I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

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The slam dunk has been very popular for a whole week, and almost everyone in the animation circle has been swiped by the news of slam dunk during this period.

At the same time, slam dunk fans are gradually looking forward to it!

The end week of the slam dunk......

"I don't know what the plot of the slam dunk this week is? Sakuragi is injured, can he help Xiangbei win this game?"

"This game will not lose, right? Although the plot last week was rather anxious, in fact, Sakuragi's injury should not be lost. It is too serious. After the end of the game, it will not be a big problem. Otherwise, after the game against the mountain king, Sakuragi Won't play anymore?"

"That should be the story of the second season of Slam Dunk. Maybe it was Sakuragi who recovered from his injury for a day or two. On the second day of the game, Shan Wang played love and did not play. Then the other four players added Wannian to replace Wang Mumu. In the four matches, Hainan staged a peak duel with the old rival Hainan, and at the same time, reached the finals..."

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin: I'll give you the pen, you can paint!"

"But anyway, the second season of Slam Dunk should be a certainty, but it is not clear. If it is really after Xiangbei defeated the mountain king, the Xiangbei team played so hard in this game, will there be a physical match the next day? To be honest In other words, this island-wide tournament system is really unreasonable. How can a group of high school students have such a strong physical strength after playing basketball for five days? Even if the NBA stars are estimated to play back-to-back games for more than two days and forty minutes, they will be tired! "

"No way, people do have this kind of competition there, and the competition system is indeed like this. You can never expect a group of high school students to play a basketball game for ten and a half days, right? Who will be responsible for the expenses during the game? What about academics? It is definitely unrealistic to be as humane as a professional league...So it is precisely because of this that the island-wide competition in the plot selects the team with the strongest combination of strength, endurance, and willpower."

"That is, all teams have been compared for several days in a row, and the conditions are the same!"

"Speaking of the same conditions, it must be a person who does not exercise. If you run a kilometer, you can finish it in five minutes, four minutes, and three minutes. Then your state of the next day is absolutely different, not to mention the duration of four. In the fifty-minute basketball game, Hainan's opponents were all fish-belly teams. The players didn't have to do their best to save their physical strength and strength. Xiangbei played the eighth strongest Fengyu last year in the first round, and the first mountain king in the second round. In the third round, I played last year's eight-finals Aihe, and then in the fourth round I played last year's semi-finals Hainan. In the final, I went all out for four consecutive days and played against a team from another district. Do you think this is fair? Strong? The teams are all in this half of Xiangbei, and the other half is full of belly teams......By the final day, the difference in physical fitness between the two teams is absolutely huge!"

"Indeed, but have you ever thought that this is an animation? As long as Teacher Zhao Qinyin doesn't portray this aspect, you don't have to worry about physical energy consumption! And the most important thing is that Xiangbei hasn't won the mountain king yet? After considering the physical fitness of Xiangbei in the final, maybe Xiangbei lost to the mountain king here? Or after winning the mountain king, the next day, as you said, Sakuragi could not play with an injury, and Rukawa Kaede Mitsui's physical fitness was not in good condition. , Akagi could hardly lose to Aihe alone, and the whole team swept home.....Is there nothing in the second season? Laugh..."

"Can you have this kind of plot? Do you think Mr. Zhao Qinyin is like you! Is she having trouble with money, or with fans, wanting to end the slam dunk like this? Even if Mr. Zhao Qinyin is willing, gt animation company Will the boss be willing? Slam dunk now has an average broadcast volume of over 20 million. If you update the animation, the direct broadcast income will be more than 10 million. Teacher Zhao Qinyin is willing, and the boss of gt animation company can't agree to slam dunk. It's over, we won't make the second season!"

"Ignore these mentally retarded, they are always grandstanding. Let me put it here. Xiangbei will defeat the mountain king, defeat all opponents in the second season, and win the championship, and then Sakuragi high school, high school two, high school, all the way to university, to join the professional team , And Kaede Rukawa entered the NBA in the United States, won once twice, seven or eight championships........If this is done, it is estimated that there are thousands of words in the animation!"


Chu Yu put down his keyboard hand, with a helpless expression.

I finally tried to persuade the slam dunk fans to prepare them mentally, but they regarded Chu Yu as mentally retarded.

"Forget it, leave them alone, they will know what the situation is in three hours!" Chu Yu sighed.

Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu, who are far away on the island of Japan, started a video call.

"How is it? The relationship with Gu Yan has been resolved, so have you come to tell us the good news?"

Su Lu narrowed his eyes on the screen and began to tease Chu Yu.

"Almost!" Chu Yu coughed.

"You haven't told Gu Yan yet......You have been back to the demons for a month!" Zhao Qinyin asked softly.

"Where is it?" Chu Yu controlled his facial expression.



Across the screen, two sighs sounded together.

A thick-skinned person like Chu Yu felt that he couldn't hold his face.

"Don't talk about this, the Slam Dunk master's words will be broadcast in a few hours. At that time, you two will pay attention. You can get off work early today to prevent angry fans from blocking you downstairs! Online also Sooth your fans in time and find a chance to send me your sentence "Youth is inherently imperfect!" "Speak out, and then avoid the limelight for two days..."

