I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"My Nima, I blow this up!"

"Too beautiful!"

"Fuck, Ellen!"

"Fuck her!"

"I'm going to scold a girl, this giantess must die!"

"Whitewashing is not allowed!"

"I allow Allen to do this to girls!"

"It doesn't kill or pay attention to the anger of fans!"

"Who created this bgm? It's so burning!"


A group of fans almost vent their emotions like crazy!

However, in the animation, Allen rushed to find the giantess to fight, but was **** by the giantess in just a few rounds, and.......the giantess swallowed her body in one bite!

Next, Mikasa and the captain have to chase and fight the giantess.......

The ed song of this word sounded!

Hua Hua's whole figure seems to be lost...

This is so uncomfortable!

The scene where Allen rushed to the Giantess made his blood go straight to his head, but Allen's defeat made his blood cool down instantly!

"This, again, Alan, you can fight for a bit of anger!"

"Protagonist, please work hard! Don't always be like this. I was eaten by ordinary giants before, but this time I was eaten by giants! It's hard for us to be like you!"

"Teacher Shui Xin will open some plug-ins for him, this protagonist is too embarrassing to see!"

"It's still San Ye fierce, it's okay to chop up and down on the giantess! The giantess can't catch her at all, but the giantess's crystallization ability protects the key parts, and there is no way for San Ye to run away!"

"Fortunately, Levier came, to be honest, Alan is so weak, Sanye might as well like Levier!"

"The male lead is too miserable, I hope he will work hard in the later stage! I have to win once! He has a character that I really like, but his combat power is too low!"


When the giant ed song sounded, the fans still couldn't hide their excitement and discussed the plot!

One hour, two hours, at midnight.......even in the early hours of the morning!

These two words about the attacking giant brought too much feeling to the giant fan!

I don't know how many people brushed two and three words this night, watching the two minutes of the Levier team clashing with the Giantess!

The blood-based animation production, the god-level bgm interspersed, and the emotional rendering ability, many people can't calm their moods until after watching it more than a dozen times!

Throughout the night, until the next day, on major search engines and websites, the three-character "Giantess!" hot search term reached the top!

On a website like Xinman.com, a large group of uploaders' secondary creation videos about giants were uploaded in one day!

The giantess tyrannizes Leigh Wilban, the battle between Alan and the giantess, and a series of handsome moves by Mikasa when attacking the giantess........

All kinds of mads, plot analysis videos, signature pictures, and dynamic pictures are circulated to all parts of the network from this group of two-dimensional hands!

The entire industry, seeing the giant's next performance, is completely stupid!

After all, Attack on Giant has only been on the air for more than two months, and there are already ten separate scores with such results!

But everyone can't think of it, the performance of the giant in the first two months is just the beginning......

The average number of plays of the attacking giants has grown rapidly, reaching the level of 13 million!

But the influence of this work is absolutely indescribable. The entire October animation market is expected to broadcast more than 70 new animations, but after the two episodes of the giant are broadcast, these more than 70 animations are directly in the industry. Stealth.......

Except for Steelmaking, you can hardly find anyone discussing these works on major forums and websites!

Although these works still have broadcast volume, and some of the broadcast data is actually okay, but they are not topical!

When you look at these works, it's like finding some works to pass the boring time during the one-week interval of the giant's update!

Who do they really want to talk about anime works with, everyone will only talk about two of them, Giant and Ganglian!

Originally, before these two episodes were broadcast, the topic of giants and steelmaking accounted for five to three in the entire animation market! Then 20% are other animation works!

And now, from Xinman.com, in the self-made secondary creation video contributed by the up host in the animation zone, the correlation ratio of giants, steelmaking, and dozens of other works is very close to 6:3:1.... ...

The popularity of Giant is definitely shocking everyone in the industry!

Many people in the industry have spoken!

