I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After hearing what Chu Yu said, Zhao Qinyin and Gu Yan could only nodded blankly!

   After all, this is the first time Chu Yu has expressed his expectations for these two works!

   In the same period of time, both collections have played more than 10 million, and with the addition of Lingren, even though the decline has been revealed now, it is inevitable that the average play volume of the episodes will exceed 10 million!

  If Chu Yu's words come true, it means that in one quarter, three works with an average broadcast volume of more than 10 million were born, and two of them have broken 20 million.......

  Is there such a big animation market in Long Country?

   Both of them have big doubts about this!

   But Chu Yu's expression is vowed again... I think of Chu Yu's pretense in the past few years, and all his boasting has come true...

   "If that's the case, I'm afraid it will also mark the golden age of Longguo animation industry has come!" Gu Yan sighed!

   "Do you only have this kind of consciousness now?" Chu Yu looked at the two!

   "Since I was active in the Dragon Kingdom animation market, the prelude to the so-called golden age has begun!"

   "Do you mean that because of you, the Dragonland animation market, which has been declining in the past few years, has given a second spring?" Gu Yan laughed.

   "You are so confident!"

   "Isn't it? You calculate carefully, in the past seven years of the Dragon Kingdom, apart from my works, how many works have an average broadcast volume of over 10 million?"

   Facing his girlfriend's ridicule, Chu Yu definitely couldn't bear it!

"A total of five... And among my works, the works that achieved this achievement, just count it, at least twelve or three! If there weren't for me, the animation market in Long Kingdom would be true. Quite apathetic!" Chu Yu spoke with data.

   The two of them thought about it carefully, it really seemed to be such a situation!

   "Okay, I know you are good! Like a child showing off a toy..." Gu Yan said quickly.

   She doesn't want to fall into the trap of reasoning with Chu Yu. Generally speaking, she will definitely be overwhelmed by Chu Yu!

   "Since you are so proud, then keep your advantage, it is best to surpass the sky star as soon as possible, and then let us pay tribute to your heroic appearance of the first person in the dragon country animation industry!" Gu Yan said with a smile.

"I don't need you to tell me about this kind of thing! It seems that my successive head-to-head moves to find the Stars finally made it mess up there, and the effective behavior naturally needs to be strengthened! I am already studying the battle with the Stars next year!" Chu Yu suddenly said solemnly.

"What you said is very similar to a sentence once said by a player codenamed 7 in the league game! [I'm already studying the opponents of the **** match!], and then the next match is lost, then the match Didn't get promoted to participate!!" Gu Yan said with a smile.

   "I am consuming my game idol 7 guide again.....Look at me not punishing you!" Chu Yu heard this and immediately rushed up!

"How are you going to punish me? The game is solo? There are more than one hundred heroes in the league to choose from, and I only use the mouse to operate without the keyboard!" Gu Yan was pressed by Chu Yu, feeling Chu Yu's breath, blushing. .

   "You look down on me so much?" Chu Yu's expression is ugly!

   But... he won't be fooled!

   After all, judging from the historical experience of the solo game with Gu Yan in the past, unless Gu Yan's monitor screen is turned off, otherwise Gu Yan will let him one-handed, and Chu Yu has never won!

   "The solo games are too pediatric, I don't bother to bully you girl! You will know how I will punish you when you rest and sleep!!" After Chu Yu finished speaking, he kissed Gu Yan's lips!

Zhao Qinyin next to    was drinking milk, and looked at the two people hugging and rolling together on the sofa with cold eyes.

  The beautiful face is as white as jade, and his face is cold, but there is still a touch of sourness in his eyes!

  Although he accepted the status quo of Chu Yu's three girlfriends, but seeing Chu Yu flirting with Gu Yan in front of him, how could it be impossible for him to have no trouble in his heart!

   is really very adaptable, Chu Yu!

   has completely ignored her existence!

   Although she didn't say anything, she was a little angry!

   It's a pity that Chu Yu didn't look up at Zhao Qinyin's expression at this time, otherwise he would unlock another kind of cute Zhao Qinyin's face!


   Chuyu and the demons of his two girlfriends live together without shame...

   On the other hand!

  The prospects for the performance of the attacking giants are very good. Under the vigorous promotion of the Long Guo two-dimensional engine website, Xinman.com, there is a tendency to go out of the circle!

   Weibo hot search is going up and disappearing, and various classic scenes in the giant animation are spreading crazy on the Internet!

  This situation, there is no doubt...People who follow the animation circle have noticed that in the battle of Giant, Steel, Lingren, and the three works, the Giant has taken the lead in breaking out of the siege!

   In just one week, the giant's score has exceeded 9 million from an average of more than 8 million views!

   has already pulled the two works of Lingren and Ganglian in a lot of positions behind him!

