I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

For Tian Xing's behavior of skipping votes, it was unexpected and reasonable.

To be honest, even the employees of other companies in the animation industry can hardly understand why the gt animation company deliberately produced two major animations, Slam Dunk and Spirited Away, to fight Tianxing.

After all, judging from the actual confrontation between the two companies, Japan's gt animation company clearly has the upper hand in previous battles. Even if the basketball style broadcast in April is compared with the slam dunk master, the reputation of slam dunk has gradually risen. , And has shown a trend of catching up and going forward, it is hard to say who will win the competition between the slam dunk and your basket style!

It can be said that gt animation company did not lose anything at all, on the contrary, it took advantage of it. In this case, this company chose to die with Tianxing!

Even if Tian Xing chairman Yin Tian beats the boss of gt animation company violently, it will not stop there, a full seven or eight billion, to take such a big risk in order to be gambled?

But it's done. Since the other party came to you with a self-destructive attitude towards you, Tian Xing's current counseling is understandable. After all, for the sake of profit, things on the face are nothing.

In the animation industry, there are many people who applaud Tianxing's wave of ticket evasion.

It seems that there is little difference in the schedule for one week in the evening, but this time difference is when Spirited Away's movie-watching tide is about to end, avoid the strong period of the other party, and instead concentrate on competing with the other two live-action movies. It is also a wise move!

The producers of the two live-action movies Gun Soul and Luo that were released on July 10 are very depressed!

The summer files of these two works have been fixed for more than half a year, and the investment amount is not low. The peers are basically showing face. Some major production movies this year have not forcibly participated in this half a month!

Even so, the two hugely invested animated films, Shujing and Spirited Away, were released one week ahead of schedule, which has caused the pressure on the producers of the two companies to double, and now it is good.....Sky Star This melancholy, unexpectedly moved over for a week.

The producers of the two companies have already received news that Tianxing has already sought the inclination of the film schedule on the day of the release day through the relationship between the inland theater groups. The original gun spirit and the fixed lineup share must be squeezed out to the book world. But the two have no choice. In the final analysis, the important thing about the relationship is to look at the money. Tianxing does have money, and hundreds of millions of investment have been invested, so I don't care about that.

Investors of the two film producers can only breathe a long sigh of relief. Anyway, it will depend on the strength of the film. The first day of the release of the film will not play a decisive role. The theater will definitely adjust the attendance of several works in the follow-up.

It is possible that more than 20% of the three movies will be scheduled for the first day, but if a certain movie has a particularly high attendance rate and fans are particularly motivated to watch the movie, after a day or two, the theaters and theaters may have 5%. Ten films are available for this movie, maybe there are too many things like the Spring Festival file!

After all, theaters are also watching the dishes. Whether you investors make money or not is a matter of it. Anyway, the theaters must support the movies with the highest attendance rate. No one will have trouble with money!

Nowadays, fans in the animation market are talking about the bounce of votes in the book world.

As for the cinema line, undercurrents are also surging.

Tian Xing and Gun Soul, there are also various behind-the-scenes actions between the two film producers and the work distributors, all wanting to gain sufficient exposure and scheduling for their works on the first day of release.

This situation is not only inland, but also on the islands of Japan. These three works plus the investment of Spirited Away, basically have the strength to be announced in both places at the same time. As for other miscellaneous fish movies of the same period, because of their strength Not enough. Basically, they will be shown on different locations without interfering with each other.

On the other hand, after Chu Yu made the decision, the entire company's upper and lower middle-level cadres and above also knew that his boss had become self-willed again...

Originally, the book world has already gone, and one is not bad enough to add his own work exclusively on the schedule, and there is no risk at all, but the boss actually has a convulsion in his head... and is also preparing to move the file on July 10th.. .....

It's really outrageous...

If gt animation company has multiple shareholders, Chu Yu's decision may be directly refuted at the general meeting of shareholders and will go, but now...

nothing to say!

