I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Friday, August 6th!

The weather was extremely hot, and Zhang Jingfei hurriedly returned to the rental house after get off work!

Only when the air conditioner was turned on, the temperature was slightly reduced!

Just before the time came, I took a shower and got my own takeaway dinner. Happy water and potato chip snacks are indispensable!

Although it is only a rented house, I still spent a lot of money to renovate and renovate my own room!

If a friend comes in, this style is completely in line with the image of an otaku with the dual identity of the programmer and the second ape!

Turn off the light, turn on the computer, and the dazzling light pollution of the graphics card of the chassis will instantly light up!

After checking the time, Zhang Jingfei took a deep breath and quickly logged in to the new mannet account!

Although a girl is still a beautiful girl, it is strange that she likes to watch food dramas like giants, but after the first time her friend Amway took this work two weeks ago, she couldn't extricate herself from it!

While the industry is still doubting whether the follow-up story of Giant will be played off, she firmly believes that it is already at such an early stage in the progress of Giant Animation's broadcast, and firmly believes that this work must be a minority of Gods!

"I have been hanged for a week...I hope this week's plot will not let me down!" Zhang Jingfei said to herself.

Then in the next second, the hand speed of the single dog showed up. At nine o'clock, the moment when the link to the fifth chapter of the giant was released, he quickly scanned the code and paid, and the whole person didn't care about anything. The momentum suddenly became vigorous. After entering the play link, immediately In the barrage speech area, the big words "First! Sofa!", press the keyboard to send!

The prompt message of the new mannet video, "Congratulations, distinguished Star Diamond member" I am your die! "This is the 512th comment barrage of this video..."

"How can it be repaired, there are more than 500 people faster than me..." Zhang Jingfei cursed in a low voice, and picked up a bunch of skewers!

But immediately, her gaze focused on the animation plot!

The bow of the red lotus at the beginning of the game will not jump. Although I have listened to it many times, I feel passionate every time I listen to it!

The singer of this song has been popular on the Internet for two weeks with this song, and this song has been among the top downloads on all major music websites! That is, the videos of those gourmet up-hosts on the teaser always like to match this song, which makes Zhang Jingfei feel very uncomfortable, at least watching those videos completely loses appetite! But this may be the trend of young people now...

After the op was over, Zhang Jingfei's eyes condensed immediately. The animation continued last week's plot. After Alan gave instructions to his companion to confront the giant, he rushed to the super giant with his stomach!

The steel wire is fixed on the super-giant muscle, and the white smoke from its body carries huge heat, but the background board makes Alan seem to be dancing in the clouds.

Anchoring, leaping, zooming in, transitioning...In less than two seconds, Alan is like an eagle falcon, bypassing the front of the super giant, and rushing to the back of the super giant's neck !

"This is animation!"

"I'm about to cry, how can I be so handsome!"

"Compared to this, winged flying is a baby toy!"

"I look silly directly, compared with Allen, Uncle Hans is indeed a scumbag!"

"If the plot hasn't progressed yet, I'm already excited!"


There is no doubt that with sufficient funds, how shocking the giant's work is in front of the fans of Longguo animation!

Zhang Jingfei, who was still cursing on the barrage a minute ago, had completely lost her mind, her eyes widened, and she had eaten half a skewer of roast beef in her mouth and forgot to chew it!

However, a huge heat wave rushed Alan into the air, and the slash he was determined to win was empty.......

Not to mention that Allen is dumbfounded, the audience is dumbfounded too!

A giant like me!

Last week, some people suspected that Super Giant suddenly appeared as a bug, and this week......no one doubted it!

Can it disappear suddenly but can't it appear suddenly?

What exactly are Chaoju and Kaiju?

So every word in this work is digging holes!

The biggest advantage of the giant's work is that it does not give the audience any breathing time. From Alan awakening the power of the giant to Bertot being eaten, Reiner is defeated and returned to his hometown, and the story is only a few months away!

But now, fans have not had time to taste the details of the plot, and immediately watch the animation into the theme!

Chaoju came quietly, then quietly left, waved his sleeves, leaving a big hole!

Isn't this the scene of the shattered version of Allen's hometown five years ago?

The order is to let all the regiments in the city advance against the giants.

The panic of the Allen trio, Armin judged that it was a matter of time for the wall of Roussey to be broken...and Allen's determination to prepare to fight the giant!

The advance team that fought against the giants was wiped out, and the giants entered the city in large numbers......

Those who complained about the slow plot of the Giant last week could not have imagined that the plot of the Giant this week would be so fast!

In the animation, the psychological description of the characters, although fear, anxiety, and panic, they still bite the bullet and hang a steel wire to drink and fight with the giants!

I even specifically recalled the body structure that giants can regenerate quickly, the method of killing giants, and its weakness and stamina...

The music layered in, the audience was completely ablaze, Zhang Jingfei and a kind of giant fan were ablaze inexplicably!

So... this thing also has its weaknesses!

Fans who are brought into the storyline just want to see the scene of the investigative corps torturing and killing giants!

