I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The live interview progressed for more than an hour. Before the interview, a bunch of fans and anime industry practitioners were looking forward to the two strong collisions finally appeared!

Zhao Qinyin said in the first sentence that he would make a big move next year, and in the latter sentence, Chu Yu followed up and expressed the same opinion!

Maybe the two of them were not prepared to be so positive, but for those watching the live broadcast at this time, the smell of gunpowder was too strong!

"So Teacher Shui Xin is still not convinced! Zhao Qinyin's last animated film Spirited Away won the box office chart of the Dragon Kingdom film industry. Teacher Shui Xin also wants to enter this field and challenge his position?"

"But even Mr. Shuixin, there should be no way! Spirited Away, the Dragon Country's 8.4 billion box office, more than 10 billion box office in the world... This is not to say who wants to be super It can be super, even if his work can be released smoothly, it should be very outrageous to be able to get one-third of the box office for Spirited Away!"

"Although he is a fan of Mrs. Water Heart, it is true... Spirited Away should be a masterpiece in the animated film works. It is really hard to imagine any animation work that can surpass Spirited Away. !"

"The future is created by people. Today's record is only the future history. Teacher Zhao Qinyin can create a record. Why can't Teacher Shuixin make this record a history?"

"That's what I said, but I still don't like Teacher Shui Xin. To be honest, these two people are the top existences in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, and the gap between them may be that little bit... ..... Teacher Zhao Qinyin does have extraordinary talents in the field of animation film, but in terms of the quantity and stability of the works, Mr. Shui Xin is still better! Each has its own merits! There is no comparison, everyone knows, These two people are definitely in the same class!"

"First of all, they both said that there are ideas for animated films and new serialized animations. In other words, at least four major productions will be born next year......what are you guys speculating about here? Should I be happy?"

"That is, the two are not like Ruan Zhiqi's annoying ghosts, all kinds of amplifying words, peaceful competition is good!"


At this time, the live interview of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin has surpassed 70 million views, especially when this group of fans rushed to spread the live broadcast of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin's live interview on the Internet, there will be new news to reveal... ....Now, even those 10,000-year diving parties can't sit still!

Some people will fan Chuyu and Zhao Qinyin because of their work, but many people actually only care about the work. It doesn't matter who Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu are stronger in the animation industry, but these two new works... ..... Then it can't be indifferent!

After all, everyone has been tasted by the animation works of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin. Those who have watched Slam Dunk go to watch the basketball animation of Longguo's play house. Can they still watch it?

Those who have seen the initial D will not feel the blood at all when they go to watch those racing sports animations.

These at least four works from Bijing are likely to be spiritual food for next year, and it is impossible to ignore them!

After this group of people entered the live broadcast room, the popularity of the interview was actually rising after reaching 70 million!

When Zhang Yao heard the background message from the director in the headset, he was completely shocked by the data!

Everyone in the animation industry knows that Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin are very popular, but they have no idea how high they can be!

After all, Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin are both very low-key. If they are fine, they will never make trouble on the Internet and give pointers!

And now, everyone can have a reference!

After all, one of the most popular characters in the movie industry, the super-popular king actor Du Yin, he once carried out a live broadcast of one of his films for more than an hour, and his peak popularity was only 23 million!

And now, even if half of the heat in this live broadcast room is provided by Zhao Qinyin fans, and half by Shuixin fans, after the score, the support of this fan is much higher than Du Yin!

Before the start of the interview, Xinman.com and Zhang Yu didn't expect that these two people would be so easy to release such fierce news in the live broadcast!

Fans who are watching the live broadcast now feel that the live broadcast is very lagging. After all, the network speed diversion has reached the upper limit. With this popularity, the number of people online in the live broadcast room is at least close to 1.5 million, and the card is normal!

In fact, users in many other areas of Xinman.com have noticed the outrageous popularity of this live broadcast room. Many news media writers have begun to record the live broadcast while communicating with colleagues on the phone, discussing this kind of stuff. .....It's the big news!

In Weibo, the number one on the hot search list has become the entry link for this live broadcast. After all, this stuff is sorted by an intelligent algorithm. There are too many fans searching for live interviews with Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin on Weibo, showing a ladder. Increasing trend, this hot search can't drop down at all!

Many Weibo people who eat melon are also confused, but after seeing the two key words in the link, "Zhao Qinyin" and "Water Heart", they are relieved again. These people don't watch anime very much, but they only need to mix Weibo. You must see these two names often!

Just like you may not care about politics, but who the leader of the United States is and what you have done will definitely be passively accepted through various channels!

