I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the last week of October, undercurrents in the animation world were surging, and a series of actions by the heart of water in the magic city really made many people wary.

Although Tianxing has used a lot of relationships in the industry, it is still useless after all. There are too many people interested in cooperating with the soon-to-be-resurrected copy animation production company!

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, but for Chu Yu, he was quite busy this week.

The scripts and setting productions of the two exchanged works squeezed his little time, and he had to take time to settle the negotiation of the company's new location. Now in addition to the two comic works, the entire company has Rurouni sword The Remembrance of the Heart and the production of the Garden of Words, and then prepare to free up manpower to make the Fullmetal Alchemist...... Huang Ming in the magic capital area often calls him at night to communicate with the copyist The introduction of new candidates from the animation company's revival.

He still had time to molest Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin a few days ago, but he didn't have that thought at all in these two days!

Although Zhao Qinyin was called all day long, but she had no intention of taking advantage of it, and instead asked her to help herself produce the related auxiliary work of the two works.

No way, although many of the company's staff have the ability to assist Chu Yu, Chu Yu did not trust him, and finally managed to get an account. If the leak is exposed by those people, then shouldn't it cause a major earthquake in the animation industry? Although the employees have signed a confidentiality agreement, Chu Yu would not really believe it 100%. What if someone with an abnormal head pops up?

But over time, a series of things are still dealt with one by one.

In the negotiation of the company's new headquarters, Chu Yu really took a look at the industry that the most cost-effective advertising company wanted to sell.

The invited team is also working hard to keep the price down with the other party. Anyway, the bottom line of the other party is basically clear. The bargaining between the two parties is only in the range of several million. If no surprises, the transaction price will be 1.32 billion. Purchase this building at a price of about 10,000 yuan.

Millions of price fluctuations, Chu Yu didn't want to pay attention at all. After all, it was the income he had less than a day. It was just that the trading team he invited was working hard for the commission, and Chu Yu didn't like being taken advantage of by others. , Otherwise he would not bother to pay attention to the money.

In the magic capital area, to be honest, Chu Yu has made up his mind to develop an animation production company in both areas under his complete control. In Chu Yu's mind, the status of the copy animation production company is no less than that of the current one. gt animation production company, he found it troublesome and even wanted to buy a building in the magic capital area as the headquarters of the copying animation production company.

But Huang Ming hurriedly stopped Chu Yu's prodigal thinking. Before the company had been established, he bought the headquarters first? Isn't that a fool?

After Chu Yu was persuaded, he temporarily gave up his thoughts, and could only devote his mind to the creation of the new work.

So the time came to October 28, another Wednesday when the Slam Dunk plot was updated.

The plot of the game against the mountain king has reached its climax since last week. After the first half, Xiangbei took the lead with a slight advantage.

Originally, fans thought that this week's plot would be a battle between dragons and tigers.

But the reality is....... Shan Wang used a whole three story plot, and within the first three minutes of the game time, he abused Xiangbei with blood.

At the beginning of the second half, the mountain king used the tactics of pressing defense and staged a personal show of the mountain king players for the slam dunk fans...

The idea of ​​the Mountain Kings is to attack wildly at the beginning of the second half and raise the score difference to more than 20 points.

At the beginning of the second half, Akagi was suppressed by Sanno team center Kawada throughout the game, increasing, weight, overall situation, basketball skills, team role, Akaki Takanori did not beat the opponent.

Even a passerby interview reporter bluntly said that Akagi is a very good center even in college basketball, but Kawada, there is no doubt that he will be among the top three in Japan...

It can be said that Akagi was directly stunned by Kawada!

The first three episodes of the slam dunk plot updated this week, in addition to the crazy goals of the Sanno team, there are also various breakouts of the Xiangbei team, Akagi, Sakuragi Flower Road, Miyagi Ryota, Mitsui Kotobuki, and even Rukawa Kaede... ...Everyone has the ball and wants to try to break the opponent's crazy goals, even if it's just a point, it's okay to make their own goal since the start of the second half... But, there is no chance. !

"Flower-shaped, Takasago, and Yuzhu, they are all very strong opponents, but in front of this Kawada, these fierce players in Kanagawa are no different from children..."

After Kawada forcibly intercepted by Sakuragi and knocked down Sakuragi for a slam dunk, Akagi's fighting spirit has dissipated for the most part. No matter what opponent he faces, he has never conceded, but in the face of Kawada, he is here. More than once in the game, he doubted whether he could limit the opponent.

Fans who saw Xiangbei being abused by Three Talks couldn't bear it directly. The solemn atmosphere of the game made them very uncomfortable.

"What's the matter? The score is 36 to 54. Less than five minutes after the opening, Shan Wang scored nearly 20 points, while Xiangbei didn't score a goal! It's too outrageous!"

"At the end of last week, I thought that the mountain king was nothing more than that, but the story of this week was too outrageous. Is that how all the members of the mountain king team get serious?"

