I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Since the latest animation of Slam Dunk was broadcast at noon, until the evening, the topic of slam dunk has been directly heated up.

Originally, Slam Dunk was a slow-paced comic in the parallel world. After all, the comic is updated every week, and the plot content of a comic is almost like an animation!

Like the story of the Xiangbei team's victory over the Xiangyang team, in the parallel world, it took nearly two years for the comic series to develop. Under the strategy of Chuyu's high-yield sow, it has only been two months since the start of the slam dunk. ......

I quickly passed the early stage of the paddling plot. When the anger and patience of the fans did not rise to the limit, let the plot of this anime enter the main line!

So just from the analysis of market data, the predictions on the slam dunk in the Longguo market at this time are actually biased!

After all, with the blessing of Zhao Qinyin's high popularity, and Chu Yu spent so much money on making dunks and promoting it, the plot has been serialized to this day, but it has been suppressed by Tianxing's basket wind. This is a typical lag in popularity. Plot!

Because the amount of updates is a bit larger, the popularity of the work has not yet gathered, and the story of the work has been updated to a far place! To give an extreme example, it is like updating a work of God with millions of words a week, and it will take months or even longer for its influence to spread out!

Originally, the performance of the slam dunk last week was normal, but it is obvious that the plot of the match between Xiangbei and Xiangyang this week, as well as the out of chapter in Chapter 44, made the diving party unable to sit still anymore!

So this is just one afternoon, and the search volume and comment volume of Slam Dunk on the Internet have risen sharply!

All major animation website platforms are flooded with Slam Dunk and Mitsui Shou related topics!

Judging from the current performance, no one would think that Slam Dunk will be an animation with an average of 7.4 million views...This momentum is worse than the average number of views in many episodes. Tens of millions of animations are far behind!

This situation naturally attracted the attention of the second dimension of Longguo animation industry!

"It's too ridiculous, how does this animation look like a week?"

"It was pretty normal last week, why has it become a hot topic this week?"

"I really don't understand the young people nowadays. Is this a genius? Teacher Zhao Yongbai was also a genius animator back then, and the quality of the basket style is obviously not bad. How can it be obvious that there is a failure, even if Zhao Qin The sound is very powerful, but the gap is too obvious. This group of slam dunk fans are crazy! The topic of Weibo animation circle is basically slam dunk crushing other works, and the basket wind is also rubbed on the ground today!"

"Is it so good-looking? I don't know the rules of basketball too well. I just saw the first episode of this animation and abandoned it. I didn't enter the pit again during the Jingshou craze a few weeks ago, but now... .... It's Mitsui Tosho again, is there really such a delightful character? This character!"

"Oh, you will know when you see it. Since Mitsui Shou's appearance, the plot of the animation of Slam Dunk has completely changed, especially the last episode of the noon update, Mitsui Shou's adversity broke out, and I really moved me! "

"Yes, even though I know that the story is virtual, I still can't help being attracted by Mitsui Shou's charm. I don't comment on the overall quality of slam dunks, but for Mitsui's character, I think it's been a sport in the past ten years. My favorite character in the animation!"

"I have a hunch that the final score of the slam dunk will definitely exceed everyone's imagination. There is a saying that the flaws do not cover up. As long as the advantages are obvious enough, the fans of the early slam dunk plot are not a problem. If teacher Zhao Qinyin can always maintain the current plot of the slam dunk When the quality is over, the average number of slam dunk episodes exceeds cl is hard to say, but the possibility of super magic circle is not small!"

"You're kidding, the average set of Magic Circle is 15 million plus. Slam Dunk, a typical long-form anime like slam dunk, has this result. Then gt animation company is not an animation for five years?"

"Forget it, cl can let an animation company of the size of gt eat for five years! But this is also normal. Even if it is Skystar, it has not produced one in the past 20 years, let alone. In the past two years, that company has also produced a lot of big-fire works such as Dragon and Tiger....or else, why would Teacher Zhao Qinyin be so popular in one or two years? Kind of degree?"