[I have seen the appearance of the king of giants! ]

[Ancient madman Xie Lingyun said that there is only one stone in the world, and Cao Zijian owns eight fights. I have one fight, and the world is divided into one fight! Now in the animation market, I feel that it fits this situation very well! ]

[Is there any chance for Steelmaking to catch up? The battle between teacher Zhao Qinyin and teacher Shuixin! ]

[It's not that steel smelting is not good, and even the connotation and depth of steel smelting are a lot more than that of giants, but it is helpless...... Giants are more in line with the market than steel smelting, and more suitable for the taste of the public! ]

[Before October, the industry's evaluation of the animation market in October this year was the strongest October in history. Indeed, there are two masterpieces of Skystar and Tearlight Animation, as well as more than a dozen excellent animations. This year's October animation is indeed of high quality. Full, but now......Can I say that their group of works is the worst October animation in history? ]

[After two weeks of excessive plot, the giant once again filled the blood and anger, the most substituting animation in history! ]


A group of practitioners in the industry are also shameless at this time. When the giants and steel smelters surpass the spirits, they are embarrassed to let go. After all, steel smelting still has the possibility of catching up from behind!

But now, the average broadcast volume of the Giants has exceeded 13 million, and the steelmaking has just broken through 11 million.......

Judging from the results of three years, the gap between the two works is not too big!

But in terms of its influence on the animation industry, the work of Giant... is too exaggerated!

It almost allows everyone to see the shadow of the slam dunk broadcast last year...At this time, everyone has basically determined the hegemony of the giant!

To be honest, under the competition of such a strong opponent, Steelmaking has been able to maintain considerable exposure in major forums, but...the giant's performance in the market suffocates everyone!

You are now running to the scene of the comic show, all giant cosplayers, especially those perverts running around wearing super giant cos suits, are often very popular!

Going to major bookstores and animation shops, 70% to 80% of the posters are related to giants, and the next share is steel. As for other animations...the owners of these shops said that they Don't want to understand!

The whole market went crazy and flattered giants, then steelmaking, and then nothing else...

The entire animation market, countless fans, almost have only two animations in their eyes!

Just over two months, the return of the heart of water has only been over two months, the entire animation market has become like this!

Chuyu's sunspots have almost disappeared during this period, and Chuyu's fans and Zhao Qinyin's fans have finally begun to have large-scale friction on the Internet!

At this time, fans will no longer pay attention to the friendly relationship between Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin!

Fans of Steel Refining cannot accept that Giants are better than Steel Refining, and various disputes with giant fans! And the giant fan uses the data again and again to shut up the steel powder...

The steelmaking powder still firmly believes that the steelmaking will overtake the giant in the later data!

Quarrels between the two parties are common everywhere in the two-dimensional circle!

But these behaviors....... In fact, they are essentially continuing to promote and increase the popularity of the two works!

This kind of party struggle within the limits is actually what Chu Yu wants to see!

Moreover, Chu Yu estimates that this kind of party struggle will last more than just the serialization period of the two works now. After the two works are over, this kind of struggle will continue for a long time.......

This is of great benefit to the follow-up popularity of the work!

This is why Chu Yu still wants Zhao Qinyin to continue publishing works in her capacity even after her deity returns!

After all, like this double-walled character antagonism in the animation industry, Chu Yu doesn't just want to end it for a short time!

After all, the goal of one person as everyone in the animation industry is too conspicuous! It would be beneficial for Zhao Qinyin to help him share the hatred of the red-eye patients in the industry! And it has a great effect on the popularity of the work!

In the study room at home, Chu Yu has been here for the past two days to prepare the script of his new work! And Zhao Qinyin assisted him in completing these tasks!

For Chu Yu's ability to play games, fish, sleep, and mess around on weekdays, and then always pull out excellent works at critical moments, Zhao Qinyin is not surprised!

Even if Chu Yu said that he wanted to make some feature-length animations next year... Zhao Qinyin was just amazed and accepted Chu Yu's decision!

It took a few days for preliminary preparations before Zhao Qinyin finally learned the names of these two new works by Chu Yu...

Full-time hunter, Naruto...

"Are these two works very long?" Zhao Qinyin looked at the character sketch structure designed by Chu Yu.

It seems kind of interesting!

"Long?" Chu Yu looked at the two works!

"Almost, Hokage is a full-length work in the real sense, but the full-time hunter is a long story in another sense..."

"Another meaning of long?" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu with puzzled eyes.

"It's the kind of long that fans might have to wait until the grandson burns the ending to him!" Chu Yu said a little embarrassed.

To be honest, Chu Yu didn't want to redeem such "unfinished" works like full-time hunters!

But it is true that even if this work is "unfinished!" It also has the great significance of being born in this world!

Naruto is to make all the characters in the story feel pain!

The full-time hunter is to make fans feel the pain of breaking more!

But Chu Yu wants to continue to suppress Tianxing in the market next year, and he doesn't want to worry about it. He can just make these two movies!

