I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"Damn, is the schedule of Teacher Zhao Qinyin so fierce as soon as it comes up? The second round directly met the country's first place last year?"

"Should this kind of opponent be arranged in the other half, and then see you in the final? Why is it like this...it's too bad!"

"A total of four districts, the four-corner seeded team Hainan plus the left middle seeded team, Shan Wang, Ming Peng, affiliated to Boduo Shang University, Luo An did not play in the first round, and sent to the second round. There are 59 teams in total. I have to win four games in a row in the finals. This pair of battle pictures show me confused! Then the rhythm of this game is to play one game a day, five days in a row, and go home after losing one game. I rely on it. Basketball players know that, unless The physical strength is superhuman, otherwise he will fight for five days and forty minutes... the cattle will be exhausted!"

"This is the same for any team. Indeed, from the perspective of the competition system, the team that can win the championship has not only strong strength, but also endurance and physical strength!"

"After all, it is set to be a group of high school students. The basketball game is more than ten and a half months, and you still don't go to school?"

"Although I have confidence in Xiangbei Sakuragi and the others, it is too outrageous. I feel that this protagonist team is so miserable..."

"Oh, don't worry, what champion mountain king, last year's champion, who knows what strength is this year? Maybe he will become a soft-footed shrimp and give the Xiangbei team experience?"


The barrage immediately began to analyze the plot of the battle table!

In the animation plot, on the train, the Fengyu team who took the same train to the competition site recognized the Xiangbei players. After all, the two sides were the opponents in the first round of the contest. In the train, the Fengyu players mocked Xiangbei and almost both sides After the fight, the opponent also took out a map of the strength ratings of the participating teams in the island-wide competition reviewed by well-known sports magazines!

The Xiangbei team was rated as only C-level by the magazine, and Fengyu was A-level.

"Centre Akagi is the backbone of the team. Can he perform unexpectedly? Xiangbei's goal is to pass the first level..."

Not only the Fengyu players are full of mockery, this sports magazine also rated Xiangbei as the C-level of the salted fish team!

After all, it is the first time that the new army team has entered the island-wide competition. It is estimated that the magazine has also heard about the situation in Xiangbei.

But in the animation, the fans of the five tigers in Xiangbei don't know what the mood is, at least now they are in a bad mood.

"Last year's champion Sanwang was an AA-level team, Fengyu A-level, and then Xiangbei C-level? I rely on, this sports magazine in the comics is as unreliable as my newspapers!"

"Let's not talk about whether Xiangbei is underestimated. Isn't Fengyu a miscellaneous fish team? Didn't pay attention before, Xiangbei is such a strong opponent in the first round?"

"Come on, the plot begins to introduce Fengyu...I rely on, it was also the top eight of the island last year, what is the division of Xiangbei?"

"Fengyu played in the first round of last year's top eight on the island. If you win, you will play last year's champion mountain king. If you win again, you should also play last year's top eight team Aihe in the third round... .. If you count Hainan, the top four in Kanagawa County! If the Xiangbei team wants to enter this year's quarterfinals, they have to play against half of the national quarterfinals last year. After all, the county competition lost to Hainan, Hainan, and Xiangbei. If each team can rush out of the left half, they will face each other in the semifinals...... As expected, it is Teacher Zhao Qinyin, who gave the Xiangbei **** mode schedule as soon as he came!"

"Anyway, the right half of the team hasn't been introduced yet, but as far as the schedule of Xiangbei is concerned, there is really no weak team! At least in terms of the ratings given to the team by this sports journal, Xiangbei is the lowest C...... "


The current slam dunk fans have not noticed the subsequent plot arrangements of this work, and are still immersed in the imagination of how Xiangbei defeated Fengyu, defeated the mountain king, defeated Aihe, Hainan, and then won the championship.... ..

On Weibo, the slam dunk master entered the island-wide contest and the plot instantly became a hot search!

An island-wide contest, the battle picture was directly searched by fans of slam dunks. Fans from all walks of life began to study which team in the four halves of this picture can beat the siege. The heat is much higher than that of the lba game!