Huang Ming in the inland area is responsible for the release of Spirited Away, while in the island area of ​​Japan, it is Su Lu.

As for Zhao Qinyin, she can't be idle. She is now the sign of an animation company. She is no less famous than a celebrity, and she looks cute and beautiful. By the way, she also acts as a spokesperson for various shows, variety shows, and big names. The invitations are endless, and the small invitations are endless!

Everyone in the company got busy, and Chu Yu naturally couldn't take any time off. After working in the gorge, the time was gone forever, and he was tired like a poor worm every day.

But... the good thing is that you don't need to be caught between Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin's Shura arena. Su Lu has something to do and wants to come and find Chu and Yu secretly for some excitement, but Zhao On the other hand, Qin Yin always performed the functions of his own light bulb in a timely manner, preventing the two of them from having the right opportunity.

Chu Yu also understood what Zhao Qinyin meant, and wanted to leave her and Su Lu to live in the two-person world...it is impossible to let him get what he wants!

And now...neither of them has time to come and find Chu Yu! He didn't know whether he should be fortunate or regret it, but it was a bit of a risk of gains and losses in the opposite direction!

Just like that, a week passed...

As the time comes to the end of May, another episode of Slam Dunk is on the air!

In the high school basketball league, the Xiangbei team played another salted fish team. Sakuragi Flower Road was full of nightmares, and was sent off again for five fouls and won the title of exit king.

This week's plot is no longer the pretending plot of the Five Tigers in Northern Hunan, but also a lot of character-making plots.

Just like Sakuragi went to Akagi for help because he kept fouling the rules, Akagi said that this is the consequence of his lack of serious basic skills, but at night, Sakuragi came to the basketball hall to prepare for training.... Until late at night, Rukawa Feng was still alone, in self-discipline training!

The more terrifying thing than being a rookie is that...People who are better than you work harder than you.

Sakuragi was stunned when he saw this scene, and from the barrage, Rukawa Feng received a large number of fans!

In fact, the story of the slam dunk is to move fans in such an inadvertent place, and these emotions accumulate bit by bit, and it will burst out in a certain game...

Of course, after this week's Four Chapters and Four Chapters, Hainan and Xiangyang's main players have gradually been introduced. Sakuragi Huadao has also retired for several consecutive games. He deserves to be the exit king. At the end of Chapter 36, The match between Xiangbei Team and Xiangyang Team... kicked off!

At the end of the battle with Xiangyang, who took second place in Kanagawa Prefecture in the island-wide competition last year, the suspense... suddenly opened!

This week, the story of the slam dunk did not commit two. The direct result is that on this updated day, the slam dunk once again boarded the hot search of Weibo.

Zhao Qinyin's Weibo fans have skyrocketed to millions in a week. In late May, the blazing sun was different from what everyone imagined. The slam dunk did not grow steadily in popularity as expected, on the contrary. Its popularity growth is not stable at all, but it is showing an explosive situation.

Last week, the average broadcast volume of episodes was only 6.5 million. By the second day after episode 36 was broadcast this week, it rose to more than 7 million, which is within easy reach of the current 7.5 million score of Basket Wind. Far away!

And until three weeks ago, the gap between the two works was as much as two million in average. This situation can be seen as a moment of silence among practitioners in the Longguo animation industry.

There have been so many things like this, I shouldn't have complained about it, but the problem is...that's Zhao Yongbai's basket style!

Eight weeks after the broadcast, the average broadcast volume exceeded 7.5 million. With the industry energy of the star and the promotion of the lba basketball league, this result is already excellent. If there were no accidents, it should have been a basketball promotion animation. A masterpiece...

However, she was still in a confrontation with the **** the other side of the sea and an unknown animation company, showing her defeat!

It's outrageous. Zhao Qinyin and Shui Xin are really not humans. They can be rescued after the start of slam dunk. A girl animation screenwriter who transforms into basketball promotion works, but after a few weeks of unsuitability in the early stage, he will adjust later. Created such a beloved, moving and passionate animation!

