I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the Dragon Kingdom in August, everywhere is extremely hot, but the film industry, which was in full swing with this temperature some time ago, is finally going to cool down!

The students' summer vacation is about to end, and the box office of Spirited Away, which was released for the sixth week, has finally fallen to about 70 million in daily box office. The total box office finally exceeded 70 on August 11, Tuesday. 600 million, a total of 7.627 million.......

This incident also directly excited Spirited Away fans!

There are only two weeks left before the release of Spirited Away, but Spirited Away is less than one and a half catties away from the top box office of Dragon Country by less than 100 million at the box office......

The entire Long Kingdom film industry, the media, and even the Long Kingdom official news network have reported on this matter!

Like Xinman.com, Weibo Zhao Qinyin Weibo is even more lively like a New Year!

And the results of Spirited Away not only make Zhao Qinyin fans feel comfortable, but also make the vast two-dimensional members of Long Country feel proud.

Although a single work cannot change the Long Country's entertainment industry, movies despise TV series, TV series despise animation, and a long chain of contempt for animation despise...

But at any rate, Spirited Away has also proved the potential of animation themes like Quan Long Guoren, and the animation film can also get the first box office in the Long Guo box office.......

The popularity of Spirited Away has directly moved the Dragon Kingdom capital market. Many investors are already considering whether or not to invest in animated films......

After all, it seems that two-dimensional money is more profitable than those of star fans, and after the animation works are released, the peripheral income is obviously higher than that of live-action movies.

Just as the emergence of the big animation film saint in the parallel world has changed the view on the theme of animated films in the movie market, in the Dragon Kingdom.......The appearance of Spirited Away also changed the capital market's view of this theme. the opinion of!

But at this time, everything is still sprouting. The media and fans of Zhao Qinyin are just paying attention. When will Spirited Away receive a poster from Tiger Film Production Company... .

According to this situation... Is it one day or two days?

"I'm so excited, Spirited Away is really going to top the Long Guo box office list!"

"I never dreamed of it, Zhao Qinyin

The teacher is so awesome. Before the release of Spirited Away, I bet with my friends that Spirited Away can definitely break the box office record of the Dragon Kingdom animation movie, but tmd directly broke the box office record of the Dragon Kingdom movie... ....."

"Remember that in the past few weeks, some media directly spoke about the investment of Qian Yu Qianxun for 450 million yuan, and the 100 million votes were paid by laymen who had too much money and nowhere to burn. At least 200 million yuan was lost! How do you rate Spirited Away? "The light of the Dragon Kingdom movie, the world's top movie! The strongest animated movie ever! "The boastful thing made me deeply understand what shameless means is invincible!"

"However, it is said that many Spirited Away fans are going to form a group directly tomorrow to play a wave of Spirited Away! The discussion on the topic of a lot of teacher Zhao Qinyin's fan group that I added directly exploded!"

"It's not necessary. Spirited Away is the number one box office in the Dragon Kingdom. In the past two days, the box office has risen by 60 to 70 million. At most two days, you can reach the top. Do you still go to the top?"

"Anyway, they are all the diehard fans of Teacher Zhao Qinyin. They mainly want Spirited Away to break through the 8 billion box office as soon as possible 40 days before the release, and set a record..."

"What's the point of this?"

"It's just to listen to it. Now that the group of Spirited Away fans is enthusiastic, there will be a slogan that has been released for less than 40 days and has a box office of over 8 billion... Bragging rhymes!"

"This is just a slogan. The main thing is that in late August, the students will have to take leave and return to school. Then there will be no chance to go to the cinema to see Spirited Away... although in the future You can still see the webcast of Spirited Away on the Internet, but that is not at the same level as the movie theater experience!"

"The fanatic fan is really terrible. I have done this work three times, but it is everywhere in the comment section that I have done it seven or eight times. I'm sorry!"

"What are you? My second aunt is in her 40s and she hasn't become a fan of Spirited Away. I went to the movie theater to watch Spirited Away five times. She said that when she saw Spirited Away, she remembered her experience of working as a child. , There is also a elder brother like Bailong in the movie who takes care of her.......It's a pity......I finally married my uncle!"

"This is really suitable for all ages! I am looking forward to the situation of Spirited Away when it is broadcasted on the web after it is released. The movie has broken records, I am afraid that the webcast will also break records!"

"This must be natural. Let's not mention that there are so many fans of Spirited Away. They have used so many movie theaters. They must also purchase resources for webcasting! Also, although Spirited Away is very popular, there are still some. Many people don't have time to watch movies. For example, the slogan at the Longguo construction site is the civil engineer who does two hundred days without a break, the programmer who works overtime in the city every day, and the noble biochemical materials in the factory... .... There are too many hitters who want to watch but don't have time. Anyway, I heard that major video sites have gone to Japan Island to contact gt animation company. After Spirited Away is released, the webcast may start soon. !"

