I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

It can be said that since the establishment of gt animation company, there have never been so many collaborators coming together!

After all, Chu Yu is currently in the ban, if it is not necessary, he will not show up with his children!

But for the employees of some distribution companies in the film industry of various countries, they came to discuss the introduction of Spirited Away. Chu Yu directly asked Su Lu to talk about it. In fact, this kind of thing is too much room for bargaining!

After all, the global film industry is relatively complete. How the box office of an imported film is divided, and how many places are introduced each year, these things are relatively transparent!

But just in case, Chu Yu asked Song Gang to find his industry friends to come over as a consultant to prevent stepping on the pit!

Like the Dragon Kingdom movies, most of the popular styles have ethnic characteristics. For example, the theme of the Westward Journey in the parallel world is really very marketable in Southeast Asia, but people in Europe and the United States do not understand it at all!

This is why, like Tiger Traveling and the wonderful two movies a week, although the box office in Long Country can get six to seven billion yuan, the box office in a dozen countries around Long Country can also have a box office of more than one billion yuan, but in Omi Region, the total box office is tens of millions!

Of course, movies in the Omi region also have a similar dilemma in Long Country. Although Omi in this world does not have the works of the Marvel superhero series, there are many similar fantasy-themed movies! It's just that the people of Longguo won't buy it when they are introduced into the Dragon Kingdom!

After all, if there is no national power gap, there will be no cultural dumping, and naturally there will be no ideology of admiring foreigners and foreigners. In this case, the people of Long Country still prefer their own domestic comedies or mythological works compared to foreign mutant heroes!

But Spirited Away, relatively speaking, has no such concerns. Whether it is the story itself or the elements contained in it, it is basically a very common thing!

Therefore, many people in the company are optimistic about the release of Spirited Away in foreign theaters!

However, for a group of employees in the company, this year felt very dreamy. When Chu Yu took over the company, he was sold to Chu Yu by the previous boss because the company was eager to get rid of because of the company's losses. This was only two years in total. When the time comes, so many popular serial animations have been produced one after another, and now it is even more outrageous.......The company produced an animated film for the first time, and the box office of this work has now exceeded 6 billion. To march towards 7 billion, there are still four weeks of release time, but the box office is only one billion short of reaching the top of the Longguo film industry!

Although it is a bit arrogant to think this way, the adjective "only" is used for more than one billion, but the two days with the highest box office of Spirited Away in a single day have exceeded one billion at the box office... Indeed, this Let people in the company easily have this illusion!

For the next few days, part of the company's staff was busy with the production of the slam dunk master, while a considerable part of the rest were directly transferred to deal with the overseas release of Spirited Away!

Negotiation, bargaining, arguing, and then reaching an opinion, things are always in endless waves!

The slam dunk is now in the final battle between Xiangbei and Lingnan. Although Spirited Away has been released for the fourth week, the box office is still strong. Several movies that wanted to avoid the edge of Spirited Away last week are finally here this week. There is no way to postpone it. If you postpone it again, the summer vacation will be over. Bite your head and put it on shelves this Friday!

I thought that the box office of Spirited Away was basically over 100 million points this week, and the impact on them would not be so big, but there is no truth.... From the release of Spirited Away until the weekend This work will always rebound at the box office!

Just like on Thursday, Spirited Away's box office was only 150 million yuan a day, but on Friday, before it got dark, the movie tickets sold out that night, and the box office went up a lot for no reason, directly again. Over 200 million, the total box office for the whole day was 2.01 billion, and on Saturday, the box office for the whole day was 200 million, and on Sunday, it was 240 million!

Spirited Away's strong backing force directly shattered the cognition of the practitioners in the film industry of Dragon Kingdom!

It's been in theaters for more than 20 days, and there is still this kind of performance...Do you want people to live!

However, as of Sunday, August 2nd, due to the rebound in the box office of Spirited Away during the weekend, the total box office estimates for Spirited Away have been directly increased by the major agencies of the Dragon Kingdom!

After all, there are still twenty-six days before the release of Spirited Away, but this wave of Spirited Away's box office counterattack on weekends also allowed Spirited Away's total box office to exceed the seven billion mark on Sunday!

The No. 1 film of the Dragon Kingdom box office, Tiger Travel, has a gross box office of only 7.7 billion, but its box office exceeded 7 billion, and it took 32 days, while Spirited Away, it took 24 days, and it's been released every day. The box office almost reached 300 million.......It is the fastest film of Long Guo to break 2 billion at the box office ~ to 7 billion at the box office!

On Sunday, the staff of the gt animation company went off work a little bit. At 0:00 in the morning, the official recommendation directly ordered a congratulatory poster and posted it on the Internet!

