I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"How is it? Does it look good?"

"It looks good, hurry up, my lady queen, my legs are sore, and my hands are stamped out by the shopping bag..."

In a shopping mall near Chuyu's home, Zhao Qinyin tried changing clothes back and forth in the clothing store.

Chu Yu didn't understand at all, she was only participating in a talk show, why she was able to visit more than 20 stores, bought more than a dozen sets of clothes, and still asked such things!

Like Chu Yu, if he didn't come to the mall by the way, the salesperson in the store would be too enthusiastic. If he flickered Chu Yu, he would not buy this set of clothes, and he would wear his old clothes!

"You do not understand!"

Although both of them put on masks to prevent being recognized by fans, Zhao Qinyin's every move still attracted the attention of many people in the store!

"This is different from previous interviews!"

"What's the difference?" Chu Yu was taken aback!

"This is the first time I have been on the same frame with you, so naturally I have to... pay attention! Dress up a little better, otherwise you will lose face!" Zhao Qinyin is a little uncomfortable with the people next to him. His gaze was slightly closer to Chu Yu, holding Chu Yu's arm, halfway hiding directly behind Chu Yu's side!

"Where did you learn these? And the outside world is not clear about the relationship between you and me, what is the mess!" Chu Yu said.

Zhao Qinyin gave Chu Yu a white look, this guy is still like this!

"I don't care.... It doesn't matter if others know it or not, I know it!"

"In this interview, you and I are rivals, okay, don't play indiscriminately!" Chu Yu said blankly.

"Xinfan.com describes me as the return of the great devil, and the introduction slogan for you is the arrival of the goddess.......Don't show up at that time! I am not worried that fans doubt our relationship. , Even being directly exposed by the media is like that. Anyway, in this world, I care about what the three of you think of me, but I'm afraid your grandma can't accept it!" Chu Yu said cautiously.

After all, if the relationship between Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, Su Lu, and Gu Yan is exposed, the impact on the reputation of the three girlfriends should be huge!

"Okay, got it!" Zhao Qinyin was taken aback when he heard the words, and nodded.

"Well, let's pack all the dresses she tried to change just now!"

Chu Yu said to the shopping guide next to him.

When the other party heard the words, his expression immediately became brighter!


In the evening...

At about the same time, Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin set off from different routes and rushed to the headquarters of Xinman.com!

To be honest, the headquarters of Xinman.com is much larger than the office building of Chuyu's gt animation production company in Tokyo, and the value is much higher. At least the market value of this lot is more than 3 billion!

Even at seven o'clock in the evening, there are still people coming and going!

Zhao Qinyin rushed to the office building of Xinman.com in a few minutes before Chuyu, and she got out of the car...

Hundreds of eyes lit up nearby!

She and Chu Yu didn't like exaggerated clothes, but even if it was just a knee-length white dress and black silk shoes! The whole person is still the focus of everyone nearby!

The fans who squatted nearby immediately gathered around! Furious eyes!

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin, I declare you, can I be my girlfriend?"

"Can you take a photo together? Teacher Zhao Qinyin!"

"Teacher, the only wish of my terminally ill brother is that you give him ten autographs! Please satisfy me... Uh, his wish!"

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin, I really like you! Can you give me a look, even if you scold me!"

"Ahhhhh!!!!! It's a real person! It's so cute!"

"Don't bother about those boys, Teacher Zhao Qinyin, the feelings between men and women are false, and women and women are true love... Just look at me!"


Most of the group of people surrounding Zhao Qinyin just screamed meaninglessly, but some made all kinds of jokes!

The previous Zhao Qinyin would still be at a loss, responding to them one by one!

But now, led by the security personnel of Xinman.com, he hurriedly fled the scene with his head down! Otherwise, I will pay attention to them one by one. After the interview starts at 8:30, it is estimated that Zhao Qinyin will still sign their names in the crowd!

After a few minutes, Chu Yu drove over...

Hundreds of fans are here too!

Chu Yu changed into a jacket and jeans, dressing slightly towards this young man in his twenties!

After all, he doesn't want to be considered by the Internet at a young age to be an unsmiling domineering president!

"Teacher Shuixin, do you remember me? Four years ago, at the Jojo comics signing event, I shook hands with you. I said that I would like to become an anime screenwriter in college... But I I haven't succeeded yet...Can you give me a chance to join..."

"Teacher Shuixin, in the follow-up plot of the giant, will Lewell die? That guy actually kicked Alan Angel in the face, it's so hateful!"

"You must win, don't lose to Zhao Qinyin's woman, I find her annoying when I look at her! The king of the animation industry must be you!" A female fan enthusiastically shouted to Chu Yu!

"Teacher Shui Xin, I like you, can you be my boyfriend?" A handsome boy looked at Chu Yu frantically. Chu Yu was shocked and left quickly!


