I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The new week's slam dunk plot ends with the elbow plot of Feng Yu's captain Nam Yeol on Rukawa Feng's eyes

With the frenzied scolding of the slam dunk fans, and the fans of Rukawa Feng directly broke the defense, Nan Lie, a character who has only played for a short time, topped the list of the most hated characters of all slam dunk fans!

Previously, the top of this ranking list was Lingnan's Yuzhu, because he played very indecently and always wiped the foul line, but it was always the case that people did not foul! And now, Nan Lie just avoided the referee's sight on purpose.

"No wonder Xiangyang lost to Feng Yu last year. It turned out that there was the ace killer Nan Lie!"

"Damn it, Fengyu sent this way. The quarterfinals were unscientific last year. This Nan Lie came up with one person and one elbow, and then the whole team of five people couldn't get together!"

"Sure enough, it's an island-wide competition, and I learned a lot about it when I came up!"

"Forget it, it's pretty ordinary. The LBA of the Long Kingdom fights directly on the court, and the NBA people in the United States have maliciously fouled people in the hospital and lie in the hospital for a few months! Playing basketball, a group of two hundred catties of brawny, then If you don't concentrate on playing basketball and engage in these little moves, who can stand it?"

"Poor Rukawa Kaede, he just got up at the beginning, so he was **** like this!"

"Anyway, I was vomiting, I hope next week's plot Sakuragi Flower Road will help my brother avenge!"

"Good brother, I guess Sakuragi doesn't think so at all. If possible, he would like to give Rukawa Feng a note like Nan Lie!"

"It's too narrow for you to think this way. Sakuragi and Rukawa Feng are at odds with each other, and his teammates have been beaten. He must have helped Rukawa Feng!"

"I don't know what the plot will turn into next week? Xiangbei team fights Fengyu? If that is the case, I guess Fengyu will be slammed. How come the black hand Xiangbei is probably inexperienced in the game, but simply fight each other, then I also talked about the veteran **** Sakuragi Flower Road, and Rukawa Kaede who fought against Sakuragi, the gorilla Akagi who pressed Sakuragi, the half **** Miyagi, and the former **** cadre Mitsui Toyoyu. It is estimated that they are playing with fire!"

The slam dunk fans started to water Weibo every day after the end of this week's plot, the fan group, but there was no water for a few minutes, and finally someone found something was wrong!

"Damn, t animation company has a new action again, and it is preparing to release two more works"

Similar notification parties from various Zhao Qinyin fan gathering places appeared one after another.

"What's the situation? Is it because Teacher Zhao Qinyin is finally ready to have news of a new work?"

Many Zhao Qinyin fans immediately became excited!

No one knows how long a slam dunk can be made, but what Zhao Qinyin fans understand is that it is just a four-week slam dunk, which is not enough!

If Zhao Qinyin can produce a few more animes, that would be the luck of fans.

But when a group of people came to the official Weibo of t animation company, they were surprised by the new action of t animation company!

Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance Chapter Animated The Garden of Words

What the **** is this!

"I rely on, t animation company is awesome, can you get the copyright of these two animations?"

"Ye Qinghui, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance is the beginning of my Fen Shui Xin teacher!"

"It's not that many companies have found Cuttlefish Comics after Mr. Shuixin became famous, and negotiated the two works to change the animation. Mr. Shuixin's enthusiasm, but Mr. Shuixin has always disagreed, so let's just let it go. Why is this animation company? Can Teacher Shuixin let go? This is too ridiculous!"

"No, what is the relationship between Ye Zhiting and Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance Chapter and Teacher Shui Xin? I haven't heard it before?"

"These two works are made by Mr. Shui Xin's debut. They were produced during the high school period. The comics and periodicals are only circulated in one province. I have never heard of them. Anyway, you only need to know one thing that is the real genius. You can tell from the debut!"

"Is it so awesome?"