Originally, Chu Yu wanted to redeem the Naruto Pirates together, and also came to fight in the sea of ​​fire in the Dragon Kingdom, but he was helpless.......He didn't have enough world points!

Due to the length of space between Naruto and Pirates, the exchange price is an astronomical figure! Even if Chu Yu has Slam Dunk, Cl, Spirited Away, and the world inventory of previous works, he can only exchange about three-fifths of his total savings for one of the two works! Together, the two are beyond the upper limit of his savings! As for the superb reward that Spirited Away achieved the box office championship, Chu Yu was reluctant to use it. Who knows if there will be such a reward in the future?

But in order to make his identity and Zhao Qinyin next year, the two new works launched by the two can maintain the trend of contending, the remaining two-fifths of the world point savings, only because the space is not long enough and the price is slightly cheaper full-time hunter Most suitable!

The two works have consumed almost four-fifths of the total world point savings that Chu Yu has accumulated in the animation industry so far!

But......can earn it back!

With these two works, the investment will definitely be made back!

When the time comes with the benefits of steelmaking and giants, it will not be long before he will be a rich man again!

Thinking about it this way, Chu Yu's painful heart is a little better because of the loss of the world!

"I don't understand at all!" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu.

The thought in Chu Yu's heart was only a moment, and Zhao Qinyin was still recalling the meaning of Chu Yu's sentence in another way!

"You don't need to understand, anyway, let's toss a coin now!" Chu Yu took out a coin!

"Why?" Zhao Qinyin was confused by Chu Yu again!

"Do you want to play games with me?"

"Where do you want to go? It's in broad daylight now, let's talk about that kind of stuff at night!" Chu Yu said quickly.

Said again before Zhao Qinyin could react.

"Flip a coin to decide who gets scolded!"

"Huh?" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu.

"On the positive side, the work of the full-time hunter is published in your name, and on the negative side, it is published in my name!" Chu Yu took a deep breath and said.

Now that you have decided to make this work, you have to prepare for being scolded by fans like a rich and traitorous old thief in a parallel world!

Anyway, this work is not yet finished in the system space. There will be a few updates in a few months or a few years. Chu Yu is ready to see the end in this life!

But if that's the case, maybe Chu Yu will be scolded by fans for decades after his death...

For the sake of fairness, everyone throws coins, it's reasonable!

"It seems very complicated!" Zhao Qinyin picked up the coin without much hesitation.

Soon, the coin dropped and stopped on the table!

"The opposite!" Zhao Qinyin said calmly.

"Sure enough! I know I'm bad luck! If I get scolded, I'll be scolded!" Chu Yu fell in a sigh of relief, but it was a lot easier.

Chu Yu engages in this coin toss, mainly to look at God's will. If Zhao Qinyin really casts it upright, Chu Yu should also regret it. After all, the nickname of the old thief Zhao Qinyin is really not good! Others always scolded his girlfriend like this, and Chu Yu couldn't make it through her heart! And after regretting it, when talking to Zhao Qinyin in the future, he can still pretend to be a force to help her fight everything!

Now........ I can only accept all this honestly!

"You said being scolded? It means that the work of the full-time hunter is not good-looking, so it will be scolded?" Zhao Qinyin asked.

"Hehe, that's not the case, it's because this work is so good-looking, so the creator will be scolded... then you will know it!" Chu Yu shrugged.

"It's hard to understand!" Zhao Qinyin asked with a sigh ~www.mtlnovel.com~.

"What about Hokage's work? Is it outstanding?"

"This! The quality of the work is high and low, and the score is hard to say, but in terms of its length, even if it is piled with the length of the plot, it should easily surpass the results of Dunk and Giant Steel in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry. Right!" Chu Yu was quite sure of that!

"After all, the long work, the accumulated popularity of fans must be far more than the short work...The length of this work is about four or five dunks..."

"Long-length animation?" Zhao Qinyin was a little surprised when he heard Chu Yu say such a message for the first time.

"Almost! After all, although gt animation company and copier animation production company have a lot of excellent works, there are really no works like this kind of ultra-long town scene!" Chu Yu said.

Just like in a parallel world, comic magazines have to let Hokage, Reaper, and Dragon Ball all go down the water, and the water will grow old, and the sea will die and the rocks will not end!

The reason is that the meaning of these works is not that point of income anymore, they are the facade of the comic periodical, the background!