"But to be honest, if the final score of the slam dunk is really comparable to that of the magic circle, then teacher Zhao Qinyin's historical position in the animation industry will catch up with the teacher Shui Xin!"

"It shouldn't be a problem to catch up, and keep abreast of the situation! But it also depends on the performance of Spirited Away. Spirited Away's work is currently rumored to cost 450 million yuan. Then there is a gossip. This work is ready for the next one. A wave of strong ticket replenishment for the work every month of the release week........If I say, I mean if......Spirited Away's box office results are very good, for example, A level that broke the box office record of an animated movie.......I think Teacher Shuixin should be at a disadvantage!"


"Outrageous, it is true that Wolong and Phoenix youngsters live together in the world. Last year, teacher Zhao Qinyin was still a younger brother in the animation industry, and this year is about to have such a status....... a top animation production company ten I won't be able to publish an animation every year that I really want to tell you about this kind of performance. If the score in the late slam dunk is up to the standard, Mr. Zhao Qinyin will make three movies a year... Talent is good!"

"Alas, neither of them are humans anyway. It may be painful for their opponents, but for us fans, there are good-looking works in every quarter, Ju Shuang!"


This update of Slam Dunk is well received, not only makes the popularity of Slam Dunk further out of the circle, but also the old topic of Zhao Qinyin and Shui Xin is once again heated by fans!

And when it was night, when Zhao Qinyin unexpectedly appeared on a variety show on Magic City TV, she was actually a little panicked!

Also, I feel a little flustered about program planning or something!

Zhao Qinyin is very famous. Everyone knows that a person who has been on Weibo's hot search list after a short period of time is probably more influential than a first-line celebrity!

But on the day this variety show was broadcast, Zhao Qinyin undoubtedly attracted more attention from fans than usual.

After the broadcast of the entire program, the ratings were significantly higher than those of the previous episodes. Some invited on the spot were obviously unconvinced with Zhao Qinyin. However, after the host gave a detailed introduction of Zhao Qinyin's situation, they were also honest. Up!

After all, judging from the number of Weibo fans close to 15 million, it is one level beyond them!

In the mid-stage of the program, the program randomly selected fans from SMS callers to talk to their invited guests... It was even more outrageous!

Fans of other stars are basically clever and pleasantly surprised chatting with their idols!

When it's Zhao Qinyin's turn...

"Hello, this is Zhao Qinyin!"

Zhao Qinyin has the same cold expression as before. After all, except for Chu Yu, she rarely smiles at others, but fans like her!

"Is it Teacher Zhao Qinyin?"

"I want to tell you, if you have time, don't waste it on this kind of show. Go back and make a slam dunk animation. It's not enough to watch a week..."

The director quickly choked off this exchange, and the host and other stars were embarrassed!

After all, this program is true, and there is no recording and broadcasting, but the problem is also very serious! This kind of show accident happens occasionally!

This is here to hit the market, right!

Both the host and the show party think so!

But then...the situation is beyond their control!

Originally, fans were randomly selected from SMS calls in this session. If there are more fans, the probability of having a turn for him will be very high!

Except for the other celebrities who got their fans at the beginning, afterwards...Basically, the call went over, all of them were fans of Zhao Qinyin!

And it's basically because of Zhao Qinyin's outrageous angry fan who dunks and breaks the chapter.

This group of people decisively came to prank her that night!

"Please, Teacher Zhao Qinyin, hurry up and update Slam Dunk!"

"Hello, Teacher Zhao Qinyin, I am your loyal female fan. May I ask what is the follow-up story of the Xiangbei and Xiangyang match?"

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin, how did you create Mitsui Shou's character? Have you ever thought about letting him be the protagonist, or showing some of his rumored plot...I will definitely watch it, if there is one !"

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin, have you ever thought about preparing for the challenge of the ten episodes a week animation?"


During this link, more than a dozen phone calls were made, all of them were fans of Zhao Qinyin, and the problems were all related to the slam dunk!

The show party was directly embarrassed, and the show effect was there, but the kind of fan and Zhao Qinyin that I wanted to see was so sweet that there was no plot at all!