"That Kawada tmd weighs more than two hundred jin, is nearly two meters tall, and rushes forward with the ball. Even Akagi can't stop him. Sakuragi is already very strong, but he looks like a guy in front of that guy. As thin as a monkey!"

"Shanwang scores another goal. Isn't this a 20-point lead? This is more than a fart, this game is a waste of time ahead of time!"

"Could it be that the reason why the 100 slam dunks came to an end is that Teacher Zhao Qinyin is going to let Xiangbei lose here, and then take revenge on the mountain king in the second season?"

"No, revenge for a wool next year? The plot year is the period of Akagi's senior year. He is only this year. So is Kotobuki Mitsui. Akagi's dream is to lead the team to the championship. It will be his **** if Xiangbei's revenge next year!"

"But as far as the current performance of the mountain king is concerned, there is really no way. The player's strength gap is obvious. Mitsui Kotobuki was defended to death by the opponent's defensive master, but he was very reluctant to follow the game. Rukawa was suppressed by Zebei throughout the process, and Akagi was Pendant, Miyagi Ryota also suppressed Sanno Captain Fukatsu.......Only Sakuragi, who is basically in line with him, can't help him! This is indeed too obvious.... ."

"Damn, Akagi got the ball, turn to the basket!"

"It was still defeated by a block shot by Kawada. Akagi has no chance at all!"


On the barrage, fans look at this sentence very uncomfortable!

The mountain king is not a weak team. Xiangbei was behind because of Sakuragi's tricks, own goals, internal conflicts in the team, Chimu's hands, and the opponent behind with insidious tricks. The actual enemy team's strength is not as good as Xiangbei!

But now, the strength of the Mountain King is clearly ahead of Xiangbei, and it has been opened by a twenty-point margin by the Mountain King. How can this be saved?

Although there are famous scenes similar to Tracy McGrady's time in the world of basketball at 35 seconds and 13 minutes, it is obvious that the protagonist's halo is too wide to forcibly portray this kind of bug operation in an anime!

A slam dunk fan who knows a little about basketball is already very anxious at this time. If this is not watching anime, but playing basketball, many people have already surrendered!

The suppression of Akagi by Kawada was not just a matter of him alone. The suppression of Akagi, the pillar of northern Hunan, caused the problem that the beliefs of the five people in northern Hunan were shaken!

The game is over.......

The coach of the mountain king is also good, the Hainan team who came to watch the game, the foreshadowing character Mori Shigehiro, the audience of thousands of people in the animation, the coach of the mountain king Domoto......

I think this game is over.

Before the end of this week's animation plot, the last picture left for fans is the arrival of Yuzhu, and the scene where Sakuragi is replaced with Mumu by coach Anzai!

Is the fish stick coming?

What's the use of him when he comes?

The plot of the four episodes of the animation, coupled with the recollection of the plot of Hetian's characters, fans watched the four episodes of Xiangbei being abused, and has not scored a goal in the second half so far.

"Too outrageous, I won't really lose here, Xiangbei!"

"But in the state of Xiangbei, it is even more outrageous to win the mountain king. The depiction of the mountain king in this week's plot meets the fans' expectations for the mountain king team, but the problem is that such a team can not be defeated by Xiangbei at this time!"

"It can only be said that this is just basketball for high school students after all. Everything is possible. For an anime with a realistic plot like Slam Dunk, if you forcibly add a halo to the protagonist and let Xiangbei win, it would be tantamount to the collapse of the plot! On the contrary, Xiangbei loses here. , Revenge in the coming year will not detract from the status of this work!"

"Not necessarily. If all the protagonist team explodes, there is still a chance? In reality, people basically don't have that kind of exploding moment of tens of seconds or ten minutes, but the animation is different, as long as Mr. Zhao Qinyin If you can portray an environment like that, if the atmosphere is rendered in place, the protagonist will explode, and fans will only take it for granted. On the contrary, if the protagonist is not well portrayed but the protagonist explodes, the fans will spray the protagonist's halo too strong!"

"Indeed, let's see how the plot develops next week!"

"I put it here. The Xiangbei team must have lost to the mountain king, and the second season of slam dunk will start preparations! Otherwise, according to the information given by the animation, how can it be finished within a month? After the mountain king, the next round will be there. Xingda's love and harmony, and then there is a high probability that the next round will be the king of the mountain, and then to the finals... Do you think that in a month... is it possible to portray so many plots? ?"


After slam dunk aired this week, tens of millions of fans of the whole Dragon Kingdom finally began to face this commonplace question!

Will Xiangbei lose?

Lost in the second round of the All-Island Contest, and then come back for revenge in the second season?

It is Xiangbei surpassing the mountain king, and in the second season, the plot of the remaining three teams is portrayed!

