I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

For a whole week, the popularity of slam dunk players has shown an upward trend, and the activity of fans has risen sharply. Fans who want to fatten up the animation can't bear to fall into the pit.......

And now, Spirited Away's first wave of dividends in the world has also been credited, with 8.4 billion at the domestic box office and 3 billion abroad. This part of the theater's dividend is a little more than 3.9 billion. At the same time, Spirited Away's The webcast dividends have also been paid. This part of the entire Dragon Kingdom is more than 900 million, so from the current situation, Spirited Away has only earned a profit of 4.9 billion so far..... . When this large sum of money was successively credited to the account of gt animation production company, the company's financial staff was directly stunned!

Of course, Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu are in the same state. After all, both of them hold more than percent of the company's shares. If the money is used for dividends, both of them will have a direct income of more than 50 million. Chu Yu Personal income will be more than four billion... of course before tax.

However, since the company is going to develop, Chu Yu is too lazy to pour the money from his company account and his own pocket. After all, this tax is not a joke. Anyway, the entire company belongs to him. The money can be distributed whenever he wants, except Let the finance give Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin 10 million each as the daily expenses of the two, and the other money did not touch it.

The next step is the acquisition of the company's new headquarters. The person who invited the company talked about it for almost a month, and then pushed the price down by another five million, from the 1.4 billion quoted at the beginning to the current 1.315 billion. Coupled with various taxes, the handling fee will cost a lot of money, but the overall price is acceptable to Chu Yu.

Get this done as soon as possible, Chu Yu will move the company from December!

After all, there is money in the company's account and the confidence is enough, so Chu Yu doesn't want to delay these things.

In fact, sometimes Chu Yu himself feels quite magical. When he comes to Japan for money, his net worth is less than 2 billion, but in less than three years, his assets have almost doubled in a year. Calculating the company's assets, Chu Yu's total net worth may exceed tens of billions after the slam dunk is over...

If Chu is willing to be transparent about his assets, he might be in the top 200 of the Long Kingdom rich list. Although Tian Xing's Yin Tian controls the Long Kingdom's largest animation production company, it is his personal assets. , Has been surpassed by Chu Yu.

When there was no one, no money, no world point in the initial struggle to redeem works from the beginning, whether it was the time required to redeem works or the pure money in the real world, Chu Yu hardly had to worry. The money in my account will automatically increase every day.

After all, these works produced by Chu Yu can make the original author become a billionaire in the parallel world. When so many works add up, only the follow-up income is astronomical.

But even though I have earned so much......but why do I still have to work so hard?

Seeing the two large piles of scripts on his desk, the man created the picture... Chu Yu exhaled heavily.

Two works with a total of one hundred fifty and sixty words, although Chu Yu is known for being fast...in the creation of works, but he and Zhao Qinyin have been working hard for the past few weeks. Only two-fifths of the script creation was completed for each work.

But this is enough, at least to the people below, first do the initial preparations first.

"So... are you planning to return to the magic capital first during this time?"

After returning home, Su Lu saw Chu Yu sort out his portfolio and began to package the creative materials of the attacking giant, and he paused and asked suddenly.

"Yes, I don't dare to send this thing back by express mail. In case it leaks out, the possible loss is calculated in billions... and the copy animation production company established by Brother Huang in the magic city. Didn't go to see it? I heard that the staff have already recruited nearly fifty people... But they just signed the contract, the task, the job, and so on. I have to go back with these people. See you..." Chu Yu said as he sorted out.

"Then you are leaving, what should I do here?" Su Lu asked anxiously.

"Isn't it because you are the vice president? Zhao Qinyin is far inferior to you in handling company management and interpersonal relations. If Huang Ge and I are not there, you can take care of the company directly!" Chu Yu paused.


"I'm not going to come back! Basically, I can expect that next year I should fly around the two places... and I won't leave until a few days later. Today I'm just going to do some preparatory work, don't worry! "

Chu Yu rubbed Su Lu's hair, her single ponytail was tossed again by Chu Yu.

"Chu Yu, how many times have you said that, don't always mess with my hair!"

Su Lu burst suddenly and threw Chu Yu onto the sofa.

After all, Zhao Qinyin was out for a night run, and Chu Yu and Su Lu were alone in the room, they looked at each other, and then... they kissed each other.

Speaking of it, after the relationship between the three is broken, Chu Yu does not have to face the two beauties at home all day and be Liu Xiahui, but after all, it is impossible for the three to sleep together, so the basic situation is that at night, there will always be two. One of them touched into Chu Yu's room. The two of them probably had a tacit agreement after discussing it in private. After one person came, the second person would not come... But sometimes both of them were both. No, in that case, Su Luhuan and Zhao Qinyin stayed and rested together!

To be honest, this relationship is quite messy, but it's fine after the three of you get used to it!

However, compared to the previous passiveness, Chu Yu still likes to take the initiative to attack at such times. In only half a minute, he changed from the situation where Bei Sulu fell on the sofa and Su Lu converted, and the two fell on the sofa and embraced. Kiss, Chu Yu put one hand into the skirt of Su Lu's clothes, and the other hand is to activate the **** skill...