You deserve to be single in the second dimension, so cute and cute girls come on stage, don't you ask her if she is dating a boyfriend now, if you consider finding a topic among fans, ask your sister's basketball animation! Basketball and what Mitsui Kotobuki, are they more attractive to you than this cute girl?

Eventually, the show party had to start plan b and let the staff pretend to be Zhao Qinyin fans to ask such questions!

"Find a boyfriend from the fans? I'm sorry, I won't think about this kind of thing at all!"

Zhao Qinyin was very straightforward. Although he refused with a smile, he broke the heart of the male fans who watched the show with hindsight!

"There is no love partner for the time being, but there are people I like!"

"Name, name can't be said..."

"What kind of guy is it? A straight steel man..."


When it is irrelevant and will not cause Chu Yu trouble, Zhao Qinyin basically doesn't like to lie!

Of course, she doesn't know how many fans feel uncomfortable with her remarks, but as far as the purpose of the show is concerned, she has achieved...

At the end of the show.

"The animated film Spirited Away, written by me, will be released nationwide on July 10th. This work will be the pinnacle of my debut so far. Fans who watch the movie on the first day will have the opportunity to enjoy ultra-low ticket prices. Discount, I hope everyone will support Slam Dunk as usual, and generally, support Spirited Away, thank you!"

Two hours of boring talks on variety shows, just to give Spirited Away such an advertisement at the end!

Although the time is limited, it is definitely worth it!

After all, it is the top three variety show in Longguo's ratings. Many popular movies will be organized to promote this show before they are released!

Therefore, that night, in addition to the enthusiasm of Slam Dunk and Mitsui Shou, Teacher Zhao Qinyin has someone he likes, and Spirited Away, these four topics related to Zhao Qinyin have all appeared on Weibo. Top 20 in Hot Search!


Of course, Chu Yu, who is far away on the island of Japan, did not pay attention to these for the first time!

After all, after Zhao Qinyin left, his nightlife became much richer. After work in the afternoon, he went to the mall to buy a lot of COS clothes, and then in the evening, Su Lu reluctantly asked her to change into it and satisfied. Own hobby!

Until midnight, Su Lu fell asleep with excessive fatigue, and Chu Yu, who was too excited, used his mobile phone to search for Zhao Qinyin's performance on the program!

"It's a big difference from before. I used to be cautious in words and deeds on shows. Now that I get used to it, I am calm and calm in the face of other people's ridicule, and I will make some cold jokes from time to time!" Chu Yu muttered alone in the middle of the night.

"But when I saw her in the camera, she seemed to be much more beautiful. Is that the reason for the makeup?"

Chu Yu fast forward and sees Su Lu's love view on the show. Others don't know who Zhao Qinyin is talking about, can he still not know? A few minutes later, I turned off the phone angrily!

It's so embarrassing!


In the next week, the popularity of slam dunk went up in tandem with Zhao Qinyin and Huang Ming's Dragon Kingdom promotion!

She and Huang Ming mainly only went to those first- and second-tier cities in Shanxi where the economy is relatively developed, but these cities are not small in number. Sometimes they fly around twice a day!

In terms of direct publicity, the effect may not be great, but with the media, the Internet, and comics, the popularity of Spirited Away has spread quickly!

Of course, such actions are not only on Chu Yu's side, but the main creators of Tianxing, Gun Soul, and Falling are also nervously carrying out these activities!

In the animation industry, after the new week's animation is broadcast, in Chapter 45, Mitsui Sumire is exhausted and exits the field. In Chapter 46, Sakuragi Hanado risked five free throws and exited, forcibly in Huagatatou and the other two players. Blocked, forcibly dunking......

After all, it is the protagonist, how can there be no highlight moment?

The two points brought by this dunk at the cost of leaving the field directly allowed the Xiangbei team to overtake Xiangyang.......

When the whole basketball court rang out to cheers for Sakuragi Flower Road, the fans' enthusiasm reached its limit!

Passionate blood, moved many emotions in my heart!