"Oh, although I am very happy for Teacher Zhao Qinyin, but I feel a little melancholy. No matter how you put it, Spirited Away will be the pinnacle of Teacher Zhao Qinyin! After Spirited Away, you may not see better Works!"

"Although I want to refute you, I do...I can't think of an animation work that is more mature than Spirited Away, more commercial and artistic..."

"I just watched Spirited Away, and suddenly felt that many of the animation works I had watched before were really scumbags, and suddenly the animation taste was cultivated! Alas..."

"You are discussing Teacher Zhao Qinyin like this. Didn't you put my teacher Shuixin in your eyes? You know.......He will unblock him in a year, and when that happens. ..... Isn't it bad to say that the battle for the first genius in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry?"

"Is it still the first genius dispute? In Longguo animation industry, in terms of the performance of the work, it is now the first teacher Zhao Qinyin and the second teacher Shui Xin... Others like Zhao Yongbai Teachers and Teacher Jiang Qi, nearly ten seniors, before the release of Lanfeng and Shushu, everyone still felt that they might be able to compete with the first two with the accumulation of qualifications and time, but now the situation is very clear... ...In the face of absolute strength, even if these people have accumulated decades of popularity, they are vulnerable! Teacher Zhao Qinyin is now influential and stabilizing these people. Teacher Shui Xin is as famous as Teacher Zhao Qinyin. The long-time genius has also invisibly overwhelmed these people.......It is no longer the first genius dispute.......It is the first man in the animation industry. !"

"But the other works are actually half a catty by Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin. Even Shui Xin can hold down Mr. Zhao Qinyin by virtue of the quantity and quality of the works. It is Spirited Away.... It is simply Spirited Away It's just a bug! Even if Teacher Shuixin returns, it is estimated that it will be difficult to create works comparable to Spirited Away!"

"Um, you guys are arguing here; have you considered one thing? Is Teacher Shuixin really going to return? He has made so much money, less than a billion or two billion in net worth, and he eats and drinks all day. Isn't it good to have fun for the elderly? Come back to do anime.......it's too tiring too!"



"God's comment ends the topic!"


On Tuesday's Internet, along with Spirited Away's box office vacation is about to reach the top, Zhao Qinyin and Shui Xin who are the strongest in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry are again top searched!

However, the general public opinion tends towards Zhao Qinyin, and the media and Xinman.com also like to make a fuss about this issue. Many up hosts actually make videos directly, analyzing the pros and cons of the two from all angles!

But how could netizens think that these two people are actually the same person?

Don't say, there are really some brainstorming fantasies on the Internet, and even posting a message that Shuixin was blocked. Zhao Qinyin rose after less than half a year. The time is too coincidental. The half-year interval between them is used. Time for creation and production!

It's just this kind of post, everyone just read it, who will believe it!

Just as many people ridicule that the top leader of the United States is the spy of the Long Kingdom ranks in the past, there are many similar ridicule videos on Xinman....But who would really believe it?

The difference is that the former speculation is true, and the latter speculation is purely a spoof!

The fact is too bizarre, but it makes the truth a nonsense in people's eyes!

As long as Chu Yu doesn't stand up and admit it for a day, even if he and Zhao Qinyin are really together after being photographed by the media someday, and they are still very close to me, everyone will only think that this is a sympathy between the two geniuses!

Therefore...Chu Yu personally reads this wave of news about him and Zhao Qinyin on the Internet with great relish!

After all, looking at the interaction between the large and small fans that he has nurtured, Chu Yu, who is behind the scenes, has a sense of accomplishment, but the difference is... Going on, if you distinguish between big and small accounts by influence, the status of your own big and small accounts may have to be exchanged...

When Spirited Away is released overseas and the broadcast of the Slam Dunk National Contest is over, Zhao Qinyin's influence will completely exceed Shui Xin.... After he is lifted next year, Shui Xin He will become the person who chased Zhao Qinyin in Longguo animation industry........

Honestly, it feels weird!

After organizing the stamped and signed documents, Chu Yu stretched out!

Looking out the window, the setting sun is setting. From this angle, you can see Tokyo shrouded in orange light......

It's been two years since I came to this place!

In Chu Yu's melancholy, Su Lu sneaked in with a mysterious face, and the door was locked!

"What do you want to do like this..." Chu Yu's expression was slightly wary!

There used to be one more reserved person, but now that we are together, there will always be something to take advantage of him!

"Don't worry, Xiaoyin has been arranged by me to record the show again. She has left the company now!" Su Lu sat directly on Chu Yu's lap, holding his face!

