwhelmingly discussing the role of Mitsui Kotobuki. In the evening, the up-hosts of the new mannet had been moved by the wind, and they produced a second animation creation mv about Mitsui Kotobuki. Then, such works became more and more popular. More and more, more and more, in the wee hours......

The name Mitsui Shou was directly ranked second in the Weibo hot search list!

Many of the anime fans of Long Kingdom watched all this happen with a dazed expression, especially those who had been abandoned because of the slow progress of the early stage plot of the slam dunk, and those who had been abandoned by some heizi's remarks... .....

Just one afternoon and one night, the work of Slam Dunk completely reversed the word of mouth. The fan rating of Xinman.com went from 8:6 to 9.1 in less than half a day!

As long as everyone is not blind, they can see that the slam dunk is about to take off.

Just as Zhao Qinyin wanted to tell you at the beginning, and like the night after clanand's last words were broadcast...

But this is too ridiculous!

The next day, the impact of the new animation of Slam Dunk completely broke out.

"Why is it like this? It's just a day's time to change the ethics!"

"You can see it. I admit that the early plot of Slam Dunk does have a lot of problems, but I dare say that if you watch a hundred words of basket wind animation, you can't find a scene where Mitsui Shou's kneel can be seen. You are moved by the scene of playing basketball in pain on the ground!"

"Yes, after I watched the animation directly at noon yesterday, I was not in a state of work all afternoon. Maybe my emotions are easily affected! Mitsui Shou's story really touched me!"

"It's not terrible to fall astray, but it's rare to have a personal mentor appear in front of you. The prodigal son Mitsui said back to talk about basketball-related stories, and it's easier for me to think of myself!"

"The reason why we were moved is probably because we all want to be Mitsui Shou's people. In the animation, he has the courage to change evil and return to righteousness. In reality, I am different. If I am wrong, there will be no chance!"

"The whole work, no matter how big the problem is in the previous plot, but with Mitsui Shou's plot, I think it's worth chasing it down!"

"It seems to watch Mitsui Shou playing basketball and continue to chase his dreams. It's a pity that you have to wait a week before you can see the new slam dunk! Damn it, Teacher Zhao Qinyin!"

"Yes, but fortunately I didn't give up before. The 28th episodes only gathered the starting staff slowly. But compared to the current 14th episode, the sense of expectation that slam dunk gives me far exceeds it. The wind is also very beautiful, but it is only limited to the level of beauty. In the slam dunk, Mitsui Shou's prodigal son turned back and burst into tears, which moved me much higher than the level of the basket wind!"

"Similarly, I used to think that Lanfeng was the overlord of the new April show, but now...I can only say that Teacher Zhao Qinyin has the current reputation, and it really wasn't a mess. Now I am really looking forward to the story of the follow-up slam dunk! The basket style is now weaker than the slam dunk in my heart!"

"Damn it, look at what you guys are doing for dunking and dunking is outrageous, I gave up on the seventh episode of this animation, and I just went in to make up for it!"

"I gave up since Mitsui Shou's appearance, so this role is not a meaningless fight plot? Is he an important supporting role?"

"Of course, go and make up, you will definitely not regret it!"


Fans of slam dunk on the Internet scrambled to promote slam dunk players, and the immediate reaction was that the number of slam dunk plays increased sharply. It has been several weeks since the average play volume exceeded 6 million, but there has been no upward trend. Kind of considerable speed to catch up with the basket wind.......

Whether it is inland or Japan, the influence of slam dunk players has already spread from the fan base!

The uniforms of the Xiangbei basketball team and other surroundings, originally because the popularity of animation is not too high, the sales are mediocre, but at the same time as the popularity of slam dunk soars, these things quickly went from being in short supply to selling at seven or eight times the price on the black market, and then to Later, the scalper party began to intervene...

In just five days after the episode aired in the seventh week, the impact of the Slam Dunk animation through Mitsui Shou's plot has not dissipated, and even more and more fans went into the pit to see this part of the plot. They went everywhere in Amway again, and new people entered the pit again, and repeated cycles, forming a positive gathering vortex of popularity........