This situation makes the faces of the people in charge of the LBA League and Tianxing's cooperation all blue. In fact, the slam dunk is very hot. It's nothing. The monolithic partial basket style is the main promotion of the lba League, but now it has been defeated by a slam dunk. All players on the Internet are now. I found the spray spot, and the ridicule is endless... What professional league attention is not as good as the virtual competition of Japanese high school students.......

He regretted it in his heart, if he hadn't cooperated with Tianxing in the first place, it would be a joke now!

Because the slam dunk plot has entered the island-wide contest that fans have been looking forward to. For a while, fans who temporarily put aside the slam dunk animation because the plot is not too passionate in the past few weeks, can't wait for their fattening plan, and decisively slam the accumulated accumulation. After watching the basket animation, they all ran under Zhao Qinyin Weibo to remind them! The amount of discussion about Slam Dunk in major forums and websites is rapidly increasing!

The slower performance growth of Slam Dunk in the past few weeks is once again like installing an aviation motor, and the growth curve has been significantly accelerated.

On the other side......, Su Lu, who went inland, came back triumphantly.

After all, I went to the old club that once oppressed me and bought back the copyright of Chu Yu's original work on behalf of gt animation company. It feels quite like returning home!

At least seeing that his colleagues are still the same, but they have grown a lot of age, Su Lu also sighed in his heart, and shamelessly sighed how life is, in addition to his own efforts, what kind of thighs are also very important!

If Su Lu had used to think of himself like this, he would have been extremely spurned, but now...

Isn't it normal to hug your boyfriend's thigh?

I just went home by the way. My parents kept urging her to go on a blind date, which gave her a headache. She was very satisfied with her current situation anyway. She had a sweet relationship with Chu Yu, and was tired of working with Chu Yu at home and at the company all day. , But she is also doing things for herself and her boyfriend, if she can... she doesn't want to change the status quo!

But the family was too annoying, otherwise Su Lu estimated that he would have to fish inland for two days before he came back!

As the saying goes, little don't do that...

Before Su Lu went to the inland, Chu Yu looked at her every day, still not feeling deeply, but after half a month away.......I saw Su Lu's beautiful picture again, but he always took it seriously most of the time. And the unhappy face.... Chu Yu has been lost several times today.

After all, in order not to scare Zhao Qinyin, Chu Yu stayed with Zhao Qinyin all day for half a month, but basically didn't move her very much. It was very difficult for him. Su Lu came back now, but it was time for work.

"Chu Yu, why do you just leave me for half a month and become like this?"

Su Lu couldn't help but vomit after being pulled into his arms by Chu Yu for the third time today.

After all, Chuyu was relatively convergent in the company before........

"What have I become? Didn't I miss you?" Chu Yu said without changing his face, of course, his hands were not honest, and he reached directly into Su Lu's shirt.

"But you are too impatient, at least wait until you get off work!" Su Lu blushed, panting, and forcibly pulled Chu Yu out.

"You don't want to hear how I went to the Cuttlefish headquarters this time and negotiated with the Cuttlefish boss to buy the copyrights of your two works?"

"I don't want to listen, just buy it back anyway. The process is not important at all..." Chu Yu's hands were dishonest again, he hugged Su Lu's lazy waist, kissed him, and put his hands directly into the skirt and again. In the shirt!

I've been holding back for a few weeks! Anyway, the soundproofing effect of the office is good, and the most important thing is that now both of them have time......

For two weeks, I stayed with Zhao Qinyin, kissing and hugging each other all day, and then always came to a critical moment when I saw Zhao Qinyin's expressions of fear and shyness, and stopped abruptly... .... He was already angry.

I've always been interested in office play before, but Su Lu is always afraid of rumours from the company. Chu Yu is not afraid of those, but he is afraid that rumours and rumours will reach Zhao Qinyin's ears!

Now that Zhao Qinyin has developed this kind of relationship with him, and he knows the relationship between him and Su Lu, Chu Yu is even more unscrupulous.