Chu Yu looked at Su Lu's black dress with black silk and well-dressed hair accessories, and even put on the earrings he didn't like to wear!

In the morning, I wondered why she was so slow today, so there was an arrangement already!

"Tonight I booked a couple's dinner at a well-known Tokyo restaurant... It is said that that restaurant is very good! Many ingredients are helpful for men's health!" Su Lu looked mysterious!

"Oh..." Chu Yuhuan held Su Lu's waist and responded passively, but he reacted immediately!

It feels a bit bad!

That night, when Zhao Qinyin was recording a program in a certain studio, Chu Yu experienced an unforgettable dinner for him. The ingredients were indeed wonderful, and of course it was very good!

After a slight modification of the system, Chu Yu himself has an amazing physique, and he also made up a wave of ingredients. Anyway, Su Lu regretted it at midnight that night...I didn't sleep much all night!


The next day, Chu Yu drove the tired Su Lu directly to the company. He was full of energy, and Su Lu's face turned pale!

Chu Yu was a little embarrassed to see her like this, so she directly asked her to go to the company room and take a break. As for her work, he took care of the important things, and let the assistant do the unimportant things!

On the same day, it was the day when the animation of the twentieth week of Slam Dunk was broadcast. The match between Xiangbei and Lingnan was directly heated. This game was also before the national competition. The slam dunk had the longest time, the most delicate and the most exciting depiction. Of a game!

The winner is qualified for promotion, and the journey of the loser's high school basketball league stops here!

In addition, coach Anxi was ill and hospitalized, and the barewood foot injury on the field was not healed. Many factors combined with the injury to play!

Throughout the game from 67th to 80th chapters, I focused on Akagi Takeken's self-doubt, Yuzhu's tactical fouls, Sakuragi's roar of the arena, and it took a full dozen stories of plots to finally bring this game to an end. The last three minutes.......

And Xiangbei... leads by seven points!

Although Xiangbei took the lead, the fans still didn't dare to watch the atmosphere, until the 80 episodes ed song sounded, the barrage was again a wailing!

The update of the four episodes of the week is over again...

But now basically no one says that Zhao Qinyin is a broken chapter dog, because seeing now, all slam dunk fans are basically aware of this, unless the game is updated in one breath, otherwise the judgment is the key. The plot is here!

The plot of the Xiangbei game depicted by Zhao Qinyin is so exciting every second, every minute...

At 10 noon, after the new episode of Slam Dunk's animation was broadcast, the number of slam dunk plays quickly rose, and the average play volume reached the next hour, directly surpassing 13.5 million!

In major forums, the discussion of slam dunk has returned again, instead of being suppressed by Spirited Away in previous weeks!

Moreover, although Qian Yu Qianxun was released with great popularity in the past few weeks, after the average number of broadcasts of Slam Dunk exceeded 10 million, every week, this performance is still growing steadily by nearly 1 million!

And according to the plot, the plot of Slam Dunk next week is about to end the game with Lingnan!

This game, which has plagued fans for a month and lasted for nearly 20 words, is finally over.......Weibo, Xiangbei vs. Lingnan and other keywords are on the hot search!

My colleagues in the animation industry have been surprised at this, Zhao Qinyin...Isn't the hot search on her work eating and drinking?

Basically, just like girls chasing dramas, you can catch up with TV dramas in hot searches. The second time apes chasing her to get anime works, the popularity is no less than half of the fighting power of the girls in the drama!

But this night..... There is another hot search about Zhao Qinyin!

That is... Spirited Away, the box office once again exceeded 100 million!

As discussed in Zhao Qinyin's fan group......many fans who are about to start school took advantage of this last time~www.mtlnovel.com~the last time they watched Spirited Away in the cinema, and Through the Internet, Zhao Qinyin Weibo comment area and other channels, a unified wave of actions was organized! !

The powerful combat power and enthusiasm of this group of people is directly reflected in the box office!

Yesterday Tuesday, Spirited Away's box office was only around 60 million yuan a day, and today, Wednesday, it was only 8 o'clock in the evening..... Spirited Away's box office directly exceeded 120 million yuan in the whole day, and in the evening The hours are still rising!

This is not the key. The key is that this day's box office...It also proves that the total box office of Spirited Away surpassed Tiger's 7.720 billion... .....

Spirited Away, in the box office of today's movie market, but the statistics have not yet ended, he has already confirmed that he will be the top box office champion of the Dragon Kingdom movie box office!

Although it was an expected result, this fact has really come. After the Dragon Kingdom film industry has determined from eight o'clock that Spirited Away surpasses Tiger, it should have been the major film masters who have published articles celebrating this moment, but now it is silent... .....