"Anyway, I think that among all the works of Mr. Shui Xin, the most impressive is Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, which is short but brilliant!"

"No, what about Teacher Zhao Qinyin? What about her new work? Since the announcement of Spirited Away and Slam Dunk production plan at the end of last year, it is almost over in September. There is nothing to do. This is Zhao Qinyin. Teacher?"

"What about Teacher Zhao Qinyin? I can't stand it with excitement now. Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance and the Garden of Words were animated by t animation company. Does that mean that teacher Shui Xin is ready to make a comeback at t animation company! Otherwise! So many animation companies have failed to deal with the old teacher Shuixin, why can the Japanese island t animation company persuade Shuixin to sell the copyright?"

"Really? I was disappointed when t animation company animated two manga animations a few days ago. If so? That's great. t animation company Zhao Qinyin and teacher Shui Xin have two major guardians. It's not how far the other works roll?"

"If this is the case, I will be a loyal fan of t animation company from now on, I hope this is true!"

"Forget it, Mr. Shui Xin is different from Mr. Zhao Qinyin. Mr. Zhao Qinyin seems to be a simple creator. Although the work is so famous, she has never seen the idea of ​​leaving her to do it alone! But Shui Teacher Xin is different. Since the second animation work, he has written, produced, and released the script himself. Even if such a person returns, he may not be willing to join t!"

"I don't know, I'm upset! But anyway, this is another new action that Teacher Shui Xin has made in the animation industry for more than two years! To tell the four truths, although I am greedy for Teacher Zhao Qinyin's body, I The first thing in my mind is Teacher Shuixin, or Lelouch."

"The same is true for me. When I saw that the animated list was Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance and the Garden of Words before, I really didn't say that moving!"

"Anyway, anyway, thank you t animation production company. It is a dream that fulfilled my dream. Teacher Shui Xin has animated all his works! This is also a miracle in the animation industry of Longguo and the comics industry. The works created, no matter it is Debut or famous works are all animated!"

"By the way, it will be animated in September, when will it be broadcast! This company can get the update volume of the story every Thursday, but don't be like those of Dakai, after announcing the animation, there has been no finished product for a year or two. !"

"You shouldn't worry about this. From the facts, t animation company is one of the few quick shooters in the Longguo animation industry, and the quality is still high! The boss of this company has always been well aware of the saying that time is money, and is willing to invest in it. Afraid that the speed can't keep up?"

"That's right. Think about it carefully. The former is less than half a year for Slam Dunk and Spirited Away, and the latter went from zero to broadcast in seven months. I can only say that the combined investment of the two works is nearly one billion, and the production costs are high. There really is a high point!"

Following the heated discussion between Zhao Qinyin and Shuixin fans!

On Weibo, the new work of Teacher Shuixin is back! Yi Hot Search was quickly ranked first on the Hot Search List.

If Zhao Qinyin is close to being a **** in the animation industry with Spirited Away, let the fans of the second element of the Dragon Kingdom know that there is a higher level of animation in this subject than the top level is Shui Xin!

Perhaps from the point of view of achievement, Zhao Qinyin, who debuted in the animation industry for two years, has surpassed Shui Xin, but for the old fans of Shui Xing, as long as one day Shui Xin has not lost in the face of Zhao Qinyin, then this kind of They don't recognize it!

This hot search quickly attracted the attention of many Shuixin fans. Although I clicked it and saw that it was the title party, Rurouni Kenshin and the Garden of Words have nothing to do with the new work!

But in fact, because these two works were only circulated in Los Angeles before, most fans of Shuixin only heard about it, or they didn't even hear about it. They didn't even know what they were about!

But with the increasing attention of this hot search, what is Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance and the Garden of Words? This hot search also rose rapidly, and at night, it was ranked second in the hot search list.

Then the third question is, when will Teacher Shuixin really come back!

From noon to night, only half a day, news about Chu Yu's deity was in the top three in the hot search, a strong crush on the hot list!