In this live broadcast room, there are a group of friends and opponents from Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin who have been on the dark side over the past few years. They are either happy or jealous looking at the two of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin talking!

The live broadcast barrage covers the sky and the sun. If you turn on the barrage function, almost nothing is seen, only the sound is heard. Even if the barrage is set to display only one percent of the number, it still affects viewing!

A group of people in the animation industry looked at the popularity of these two people, the heat......sighed in their hearts!

This is the dimensional gap. In addition to these two people in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, you will never find a person who can have one-tenth of the popularity of this live broadcast room!

In the live broadcast room, fans in the audience cheered strongly after the words of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin fell!

Zhang Jiao's heartbeat also speeded up, his face flushed!

"So... the two teachers will have big moves next year!"

"So, can you tell me more about it..." Zhang Yao also wanted to make the scene hotter!



Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin said one after another.

Just kidding, the mystery is gone after the spoiler, and the reason why Chu Yu said such words on this occasion is also a little drunkard's intention is not to drink!

Tian Xing was completely disrupted by Chu Yu this year. Who knows if Tian Xing will regroup next year!

Instead of letting Tianxing mess up, playing gimmicks, and doing what old generations return, the man-made superstars' methods will attract the attention of the Dragonland animation industry at that time, Chu Yu is very straightforward. He first announces his big moves next year! Anyway, as far as the situation of Longguo animation industry is now, whether it is Chuyu's work or Zhao Qinyin's work, the attraction to fans is far greater than Tianxing's new work!

"Eh...Is it so appetite? Two teachers!" Zhang Yao asked a group of audiences on the barrage.

Chu Yu shook his head, Zhao Qinyin smiled without answering.

"Oh, it seems that many fans in the live broadcast room must have a hard time falling asleep tonight!" Zhang Yao's expression was lost when he saw the gestures of the two of them!

Looking at the content of the note in hand, this interview can say that some of the things that the animation industry is most looking forward to for the two have been asked, and only the next closing event is left.

"Unknowingly, nearly two hours have passed since this interview, and the time is too late. The two teachers have to take a break, so it is a pity that it will finally come to the end of the interview... Before the end, we have one last activity!" Zhang Yu said.

Then she looked at the audience, and the fans suddenly became excited.

After all, they came here to sit for almost two hours, certainly not to be a background board! If there is no benefit, whoever has been making numerous elections on the Internet has spent so much time running here!

"Our on-site computer has a lottery system. After all, the content of our interviews is more common. Maybe some fans have other requirements for the two teachers they like..... Three lottery draws, the lottery was drawn Lucky audiences can make a request to their idol..." Zhang Yao said slowly.

In the live broadcast room, the fans of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin were sour!

"Any request? Can you let Teacher Zhao Qinyin kiss yourself!"

"Small, the structure is smaller, how nice it is to directly ask Teacher Zhao Qinyin to be your girlfriend! You can make a request, but it must not be too much!"

"I want to come too! But it seems to be drawn at the scene! There are a lot of questions I want to ask Teacher Shui Xin!"


This kind of fan welfare, Xinman.com also talked to Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu in advance, and they also agreed!

In fact, I was tired, and Chu Yu wanted to go back soon, it was almost eleven o'clock!

The scene suddenly became lively!

Soon, the staff gave Zhang Yao a wireless button! Used to control the start and end of the system!

Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin looked at each other, and both felt bored, but they are here, they must go through the scene!

At this time, the popularity of this live broadcast room is close to 90 million, and Zhang Yao actually has some expectations to go further! But it should be impossible! After all, this interview is over in ten minutes!

"Oh, the first lucky audience is here, audience No. 452! Please stand up!" Zhang Yu said, looking at the message on the LCD wall behind him.

"Is it me? Good...... Good, so happy and nervous!"

A petite girl came out, she was pretty, her face was nervous, she looked at Zhao Qinyin, her eyes became very excited!

"What kind of request do you want to make of which teacher?" Zhang Yao asked with a smile.

"I have only one request, I want to... ask, is it possible that Teacher Zhao Qinyin will like girls!" The girl said shyly.

When this question was asked, the live and live broadcast rooms burst instantly.

Chu Yu looked at this girl with alert eyes instantly!

"It's impossible to fall in love!" Zhao Qinyin was stunned, and then said.

The girl walked off with a disappointed face. Zhao Qinyin glanced at Chu Yu, and when she saw Chu Yu's frowning brows, she was inexplicably happy.

"Haha, the question raised by the fans just now is a bit off topic! There are still two draws, and I hope that subsequent fans will make use of this rare opportunity as much as possible!" Zhang Yao's expression was a little nervous.