It's outrageous.......

Followed the security personnel to the 23rd floor of the Xinmanwang headquarters building!

Then Chu Yu was taken to the dressing room again with a dazed expression!

He Jia, a vice president of Xinman.com, has been talking to Chuyu during the makeup process, so as not to let him feel bored!

Let a vice president come to chat with Chu Yu. It is estimated that Zhao Qinyin will also receive the same treatment, which shows that Xinman.com attaches great importance to the two!

Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin are the upper source production industry of the animation industry, while the two-dimensional platform of Xinman.com is the downstream monetization industry, just like the relationship between film production companies and movie theaters, and the future between the two A lot of cooperation, the other side will naturally not neglect the two!

"Will it be too white! It feels so weird!"

Chu Yu looked at himself in the mirror and had to say that the makeup artists in Asia were really evildoers. Chu Yu's overall outline has not changed much, but some details have changed. People who are familiar with Chu Yu can recognize him at a glance. But after the other party finished putting on make-up for half an hour, Chu Yu's overall appearance rose from seventy points to eighty-five points at least!

It's definitely not as good as the small meat star group, but it's really handsome! If it weren't for Chu Yu's fear that the makeup artist would continue to put him in the direction of the mother's gun and make him stop, maybe he could be more handsome!

"No, netizens are used to the heavy makeup of celebrities, and they won't feel uncomfortable with this degree of touch-ups!" The makeup artist said with a smile.

"Sorry, after all, it is you and Teacher Zhao Qinyin who are the top two of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry today. In order to more closely satisfy the fan's fantasies of you, proper makeup is still necessary!" Xinman He Jia, vice president of the network, said with a smile.

"I'm not a celebrity, what's your illusion!" Chu Yu twisted his sore neck, and there was a creaking sound between the bones!

Comfortable! ! ! !

"No...you are the stars!" He Jia said.

"Who stipulates that a celebrity must be a person in the film and television industry? A celebrity is defined as "a person who has a certain influence in a certain field!" "And in the animation circle, no one is more influential than you!" He Jia said.

"In the animation industry, you and Teacher Zhao Qinyin are the top ones, even if your influence is compared with the big names in the film and television industry! After all, those people still have to spend money on hot searches, and you two. ......As long as you want, you can go anytime!"

"You make me feel a little bit fluttering!" Chu Yu blinked and vomited.

"You are fully qualified to float!" He Jia was stunned, and then said with a smile.

I have to say that these people really have a way of being able to get into the position of vice president. They are almost the same as Huang Ming, and Chu Yu of ability can't see it, but they can talk to Chu Yu for more than half an hour and not let Chu Yu. Feeling impatient, this is really rare!

However, his task is only to receive Chu Yu, so as not to let Chu Yu feel the negligence of Xinman.com!

When the time was almost up, Chu Yu was still taken to the recording room!

As soon as I entered, there were seven or eight cameras adjusting their positions. Hundreds of fans of the two people invited by Xinman.com were sitting in the audience!

These are two sane fans who are carefully selected and selected from tens of thousands of applicants!

After seeing Chu Yu coming in, although he couldn't help but exclaimed, he was still in order, and didn't rush up to wipe the oil like the group of fans downstairs!

"It's like a variety show!" Chu Yu muttered!

But he has seen the big scene, that is, being stared at by hundreds of pairs of eyes for an hour or two! There is nothing in my heart!

Sit down on the sofa on the right side of the stage!

After a while, Zhao Qinyin also came!

The white dress, after makeup, added a somewhat beautiful face, petite body, seeing Chu Yu's somewhat shy face!

Many people at the scene saw Zhao Qinyin, just like a group of characters in the giant saw Histria, and they secretly called the goddess!

Zhao Qinyin sat on the left side of the stage, although he obeyed Chu Yu's instructions, he did not show that he was too familiar with Chu Yu's behavior!

But from time to time, I couldn't help my eyes, and I sneaked a glance at Chu Yu's expression.......It's so cute!

Of course, the fans and the audience in the audience just thought that Zhao Qinyin was secretly observing his biggest enemy and longing-for seniors in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry....It is not surprising!

At this time, the camera hasn't started, and the live broadcast hasn't started. It's the host of the interview...It was Zhang Yu who had met with Chu Yu two weeks ago!

Although she was well-dressed today, she looked very beautiful, but sitting next to Zhao Qinyin, she felt a little bit of green leaves and red flowers!

Although I am not reconciled in my heart, but on the surface is still generous and decent, with a smile on my face!

Ten minutes before the start of the interview, she had a few conversations with Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin respectively, which was to ease the atmosphere!

And outside the headquarters of Xinman........


Now that this kind of interview is held, Xinman.com is naturally not a cheap opponent. The live broadcast of this interview is naturally the exclusive live broadcast of Xinman.com!