Soon, there were only two people panting in the living room. Of course, the two people who had forgotten their emotions didn't notice. Immediately close the door and stand blushing outside the door...

After a long time, Su Lu and Chu Yu walked from the living room to the bedroom, and then went to the bathroom to take a bath together, only to find Zhao Qinyin sitting in the living room, and they were suddenly embarrassed.

"So... how are you going to talk to Gu Yan? The two of us!"

After Zhao Qinyin came out of the bath, she and Su Lu did not shy away from Chu Yu. They were surrounded by a bath towel. The chest was wrapped, but the arms, collarbone, and slender snow-white legs were all exposed, beautiful. The whites of his face were red, one had a bulge in his chest, and the bath towel seemed to be stretched, the other was of a small figure, arousing love, and the two sat leaning against each other. That is to say, when Chu Yu Tiantian saw the two of them, he had a little Immunity, for other people, it is estimated that direct nosebleeds are flowing out!

"I do not know!"

Chu Yu was a little restless at first, but Zhao Qinyin's words made his heart cold!

"If she asks, I will confess!"

"What if she didn't ask?" Zhao Qinyin asked.

"You can never hide her forever!"

Chu Yu lowered his head and became silent.

"What can you do?" Chu Yu asked.

"What can we do? The two of us can accept each other because we have a good relationship, and coupled with the fact that we are latecomers, it will only be cheaper for you... But Gu Yan's words .....You are her first love, and then you have a long-distance relationship with you for more than two years. You ran back and said that you were with us on the island of Japan.... I feel.. .... It's really difficult to deal with!" Su Lu cast a glance at Chu Yu.

"But if you can comfort Gu Yan, you will be a winner in life there! Three beauties are your wives... You are like going back to ancient times. You have three wives and four concubines. !"

"Don't talk nonsense, the third wife is enough, the fourth concubine dare not think about it!" Chu Yu quickly filled up the pit in Su Lu's words.

"Is there anything you dare not think about?" Su Lu narrowed his eyes.

"Actually......I think you can tell Gu Yan clearly, I think she shouldn't really cut off from you!" Zhao Qinyin thought for a while and said suddenly.

"Why do you feel this way?" Chu Yu raised his head and asked.

"I went to Modu this year several times, and I met Gu Yan every time!"

"Actually, Chu Yu, have you ever thought that you have come to Japan Island for so many years, with us, Gu Yan, as long as she is not stupid, she must be worried about you and us...but Did she ask you anything about it?" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu and said.

"No... She never expressed concern about me, she trusts me!" Chu Yu thought for a while and said.

"How is it possible to trust you? Are you a trustworthy person? Just a weak-willed, very hungry man!"

Zhao Qinyin still complains about Chu Yu with a cold expression.

"She obviously has all kinds of speculations in her heart, but she has never dared to ask you about this... It can only explain one thing, she is also afraid, in case something is the worst result of her guess... .....What should she do?"

"Accurately speaking, the worst result she can predict is that you will be ashamed to become angry after being exposed by her, and become a modern version of Chen Shimei... She is afraid of this result, so she dare not ask you about similar topics. ....."

"Modern Chen Shimei?" Chu Yu forced.

"I'm not so scumbag anyway, I just want to have all three, how can I start chaos and give up!"

After Chu Yu finished speaking, the two women across from him cast contemptuous eyes at him.

Chu Yu couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly returned to the room to rest!

But sleeping on the bed was tossing and turning around thinking of Zhao Qinyin's words, and my heart was extremely irritable!

The next day... Chu Yu went to the company with dark circles to explain a series of work arrangements, and made it clear that in the future he will not be in the company and Su Lu is responsible for everything!

And....... The animation production team of Fullmetal Alchemist was officially established!

The members of the production team are basically composed of the best people in each position of the company...

For this animation, Chu Yu is very aware of its potential, and the investment will not be too stingy!

But it's not too extravagant. A total of 60 or 70 words of animation is expected to be an investment of 180 million!

Although the investment is less than that of Spirited Away and Slam Dunk, Chu Yu also discovered that an animated movie is another matter. When it is shown on the big screen of a movie theater, a little bit of flaws on the screen can be magnified, but for Playing and watching serialized animations on computers and mobile phones increases the investment of the works from an average of 3 million to 5 million and 8 million. The improvement of the picture is only from 99% of perfection. , Marching towards 99.9%........The actual meaning is actually average!

But even so, all employees of the entire company are still very excited.......

Although Gang Lian's script is not completely complete, the members who were selected into the production team just got a rough idea of ​​what kind of work it is, and immediately became serious.

In fact, many works are just fire, but the connotation of the story is actually impossible to study, just like the blade of a ghost, even though it is so hot, in the parallel world, all kinds of data have exploded a lot of magical cartoons!

But there is no doubt that the level of Ghost Destroying is far from steel, from slam dunk, from giants and other works!

It's like traffic stars may be better than old dramas, but no one thinks that traffic stars will be stronger than old dramas!

