I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Chu Yu generally doesn't like to make things too complicated, to calculate the rate of return on investment, risk and other things. When he produces these works, the first purpose is to make these works spread in the world as much as possible, as long as the purpose can be To achieve, the benefits of those things are still the next thing.

Although gt animation company does have the right to speak in the animation industry of Longguo, Chuyu relied on the top animations of several eras in the parallel world and quickly earned a huge amount of funds. To put it bluntly, the current animation industry is bigger than gt animation company. There are many production companies, but there are few who are in charge of the company and the chairman is richer than Chu Yu, and there may not be a single investor who is more willing than Chu Yu, who doesn't care about the income!

This is why Tianxing feels a headache facing the shameless competition of Spirited Away! After all, Chu Yu, who is barefoot, is not afraid of wearing shoes. People have to consider the return that the rate of return brings to the company's employees and shareholders, but Chu Yu does not consider these.

So when the gt animation company passed him, Su Lu and then through Huang Ming and Japan Island, the inland theater chain, the publisher proposed here to prepare for the ticket compensation strategy, and the amount of funds reached 100 million... ...

This kind of news is unavoidable. Huang Ming and Su Lu talked about cooperation with theaters and major ticketing software apps, and they left on the back. This news spread in the film industry, and then spread out a little bit!

For this kind of news, Gun Soul, Fall, and the production companies behind the competitors such as Shujing are naturally extremely sensitive, and they received these news the first time.......

Then, all three got bigger!

What's this?

Invest 450 million yuan and then add 100 million yuan to do this.......How do you do for an animated movie? Do you think you can earn?

The primary purpose of producing a work is definitely to make a profit. The 1.6 billion box office returns to the original line, so what if you achieve it? Working so hard for so long, just to recover the capital?

Or, Zhao Qinyin and the boss behind the gt animation company will think that Spirited Away can far exceed 1.6 billion, more than 2 billion, or even 3 billion at the final box office, just to do so? If this is the case, I can only say that the other party is too arrogant!

Don't look at the box office champions of Long Guo movies as high as 7.8 billion, but that kind of work is basically phenomenal, and only one is released in a few years. In normal years, the investment in Long Guo's single-year box office champion works is only four to five billion. The box office is only two or three billion, this kind of situation is considered to be profitable! But can Spirited Away reach this level? Can an animated movie have such a high box office?


Jiang Qi and his team members were under intense pressure in an instant, and he was helpless when they encountered such a dumb opponent!

Inexplicably bit their star, and then engage in such a move before the animation is released.

Although Spirited Away's lineup was only 14% under the squeeze of the three companies, it can be expected that after the other party's release of 100 million votes in the days when it was released, the attendance rate of this movie will definitely be extremely high!

But here comes the problem......what should we do when faced with the other party's behavior?

This issue is not only considered by the director of Shujing Jiang Qi, but also by the producers of the two works: Gun Soul and Luo!

Do you want to follow?

In this already difficult market competition situation, continue to invest more, and then fight Spirited Away to make up for the ticket!

This is a difficult decision! If you follow along, if your work cannot compete with the other films after it is released, the money may be lost, but if you don't follow, your own work will be passive!

Why are these two stunners doing this? The producers of the two live-action movies are very angry!

As for the companies behind the other dozen films that were released a day with the four films, they are now in a state of despair. Originally, they were thinking about the two films Eating Meat, and they drank soup. It seems that the four companies are now in a state of despair. The movie occupies more than 70% of the lineups, and a dozen of them share the remaining 20%. Can this soup be drunk?

That night, there were not many directors in the film industry, and the company sighed. Many people directly condemned the gt animation production company and Tianxing. Those who engage in animation should engage in animation. What animation movies do they do? A good summer file makes the intensity of competition like the Spring Festival file...

Of course, neither Chuyu nor Tianxing had any response to this condemnation, and they were too lazy to bother!


However, after Spirited Away launched a comprehensive publicity this week, many people's attention has been slightly off the slam dunk, but in fact, the growth of the slam dunk this week is also extremely outrageous.

For Zhao Qinyin's fans, the news of Spirited Away during this period of time really made them tickle, but after all, it is a work that will be released in a month... and today, slam dunk The master is officially updated to the match with Xiangyang!