At the same time, Zhao Qinyin also posted relevant messages on his social accounts!

By the early morning of the next day, the fans who followed the film industry of Longguo were reveling again!

All this is like a dream...

Until a week ago, many people in the Long Kingdom film industry were still speculating whether Spirited Away could surpass Tiger Line and top the Long Kingdom box office chart!

But on Monday, everyone's opinion changed directly, and it became, when will Spirited Away be able to reach the top of the Long Guo movie box office chart?

No one would think that a work with a box office of 7.1 billion in box office in 24 days will not be able to hold out 700 million in box office in the next 26 days!

Even on Monday, Spirited Away finally lacked the box office stamina. Although the box office of Spirited Away fell from 240 million yesterday to only 91 million for the whole day of Monday, it is the lowest day of the box office since it was released. It is also the only day when its single-day box office is less than 100 million... But it is still the top box office of the whole day, ranking 43% of the film, and the single-day box office accounts for the whole day of the Dragon Kingdom movie. Forty-five percent of the total box office...

"The fans are going to climax. Spirited Away has finally fallen below 100 million at the box office in the fifth working week after the release. It's going to hit the street!"

"Damn, Spirited Away is finally under the tireless blackness of these people who don't look down on Teacher Zhao Qinyin's goodness. It is estimated that within half a month, they will lose the honor of the runner-up in the box office list of Dragon Kingdom's history and go straight to it. The champion is gone! Our group of teachers Zhao Qinyin's fans are directly angry!"

"I'm going to cry! It's so uncomfortable!"

"Forget it, don't be singular. A few days ago, the group of sunspots directly cursed that Spirited Away can't exceed Tiger's box office at the box office. The animated movie definitely can't do a live-action movie, but Spirited Away will make a two-day box office counterattack on weekends. People are stupid, and we ran out of ridicule for two days. Don't do that. If you irritate them, the last sunspots are gone. The comment area is not fun at all!!!"

"It's boring! But I don't blame them, even we ourselves have never thought that Spirited Away would be like this!"

"Similarly, I still remember the day Spirited Away was released, I was still thinking about the match between Xiangbei and Hainan, thinking that even though Spirited Away was not good-looking, I would give it a five-star praise after watching it for the sake of slam dunk! Who would have thought! ...... I'm stupid to go to the cinema! When I saw this movie only halfway, I felt it was definitely going to be popular, but I really didn't expect...... Qian And Qianxun is so popular!"

"Seven billions are at the box office. If you count a ticket of fifty, you can watch it by 140 million people. One-tenth of the people in Long Country have watched this animated movie! It's really outrageous!"

"A large part of the box office is supported by the party. In fact, not so many people watch it, but I am afraid that it is true that 80 to 90 million people have seen it.......I don't want to think about it, Zhao Qinyin. Teacher Weibo will know it after breaking 24 million fans!"

"But Monday's box office was only 91 million, which is lower. It has been in theaters for so many days. It is estimated that you will not be able to pay for more parties! The box office has fallen so much as an example, and I don't know how much the final box office will be. Can eight billion exceed it!"

"The box office of Spirited Away predicted by those forecasting agencies is also around eighty-one. As long as the next release date, Spirited Away will have an average daily box office of 40 million, and the total box office will exceed 8 billion... .....It shouldn't be difficult to think about it!"

"Then how much money can teacher Zhao Qinyin and gt animation company make in this movie!"

"In this case, it is not clear how much teacher Zhao Qinyin can have, but according to the ratio of about 36% of the accounts of Longguo movies, 8 billion box office, gt animation company can be divided into 2.88 billion. ......"

"so much?"

"More than that, this movie will definitely have an online on-demand link. "I'm a fool!" "The theater has a box office of 600 million yuan, but the revenue from online screening is almost 80 million. Movies like Spirited Away, with such a high popularity, the network rate of return will definitely be higher. Anyway, starting from 1 billion revenue, 2 billion. It's not very outrageous. Anyway, look at those fans who have watched Spirited Away in theaters, are they still willing to spend money on the Internet to do it again.......Plus, there will definitely be overseas releases. , The surroundings, in fact, many elements of this movie are particularly suitable for surroundings, basically it is a very standard commercial movie model, but the literary and artistic character is particularly strong... It is said that the cost of this movie plus the promotional ticket Make up, more than 500 million investment... But in the end, if all kinds of income arrive in the account, I feel that the ten times return rate is still stable!"

"It's so outrageous, ten times the rate of return, isn't that four or five billion?"