As we all know, the enthusiasm of the live broadcast room is related to the audience watching the live broadcast and the audience's rewards, and there is a conversion ratio in it!

With one million live broadcasts, it's not bad if the real number of fans in the live broadcast room can be 20,000!

Like "Philosophy Yin Ke La!", the first brother in the live broadcast area of ​​Xinman.com, is also the first brother in the animation area, an up-master of anime miscellaneous reviews!

On weekdays, the live broadcast has a popularity of only five or six million, most of which are popular games or new comments!

But tonight, he reluctantly discovered that he is the second brother today!

In the official live broadcast room of Xinman.com, there is just a headline "Interview with Teacher Zhao Qinyin and Shui Xin at 8:30!". The black screen live broadcast room like this has now exceeded 10 million live broadcasts!

Although he knows that he is incomparable with big bosses like Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, he is still disappointed by such a big gap!

The game is not broadcast live anymore, just broadcast the black screen in the official live broadcast room!

"It's around 8:30, and we will broadcast the interview between Teacher Zhao Qinyin and Teacher Shui Xin live. Xinman.com's most popular and professional animation up host "Philosophy Yinkela!" "Tonight I will dedicate my little morals!"

Originally, he was only helpless, but inadvertently had the effect of heating up. After the popularity of his live broadcast room was reversed, the popularity rose by nearly one million!

"Did Yinkela come to catch the heat again? Sure enough, where there is heat, there is you!"

"If you don't do the new guide in October, come here to broadcast the black screen in the official live broadcast room of Xinman.com. You are floating! Yinke Lajun!"

"Shocked! The host of the new man net up, relying on the black screen of the live broadcast to earn one million a month, all this is the loss of human nature or the distortion of morality!

"Damn it, time flies so slowly. For three years, I haven't seen a real interview with Teacher Shui Xin. Will he start the poisonous tongue mode with Teacher Zhao Qinyin in the live broadcast room?"

"No way, even if he is a straight man, he should be pitiful and cherish jade! I don't believe that anyone in this world can resist the charm of the super invincible beautiful girl, teacher Zhao Qinyin!"

"Yes, even Teacher Shuixin will fall under the cuteness of Teacher Zhao Qinyin!"

"Maybe people have fallen under the love of Teacher Zhao Qinyin? They have a good relationship on the Internet, maybe they have a good relationship in private?"

"Don't be funny, you also believe those gossips on the Internet?"

"Who knows? True or false!"

"I don't know what Xinman.com will ask about in this interview! Don't let us down! It's hard to watch these two on the show, and they are still on the same show!"


In the recording room, the entire room plus the audience, plus the cameraman, the host, and the security personnel, there are almost seven or eight hundred people. After the cameraman shouts to start.......

Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin looked at each other, nodded slightly, and after ten minutes of getting along, Zhang Yu could feel the weird atmosphere between them the most because they were closest to them!

Said that they are sympathetic, not very similar, but that they are hostile to each other, and even more unlike, it feels a little bit very crooked...what's the situation?

Zhang Yao shook his head, cleared the distracting thoughts from his mind, and looked at the camera lens!

After a few seconds........

The black screen disappears in the official live broadcast room of Xinman........the screen appears!

At this time ~www.mtlnovel.com~ the popularity of this live broadcast room has exceeded 16 million!

After all, it is the largest gathering place of the second element of the Dragon Kingdom. There are more than tens of millions of active daily online users at any time. At this moment, the new mannet users and the users who enter the new mannet later, Chu Yu and Zhao Qin pop up in front of them. Floating window in the live interview of the sound!

On Weibo, the hot search of "Interview with Teacher Zhao Qinyin and Teacher Shuixin..." comes with a live link, and the fans of the two were instantly ranked in the top ten of the hot search!

Their respective Weibo fans communicated the news in various social groups!

The enthusiasm of the interviews between Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin is just beginning to grow!

"Welcome to watch the live interview hosted by Xinman.com, an interview with the demon king Shuixin teacher and the goddess Zhao Qinyin, I am Zhang Yu...This live broadcast is hosted by... ....."

After reading a lot of live broadcast sponsors, the camera shifted from Zhang Yu's face to Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin!

Multi-camera real-time cutting, the faces of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin each occupy half of the screen!

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhao Qinyin!" Zhao Qinyin first waved to the camera!

Chu Yu was still in a daze, watching the scene, including Zhao Qinyin, and a bunch of people looking at him! Immediately realized that it was his turn!

"Chu Yu!"

The language is concise and concise!

But a group of fans immediately laughed!

"It's still the same taste! Teacher Shuixin always feels uncomfortable with others on the show! Look at the squeezed smile on his face, how fake!"

"Moved, teary eyes! Looking at the two people in the same frame...From entering the house in the sixth grade of elementary school to the second year of high school, I feel that my youth lies in these two people!"