Approaching twelve o'clock noon, a large group of people quickly logged in to their accounts on Xinman.com, and the comment area of ​​Slam Dunk was instantly active several times!

After all... these fans have been appetizing for a week!

Unlike most sports animations, although the Xiangbei team in the slam dunk is very strong, it will not open the plug-in for the protagonist in the plot. From Xiangyang, Hainan, to Lingnan, the three games were extremely thrilling. Of course, In another word, it is wonderful!

Until the protagonist team wins, the hearts of the audience are tugging, even Xiangyang team, many fans of slam dunk players in the parallel world feel that if the captain of this team underestimated the enemy in the early stage, he looked down on Xiangbei, the coach and captain at the beginning If Fujima himself played, I'm afraid the high school league in Xiangbei will stop here!

Sakuragi was allowed to start the game at the beginning. The members of Xiangyang's team directly recognized Mitsui Kotobuki and said that he could not stop him in junior high school, but this game will allow him to score less than five points...... And in the one-on-one contest between Takaken Akagi and the opposing ace center, the opponent made a fall-back jumper and directly showed off a group of fans watching the animation!

"Is it so beautiful?"

"Really, I feel better than all the previous games. This animation is really, as long as it is not describing the daily life of the salted fish in Sakuragi Flower Road, all the game plots are great!"

"Indeed, although the male lead of the basketball style is also very handsome, but basically the basketball style game, there is no suspense, the slam dunk is different, although we know that the protagonist will win, but the process will be very anxious!"

"The five tigers in northern Hunan were suppressed by the enemy for the first time. In the first few games, the scores were more than one hundred to fifty to sixty. Sure enough, torturing dishes is really different from encountering a strong team!"

"This fake action is powerful. To be honest, I didn't notice it when watching the league games. These dangling movements in the game are all fake actions!"


In the thirty-seventh episode, Xiangyang's ace flower shape came out, leaving a deep impression on the slam dunk fans, but he alone controlled the rhythm of the game and started Xiangbei with a wave of 11:0!

This opening...not to mention that the protagonist team is tense, the audience is also tense.

After all, according to the rules, you can't lose a game. If you lose, you will be eliminated!

Then in the thirty-eighth chapter, the Xiangbei specialty internal conflict came out. Akagi told Mitsui Shou not to make an adventurous three-pointer, and Mitsui told him to suppress the flower shape first. Sakuragi Flower Road and Rukawa Maple Stadium could not see each other. Pleasing to the eye...

Then, the turning point of this game was when Rukawa Feng was surrounded by the four Xiangyang, and he succeeded in shooting the ball forcibly!

Therefore, it is not unreasonable that Rukawa Kaede has so many fans in the parallel world!


Many fans still replayed Rukawa Kaede's shot that twisted the two of them in the air...

It definitely satisfies a large group of adolescents' fantasy of playing handsome basketball!

The most funny thing is that Rukawa ridiculed the group of four, making them angry!

Then Xiangbei's counterattack began.....

Akagi made two consecutive hot pots, Rukawa Kaede's dunk, and Sakuragi's jumper failed, Rukawa Kaede took off and then made up........

Whether it is the tense situation in the game and the quarrel between the five-player team of the protagonist...

The rhythm and plot of this week's slam dunk animation make this group of fans unable to fault!

"Unexpectedly beautiful!"

"I was already looking forward to this week's plot, but in fact it looked better than I expected!"

"It is hard to imagine that this is a sports animation created by a girl. In addition to the initial plot fans, the depiction of the plot of the game is really exciting. This game against Xiangyang is already the third plot of the game, but it is really one minute. There are no pee spots, the whole process is very attractive!"

"The main reason is that the protagonist team and the enemy are deeply rooted and brought into the hearts of the people. They are really different from the masked characters in the blue wind! And...it's funny, it's so funny when you're passionate. Weeping, when you are funny, your stomach hurts when you laugh!"

"Indeed, the characters in it are all unique! Fuck, don't brag... just to find a horror story, this week's update has already read three stories, according to this progress, and Xiangyang's The four words of the game can't be finished again!"

"Damn, indeed, I haven't even ended the first quarter!"

"I just noticed this..."


On the barrage of Chapter 39, a group of fans frantically touted the progress of slam dunk at first, but afterwards... it completely changed!