"What about it? You think that movies really only look at the box office. You can only say that a large part of the revenue from other derivative links depends on the box office of the movie. Like Tianxing's book world, the box office has only exceeded 800 million until now. The box office is only more than 10 million, and it is estimated that the final box office will be one-tenth of Spirited Away, but the probability of losing money for this movie is also very low. If it works well, it may make a little profit! But a few hundred million investment, Taking such a big risk is just a small profit. In fact, it is a medium loss, and the rate of inflation cannot keep up! Otherwise, you can use four or five billion to find a bank manager to make a stable investment for you, and you can make tens of millions a year. He can still have it. If you buy a building in the core area, you can collect tens of millions in rent a year, and you can wait for the property to appreciate before you sell it! These are low-risk practices! If you are willing to take high risks, you can borrow money directly. Yes, you can make more! But overall, the risk of investing in movies is actually relatively large!!"

"Damn, I thought that the box office of Shujing was going to be a huge loss, so I am happy for Teacher Zhao Qinyin!"

"However, due to the sluggish bookstore box office, Tianxing's stock price has fallen by 7 percent. Judging from its market value of more than 20 billion, it can be regarded as paper wealth falling by more than two billion! Those Tianxing shareholders want to sell high and sell low. Close, the left-handed and right-handed stockholder's dream of cutting leeks has gone, and the fool went to buy Skystar stocks! The most important thing is that the book world and Spirited Away imperial city pk suffered a fiasco, and the reputation of Skystar has dropped. Anyway, it must be disgusting now. !"

"Awesome... Well, step by step, I watched teacher Zhao Qinyin debut last year, but this year he reached the peak, suddenly I felt like I was a waste, and the works made by others made billions of dollars in a year. , I can't spend dozens of yuan on my monthly salary...When will I save the money to marry her! Sad!"

"The same, the same sadness!"


"The same for me!"

"I'm different. Maybe Zhao Qinyin is interested in me, so I will marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life! So to reach the pinnacle of life, start with attending the fan meeting of Mrs. Zhao Qinyin!"

"This is a good way, so Teacher Zhao Qinyin...I don't want to work hard anymore, I'm so tired at work!!"

"The same for me!"


On the Internet, because Spirited Away has a high probability of being locked at the box office to surpass Tiger Line, Zhao Qinyin's fans are directly active!

The entire Dragon Kingdom film industry is watching the box office growth of Spirited Away with complicated eyes!

It's getting closer and closer to Tiger Xing's 7.7 billion box office of 7.2 billion.......

And the Japanese island of Tokyo.....

"So...If Spirited Away reaches the top of the box office, what would you say, Chu Yu?" In the office, Su Lu looked at Chu Yu with excitement.

Although there are still many things about Spirited Away, foreign screenings, domestic webcasts, peripheral negotiations, and a series of advertising copyrights........

"It's the same, what else can I say? The golden prize money should be given out!" Chu Yu said.

"Don't engage in the bells and whistles, as a boss, you have to understand the needs of employees. You give him a gift of 10,000 yuan, it is better to give him a salary card of 5,000!" Chu Yu glanced at her and said.

"Of course I know. I have been a veteran worker for five or six years. I didn't say that bonuses will not be paid. I mean, there will always be other activities at that time!" Su Lu said.

"Forget it, I don't want to be so troublesome. It's boring to talk about organizing people to travel together. But everyone has been busy for more than half a year. Everyone has worked overtime. Except for the Slam Dunk animation production team, the other members are actually You can have a big holiday! Give out a sum of money for play, and if you are willing to go, you have to take your family with you. If you don't want to go, you will get a little more bonus!" Chu Yu shrugged and said.

Chu Yu, except for the slam dunk production group, made the members of the group sad to hear it, but there is no way, the slam dunk can stop talking four weeks a week, then gt animation company must not be overtaken by angry fans.

"You are such a fool!" Su Lu sighed.

"Where am I talking about the employees, I am talking about us! Us!" Su Lu emphasized!

"Ahem......Uh......that kind of thing, let's talk about it then!"

"Spirited Away, only three weeks left~www.mtlnovel.com~ Do you still have to say it then?" Su Lu's expression is grimace!

"I have never gone out to play with you! I took advantage of this opportunity..."

"What about Zhao Qinyin? Let's ask two or two, leave her alone in Tokyo? She will agree..." Chu Yu asked back.

"Oh... so too!" Su Lu's expression changed when he heard it!

"That's right.... Several domestic video websites have already approached us several times. It's almost time to negotiate with them!" Su Lu immediately changed his thoughts!

"Of course..." Chu Yu nodded!

The current achievements of Spirited Away have directly caused several video sites in the inland to drool, and they all want to compete for exclusive on-demand rights! The potential of Spirited Away has not been fully revealed before, and negotiations will inevitably be hampered. Now... the situation is different!