This situation makes all members of the gt animation company feel a little confused!

In fact, the story of Mitsui Shou's story is very touching. After the broadcast, it may have a good reputation. Everyone in the animation industry can definitely see this.

But who could have imagined that this plot will have such a big impact in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry?

Everyone in the company suddenly became excited!

It turns out that the industry and even our questioning of Zhao Qinyin was meaningless before, no wonder Zhao Qinyin faced so many people who questioned her, and could calmly deal with others on the Internet. It turned out that he was waiting here!

And Zhao Qinyin and Su Luo, after the explosive growth in popularity this week of slam dunk, they saw Chu Yu who was ordinary and calm in expression.......I remembered Chu Yu and talked to them before. Self-confidence when slam dunk prospects.

"You've already known that the situation will be like this until now, right!" Su Lu put down his hands and said with joy a little bit angrily about the statistics of the slam dunk's popularity this week.

"You've long known that fans of the Dragon Kingdom will eat the story of Mitsui Shou, right!"

"Roughly the same!"

"Then how do you..."

"You didn't believe me when I said it! I have always told you and Zhao Qinyin about some things, but you are too pessimistic, and you have to think bad things! You two have actually thought about it... ...If the slam dunk is not popular in a few weeks, I should persuade me to stop the animation from the **** and stop the loss in time!" Chu Yu said while sitting in his chair, drinking tea.

"How can I..." Su Lu's face flashed with sadness.

Seeing her like this, Chu Yu pulled her into her arms, no one in the office anyway, taking advantage of this opportunity, she immediately used it.

"Wait...Chu Yu, first lock the door, and wait for Xiaoyin to rush in, what should I do?"

Su Lu and Chu Yu were basically busy for a short period of time and didn't have time to be alone, but at this time they still thought of the worst possible possibility.

"Don't worry!"

Chu Yu paused, but still didn't tell Zhao Qinyin about the relationship between the two of them. After all, if the relationship between Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin becomes complicated, Chu Yu will not be able to deal with it if they talk to each other awkwardly all day long. .

"Hey, it's also an office here. No matter how outrageous you are, you should wait to go to other places after get off work!" In the end, Su Lu pushed Chu Yu away and ran away all at once.

Standing two or three meters away from Chu Yu, he arranged a messy shirt, skirt and stockings!

"Hey!" Chu Yu sighed.

It's the office that is interesting, but it is true that the soundproofing effect of this room is not good. Although Chu Yu is not afraid of company rumors, Su Lu is a girl who always thinks about her.


At this time, there was a knock on the door.

The two of them looked straight.

"Come in!"

To Chu Yu's surprise, it was Zhao Qinyin who came in!

Why did you knock on the door this time...

But it reacted immediately!

Just as Chu Yu wanted to say something, he met Zhao Qinyin's cold eyes.

It was calm as usual, but there was a strangeness hidden in the depths of his pupils.

"Sister Su, why are you here with Chu Yu?" Zhao Qinyin smiled, looking sweet and lovely.

"Um, I, come over and discuss business affairs with Chu Yu. Now that the discussion is over, you can talk slowly if you have something to do!"

With a guilty conscience, Su Lu just wanted to leave as soon as possible, for fear that Zhao Qinyin would see something, and then ran away, leaving Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin behind.

Zhao Qinyin went to shut the door easily, and then...unlocked!

Reminiscing about Su Lu's words just now, Chu Yu suddenly became alert, his expression nervous!

"What are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Qinyin sat in front of Chu Yu.

"So, am I the biggest barrier between you and Sister Su together? It's a one-kilowatt light bulb!"

"Nothing!" Chu Yu said sternly.

He can't do anything with these two people now. After all, Zhao Qinyin doesn't retreat himself, and he himself is not strong in will, and he is also interesting to others. Now he can keep a distance and rely on the support of only a little conscience.

"Forget it..."

