I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After the release of the trailer of Lingren, with the help of Tianxing, basically people who pay a little attention to the second dimension circle, whether they like it or not, will push it indiscriminately!

Just like on Double Eleven every year, whether you want to shop or not, those annoying ads will always be sent to your mobile phone indiscriminately. Many people originally clicked on Lingren's push with a disdainful expression, but after reading it ........Many people's attitudes have changed!

"It seems very interesting! I thought it was another old-fashioned work, this setting is quite novel!"

"I hope that the funds will not be all on the trailer. It is really good to watch the trailer, but it will be difficult to tell how it actually performs at that time!"

"Isn't it said that it's at least better than the lost forest? In fact, I think it's pretty cool when I watch the lost forest, but the animation is just like a popcorn movie. It's cool when you watch it, and there's no aftertaste after watching it. I hope that Lingren can overcome these shortcomings, otherwise I want to reach the height of a slam dunk, I guess..."

"No one really thinks that Ruan Zhiqi can compare to Teacher Shuixin and Teacher Zhao Qinyin! I admit that the Lost Forest did a good job, which is beyond my expectation, but looking at all the works of Ruan Zhiqi from the past to the present... ..Compared with Shui Xin and Teacher Zhao Qinyin, they lack so much aura! Lost Forest may be in the April animation market, which is not a big rival, and with the laborious publicity of Tianxing, it may achieve results. It can be compared to the initial D animation, but no one goes home to think that even if the work is comparable to the initial D!"

"In terms of classicity and quality, it is indeed incomparable, but the Longguo animation industry has always been based on the performance theory. The works that are seen by the most people are good works. If the Lost Forest can really achieve such results, it does not matter how we think! "

"But I have to say that the trailer of Lingren is really good, and the setting of the work is also very new. For the trailers of Single Lingren and Lost Forest, I personally think that Lingren's sense of expectation does exceed the Lost Forest by a lot. ....... If Ms. Shui Xin and Ms. Zhao Qinyin don't take this enemy seriously, it is not clear that they will really overturn in July!"

"Overturned? Haha..."

"To be honest, as a fan of Teacher Shui Xin for many years, I actually can't get used to Mr. Shui Xin's arrogant face. On weekdays on the Internet, in real life, although he doesn't say it clearly, I am number one in the animation industry. Attitude is almost overflowing from the Internet! If he overturns on weekdays, I still think there is a possibility, but now, with the personality of Teacher Shui Xin, is it possible to let myself return to the work after three years away? You never will. I feel that the Garden of Words lost to the Lost Forest in the Popularity Award competition last month. I feel that this is the beginning of Waterloo, the teacher of Water Heart? I think that you should worry not only that Ruan Zhiqi's soul will be messed up by the giants. To kill, we have to worry that Steelmaking will also suffer the same treatment!"

"Anyway, it can be expected that this July will definitely be the gospel for two-dimensional fans. In the past five or six years of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, the three most famous young talented imperial cities pk... ..... I have a hunch that my wallet will dry out this July, and I will have to spend a lot of money to buy some accessories!"

"I hope all three works are magical works like slam dunk! That would be so happy!"

"Wash and sleep, this kind of work is not Chinese cabbage. It is very uncertain whether teacher Zhao Qinyin can create another work of the same level for the rest of his life. Three years have passed by teacher Shui Xin, and it is hard to say whether the level has declined... ...Don't think about it so much! I'm going to burn a lot of incense if the three works can reach the level of initial D!"


The preview of Lingren's pv broadcast once again made the Dragon Kingdom animation industry boil up!

However, the final result of the discussion still fell into whether Ruan Zhiqi can rise, whether the water heart can return to the king, and whether Zhao Qinyin can suppress his predecessor Chu Yu in the animation industry and his eye-catching younger generation Ruan Zhiqi!

These discussion topics are almost the Nikkei posts in the animation industry. In the two-dimensional circle, the intensity of everyone's mutual tearing is no less than that in the parallel world, everyone discusses related topics derived from Kobe, Jordan, James, and O'Neal. The absolute popularity is high!

However, for the three works, Lingren first released the trailer, officially opening its propaganda screen within the whole dragon kingdom, and the fullmetal alchemist and the attacking giant.......

No response!

In the three days after the release of the Lingren trailer, under Zhao Qinyin Weibo and Chu Yu Weibo, the two fans who exploded in number and asked both sides to quickly launch an animated trailer pv, although you can't see the official animation, watch the trailer pv , Analyzing and setting the plot can also satisfy their hunger and thirst!