Then there is Chapter 40, Xiangbei and Xiangyang have completely entered a state of anxiety. At this time, if someone has a video, they will find that the number of barrages for slam dunks is almost twice the number of baskets last night. Those diving parties were all hung out by the plot to participate in the discussion!

Then, in the second half of this sentence, Sakuragi Flower Road finally ended his game state of salted fish, and the rebounding king Sakura Wood Flower Road was online......

This week's update will end here, the story of the four episodes......only the first half of this game is over!

When you hear the ed song! The fans felt melancholy...

"Outrageous, it's over like this!"

"Why does this animation have four more words a week! It's a bit more bad!"

"This week, let's finish the update of the plot of Da Xiangyang first, and it's okay if it doesn't change next week! There will be a one-week appetite for hanging!"

"I spent an hour and a half watching the 20-minute game in the animation. I want to talk about the plot water, but in fact it is too beautiful!"

"I'll see you next week, brothers. I wanted to take a break at noon to relax and watch the slam dunk. Now it's so uncomfortable!"

"Oh, I shouldn't have entered the pit twice. Before Mitsui Shou's fight plot was persuaded to retreat, and then there was a second entry into the pit because of Mitsui Shou's return to the team. I should hold back for a few weeks, even a month or two, when the time comes. It's cool to read the sixty and seventy words together... now it's too uncomfortable, this..."

"Oh, I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to the second brush dunk! I hope that next week's plot will end the match with Xiangyang..."

"I don't want such a beautiful game to end... It's just that it's too uncomfortable to lose my appetite every week!"


Zhao Yongbai looked away from the fan comments of the slam dunk, and let out a long sigh.

Uncomfortable......so uncomfortable!

Seeing that the slam dunk is getting more and more popular every week, and there are more and more fans, but there is no way on my side!

The blue wind was full of spirits before the money was broadcast, and in the mid-term, it dismissed dunks, but now, in just a few weeks, the wind reviews of the two works have been completely transferred!

Before the update this week, the Slam Dunk score was only 9.2, which is exactly the same as the basket wind. Now after these fans have watched the story of this Thursday, the score of the Slam Dunk has risen to 9.3!

I was very anxious in my heart. I remembered that I had praised Haikou before, but now...I can't find a way to beat the slam dunk!

Indeed, the slam dunk is much better than the basket style in terms of the handling of the game plot! And in the characterization, it is also much stronger!

Of course, Basket Wind follows the current pace of development. In fact, the results are not bad, but obviously, the creative ambition of this animation is definitely more than that!

After Mitsui Shou's story, the popularity of slam dunk began to grow rapidly, and the growth of basket wind's popularity slowed down extremely!

To put it bluntly, the animation market has its limits, and the fan base of sports animation is even more so. Many fans do not have so much time and can only chase one animation out of the two.....From the current situation From a point of view, it is obvious that the late slam dunk master has the upper hand in public opinion!

Now that the new April animation is discussed on the Internet, the basket style has become the background board, and it is mostly used by fans to set off how good the plot of the slam dunk is in these weeks!

If the situation continues like this...not good!

However, there is no way...This is the most painful!

I know the level of my work, as always, very stable, so if the plot behind the slam dunk has been so exciting, Zhao Yongbai also knows very well that it will be a matter of time for the basket wind to be dunked and overtaken!

There was a sigh in Zhao Yongbai's office!

A few years ago, when Shui Xin rose, he and his friends laughed at these young people for just catching up with a good era. Now when he really meets Zhao Qinyin, a genius at the same level as Shui Xin, he suddenly feels it now. ........If these two people were born more than ten or twenty years earlier, is there anything wrong with them in the Long Country animation industry now?

Of course, this does not mean that he is convinced. He has no good feelings about Zhao Qinyin changing to gt animation company, and he doesn't want to lose. Even before, he thought that if the slam dunk is on the street, he must be taunted. other side!

And now..... Zhao Yongbailiu browsed the news and just saw the edited video of Zhao Qinyin on a variety show on the island of Japan!

"For the strongest new animation competition in April for slam dunk and basketball style, what do you think about the period when the popularity of the slam dunk is lagging behind?"

"After seeing the work of Lanfeng, I felt at the time that I had already won!"