After all, it's too depressing... From the first chapter, we can only see human beings being abused by giants and killed as chickens!

And indeed, the animation plot seems to be progressing in this direction!

With passionate music, several members of Allen's team took the initiative to slash and kill the giants in the city!

"Handsome, how can an animation scene be so handsome? I'm going to watch it wet!"

"Fuck, Ellen, look good on you!"

"That super giant is too bad, I want to take my kitchen knife into the animation and kill it!"

"It's so burning, this music! How many people can Alan kill?"

"It would be great to kill all those seven or eight giants! I can't afford to kill one less protagonist!"


The audience, who were brainwashed by the exciting music, were completely plunged into the storyline at this time, just thinking about the animation and quickly let the protagonist Allen show his talents!

Including Zhang Jingfei, happy water one after another, eyes full of light!

It has to be said that this animation of Giant is simply outrageous in controlling the emotions of the audience!

In most animation works, the protagonist laughs and the audience thinks the protagonist is stupid, the protagonist cries, and the audience thinks he is hypocritical, but in the giant's work, most of the actions of the protagonist Allen can be resonated by the audience and have a strong sense of substitution! It is precisely because of this that Jianshan Chuang can complete his creative concept that hurts the audience!

"The front line has completely collapsed. What are the seniors doing? They show off their power on weekdays..."

In the animation, Zhang Jingfei nodded with the complaint of Ellen's companion!

Sure enough, the role of the dragon is not good, and the protagonist must come to save the world........

Next second!

The animated screen jumped up on the face of a strange species that was 20 meters away from the sky. The picture quickly zoomed in, and Zhang Jingfei could see the giant's huge mouth and its tonsils in the picture!


It hit the clock tower, and Allen's squad companion, who was complaining about the inability of the seniors just now... only his head was exposed in the giant's mouth!

Then the giant raised his head, his Adam's apple jittered, and made a grunt! Eyes are slightly closed...... The expression is intoxicated, as if tasting Moutai wine!

Zhang Jingfei's eyes widened, what's the situation? Why not follow the script? The exciting background music just now, don't change the key!

In the animation, Allen and his group's stunned expressions are just like countless fans in front of the computer!

With the superb production level and the review standard of Dragon Kingdom exceeding the parallel world of China, the scene of the companion being eaten in this scene made Zhang Jingfei nauseous, seeing that there was half a pack of various meat skewers left in her takeaway... ...Suddenly it doesn't smell good!

"what are you doing?"

Allen roared, bgm changed his tone instantly, and wanted to avenge his companion!

In order to cover him, the companion can only keep up!

A section of high-speed and handsome aerial three-dimensional moving device approached, and then halfway through......

A small giant jumped one by one, took a bite in the air, and bit Allen's leg!

A couple of lovers in the same period were eaten one after another in order to save him!

Allen's team, except for the stunned Armin, and Allen with a broken leg.......In less than half a minute, it was completely destroyed!

Moreover, Armin, who was shocked, was completely stupid. Faced with the giant approaching him, his legs were weak and could not run. He was lifted up by the giant and was sending it to his mouth.......

Fans of the second dimension of the Dragon Kingdom have long known that Chu Yu is a creator who does not follow the routine, but they can't think of how the plot can develop like this!

"My Nima is stupid! The protagonist broke his leg in the fifth episode!"

"Almin was eaten right away, and Allen was bitten off with a broken leg and severely injured on the roof!"

"It's so scary, then this animation, dare not watch it!"

"Ms. Shui Xin, what plot is this going for? The fifth chapter is the dead man?"

"Is it true that the protagonist of this work is Mikasa? Mikasa avenged her husband and inherited Alan's will to slaughter the giants of the world?"

"I really can't guess Mr. Shuixin! I thought I had been a fan of him for seven years and already knew him, but now that I watched it, I was too naive!"

"It's over!"


Armin was put into his mouth by a giant beard. The giant tongue and teeth, slimy saliva and the animation of the mouth wall are vivid!

At this time, Allen fell on my roof, watching all this, and recalling the memories with Armin.......

The two agreed to go to see the sea together........

Although he broke a leg and his face was full of blood, he stood up!

The bgm ignited instantly. At the moment when Almin was about to slide towards the giant's esophagus, Allen rushed into the giant's mouth with his last strength, grabbing the giant's teeth with one hand, and using the other hand to slam Almin vigorously. Out of the giant's mouth........

This scene is both horrible..... inexplicably burning and inexplicably moving!

This short story of a few minutes completely broke the audience's fantasy of giants, and it became clear that this creature was terrible!

Zhang Jingfei was silly looking at her whole body, and the animation barrage was the same. No one had enough time to send the barrage!

I just saw Alan, who had broken one leg, pressed the other leg against the giant's lower teeth, and the other hand supported the giant's upper teeth in the giant's mouth, he and Armin's life and death stared at each other!

"I'm crying, Alan is a real man!"

"Almin this trash! MD's legs are frightened!"