I took the time to press the remote control to pull up the floor-to-ceiling curtains, and then ran to the door holding Su Lu and locked the door......

"Hey, Chu Yu...you are not really ready to be in the company..."

Su Lu was a little panicked, but Chu Yu put her body on the sofa. She didn't have any strength. Seeing her body and face pressed up, Chu Yu finally struggled and said.

"It's all this time, I'm not as good as a beast when I stop!" Chu Yu looked at the people under him, Su Lu's shy expression reflected in his pupils, and took a deep breath...

Soon, on the floor of the office, there were scattered clothes and the low voices of men and women.


For a long time, Su Lu blushed and threw the black silk that was torn apart by Chu Yu vigorously into the trash can. At noon, the black silk elder sister came to the company. In the afternoon, she left with long white legs..... .

I don't know if the employees of the company can notice these details. Su Lu saw Chu Yu lying on a chair with a face contented to think about life... understand that at this time Chu Yu may be what people often say at night. Sage mode!

"It's better if you come back!" Chu Yu's daze mode lasted for two minutes!

"You must think so, I am back to help you with a lot of work, telling you how to dress and match every day to remind you a little bit of majesty as a president, and then..." Su Lu was embarrassed to say the words.

"I'm not talking about those, I mean, during your absence, the home and the company are much colder. Few people in the company dared to talk to me for fear that I would eat them. Zhao Qinyin is not a wordy person. , I can often use the shortest words to end my wanting to talk endlessly........You are back, I finally don't have to talk awkwardly every day..."Chu Yu Said.

"Huh, who knows what you think? Maybe I'm not at home during this time, all you think about is the strategy Xiaoyin... let Xiaoyin put on your evil Fun cos clothes!" Su Lu said proudly, but the smile on the corner of his mouth actually betrayed her.

Of course, she hadn't noticed the stiffness of Chu Yu's expression for a moment.

After all, Chu Yu is more than just what she said, if it weren't for Zhao Qinyin's conservativeness, he would already be a successful big bad wolf!

"By the way...How about receiving the goods on this inland trip?" Chu Yu hurriedly changed the subject.

"Aren't you not interested?" Su Lu gave him a glance.

"There are three manga adaptation rights that are still being discussed, but the problem is not big. Our people contacted in the past, and they heard that it was the Japanese island gt animation company, and their attitude was very enthusiastic... after all Who in the whole dragon country mixed animation industry does not know that gt animation company is a boutique company that specializes in making explosive animations......but there is always a process for negotiating this thing, but it should be won soon !"

"Understand..." Chu Yu nodded.

In fact, if Chu Yu is desperately Saburo, in one week, he is dealing with the company president's documentary work, which must be reviewed, signed and stamped, as well as necessary to inspect the work results of his subordinates, communicate with the management, convey instructions, and after the meeting, The rest of the time, if the volume is updated once a week, it can be used to create six or seven animation scripts, people design and other work, but that basically becomes the company president's 1997 work model. !

But obviously, Chu Yu chose to be a salted fish, mainly because he didn't want to take the risk of having three girlfriends and being overworked, and then......so much in Long Country. Chu Yu is no longer interested in ordinary works now. Otherwise, let alone a gt animation company with so many works in the system, ten more companies of this size will be indefinitely away from exhausting the system stock! Why bother to adapt the comics of this world!

"But Chu Yu, I think your expression is like a salted fish, don't be lazy!" Su Lu's expression returned to the usual elder sister demeanor, even Chu Yu had a preaching attitude.

"The expansion of the company's scale is attributed to expansion, but it is mainly based on you. Just like those comic magazines, it can sell millions and tens of millions of copies every week. Fans mainly come for the head comic works. Fans just read the other works published and you understand it by the way!"