The slam dunk has just said one word and entered the hearts of millions of fans of the Dragon Kingdom, just like its journey in a parallel world, this animation expresses the spirit of never giving up... ..... also convinced this group of discerning anime fans!

Although there is one point left in the game, Sakuragi's slam dunk established Xiangbei's victory!

The players on both sides had no physical strength, and Xiangyang's last-minute fast break was thrilled by Xiangbei's defense.

At the end of Chapter 46, the Xiangyang team was in tears after losing the game, and all the Xiangbei members were exhausted in the lounge, the scene where five people fell asleep on the ground......

In the next two words, the preparation of the powerful enemy Hainan will begin immediately, without procrastination, the fans' sense of expectation has been raised again!

This animation is really awesome!

Seeing many fans here, this idea came up!

As last week, the popularity of slam dunk continues to grow wildly!

Two days after the drama of the twelfth week of Slam Dunk was broadcast, Chu Yu turned on his phone!

Whether it's the entire island of Japan or the interior, the big news in the animation media is that the slam dunk scores surpassed the basket style!

In less than three months, from the initial headwind start to the current popularity, word-of-mouth has come back!

"Basketball loses to a slam dunk! Is there a possibility of overtaking in the follow-up?"

"Where did Mr. Zhao Yongbai lose in his work after a ten-year absence? Why is the topic of slam dunk Weibo twice as hot as the basket style?"

"Lanfeng lost to the slam dunk, and only 20 days are left before the release of Book Realm and Spirited Away. Can Tianxing win back a city!"

"On the gap between Zhao Qinyin and Zhao Yongbai, the old and new century of Longguo animation industry will change!"

"Slam dunk, eternal god! Perhaps it can be tied with the initial D in the Dragon Kingdom in the past two decades, the best sports anime in the past two decades!"


In the second week after Zhao Qinyin left Japan, after the slam dunk scored a surpassing basket, Su Lu finally relaxed.

Judging from the historical situation, none of the works surpassed by Chuyu's works have come back!

"Finally, it's over, it's not easy for nearly three months!"

Early in the morning, Su Lu was very happy!

"Ah, open your mouth!"

Su Lu handed a folder of fish to Chu Yu's lips, and Chu Yu ate it in one bite.

"You also taste this shrimp, it's very sweet!" Chu Yu also immediately replied.

Without Zhao Qinyin's life, Chu Yu's daily life is full of sour and odor.

He went to bed late every night, and every morning, he also had his favorite mandarin duck bath. Although his energy was a little bit tired these days, his spirit was definitely at a high point. He looked at Su Lu at any time!

Although the seafood platter is a bit out of date in the early morning, Chu Yu also has to consider the factor of body tonic.

"But you don't have to be happy so early, if you slam dunk, you are still in the period of power now! Later results will be far better than now!" Chu Yu chopsticks withdrew from Su Lu's mouth!

"It should be almost the same. Now the average number of episodes has exceeded 8 million. For sports animations, this is already very good! The later operation is properly done, I am afraid that the average number of episodes of 123 million is not a problem!" He said.

"Maybe!" Chu Yu looked at the information on the mobile phone~www.mtlnovel.com~ Su Lu still lacked imagination, Chu Yu was too lazy to spend his tongue, this is the parallel world, who told you about the animated movie before the release Yeah, there will eventually be 5 billion box office, no one will believe it! You go and tell director Nezha that he won't believe it!

"But now, slam dunk is not the most important thing. The most important thing is Spirited Away, which will be released soon!" Su Lu looked at Chu Yu, his expression still a little undetectable and worried!

"As far as I know, the two movie investors, Gun Soul and Luo, have also added 20 million and 15 million to the film's ticket replacement due to the impact of our 100 million ticket replacement operation!"

"And we have to directly rival Tian Xing, and we have added 40 million yuan to it, which is also used as a ticket supplement for the movie's release!"

"The funds for Gun Soul and Lost are only enough to make up the ticket two days before the release! But in the case of Book Realm, it is enough to make up the ticket for three days."

"The current summer vacation market is getting more and more complicated! Maybe in the end there may be several companies that do not perform as expected."