And the fifth place in the hot search is thanks to t animation company for the animation of these two works! The following group of fans of Shuixin thanked t company and some pessimistic fans even threatened that they did not know whether Shuixin would return. If not, then maybe this is Shuixin's last work they saw!

This situation directly makes the practitioners in the Longguo animation industry feel very uncomfortable.

Whether it is envy, jealous, or hate!

The previous work of a person who disappeared for more than two years was animated, and it caused such a big response on the whole network!

If it were them, after disappearing in the animation industry, it is estimated that there will be no more splashes!

Although the proportion of the two-dimensional population of the Dragon Kingdom is almost the highest in the world, the house culture is strong, the influence of screenwriters, cartoonists, and family is almost the same as that of celebrities!

But to be honest, there are a few celebrities who can be like Shui Xin, Zhao Qinyin, and a little movement is directly covered by the whole network!

With the influence of these two people now, if you want to, if you want to participate in a movie, even if you don't have acting skills, I'm afraid the box office can easily break 10 million!

Many senior executives of Longguo's major animation companies are once again wary of the company on the island of Japan!

And Chu Yu's fans took advantage of this vent and rushed into his Weibo account together, making crazy speeches to make him come out and respond quickly, did he join the t animation company?

This movement, to be honest, Chu Yu and Su Lu, Zhao Qinyin did not expect

The fans are so enthusiastic!

Chu Yu logged in to his Weibo Queen for a while, and the number of private messages showed the largest 9999+. Fans didn't care whether he would read it or not. Anyway, he was crazy private message!

The content also asks the same question whether he is going to return! Do you want to join t animation company!

"It's over, it's been two years, so these people are still so energetic!" Chu Yu sighed!

"My Weibo was also exploded by fans. Many fans left a private message asking me if Shui Xin wanted to join t, and if I was not the chief screenwriter. Many people suggested that I leave t and do it alone!" Zhao Qinyin held a tablet. Computer, but her expression is funny.

As for Su Lu, she who is in charge of the official account of t animation company is full of satisfaction!

"Here I am a Shuixin fan who gave us hundreds of thousands of likes for our company account. A group of private messages are all thankful words! I didn't expect the Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, which the three of us collaborated at the beginning, to be so popular! But the words Compared with the courtyard, it seems that the attention is not so high!"

At night, the three of them each occupy a sofa and eat snacks. This can be regarded as working overtime in disguise!

It's impossible for the companies, practitioners and fans of Shuixin Zhao Qinyin to know about the relationship between their various party disputes, various speculations, various fantasy animation companies, Zhao Qinyin, and Shuixin and their future development. But in fact, these three parties are actually all controlled by Chu Yu.

"Forget it, let's explain, otherwise, who knows when this group of fans will be upset, I am still banning people, but it's not too good to be too public!" Chu Yu thought for a while.

"Explain? What are you going to explain?" Su Lu asked.

"Anyway, you are planning to make a comeback next year, and the fans didn't guess wrong!"

"Isn't there still more than half a year?" Chu Yu said.

"I've never been a person who likes to hang people's appetite!"

Having said that, Chu Yu hurriedly dismissed the rumor on his mobile phone, Shuixin account Weibo.

The overall content is that I think t animation company is good, so I agreed to sell the copyright of Jianxin and the court of words to t animation company and he did not join t animation company!

"Just leave it as it is, no matter how good it is, there will be a wave of company enthusiasm at that time!" Su Lu said.

"It's always a group of fans who still remember me for more than two years. I am not those stars who play with fans and let fans guess! They care about this, and I always have the obligation to tell them the truth!" Chu Yu Said with a smile.

But in fact, Chu Yu's statement had no effect at all!

Instead, in the middle of the night, he, a person who has not risen for ten thousand years, spoke at once, which attracted a group of his fans to become active.

Some hot searches about him on Weibo have not returned

It lasted until noon the next day and it was still in the top ten!