The fans in the audience can come here, they have done investigations, and they are sure that it is normal talents who let them come here! Unexpectedly, there was still a fish that slipped through the net, and she happened to be caught!

But for the barrage of the live broadcast, a group of male fans are more disappointed than the girl!

After all, they knew that they were definitely not possible with Zhao Qinyin. In that case, Zhao Qinyin really likes girls, and there is no cheap toad, which is also a comfort to these people!

Soon, another fan was drawn up!

His request is very simple!

"Teacher Shuixin, I hope you can make the third season of the rebellious Lelouch!"


Chu Yu fans in the live broadcast climax instantly!

"It turns out that there is still this usage. You say that this kind of request is too much, but it is not too much, you say that he is not too much, but it seems to be difficult!"

"Hahaha, Xinman.com has met a fanatical fan of Lelouch at this event!"

"Some people remember Lelouch! It's been three years! It's uncomfortable!"

"I can't forget the ending! There is really a third season, I will definitely blow the water heart teacher!"

"This buddy bull! This request has gone to my heart!"


Zhang Yao looked embarrassed. Xinman.com received the investigation report from these people and said that all the requests on the spot would be group photos and the like. Sure enough, these secondary apes are all liars!

Hearing this, Chu Yu thought for a few seconds, and then looked at the boy who asked the question!

"First of all......Lu Luxiu is still being banned by the Dragon Kingdom official......cannot be spread in the Long Kingdom territory!" Chu Yu said.

"Secondly..... Even if it is not banned, Lelouch's work was forcibly created in the third season, which would destroy the works of the first two seasons........ . I can only say that I can't meet your requirements at this stage! This shouldn't be the wish of many Lelouch fans!" Chu Yu said.

"But since I haven't fulfilled your request, so...I can allow you to change your request!"

When the boy heard the words, his expression was relieved!

"Actually, I guessed Mr. Shui Xin, sorry for your answer. I'm sorry for making such an excessive request. It's just that the sequel to this work is one of my obsessions. This work is my favorite work in the pit house circle, but Since Mr. Shuixin you allow me to change my request, then I... I only hope that Mr. Shuixin, if you are not sure that Lelouch's sequel can surpass the previous two seasons, then you don't want to create in this lifetime. Out of the third season!" The boy said seriously.

After listening to Chu Yu, his expression changed slightly!

This is a true diehard fan!

"Don't worry! I will never be able to forcefully fry cold rice in my life and make my own works be horrible. I don't need you to say that I think so too, otherwise the initial D, Natsume's account of friends, initial D and other works will not be the same. It's almost over, Rurouni Kenshin's work, I can also create a long story..." Chu Yu said seriously to the camera.

On the barrage of the live broadcast, a large group of his fans are crazy about being handsome!

Zhang Yu was also enthusiastic about what Chu Yu said!

Noting Zhao Qinyin's eyes looking at Chu Yu and the small smile at the corner of her mouth, she sighed slightly in her heart.

The last lucky audience was quickly drawn out, Chu Yu let out a long sigh, the important thing is to end!

He was hungry, and he was already thinking about where to eat supper with Zhao Qinyin next!

The person who came up was a girl with a normal appearance, but when he came up, he looked at Chu Yu.

"Actually, the two teachers are my idols. I am also majoring in animation. However, there is a senior in our school who took the postgraduate entrance examination. He once told me that you are an undivided classmate with Teacher Shuixin, and ....... He and Teacher Zhao Qinyin are classmates in the third year of high school after the division!" said the girl.

The girl's words were a little convoluted, but many people immediately realized the huge message in this sentence.

The girl took out her phone......turned out a photo.

Inside is a half face of a boy looking back, and beside the boy, there is also a half face of a girl looking back!

The two were walking on the road, looking at each other and talking...

The directors and photographers all zoomed in on the lens and presented the photos in the live broadcast room!

The plain face of Chuyu in high school is indeed very identifiable~www.mtlnovel.com~ and Zhao Qinyin's more green pheasant, pink side face... is more identifiable. .

"I want to ask Teacher Shui Xin and Teacher Zhao Qinyin, are these two of you you?" The girl's eyes were curious.

As a fan of the two, she always felt that this photo was synthesized, but many people asked it to read it and said it was not!

If not, it doesn't mean that the two people met in high school, and...or are they alumni?

As soon as this fact was figured out... the popularity of the live broadcast room instantly soared to 95 million!

The two fans' barrage swept the screen crazy...

"Um... I was finally discovered!" Chu Yu smiled like the first time in this interview.

"Yes, the people in this photo are me and Zhao Qinyin!"