Zhao Qinyin's complexion slowed down, with one hand resting his cheek, his collarbone was fully revealed, and even Chu Yu could vaguely see some places under his collarbone from this angle. In fact, he couldn't see much at all. After all, Chu Yu's office was in a dark environment, but That's why it's attractive!

Seeing Zhao Qinyin's unchanging expression and calm eyes, Chu Yu cried out cunningly in his heart.

This is a naked seduce. I didn't expect you to be like Zhao Qinyin, but Chu Yu himself......obviously realized it, but he was shamelessly attracted to his eyes!

"That's why you are here this time..." Chu Yu looked at him straightforwardly for half a minute before he came back to his senses!

"Don't watch it? I thought you still had to pretend to be a saint?" Zhao Qinyin said with a hint of teasing!

This change is a bit big, so she, who was stimulated by her and Su Lu's affairs, can change from being introverted to what she is now in such a short period of time?

Chu Yu felt a little unacceptable!

"Don't worry about anything, I don't mean anything else, just that some documents need your signature!"

"There's also... the news from Brother Huang from the magic city, Tian Xing... seems to be planning to postpone the release schedule of the book world by one week, and put it directly in the summer vacation. The file is released, and it competes with the dozens of large, medium and small movies released that day......not against our ring!" Zhao Qinyin took out a pile of files and placed it in front of Chu Yu and said in a calm tone.

"Shifting files? Is Tianxing so persuaded?" After listening to Chu Yu, he was a little speechless.

"There is no way, there are several major shareholders in the company. Although Yin Tian is the largest, but those people who saw the hot state of the slam dunk this week are worried that Spirited Away is also a bomb, not the same as Spirited Away. In the sky, everyone fights for a lose-lose....It's better to postpone the theater one week later, staggering the time...After all, businessmen are all profit-seeking! If this is the case, wait until A week later, when Spirited Away's stamina is not enough for one week, the impact on the book world is actually not so great!" Zhao Qinyin said.

"But it's really not so easy in the summer, right? More than a dozen movies will be shown together!" Chu Yu said with some doubts.

"Yes, but the impact of the dozen or so movies on the book environment may not be as great as Spirited Away. After all, the genre is different. There is no animation film... and the book The amount of investment in the environment and the intensity of publicity are also among the best in these works. In fact, the chances of winning are not small. How do you say that there will always be 234% of the film. If you win, you will rush out of these works. , There are summer seasons for blessings, compared to the release one week in advance, the final box office may be higher!"

"So I made this idea!" Chu Yu was lost in thought after hearing this.

"But it's useless! A work of Spirited Away will certainly not be as influential as those ordinary movies. After a few days of release, it will not be popular. It will last for a month or even two months. Even if it is delayed for a week, the box office will definitely be crushed by Spirited Away. We eat meat and soup, and it eats leftovers..." Director

"You think so beautiful! Grandpa Songgangchong didn't dare to think so beautiful! We eat meat and others drink soup is the best idea. You don't even give soup to others? Want others to chew on the leftover bones. ...." Zhao Qinyin listened to Chu Yu talking to himself, and quickly asked him to stop.

"Be more confident in Spirited Away!" Chu Yu said.

"I know you have confidence in your work, but... still..."

Zhao Qinyin thought for a while when he was talking on the phone with Huang Ming, Huang Ming also had the same attitude, and sighed.

In fact, now, she also discovered that it was not Huang Ming and Chu Yu swelling, but she and Su Lu were too unimaginative!

Chu Yu's works are there. Whether it is a script or a finished product, they all think it is great after reading it, but they can't believe that these works can achieve such results.

In fact, thinking about it now, it's not that they have no confidence in Chu Yu, but that the two of them have no confidence in themselves and the other members of the company! I feel that my group of people has dragged Chu Yu back. Even if Chu Yu's work may be a big hit, through such a group of people, it may only be a small explosion........