The work of Gang Lian, from the first chapter to the end, is discussing and analyzing human nature.....In the process of watching, most people will have various reflections. This and those For the sake of cool and cool works are completely different!

At least the employees of the gt animation company, just read the incomplete script, alchemy, human refining, refining the beast, massacre, revenge, war... these complex elements are combined together. , But not messy at all, and the plot is compact, there is almost no place for water plot.

With those other world animes on the market, half talking with a slime, half talking with meat, the protagonist's various works of Long Aotian opening the harem, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground!

It is indeed the work of the company's god-level screenwriter Zhao Qinyin, and it is a work above the standard at hand!

Whether this work can surpass Zhao Qinyin's own slam dunk, cl production team members can't judge, but the only thing they can tell is......even if this work is not as good as those popular animes , But at least... is a work that does not discredit the name Zhao Qinyin!

The company's people immediately started to get busy, the division of work, the production of some important scenes, some heavy tasks, the outsourcing of unimportant pictures, the selection of voice actors, the creation of soundtracks......

Without financial troubles, these things are familiar to experts in this group of industries.

At the same time, gt animation company is also pushing, and Weibo has established an official account of Fullmetal Alchemist, which will update and reveal the production progress of the work from time to time.

The whole project is officially launched......

And after another day, Chu Yu was also ready to set off to the magic capital!

Speaking of it, Chu Yu would go back inland when he had time when he was on the island of Japan, but this year because of being too busy, he has not gone back for more than half a year.

In the terminal, Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin sat on both sides of Chu Yu with a little unhappy mood.

Although they were wearing masks, airport pedestrians still looked at Chu Yu frequently.

After all, two girls with such a good temperament stayed beside this guy like this, and when a group of single dogs passed by, they all scolded that good cabbage had been swept away by pigs!

"Okay, it's mid-to-late November, and the temperature is low, let's go back! I will be back soon!" Chu Yu said with a smile.

"Don't lie! Don't be back for more than half a year!" Su Lu frightened Chu Yu.

"In that case, be careful that I put the green prairie on top of your head!"

Although Chu Yu knew that this kind of Su Lu, who would rather be single for more than 20 years and not find someone to be married, would not be able to do that kind of thing, but after all, it was very uncomfortable to hear such words.

He pulled her over, hugged her, lifted the hood, and Chu Yu kissed hard before letting go.

A single man next to him saw this scene and took a sip of the fat boy happy water in his hand.

He complained about the injustice of the world, after all, he could see Su Lu's face in the few seconds after he took off the mask.

But the next scene made him even more sad...

Zhao Qinyin was dissatisfied with Chu Yu's news. After he let go of Su Lu, he also stood on tiptoe and kissed Chu Yu...

Then the three waved goodbye...

This scene directly caused a large number of men in this area to raise an unknown fire.

The resentment towards Chu Yu can almost summon Sadako.


After the final farewell, Chu Yu boarded the plane back to the magic city.......

Coincidentally, a person who saw Chu Yu, Su Lu, and Zhao Qinyin showed their affection on the same plane as Chu Yu.

It took another few hours all the way, Chu Yu took a good rest and started planning the work and tasks of returning to the magic city in his mind.

Time passed by, when the plane arrived at the magic city.......

As soon as he left the airport, Chu Yu saw two familiar but a little strange figures.

Naturally, Huang Ming needs to say that people in their thirties are still dressed up in fashion. It is estimated that Zaimodu must have a lot of affinity for women based on this external image.

As for the other person... it was Gu Yan who Chu Yu hadn't seen for half a year.

Wearing a black dress, long black silk legs, hanging hair, her face is delicate and white, her eyes are like a clear spring, her waist is like a willow, but the first thing that Chu Yu pays attention to is Gu Yan's chest, which always feels a little bigger.

In terms of dressing, Gu Yan still knows Chu Yu best. If it is not for fear of causing passersby to watch, Chu Yu might be seen in a magical girl cos costume!

After seeing Chu Yu, Huang Ming was full of joy, but Gu Yan rushed over and threw directly into Chu Yu's arms...

"Chu Yu..."

Chu Yu only felt that the two **** on his chest were too textured, and a faint fragrance came from ~www.mtlnovel.com~ on the body that hugged Gu Yan.

Next to him, the passenger who witnessed Chu Yu and Su Lu, Zhao Qinyin's affection at the Tokyo Airport and Chu Yu on the same flight happened to see Chu Yu and Gu Yan outside the airport......

He scolded and walked away, saying something that the three girls are all good, that is, the words deceived by the scumbag because of their low IQ and leave......

"Long time no see! Gu Yan..."

Although Chu Yu often doubled up when playing games, and had video calls almost every week, this kind of face-to-face time had already happened more than half a year ago.

Huang Ming looked beside him and shook his head for a while...

Although he changes his girlfriend frequently, he will find the next one when he is divided!

Huang Ming sighed to be inferior to Chu Yu who had been in a three-person Shura field at the same time and had no accident.

But anyway, Chu Yu looked at the sky at the airport, after all, he was back!