   And Lingren still ranks third in the three works......

   Regardless of how Tianxing and Ruan Zhiqi work hard to promote on the Internet, let alone giants, even the gap with Steelmaking is slowly widening!

   And it's mid-August.......After the eighth week of the animation of Lingren and Gangren aired.......

   The tearing of the two works on the Internet has reached a climax!

   In order to survive, the hero ruthlessly sacrificed the behavior of the girl who liked him in order to survive, which made a lot of fans dissatisfied. The stable and progressive plot of Steelmaking is becoming more and more attractive!

  The members of the black-handed robot organization behind the story gradually become clear, the mystery surrounding the sage's stone is gradually peeled away, and the plot of the story becomes more and more fascinating!

  The potential of works that make fans look more and more on the top gradually emerges!

   There are quite a few Long Kingdom Second Apes who are watching two works at the same time!

   But now, Lingren has become more and more routine than Ganglian!

   If there are no other excellent works on the market to compete with Lingren, then maybe everyone is not aware of the lack of Lingren!

   But before the steel and the giant's jewels, and compared to the spirits, the taste of this work spontaneously arises!

   You said you don't want to watch Zifan, it's actually quite interesting, but after reading it, I always feel that the rhythm of the story is very problematic and it is not clean at all.

   So on the night after the 16th episode of the two works was broadcast, the giant was not affected, but the fans of Ruan Zhiqi and Zhao Qinyin were already torn apart!

   The cause of the matter is simple. Lingren fell from the first to the third in the new July animation. Although Lingren fans are not reconciled, after watching the giant animation, they can't say anything else!

   The gap between the two works is indeed obvious!

   But the most popular thing for online fans is to find companions. Lingren is indeed sluggish, but Fullmetal Alchemist is not much better!

   is also higher than Lingren's 300,000 views on average!

  The spirit man was ridiculed and criticized by the industry, what about the Fullmetal Alchemist?

   What is the queen of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, who is the first person in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, is not surrendered before the return of Shui Xin! Not without resistance!

   Ruan Zhiqi and Tian Xing boasted about going to Haikou beforehand, but it is really embarrassing that Lingren's current performance is not as good as that of Giants!

   But even Zhao Qinyin lost, the accusation of Lingren seems unfair, right!

Once the sour remarks of   lingren fans were fermented, Zhao Qinyin fans couldn't stand it instantly!

   Originally, Zhao Qinyin fans were uncomfortable. The goddess I like is now being pressured by the return of Shui Xin. If Shui Xin fans ridicule Zhao Qinyin, then everyone has nothing to say!

   But why are you Ruan Zhiqi fans? The third child mocks the second child?

   Zhao Qinyin fans were ignited at this time, and the fans on both sides were completely torn apart!

   "So this is the genius favored by Tianxing? This week, Lingren's plot is too stretched! Thinking of Ruan Zhiqi's arrogance two weeks ago, and Lingren's current sluggishness, this is really funny!"

"How old is Teacher Ruan Zhiqi? Lingren is already very good with this kind of grades. If this is the case, anyway, the set average of 134 million grades is not a big problem, so what Zhao Qinyin, at the age of teacher Ruan Qiqi I don't know what else are you doing?"

"Seeing this kind of remarks again, Ruan Zhiqi said that he was a talented person when he had the advantage. When he was at a disadvantage, he was a little cute in his grade, and he was still growing up! It's ridiculous... .In this case, he showed respect for his predecessors, and made a lot of talk about kicking Shuixin, punching Zhao Qinyin, and then really comparing it.......the third..... ...Hehe! Daddy laughed!"

"Hehe, can we blow with Zhao Qinyin's brain fans anymore? Before Gang Lian started, Zhao Qinyin was the first person in the animation industry of Long Country. This time, he will strongly suppress the return of Shui Xin and the rise of Teacher Ruan Zhiqi! Now. .....Oh, steelmaking is a slow-moving work, and later steelmaking will catch up with the giants! Later...how long is the specific time? Is it ten thousand years? Or will it be time to catch up? If you don't, just say that the audience in this era can't understand Steelmaking? I don't understand. Isn't it just a **** who sells cute costumes? I've seen this woman not pleasing to the eye!"

   "Dare to scold Teacher Zhao Qinyin, I **** ******!"

   "The scolding is Zhao Qinyin, I'm ******!"


   Although Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin stay together all day to discuss the philosophy of life, the relationship is harmonious!

   But Zhao Qinyin's fans are obviously dissatisfied with the lagging performance of Steelmaking!

The news of    and Ruan Zhiqi's fans on the fan network was widely reported by the media of Longguo animation industry the next day! Moreover, the scolding war on both sides is also on the hot search!