But now this possibility is basically denied. The more people who understand the work of Slam Dunk, the more they know how strong the plot is to shape the strength of the mountain king, using the league game as a metaphor, if Xiangbei is the Diamond team, That mountain king is the king team!

Of course, everything is possible in the game, and the Kings and Diamonds may also overturn the car. But the problem is that if the Kings are ahead of 20 people, the probability that it will overturn...

This is how it feels in the hearts of fans of slam dunk now.

This kind of quarrel about the plot directly caused a hot search on the day of the slam dunk.

As for the theory of the collapse of the slam dunk plot, the theory of returning home from Xiangbei is one of the hot spots.

For the current popularity of Slam Dunk, it is no longer necessary to manipulate these topics to attract fans into the pit. After all, as long as you are in the two-dimensional circle, it is impossible not to know this work. People who want to see it will naturally watch it, but they don't want to. It is impossible to force him with a knife.

But slam dunk is not required, does it mean that other works are not required?

Fans sent tens of thousands of private messages under Zhao Qinyin Weibo to ask her about slam dunk spoilers.

These fans did not expect that they had sent hundreds of thousands of private messages without waiting for Zhao Qinyin's response to the slam dunk plot. Instead, they had waited for Zhao Qinyin's response to other things.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Zhao Qinyin Weibo released a new message again after a long time.

"Next July, stay tuned.......Fullmetal Alchemist!"

It was also accompanied by a color drawing completed by her and Chu Yu.

A strong man in armor, and a yellow-haired little peasant boy with his right hand clenched into a fist, showing the palm of his mechanical hand, plus the complex and regular alchemy array with a colored drawing background.....

This makes a group of slam dunk fans who are all anxious due to the recent slam dunk plot completely confused!

Colleague Zhao Qinyin's new manifesto has undoubtedly dropped a bomb on the already uneasy animation industry.

"What's the situation? So suddenly?"

"Fullmetal Alchemist? Combat work?"

"From the beginning of the girl animation, to the sports animation of slam dunk, and then to the sports competition works...It is worthy of being teacher Zhao Qinyin. Every work is challenging itself and seeking Innovation."

"No, what about the second season of Slam Dunk? Whether it is Xiangbei losing to the mountain king and then revenge in the coming year, or Xiangbei winning the mountain king and winning the championship of the island all the way, it is not the next ten episodes of the slam dunk animation that can be covered. The story......this work must have a second season! Teacher Zhao Qinyin, you won't make the second season of Slam Dunk. What kind of alchemist are you going to do!"

"That's right, the slam dunk is so good-looking, can't you just focus on it? Finish the slam dunk, and then start a new one. Don't wait a few years for the second season of the slam dunk, then I will spit out old blood!"

"Actually, it's normal. Teacher Zhao Qinyin has created a bug-level animated movie of Spirited Away in one year and the slam dunk animation plot of 124 episodes so far. Maybe a slam dunk will follow. I haven't finished thinking about the plot, so I temporarily stopped to perfect the plot setting. Compared with the flaws in the follow-up plot of Slam Dunk, I would rather wait a few months and a half to give Teacher Zhao Qinyin a little more time!"

"If you have time to start a new game, how can you not have time to conceive the follow-up plot of the slam dunk? There is a beginning and an end as a person, and you can't be distracted halfway. It doesn't matter what alchemist is in the new game.

"Wait, have you noticed? Teacher Zhao Qinyin said, see you in July next year..."

"Yeah, what happened next July?"

"Think about it, what works will join the battle next July?"

"Let's think about it, a love novel by the well-known novelist Liu Xinxin has been animated~www.mtlnovel.com~ The "spiritual man" of Ruan Zhiqi, who is known as the small water heart in the inland, dug up by Tianxing, was spoken by Teacher Shui Xin. The promised return to work......I rely on......what's the situation.... Teacher Zhao Qinyin is going to make trouble?"

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin hastily announced that his new work will be set in July next year. This is a continuation of last year's ideological policy of sniping Tianxing's work.......or, are you going to confront Teacher Shuixin directly?"

"It should be a sniper on Tianxing! Look at the six works announced by Tianxing that will be broadcast in each month of next year. It is estimated that it is also afraid that Teacher Zhao Qinyin will continue to do that. Therefore, the broadcast time of the works is divided, otherwise the eggs are placed in a basket. ....If you want to target Tianxing, why are the six works exclusively selected for the Lingren broadcast in July? Isn't it because this month, Teacher Shuixin also threatened to return with a new work?"

"So Teacher Zhao Qinyin is more eager than fans to compete with Teacher Shuixin on the same stage, to decide who is the title of the first person in Longguo animation industry?"

"It's no wonder that...it turns out that Teacher Zhao Qinyin didn't have time to conceive the second season of Slam Dunk? Instead, he didn't want to miss this opportunity to play against Teacher Shui Xin, so he temporarily took the second season of Slam Dunk. Put it aside?"