You will never think how idle this group of fans will be. Many people even gather under the gt animation production company building holding Zhao Qinyin's photo sign, expressing their dissatisfaction with the lack of information disclosure as a fan!

But this kind of thing... Without fan urging, Su Lu is already working on the promotion of Steelmaking! But the difference is.... The giant propaganda of the attack still cannot be carried out!

Although after so many months of intense animation production, the progress of the attacking giant is already in the forefront, and it is easy to edit a pv file, but since Chuyu is still in the ban, large-scale publicity is definitely no use, those websites Advertisers cannot dare to confront relevant departments!

Everything has to wait until July, when Huang Ming has reported the attacking giant to trial, and then... there is nothing left! The high probability is to broadcast while propagating...

There is no way! Time can only be arranged like this!

So for Chu Yude fans, their anxiety is expected to last a long time!

"But........ In this way, the first time you see the giant, the impact will be stronger! If you don't know any information!" Chu Yu flipped through the plan submitted by the company's subordinates. Said to himself.


At the end of May, one week after the announcement of the Lingren, Steelmaking followed closely, and at 11:59 am on the last day of May....... Animated trailer of the Alchemist pv!

Without any advance announcement, the steelmaking publicity pv was released through various channels abruptly!

It's late at night, it should be the moment everyone fell asleep, but there are always some night owls who are immortal cultivators!

For example, Dai Qiong, now at nineteen, is freshman again!

Although the dormitory was powered off, it didn't affect him to wander around on Weibo with his phone!

It's just that I go to my heart goddess Zhao Qinyin Weibo to post a comment every day, and sign in on the first day of June by the way!

And then..... Zhao Qinyin's Weibo dynamic that hasn't been updated for three months.......there is actually an update!

Dai Qiong thought it was only Zhao Qinyin who was posting some life selfie videos again, but he never expected that Fullmetal Alchemist promoted the introduction of pv1 and almost made him breathe!

"Sons, the Fullmetal Alchemist has launched a pv promotion! Dad treats you well, I have told you such important things!" Dai Qiong roared!

The otaku roommates in one dormitory all sat up, staring at Dai Qiong's face in the dark night with a few pairs of eyes. After making sure that the son had not lied to them, they skillfully clicked on the mobile website........

It's a joke, Dai Qiong quickly clicked into the pv animation of Fullmetal Alchemist!

As soon as it opens, there are two children!

"Absolutely, you can't use alchemy to make humans!"

"Don't you...don't want to see mom again?"

The two dialogues between the two boys immediately attracted Dai Qiong's attention, and rational thinking was analyzing the meaning of these two sentences!

Rehabilitation? Goodbye mom...

The well-funded Chu Yu will naturally not be stingy in the production of Steelmaking, the animation quality is almost in the sky and one on the ground compared to the 09 version of the parallel world's steel fa!

The difference is bigger than the picture quality difference between the fate06 version of Saber line animation and the latest movie theater version of Sakura Line in Parallel World!

So when the dialogue between the two boys ended, the pattern in the room was complicated, but when the unusually cool array was lit up, the nervous bgm, almost perfect picture quality...Characters, expressions, fights... .....

In fact, the trailer didn't say anything, after all, it can't be spoiled too much, but for the picture quality and smooth motion pictures it shows, there are still many companies that can make this kind of picture quality animation in the dragon country animation industry. But the companies that are willing to invest so much money in making this kind of animation are gt, copyists, and Tianxing! Dai Qiong paused the animation, and even the character leaped up in mid-air. There were details about the hair and clothes swinging because of inertia... Dai Qiong could only sigh that gt animation production company is really fucking. It is the conscience of the industry! The slam dunk master's level of painting is already outrageous, and Gang Lian has actually taken it to the next level. In this way, it is necessary to be a painter directly! !

Dai Qiong was inexplicably excited. Although he didn't see anything, he just felt that this work was definitely not bad!

This is the confidence that fans of Longguo animation industry have in Zhao Qinyin now!

Dai Qiong clicked on the preview pv again, ready to watch it again!

It is now two minutes past zero, but the preview of the pv is completely different from when he opened it a minute ago!

What attracts the eye is the overwhelming barrage!


"the first!"

"I've watched it the second time, I can't sleep anymore, I'm so excited!"

"Ms. Zhao Qinyin's work for the first time in half a year!"

"I was asleep, and was woken up by my good friend! For the first time, thanks to my friend for waking me up from my sleep!"

"Awesome, is human body refining a resurrection technique? The protagonist was so good when he was a child, invincible streaming animation?"

"It seems to be another animation in another world, I hope it can surprise me!"