   "When did the animation circle become like a rice circle!"

   Zhao Qinyin is involved, Chu Yu naturally pays attention, sighed and said something!

   "Isn't this the culture you exhibited with your hair?"

   Zhao Qinyin looked at the hundreds of thousands of private messages from fans on the back of his Weibo account, basically asking her to stand up publicly to tear Ruan Zhiqi, and suddenly felt a headache!

   She is not Chu Yu, she always feels that it is too shameful to scold others on the Internet!

   "Me?" Chu Yu pointed at himself!

   "Yes, which of your works did you scold your competitors for a few times when it was broadcast?" Zhao Qinyin sighed!

   "Fortunately, there are spiritual fans blocking guns, otherwise it is estimated that my fans and Chu Yu, your fans are spraying head-on!"

   "That's not bad!"

   "How good? Both are fans of your work, and the two sides should be like a family!" Zhao Qinyin said.

"Haha....... Then you think too much! Even if it is a work created by one author, fans will tear each other madly, for example..." Chu Yu wanted to say again only!

   He remembered the parallel world information introduced in the system space mentioned that the two characters created by a big man in the Chinese novel world, two days ago, the fans of the Emperor of Heaven were fighting for the stronger battle!

   "But this is fine, after all, that guy Ruan Zhiqi is an enemy, and he was also very arrogant before the giant was broadcast! I'll help him!"

   Chu Yu thought for a while, took out his phone, and Weibo posted an update!

"It's worthy of being a masterpiece by Zhao Qinyin for more than half a year. It is really wonderful. I have already felt the charm of this work.... Sure enough, in the July animation market, I can face the giants. The only competitive work is the Alchemist of Fullmetal!"

   Before Zhao Qinyin had time to stop Chu Yu, Chu Yu sent the news!

   "Chu Yu, what are you doing? Your fans like you will be involved after reading your speech!" Zhao Qinyin said anxiously.

   She is really afraid that her fans and Chu Yu fans will quarrel with each other!

   "What are you afraid of? These are just necessary business activities! Although the sluggishness of Lingren's work is inevitable, isn't it better to add to the flames?" Chu Yu said calmly.


  Chuyu is very aware of his current influence in the animation industry, so he also understands the impact of his own comments!

   His remarks positively recognized the strength of Zhao Qinyin Steel's work, and at the same time he thoroughly expressed his contempt for Lingren!

   The fan of the spirit who was madly spraying with Zhao Qinyin's fans, immediately lost his mind when seeing this, and added Chu Yu to the mad spraying object by the way!

  Chu Yu's fans are just sitting on the wall and watching. When eating melons, by the way, waiting for the giant animation update at night, Chu Yu was directly pulled off the stage, and they also spontaneously acted.......

   Chuyu and Zhao Qinyin are just one, which represents the influence of the top-notch in the entertainment industry of Longguo!

   And the two add up...

   Before the evening, Longguo Media has published various articles!

   "Because of the counter-attack comments from fans of Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin, Ruan Zhiqi closed all social account comments!"

   "The sympathy between the former king and the current king! The new genius of the animation industry has turned into a clown?"

"Looking back a month ago, Ruan Zhiqi, who was in various shows diss Gang Lian and Giant, and now the new work Spirit Man is suppressed by Giants and Gang... The facts tell us that you can't be too arrogant. !"

   "Does Lingren still have a chance to counterattack? If not ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Third, it is obviously not that Tianxing wants to achieve results. Does Lingren's failure indicate Tianxing, the overlord of the animation industry is beginning to fall into the altar!"

   "In front of Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin, the two closest to the Conferred God, the so-called genius Ruan Zhiqi is vulnerable!"

   "The defeat of Ruan Zhiqi's soul man opened the last fig leaf of Sky Star!"


   The media are more knowledgeable than netizens, and new articles with various titles are released quickly!

   And inside, it's taunting Ruan Zhiqi on the surface, in fact...it's taunting Tianxing!

  'S main push Tianxing lost in terms of results, and was crushed by competitors in terms of online public opinion and fan enthusiasm!

   Can you believe that this is the treatment that the works under the Star Star once the emperor of the animation industry have suffered?

   Although Tian Xing has always emphasized that Lingren's performance is only temporary... but who can believe that Lingren can counterattack the work of Giant?

   It can be said that Zhao Qinyin and Ruan Zhiqi fans fought on the Internet, and Ruan Zhiqi was forced to turn off the Weibo comment function for this reason!

   fully exposed Tianxing's current inability to operate its works and control the animation market. Many people's final expectations for Tianxing are gradually collapsing!

  In the first week after Lingren lost his first throne, the shareholders of the company were dissatisfied with Yin Tian!

   In the second week, the market expressed distrust of Tianxing!