"The development of the gt animation company to the present is all relying on these works produced by you alone, and everyone else, including me, including all the staff below, can not play a key role in it! How far can it develop in the future, It also depends on what kind of work you can create. If you become a salted fish, no matter how strong our company develops, how many so-called adaptation works, how large and how many people... It's useless, do you understand? The best work in the entire world is far from yours........If you want to replace Skystar, don't be lazy! "Su Lu looked at Chu Yu very seriously and said.

"I...I understand!" Chu Yu was momentarily shocked by Su Lu's aura.

"But I'm not lazy. I don't work diligently every day. I don't agree with you!" Chu Yu retorted.

"So, your focus should be on the creation of works. If the company's functional work is too disturbing to you, you can leave it to me, or Huang Ming..."

"Look at the previous you, one work after another, at least three or four works a year, the production capacity of at least three or four works a year, after the first half of this year after the creation of Spirited Away and Slam Dunk script, there has been no movement in the second half of the year. ......"

"But the amount I created in the first half of the year is also the workload of ordinary creators in a few years!" Chu Yu dubbed Su Lu appropriately.

"So...Are you an ordinary person?" Su Lu said with a smile.

"You are the light water heart of Dragon Kingdom animation, the man behind the goddess of genius Zhao Qinyin, the actual creator of Spirited Away, the No. 1 film in the Dragon Kingdom movie box office list, and the most talented animation creator in Dragon Kingdom history. How do you Can you use the standards of ordinary people to demand yourself? Now the fans of Quan Long Guo Shui Xin are looking forward to your comeback next year. All the people in the film industry and animation industry are looking forward to Zhao Qinyin's actions next year......Our company Is it a flash in the pan, or is it from Spirited Away, the slam dunk, the job of hundreds of people in the company, the future development, whether their children, wives and parents can have a good life, can they get peers in the industry? Respect, it all depends on you..."

Su Lu put a lot of heavy burdens on Chu Yu's shoulders after a flattering, which made Chu Yu a little bewildered for a while!

Recalling his own state in the second half of the year, because he was too rich, Chu Yu felt that he was not only spending billions of assets, and the bank's daily interest was hundreds of thousands. As long as he didn't mess up the investment, how could he lose every day? Light? Chu Yu's impoverished imagination couldn't figure it out!

So it is indeed a bit slack, quite a feeling of not wanting to work hard!

"I seem to understand a little bit!" Chu Yu really felt ashamed for a while.

"Just understand!" Su Lu let out a long sigh of relief.

Similarly, her mother told Su Lu and her father from childhood, Su Lu slightly changed the words from slander to admonish Chu Yu to be positive, as if brainwashing work was okay.

Su Lu didn't want Chu Yu to wait until the company could run normally without relying on him, and then just be a shopkeeper, let the company run on its own, and indulge in playing games all day long!

Having lived with Chu Yu for so long, Su Lu knew very well that, apart from his amazing talent in animation creation, Chu Yu was really a standard otaku!

Of course, there is nothing wrong with an otaku. Su Lu is not in love with Chu Yu yet, but if Chu Yu's negative and degenerate thoughts are allowed to let him waste his talents and indulge in games of female sex, Su Lu will feel guilty.

"I originally expected to wait until next year to slowly start planning and producing new works. Now it is decided. When the slam dunk is over, it will start..... At that time, the identity of Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin will be moved together!" Chu Yu was excited for a while now!

Hmm... Su Lu nodded in satisfaction.

"Huh? Wait, the identity of Shui Xin... The story of the slam dunk is now over in more than two months. At that time, you haven't lifted the ban, so what can you do?" Su Lu asked immediately.

"I won't start the project first, and then wait until the end of the ban in July next year to file the work with the Dragon Kingdom official record? After the record is approved, it will be broadcast immediately!" Chu Yu said.

"That's my deity, it's been three years, do you know how I came here in the past three years?..." Chu Yu said angrily.

"Isn't it because you play games, go to work, eat, sleep, and fall in love every day? You are not miserable at all! The money you should earn is not less, and the works published by Xiaoyin are included as your deity. Lu announced that he would have earned so much! He also went to Japan to confirm his relationship with me, and set foot on a happy life of two boats! What is your dissatisfaction? On the contrary, it's Tian Xing, you have two movies. The works are sniping, the stock price has evaporated by 10%, and the market value of billions is gone!" Su Lu said.