"Do you still use it?" Su Lu said.

"Xiaoyin and I didn't go to work today. We will let all the employees of the company take a vacation tomorrow. The explanation video has also been recorded in advance and will be sent out regularly.... But Chu Yu, I found out that you really are Bad taste, obviously capable of making this work complete, but always like this.......How did the Xiangbei team provoke you? Let them beat the strongest team, Lost to a top eight team?" Su Lu himself was also a slam dunk fan, and couldn't help but complain at this point.

"No way, it's a pity, it's also a kind of beauty!" Chu Yu began to pretend.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, when will you come back? If Gu Yan has trouble handling matters there, I can apologize to Laimodu..." Su Lu asked again.

Chu Yu could feel the tension in Su Lu's tone.

"I will be back! I will not give up Gu Yan because of you, nor will I give up on you because of Gu Yan!" Chu Yu took a deep breath.

"do not worry....."

After the video call was hung up, Chu Yu rubbed his hair and sighed.

He feels like an ostrich, now burying his head in the sand to escape... But it can't go on like this!

In Chu Yu's distress......the time passed a little bit, and the animation of the four episodes of the slam dunk at the end of the week was also released on the website on time.

Almost at this moment, the animation fans flooding the site at the same time almost crashed Xinman.com!

"Come on, I am number one!"



"Teacher Zhao Qinyin, I love you!"

At first it was a sparse barrage, but after two seconds of stuck, the next was an overwhelming barrage released by all walks of life, almost covering the screen.

In just one week, the average number of episodes of Slam Dunk this week has almost exceeded 21 million. Many people actually think that in terms of the current number of fans of Slam Dunk, there is almost no room for growth! After all, people who like the two-dimensional element are almost all fans of this work. The ones who have not yet entered the pit are those who have no interest in sports animation. Where can you find growth points?

But Mengxin is like water in a sponge, squeezed and squeezed. The increase in data during the week of slam dunk still shocked many people in the industry.

This has also led to the current ending week for Slam Dunk, and the highest number of barrage sent by online viewers since the broadcast of Slam Dunk!

In the background data of Xinman.com, relevant indicators of slam dunk are gradually approaching historical records.

But for slam dunk fans, the excitement is only when the op song is played.

Since Slam Dunk has been broadcast, the op song and ed song have changed a lot, but the four episodes of the ending week are more retro, replaced by the op song of the first episode of Slam Dunk "I really want to say I love you loudly." !"

After hearing this op song again after a few months, the slam dunk fans have a very different mood. They didn't feel anything before, but now they have an inexplicable sense of tears.

"It feels like I've been watching this work for many years, and it's only more than half a year!"

"Come on, if it's not the update speed of the slam dunk master's words in a week, if you want to see the current plot, normally you can't serialize for three years?"

"Speaking of it, I'm a little bit reluctant! I won't have a slam dunk next week!"

"But in January, there was a comic change made by Mr. Shui Xin, which can comfort the soul."

"Now that the Dragon Kingdom animation industry is worth looking forward to these two people? Other works always seem boring!"

"The main reason is that Teacher Shuixin and Teacher Zhao Qinyin have nurtured the tastes of the Dragon Kingdom two-dimensional fan, and other creators have not kept up with the level of creators. Alas...uncomfortable!"

Fans started to complain about the daily barrage, but soon after the op song ended, they looked forward to the final moment of the week's slam dunk.

Sakuragi is indeed reluctant to play, but that does not mean that he is useless to go up!

At least as soon as he played, he gave a block to Kokawada who was over two meters tall and was about to pitch. Mu Mu couldn't do anything with this kind of operation.....

There was only one minute left in the game, and tension was everywhere in these words.

The Hainan team in the stands tried their best to cheer for Xiangbei. Yu Zhu's expression became even more nervous as if her husband was outside the delivery room, waiting for his wife to give birth!

The expressions of all the members of the mountain king did not have a trace of leeway, and the Xiangbei team sent the energy of feeding from the muscles.

At the critical moment, Mitsui stood up!

A three-pointer was thrown, and Matsui, who defended him, fouled, let alone a three-pointer, and an extra free goal.......

The Sakuragi Corps, German male and Xiangbei substitute players in the stands are almost crying!

"Where did his power come from?"

"Look at Akagi downwind, Chuanfeng against the wind, and Mitsui in a desperate situation......someone understands the meaning of this sentence!"

"Show me tears. Ten minutes ago, Mitsui couldn't even walk, and now he is dragging his body to make a three-pointer and a free throw!"

"Come on, Xiangbei!"

"The difference of five points last week, suddenly pulled to only one point!"

"Shou Mitsui, the eternal god!"

"But there are only forty-five seconds left, and one more goal..."


What is an animation made in seconds? At this moment, the action is slowed down in the slam dunk animation! bgm becomes extremely heavy.

Akagi was also horrified with victory. He wanted to slam dunk in Kawada. He directly fought with Kawada and blocked Kawada!

Zebei got the ball and was about to slam dunk, Sakuragi took off and gave him a block... Rukawa saw the chance to grab the ball, and started to charge alone...