After all......The idea of ​​top-notch scripts and top-notch production team, after many failures, can create a top-notch work is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! The work has exploded, just like guessing the front and back of a coin. Chu Yu's works have already exploded more than a dozen times in a row, which means that the coin toss has been heads a dozen times... At this time, Zhao Qinyin became more frightened, and the opposite appeared!

And Chu Yu....... It can only be said that he is too enchanting. As long as the works produced are above the passing line, the script alone will conquer the discerning group of animation fans of Le Longguo.

So..... Will Spirited Away really break the box office record of the Dragon Kingdom animation film as Chu Yu said? Will it really go so smoothly? This time, can Chu Yu succeed again, or even break records, in the animation film market that has never been involved before?

"You, what are you going to do? Huang Ge asked me to ask you!" Zhao Qinyin took a deep breath.

"Does that still need to be said?" Chu Yu smiled!

"I think Tianxing is a courageous company, but I didn't expect it to be a bullshit. It was just because I was worried about making a little less money. I didn't even want the dignity of the leader in the animation industry. I just skipped gears! I'm not afraid that outsiders will say it!"

"It's different for me. If you say you want to snipe it, you will definitely snipe it! Let's also adjust the schedule and continue to be released on the same day as Shujing!" Chu Yu thought for a while and said directly!

It's just a week of shifting files, the impact will not be particularly big, and the preliminary publicity will not be useless. Animation bouncing tickets can't be normal. Some animation bouncing tickets are calculated on an annual basis, which is only one week. For the second dimension of Dragon Kingdom Small meaning, I won't be surprised!

"Are we going to participate in the summer competition?" Zhao Qinyin frowned and emphasized again.

"That way, there will be four major production movies in the summer file. The cop film "Gun Soul" with an investment of 300 million yuan and the magic love movie "Loop" with an investment of 270 million yuan, which was originally scheduled to be released on July 10. We have four movies staggered in the release time. Basically, we have 20 to 30% of the films on the day of the release. Now we have to change files and get together, plus more than a dozen small and medium-sized investment films... Maybe we Even if the four companies spend money to communicate with each other, it's not bad that each can have 20% of the film...

"What does it have to do? You never think that Spirited Away will be in theaters a week before the summer vacation. I have no idea about this schedule!" Chu Yu looked at her with a calm expression.

"I just think that even if we head-to-head with Shujing a week in advance, the biggest winner of this schedule is us! So we didn't specifically choose to release it at this time... But since Shujing runs on its own At this time ~www.mtlnovel.com~ then squeeze in together! Anyway......I don't think we will lose!"

The animation level of Dragon Country is lower than that of the parallel world, and the level of natural movies is also low. The entertainment industry is developing simultaneously. Dragon Country's movies have been seen by Chu Yu in recent years, and the overall level is average!

And...Although animated movies were a niche in the past, there are no big hits, but how to say this kind of thing depends on the level of the work, before the level of animation movies was low, naturally not big burst!

But Chu Yu doesn't think Spirited Away will be restricted because of the animated film identity. On the contrary, when Slam Dunk is broadcasted to Spirited Away, the popularity will definitely rise. Then Zhao Qinyin's appeal will be combined with Spirited Away. Chu Yu is not afraid of competing with these physical movies for the quality of her own. Maybe Spirited Away in the Dragon Kingdom will be more exaggerated than Nezha's results in the parallel world, it is not impossible!

After all, the basis of the number of fans and viewers of the Dragon Kingdom and the payment rate of these people for their favorite works are here, far beyond the parallel world!

In the parallel world, everyone thinks that animated movies are a niche, and no one sees them, but in fact... as long as you make them well, the rewards are beyond your imagination! Before Nezha's release, who would think it could exceed 5 billion gross box office? Parallel World Chinese Film History ranked second in the box office, but it just happened!

"So you don't think about it too much? That's the decision?" Zhao Qinyin reminded Chu Yu again.

"Four movies are tumbling against each other, maybe it will be all losers."

"Maybe it's one work that broke the siege, and the other three works can't drink the soup!" Chu Yu said with a smile.

"So be it!"