"..." Chu Yu!

"Forget it, let's not talk about those!" Chu Yu coughed twice.

"Anyway, after a while, after the slam dunk is over, my identity will act, and Zhao Qinyin will have new works published here. Are you satisfied? By then, you are not talking about Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, but the words Do Ting He's adaptations of comics also be animated? Let's do it together. Isn't that just for the expansion of the staff?"

"Then...If you are acting as Shuixin, do you want to go back inland...or continue to be on the island of Japan?" Su Luman asked her most nervous question carelessly.

"Inland!.... My inland copyist animation studio has not been disbanded yet? There are still a few employees who deal with fan letters and some work copyright overseas revenue matters, and I fell down there.. ....Um, after what you said just now, it really doesn't seem to be a fall. I just changed a vest for three years! Oh, anyway, anyway... with Zhao Qinyin Although the identity of the cloudy sky star is very cool, I still want to use my own identity to fight the sky star!" Chu Yu paused, then said.

"But...you don't have to worry! No matter what, I won't leave you...the difference...you just I have created a company in both places!"

"Okay, you have your thoughts...I can't control you! Just remember what you said today, if you dare to play and disappear then, disconnect with me, be careful I stay overnight Take a hatchet and go across the sea to the magic city to find you!" Su Lu said half jokingly.

"How is it possible?" Chu Yu smiled.

"Then... Do you actually have an idea for your new work?" Su Lu said casually.

"Um...Ah!" Chu Yu said subconsciously without realizing the contrast on the topic for a while.

"No... Didn't you say that you won't come out until the slam dunk is over? Slowly think about it in these two months!" Chu Yu quickly changed his words!

He knows Su Lu. If Su Lu knows what finished work ideas he has now, what kind of comic copyright adaptations he has to buy, it is estimated that he will be urged to work overtime to create the script overnight! Then, as much as he can create, let the people below work overtime to produce as much...

Chu Yu has been busy in Japan for two years, but he was a little more comfortable in the second half of this year. The company recruited enough people, and the script was finished in the first half of the year, so he didn't need to worry about it in the second half of the year...... At least for the next two months, it's still like taking a break and enjoying the life of Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin hugging each other, and don't want to be forced to work overtime in the room tomorrow to make the script!

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk about you, but you have to know that whether it is a small tone or a water heart, they are your two major signs in the Dragonland Animation Market~www.mtlnovel.com~... ...Don't smash it yourself!" Su Lu said seriously.

Su Lu didn't say this from her own perspective and profit. People always have peaks and valleys, but she just wants to see Chu Yu standing at the peak and getting higher and higher, and she doesn't want to see Chu Yu have valleys... .....Because she is worried that a genius like Chu Yu has fallen into a real trough, can she pull him out, after all, she is a mortal......only Su Lu knows this very well!

cl, Spirited Away, the three consecutive successes of slam dunk, the water heart fans have accumulated three years of expectation for Chu Yu's deity! This makes the entire market place the minimum requirement for the works of Chu Yu's two anime vests at least to have an average of tens of millions of works... If Zhao Qinyin makes another animation film, the box office will not be enough. One billion people will think that her level has fallen, and Jiang Lang will be exhausted! At that time, the whole network will be full of ridicule! This is the side effect of fame!

"Understand..." Chu Yu was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, those who are jealous and envy and hate me in Longguo want to see me Jianglang. The creative animation only has an average of one or two million, and the production of animation movies is only a few million, and the box office is tens of millions. Grandpa's full Waterloo day will have to wait until the next life!"

Su Lu stared at Chu Yu's face in a daze. At this time, Chu Yu was as childish as a child, and said something like a teenager with a secondary illness.

But there is the power to convince her

Su Lu, without her noticing it, made Chu Yu's dihua thinking a little bit...and aggravated it!