After only reading two interviews with the other party, when Zhao Qinyin said this calmly...Zhao Yongbai didn't read it, and quickly crossed the web page. After all, it was just a mockery and humiliation for the other party to read it any more. !

Damn...I don't believe I will really lose to this kind of person.

Drinking all the tea in the cup in one sip, Zhao Yongbai walked into the Lanfeng animation production team with a gloomy expression!


Japan Island, gt animation company, Chu Yu looked at the gifts received by the front desk from slam dunk fans from all over the country.......Among them, basketball is the most!

I don't know which fan initiated the activity. I put my photo on a basketball and sent it here, and attached a thousand-character testimonial from the slam dunk master, and then Zhao Qinyin took some time. After returning a letter to him......that guy posted it on the Internet, and he received hundreds of basketball gifts this week!

"You are so popular now! I'm afraid it's higher than when I was in the magic city!" Chu Yu said while driving in the car.

"What? Are you feeling a little lost?" Zhao Qinyin rarely started a joke on Chu Yu!

"How is it possible? I am not interested in being a celebrity, but...I want to remind you that this situation may be more in the future! After all..." Chu Yu Pause.

After all, judging from the trend of slam dunk popularity in the parallel world, the match with Xiangyang is very important, and Mitsui Shou's performance will be enthusiastic in the plot next week.

It is estimated that by then hundreds of fan letters will be sent in a day!

"I said, are you still in the mood to pay attention to these? Our company employees have increased their workload a lot because of your willfulness! Many people in the Spirited Away animation production team are now nervous, for fear that the work will be at a loss when the work is released. Fired by you!" Su Lu said tiredly beside him.

"That kind of situation, the probability of occurrence should be quite low, but it is the performance of Spirited Away after the release......maybe beyond your imagination!" Chu Yu said.

"Exceeding our imagination?" Su Lu curled his lips.

"I hope that because there are too many competitors, the fans will eventually be scattered, and then the box office will be dismal, and it will become our first loss-making work after joining the company! That is beyond our imagination!" Su Lu half joked.

"That way your undefeated myth will be shattered!"

"The undefeated myth? What is it?" Chu Yu asked in confusion.

"It's the myth that none of your works have ever lost money!" Su Lu said.

"Since your magic capital became famous, the yield of all works will basically be more than 300%, and there is no record of loss... The former should be impossible. After all, Spirited Away If you want to have a return rate of 300%, the box office must be at least 3 billion, and then with the surrounding big sales, the copyrights will be big....The latter, in this competitive environment. ....... No one can say!"

"Really? There is such a record!" Chu Yu blinked!

"That may be the record, both conditions can continue to be maintained!"

"You want to be beautiful! The box office champion of the Spring Festival stalls, more than a dozen first-line players have obviously joined, half a year in advance, and a movie with a production cycle of several years may not dare to say that it will definitely have a box office of 3 billion. The quality of movies during the period is not as good as other years, so the champion is only 2.9 billion at the box office...Although our total investment is not bad, animation movies are still not mainstream... Chu Yu, you dare to think about it, you deserve it!" Su Lu said teasingly.

This is not because she looks down on Chuyu. The reason why she feels worried is that the box office record of the Dragon Kingdom animation movie is only 1.78 billion, and Spirited Away, who has the best 100 million votes, returns to the box office of ten. Six hundred million, if you want to make more money, I'm afraid you will have to break the record!

No matter how good Chu Yu was, it would be incredible if he broke the record of his predecessors. An animated movie with a box office of 3 billion...It is estimated that the chance of appearing is lower than that of a literary movie with a box office of 3 billion. It is estimated that even Tianxing, the practitioners of the animation industry in the whole dragon country dare not think about it!

Everyone thought that this kind of record would be broken ~www.mtlnovel.com~ but never thought it would be so ridiculous!

"Anyway, it's only a month, and it will soon pass, and I'll know by then!" Chu Yu said calmly.

There was no word in the car...

The co-pilot Su Lu glanced at Chu Yu's face, and Zhao Qinyin in the back seat also observed Chu Yu through the front mirror of the car...

Be a master without speaking?

Although this is a silly remark, but when he said it, he really felt so handsome and convincing!

The corners of their mouths slightly cocked!

Forget it, don't hit him, and comfort him when things go against his wishes!

The car was forced all the way under the sunset, and the afterglow after get off work was warm on the face!