Every second of the plot, Dou is so worried, many fans almost held their breath when they saw it here!

Rukawa Kaede was about to slam dunk, Kawada also blocked the shot. Sakuragi caught the ball and passed it to Rukawa Kaede in the air. His body fell heavily on the ground, but he did not care about the pain in his body, or the belief that he wanted to win would hinder pain The things he exercised were directly suppressed!

The whole stadium is quiet. Watching the two teams fight in the last half minute, the barrage is also quiet. Fans are unwilling to be distracted to send barrage, for fear that they will miss the animation details...

Rukawa Feng made a layup, with twenty-four seconds left, Xiangbei... overtakes the mountain king by one point!

Here, not only is the match on the court, but also off the court, coach Anzai and the coach of the other side Domoto are also heating up!

At this time, Shan Wang still has a chance to suspend and can arrange tactics, but Xiangbei can also take this opportunity to change players! But if the mountain king does not pause, there will be no substitution opportunities in Xiangbei, because all the opportunities in Xiangbei are exhausted!

Domoto originally wanted to pause, but he noticed Coach Anzai's actions and seemed to want to replace Sakuragi...

Domoto thinks that Sakuragi has no physical strength anymore, and it is just a burden on the court. Instead of giving Xiangbei a chance to replace Sakuragi, it is better to trust the members of the mountain king and let Xiangbei team take Sakuragi as a burden... ..

In order to prevent Xiangbei from having a chance to change Sakuragi, Domoto gave up his right to suspend... As everyone knows, Anzai had no such thoughts at all. It was just that Mu Mu used a fake move to deceive Domoto and prejudged it. The purpose of Domoto's pre-judgment is to make Domoto give up this timeout opportunity and give the Shanwang team tactical arrangements...

After all, coach Anxi's white hair is not a mess, and the old coach in the slam dunk is more dirty than the other!

Twelve seconds!

Eleven seconds!

Ten seconds!

In the animation, every time the timer beats, fans become more nervous!

Xiangbei is leading by one point, so be sure to hold it, if the opponent scores a goal......it's over!

It's really over!

But the more you are afraid of what, the more what will come?

The Xiangbei team will explode, won't Shanwang?

Zebei's direct potential was stimulated. With nine seconds left in the game, under the defense of Akagi and Rukawa Kaede, he shot and scored.....

"These two wastes, I have tolerated dozens of them! I can't beat either of them. What a shit? A captain, a trump card, that's all?"

"I tmd want to vomit blood, there are only a few seconds left, these two help a little, cao!"

"We can't blame them either, it is true that the mountain king opponents are better than them!"

"Tell this? How come Rukawa Maple couldn't beat Zebei, seeing Sakuragi's psychological shadow, several stable goals were destroyed by Sakuragi, and even blocked by Sakuragi. On the other hand, Rukawa Maple was defeated by Zebei. The whole process is slammed! Only if you refuse to accept the hard point, no one can match the ten people in the audience!"

"As soon as I see Rukawa Kaede, I get angry. Sakuragi has scored 12 points in this game, and Rukawa Kaede scored 11 points to know that this guy is watery! You can believe that Sakuragi scored in this game so far, Xiangbei The second in scoring, second only to Mitsui Kotobuki's 25 points! Rukawa Feng's team believed him, gave him the ball, and scored this!"

"Zebei scored 26 points, which is more than twice Rukawa Kaede's score. Rukawa Kaede really dragged his feet!"

"Sakuragi not only scored so many points, but also grabbed ten rebounds and four blocks so far. Rukawa Kaede only scored eleven points and a steal... It's really too big a gap!"


In fact, slam dunk fans also understand that it is normal for players to have a difference in strength. The game is a matter of five people!

But seeing the critical moment, Rukawa Feng couldn't stand up. The two defended Zebei and let him score in the last nine seconds. He really broke the defense!

Many people used to think that there was something wrong with those people who watched basketball games being so excited, but now watching the slam dunk animation, they know that someone in their favorite team is so watery, it will really cause brain congestion!

In the last nine seconds of the game, the atmosphere was unprecedentedly tense. The game is not over yet, everything is possible!

But the despair in the hearts of fans cannot be eliminated!

The plot continues to air, and fans' complaints are temporarily stopped!

At the critical moment, Rukawa Kaede, who the fans complained about, received a pass from Akagi, took off, and shot... and then encountered two players from Sanno who took off and defended!

Sakuragi saw in his eyes and moved ahead...

Rukawa Kaede was double-teamed by Sanno and couldn't throw the ball!

So... he passed the ball...

At this moment ~www.mtlnovel.com~ slam dunk fans are almost suffocated!

The red ball attracted everyone's attention and passed to Sakuragi.......

There are less than two seconds left in the game!

Sakuragi takes off and throws the ball!

Joining Xiangbei for all the training, hard work and sweat in the past few months, just for this goal......

The ball... scored!

Everything seems unreal, and many fans' minds are like getting up from the water under a snorkel, ethereal and relaxed!

What follows is joy...

Xiangbei won!