Although Shuixin fans have been counting time in their hearts, they are now more than just Shuixin fans!

In the entire Longguo animation industry, and even overseas, in the past few years, Shuixin's works have attracted a group of overseas two-dimensional fans and they have also come to Longguo Weibo to leave a message under Shuixin Weibo.

In the past year in the Longguo animation industry, no one has been more popular than Zhao Qinyin, but in only two days, it was just an animation plan of t animation company that completely let the concept of water heart return deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Most of the time is not long, not short, maybe a sequel works directly bounced for a longer time than this!

Today's daily activity under Shuixin Weibo has doubled as compared to yesterday!

Watching fans ask about their current situation in their Weibo comment area, let him come back quickly, otherwise the popularity will be robbed by Zhao Qinyin, let him express some of his life dynamics.

Some people say that even if he may not return immediately after the ban period expires, they will always wait for Chu Yu to announce his new work on this Weibo.

To be honest, even people like Chu Yu are still a little touched. Even if he borrowed the name of Zhao Qinyin to create another miracle in the animation industry, there are still so many fans who still remember him until now. The feeling of being recognized may be the reason why he has not yet become another wealthy man in this world after making so much money!

In itself, Rurouni Remembrance of Kenshin and the animation of The Garden of Words Chu Yu didn't think it would be a big deal. After all, they were just two short works. When he debuted, he might be excited when the two works were animated, but now. It's just icing on the cake for him.

I didn't want to be too pushy for such a thing.

But now Chu Yu, who is a little affected by his emotions, doesn't care if it is in the banned period or not!

Clicked on Weibo, and after thinking about it, Chu Yu sent a message!

"Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance and the animation of the Garden of Words are just the beginning. I once said that I will come back, but now I still say that! But now, this sentence will have a deadline in July next year!"

At the end, Chu Yu also gave the official account of Tianxing Animation Company!

After a long sigh, Chu Yu posted the content.

In July next year, his ban will come

And this is actually a declaration of war against one's potential enemies from another angle!

Those who think that the water heart may have been silent for three years and their talents have disappeared, those who want to step on his water heart's reputation, and the sky star

Anyway, the time will be in July next year, and those who are not satisfied can fight.

Moreover, Chu Yu especially hoped that Tianxing would be taken the bait. It was not good enough to defeat Tianxing in the name of Zhao Qinyin, and it would be more comfortable to use his own deity!

As for whether the other party will make small moves behind his back, Chu Yu is not afraid of this. If the other party has the ability to do this now, it would have been used by t animation company!

It can only be said that time will lead to changes in the environment. The reason why Longguo's cultural and entertainment policies have changed and the cultural integration of inland Japan is because many key people in the industry have changed. Therefore, Tianxing has only acted like this in more than two years. A normal company.

A normal animation production company, Chu Yu is not afraid of it!

In a sense, this dynamic sent by Chu Yu is a declaration of the return of half a heart of water!

Next July

Especially also Aite got a star!

Why do you want the other party? What is the intersection between Teacher Shuixin and Tianxing?

Many Chuyu fans then contacted the rumors on the Internet that Teacher Shui Xin was banned because of the jealousy of Tian Xing. UU Reading www. Rumors of black hands behind uukanshu.com

So this is the first time that Ms. Shui Xin has a positive metaphor for the truth of her being banned?

So his dynamic has another meaning

Just like Teacher Zhao Qinyin sniped Tianxing, Teacher Shui Xin was also ready to initiate a battle script, so she asked Tianxing if she would dare not play a black hand behind him and defeat him head-on like Teacher Zhao Qinyin did.

Fans of Shuixin thought of a lot of things in an instant.

And I have to say that their association is basically close to the truth!

Many angry Chuyu fans went directly to the official Weibo of Tianxing and began to scold the screen!

But more Chu Yu fans were almost full of tears and finally waited until the day when Chu Yu responded positively to the return.

But at the same time a teenager in a high school in the inland was watching the news on the Internet