"Allen and Armin are in love, right? You actually die to Armin!"

"Oh, this animation is good-looking, but it's too irritating! I feel a little stomach upset!"

"Maybe when pigs, cattle, sheep and dogs look at us humans, it is so terrible!"

"Crying, I absolutely sprayed this protagonist waste before, but now, I just think he is too powerful! Teacher Shuixin is too strong in character shaping, is the protagonist's character sharpness not 100,000 times better than that of Lingren?"

"But the protagonist is dead, how can this animation continue?"


The popularity of the fifth episode of the giant keeps rising. On the new mannet and major video sites, the amount of broadcast, the volume of barrage comments, and the popularity of the giant are rising at a rapid rate!

And Armin was thrown out by Allen and collapsed on the roof. He saw his best friend being swallowed within a short distance, and even Allen's protruding arm was bitten off and hit him in the face, splashing blood on his face!

Zhang Jingfei threw a bag of kebabs she bought into the trash can, and the aftertaste of beef kebabs in her mouth was quickly diluted with happy water!

The fifth chapter of the giant ended with a look back in the mountains with a foreboding!

The ed song sounded, and thousands of viewers couldn't calm down for a long time!

Too shocking, this plot!

It's just like a mother!

Many people are a little afraid to click on the link to Chapter 6, but their curiosity about the subsequent plot drove them to do so!

"I'm shocked! This work, I see how it rounds behind Teacher Shui Xin!"

"But I have to say, it's so good, Allen sacrificed himself to his friend's expression and psychological description, I just cried!"

"I really didn't expect this work to be in this style. I thought it was a pleasant monster-playing plot. How could it be that it was cruelly abused!"

"If I encounter monsters like giants in real life, I should be scared to death!"


A group of people discussed it for a while, and then started the plot of the sixth episode without stopping!

In the sixth chapter, there is no plot of Ellen, and the main story is the story of Mikasa and Ellen when they were young!

Mikasa who was moved to kill the whole family, Allen's heroic rescue, the resistance of the two in times of crisis, Mikasa's sudden burst of power under the influence of Alan's words, the two who killed people in their childhood..... ....

The audience gradually understood why Ellen and Mikasa had such a personality!

The whole sentence is shaping the image of Mikasa's character, so at the end of the sixth chapter, Mikasa shuttles on the roof, worrying about Alan's safety, and chanting in his heart!

"For me, there is still a place I can go back in this world...Ellen, as long as you are there, I can do everything!"

Zhang Jingfei only felt that the three hats at this time made people feel handsome and distressed!

After all, the Ellen she was thinking of is already dead...

As the time was approaching ten o'clock, Zhang Jingfei, who had finished watching the sixth episode of the giant, was still immersed in the plot of the story.

And under Chuyu Weibo, fans are crazy!

"It's so outrageous! Teacher Shuixin, the protagonist of the fifth episode, there is no one before and no one afterwards!"

"Teacher Shuixin, you are too livestock. You stay in this kind of place every week. How will the plot develop next? Spoiler!"

"The story of the Giants this week simply broke all my inherent views on Shui Xin. I am judged the enemy. Although I still like Teacher Zhao Qinyin, I still like Giants a little bit more than Gang Lian!"

"Allen won't die, right? After Allen was swallowed, he broke his stomach in the giant's stomach, and then it came out, right!"

"So after Allen escaped, he found a girl who could make mechanical prostheses, and then learned alchemy, right! Allen was bitten off the left leg first, and then the right hand, and the protagonist of steel, Edward Elric's situation coincides perfectly! I realize that the giant turned out to be a steelmaking prequel!"

"This Nima can be connected to the steel making, I am also convinced!"

"I didn't expect that in this link, netizens are still strong!"


Ruan Zhiqi looked away blankly from the sixth words of the giant!

A bit speechless!

The fifth chapter is to shape the character of Alan, the protagonist, and after the sixth, to shape the character of Mikasa!

Ruan Zhiqi doesn't know if the giant's follow-up plot will be round or not, but in these two plots, the character shaping and the ability to mobilize the audience's emotions, Ruan Zhiqi understands that his current level is too far behind this. ........

Biling the bell~www.mtlnovel.com~ Biling the bell!

Here comes Tian Xing and his docking employees!

Ruan Zhiqi connected the phone, his expression getting darker as he listened!

Because of the popular plot of Chapter 5, the giants are very hot in the dragon country animation industry this evening!

The direct result of this is that the giant's broadcast data has risen rapidly........

The current steelmaking, after a daytime fight, is surpassing Lingren's performance by a slight advantage. This has bothered Ruan Zhiqi and Tianxing!

Because of this incident, Ruan Zhiqi was also warned and criticized by Chairman Yin Tian during the day!

But now the most outrageous thing is coming. If it continues to develop according to the current situation, the work of Attacking Giant is not impossible to think of achieving a substantial increase in performance tonight!

The performance of the giant itself is not much different from the previous two works, if things develop like this!

The giant climbs to the top, and then steels second, and the spirit man will probably knock down the third position!