Faced with this situation, Zhao Yongbai's hair has turned gray in the past two weeks. Haikou boasted, and the scolding war with Zhao Qinyin also started. He blocked his reputation, but he was a little bit behind the dunk. Getting smaller and smaller!

"Punch, don't die! I can't accept it!" Zhao Yongbai looked angry after seeing the latest slam dunk data.

But this is the case in the animation industry. He also watched the story of the slam dunk. He thought that Mitsui Hisazu moved so many people, and he couldn't portray it.

But I have been ahead for so long, and now it feels uncomfortable to be turned over by the other side!

Especially under Weibo, a large group of Zhao Qinyin fans come to show off every day, because the plot evaluation of the basket wind in the past few weeks is indeed not as good as the slam dunk!

Zhao Yongbai can't help it, now... he can only hope that Zhao Qinyin will fall ill again later, and start two together, such as the high school basketball league in the slam dunk plot, and the plot that the protagonist team loses. Come out..... The absolute popularity bursts to death!

But...Will the other person's head be so funny?

"Stupid Zhao Yongbai will rely on the old to sell the old. Next week will be the week when the basket wind is surpassed by the dunk score. Our teacher Zhao Qinyin has millions of fans over to the basket wind..."

When Zhao Yongbai saw this comment, he unplugged the computer screen wire angrily, out of sight and out of mind.

Then quickly ran to the end of the corridor, in the animation production team of the book world, went straight to Jiang Qi's office, and shouted.

"I'm so angry, old ginger, don't lose! Let these young people know what it means to respect the predecessors! If both of us were won by the little girl, then we would be really embarrassed and lost home!"

"Relax, Lao Zhao, I have confidence in the book world! Since it was recorded in a broken animation film, it is just a task to beat Spirited Away... Animation shifting is just the decision above. , My words, I naturally want to go shopping directly with the other party!" Jiang Qi took a deep breath and smiled, saying to his old friend.

However, seeing the rising popularity of Slam Dunk now... and think of the two works created by Slam Dunk and Spirited Away. I think the quality will be the same level. How much confidence he has in his heart, Only he knows.


However, all parties are very busy. Tianxing is busy with the deployment of book-shifting personnel, publicity work, and fans of Slam Dunk are looking forward to the next update of the animation plot of Xiangbei Battle Xiangyang, one of the classic chapters of Slam Dunk. May 25th... The three major accounts of GT Animation, Zhao Qinyin, Weibo, and Xinman.com made announcements at the same time.

"Spirited Away, after careful discussion within the company, decided to move to July 10th, so...the fans will be there at that time! This movie is absolutely beyond your imagination. It's not good to come and ask me to refund the movie ticket money! [Funny Face]"

Announcement of just a few crosses....

One stone stirred up a thousand waves!

The producer of Gun Soul is stupid!

The same goes for the producer who fell!

Whether it is in the interior of the dragon, or the animation industry on the island of Japan, it is straightforward!

As for Tianxing... Yin Tian broke his water glass directly!

Too ruthless, really not a human being? Zhao Qinyin, gt animation company!

Everyone has this idea in their hearts.

Book Realm takes the initiative to shift files, in fact, by the way, expressing a stance, "You are not afraid of self-destruction and you will lose both. I am afraid that it will work, and the schedule is up to you!"

Basically, Zhao Qinyin and the gt animation company had been ridiculed by Tianxing and lost their face, and although the schedule on July 3 is not as long as July 10, the students of Longguo are desperate to entertain and relax. The schedule for the first weekend is good!

However, after the shift of the book, no great movies were released, and a week after the release, all the students of Longguo had a short holiday, and they could still enjoy the box office dividends during this period. Even a week after the release, the freshness declined, but in general Look at it, it's definitely not bad!

At least there is a guarantee. It is hard to say whether the box office can be particularly high, but at least it will not be particularly low, because of the excessive competition and death!