"I don't know if all the funds are used for the trailer, or if all the tmd works are the animation quality of the trailer, if it is the latter I really love gt animation production company! Just look at the screen and enjoy it, look at the April animation Those animations in the market, I'm looking at people here, so hot eyes!"

"Don't think about it so much, all animations are produced with this quality requirement, and 99% of the works can't be repaid! Teacher Zhao Qinyin's conservative goal of this work is at least 134 million. Go, compare with those animation companies that have an average score of 3 million and open champagne to celebrate?"


In the middle of the night, Zhao Qinyin Weibo became hot, and the search volume of Fullmetal Alchemist's pv increased at an incomprehensible rate!

Although the promotional channels of gt animation production company in Quanlong are far inferior to Tianxing, who is Zhao Qinyin?

The screenwriter of the champion work Spirited Away in the Long Kingdom movie box office, and the creator of the Fengshen-level animation vl and slam dunk! Almost recognized by most people in the industry as the first active animation creator...

The diversity of publicity channels is indeed not as good as Tianxing, but it is only through Weibo, Xinmanwang, Tweet, and some large, medium and small video sites that have cooperated to release this preview pv, that momentum....... It's amazing!

The daily broadcast volume of the new comic network in a single day exceeded 6 million, and Weibo Hot Search directly ranked first on the next day! On the external network, the power of foreign fans is not small!

Starting from June 1st on major websites, the up-hosts of the animation zone almost all come together to catch the heat!

A one-minute preview pv, someone posted a fifteen-minute analysis video, various explanations, various speculations, all kinds of flattery... and then the new mannet daily search rankings came to the No. three!

Chu Yu just watched and laughed, that person's analysis video was almost all wrong, but after watching the video, the fans still showed all kinds of barrages that they realized that they realized it!

It's different from Lingren's propaganda... Everyone's expectations for Lingren and Ruan Zhiqi are more to see his potential! So although there are many people who praise it, there are also many doubts!

But for Zhao Qinyin's work... it is completely different! There is no doubt, at least before Zhao Qinyin creates a street anime, the voice of doubt will be turned back by Zhao Qinyin's fans!

And Zhao Qinyin's fame is not only in the animation circle, but also in the movie circle!

Spirited Away has only been released for less than a year, and the three words Zhao Qinyin are very impressive to many people!

Therefore, the enthusiasm of the pv and Zhao Qinyin's creation of the steelmaking preview on the Internet is even more than that of Ruan Zhiqi and Lingren, who are fully enthusiastic by Tianxing.

In this scene, people in the Dragon Kingdom animation circle are speechless for a while!

It is not an exaggeration to describe the popularity of the propaganda of the fullmetal alchemist and the spirit man with the fight of the gods!

Chu Yu was also paying attention to the relevant information of steelmaking throughout the whole process, but even he could only sigh that Zhao Qinyin is indeed too popular now!

Even Chu Yu himself is estimated to be inferior. After all, Zhao Qinyin's historical performance is abnormal, and his personal appearance and appearance conditions are good!

Talented and beautiful, she can be called the three-dimensional girl who came out of the two-dimensional.......Many secondary apes who disdain to chase stars and only love paper people, the posters on the wall in the room except paper Apart from the anime girls, there are only live posters of Zhao Qinyin. One can imagine her status in the hearts of this group of people!

"So... the pressure is now transferred to you!"

In the middle of the night, Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu finished taking a bath and put on their own nightdresses. Both of them were white and fragrant!

But Chu Yu was a little helpless! !

He understands what Zhao Qinyin is talking about...

Chu Yu's Weibo is about to explode!

Ruan Zhiqi's soul man had a preview pv, as did Zhao Qinyin's Fullmetal Alchemist!

Only Chuyu's attacking giant...not only didn't all of them, but even the broadcast time was unknown...a mysterious work!

This kind of thing is most afraid of comparison~www.mtlnovel.com~ Chu Yude fans can't stand it anymore. Today, all day long, they gathered under Weibo to send him various private messages!

Chu Yu was also embarrassed in this situation!

"This should be the hardest month for your fans! There is no information, just know that you will air this work in July, which is even more uncomfortable than the short chapter of the story of your work in the past!" Su Lu Talking cool words next to you!

"And if the review speed is not handled well, it may not be broadcast in July, maybe it will have to wait until August!" Zhao Qinyin answered.

"That's just breaking my promise!"

"You two don't put pressure on me anymore, I was already annoying enough! I'm still here..." Chu Yu glanced at them!

If Chu Yu cares about other people in the world now, except for his three girlfriends, this is a huge number of fans!

One or two is okay. Millions of fans are overwhelmed by the expectations of you...Chu Yu can't ignore it!