Even so...Spirited Away, why do you want to move the file to July 10th?

So... if you want to snipe the sky star, do you have to snipe it?

This is a business that costs hundreds of millions and billions of dollars at every turn. Are you staying here to play with children?

All employees of Tianxing felt the humiliation of gt animation company to Tianxing on this day.

The other party did this, that is to say, did not put the book world in his eyes at all, and he did not put the spirit of the gun in the eyes of the two movies that brought together many first- and second-tier stars in the Dragon Kingdom! Basically, I'm expressing my opinion, I'm not afraid of competition, I'll take you all!

Now everyone in the animation industry knows that animation companies are not bad for money. After all, the boss must have money for his investment, plus the money he really wants to tell you and make, it's definitely a lot...but no matter what. Said, this is too exaggerated!

In this matter, the most injured were the producers of the two movies: Gun Soul and You!

Last week, Shujing ran in and disrupted the situation. We are still negotiating with the theaters to arrange film arrangements. Now... we have joined a Spirited Away!

What the hell?

Both sides thought that the other side was the biggest adversary for more than half a year, but now...the two-power hegemony has become a four-nation melee.

It was originally a summer file of the fierce battle level, and it instantly became the devil **** level!

Spirited Away has an investment of 450 million yuan, Book World has an investment of 400 million yuan, Gun Soul has an investment of 300 million yuan, and an investment of 270 million yuan!

The total investment of the four films exceeds 1.4 billion, plus a dozen other small and medium-sized investment films....

This level is enough for the difficulty of the competition in the Spring Festival stalls in Longguo, I will hang your uncle!

The competition between your Tianxing and gt animation company belongs to competition. Why do you want to disgust us both? Are you going to shift your fart schedule? Bring Spirited Away to attack you too!

That night, the person in charge of Gun Soul and Luo's paper party in Weibo angrily rebuked Tianxing and the animation production company for not talking about martial arts!

Of course, the fans of Jiang Qi and Zhao Qinyin soon got off the computer and turned off the Weibo comment function!

And the next morning, Yin Tian Company had an urgent meeting. Yin Tian angrily refuted the proposal of the directors of the company and set the release date of Book World back to July 3, so as to avoid Spirited Away, Fallen, and Gun Soul. The three works fight!

"You thought it was a poodle game, and you changed it? It was really the grass jumping repeatedly! The first time I changed the file, I gave the right face, and the other party didn't appreciate it! Now I change it again, do you believe Spirited Away and immediately change the file and follow Go on, or we will not release it this year, and we will release it again next summer. Do you think Spirited Away will follow along?" Yin Tian's shareholders' meeting angered a group of small and medium shareholders.

"Then what do you say?" a director asked.

"Forget it, the other party is aiming at us and cannot avoid it! It will develop according to the current situation, and it will not change....The summer file is a large period, lasting more than a month, one after another. Dozens of films were released during the period, and there was a box office market of nearly 20 billion every year... But only four major investment films, it has this market capacity!"

"Since the situation has become like this, we should compete head-on. I don't believe it. Will Tianxing lose to a salted fish company on the island of Japan and poor screenwriters so many times?" Yin Tian angrily set the tone for this matter!

He was irritated, but he hadn't lost his reason.

He has seen the finished product of Shujing~www.mtlnovel.com~ and felt very satisfied. The previous actions were only to reduce risks, not to have no confidence in Shujing!

But since this is the case, let's not talk about other things. The other party did this. This year's summer season four masterpiece movies gathered, the fans of the Dragon Kingdom will naturally be stimulated by this news to have a huge desire to watch movies, this is inevitable! When the Parallel World blockbuster was released, everyone who didn't want to watch the movie would pay attention to the information and then went to the cinema if they paid more attention.

In other words, the scale of this year's summer school may increase a lot. As long as the book environment can eat the biggest cake, what is this risk?

This time...We must defeat the opponent!

One day I checked the news about Spirited Away moving files on July 10th on the phone, and took a deep breath!
