I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"I said, it's too leisurely for you to come to Japan Island, and you still want to bring us here? It's not like your hard life in the past few years!" Su Lu said with a smile.

"It used to be the entrepreneurial stage. I had to do everything myself. It was naturally hard. Now that I have more people, isn't it normal that I am not busy? Why did Zhuge Liang die early because everything must be done by myself. I just need to control the overall situation. It's still the same as before. Details, how is it possible?"

Chu Yu was paralyzed on the sofa, with his head resting on Zhao Qinyin's legs and his feet on Su Lu's legs, just like an uncle!

Of course, this does not mean that his status is really an uncle. Sometimes at home, he is the one who helps Su Lu or Zhao Qinyin to step on his feet, but he does not think that the legs of the two girlfriends who can play for two years are placed in front of him. Unfortunately, on the contrary, it is common for them to be unbearable by squeezing them for an hour or two for the reason of relaxing and rubbing their legs!

"Your thinking like this is very dangerous. It will soon be corroded by money cannonballs. It is no longer the Chu Yu who fought for the rise of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry!" Su Lu pinched his fist, raised his middle finger, and said to the massage lady just now. If it is good for a certain part, a certain acupuncture point on the soles of Chu Yu's feet is a fierce attack!

"Fight for the rise of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry? I have had such a period?" Chu Yu's words just fell, and the sole of his feet hurt!


Chu Yu screamed!

"So sensitive?" Su Lu looked at Chu Yu's twisted face curiously!

It's really fireproof, anti-theft and anti-Su Lu, it's so ruthless!

Chu Yu hurriedly sat up, looked at Su Lu with vigilant eyes, then did not speak, and directly threw Su Lu onto the sofa, raising her feet and attacking the acupoints on the soles of the feet fiercely!

"It hurts, it hurts, Chuyu, dear Chuyu...husband, Master Chu...let me go!" Su Lu wrapped in a bath towel and twisted on the sofa. Twisted away, the bath towel wrinkled, happy for a while, incredibly fragrant!

Next to him, Zhao Qinyin calmly watched the two men's teasing operation!

"Seeing you dare to say that I am imaginary? Don't you hurt too? Are you also imaginary?" Chu Yu looked at Su Lu, who was limp on the sofa, proudly, with an expression that he had won!

"Don't be like children anymore, be mature!" Zhao Qinyin said.

Chu Yu's eyes looked over, and she was shocked!

"You laughed at me just now, right!"

"No, Chu Yu, don't... it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, Chu Yu, I was wrong... Don't..."

For a little bit, Chu Yu watched as he fell on the sofa and couldn't move, Zhao Qinyin with a disheveled bath towel sighed.

"It seems that if I didn't embark on the road of animation, I should be able to become a famous foot therapist in Long Guo!"

"Don't... your method, I'm afraid there will be dozens of complaints a day!" Su Lu got up, put on slippers, and sorted the fabric on his body.

"But if you are in your second grade today, is there anything happy about it?" Su Lu looked at Chu Yu.

"Have you been discovered?" Chu Yu smiled.

"In fact, it's nothing. Huang Ming from the magic city told me that Tianxing Chairman Yin Tian has been in trouble recently, and the shareholders meeting in two weeks may be impeached..."

"This is indeed worthy of your happiness, you are so stingy, I guess it's cool now!" Zhao Qinyin also got up, and hurriedly tucked his feet into the slippers.

Although there are no outsiders in the manor, the maid outside the house noticed that they were squirming around on the sofa in an unsightly manner. They were always a little shy!

"Am I stingy?" Chu Yu looked over!

"No, I mean, if you have grace, you must be repaid, and if you have grudges, you will also be repaid!" Zhao Qinyin quickly changed the term.

"You still understand me!" Chu Yu smiled immediately on his face.

Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu looked at each other, both of them understood each other's meaning.

Chu Yu is like a killer when he is serious, and like a child when he is happy!

"After three years, does Yin Tian know how I came here these three years?" Chu Yu took a deep breath.

"Didn't you play games and make friends, and come here to enjoy the blessings of the people on three boats?" Zhao Qinyin immediately complained.

"Don't interrupt me, okay?" Chu Yubai gave Zhao Qinyin a glance.

"In short, I finally waited until this day...Through my unremitting efforts, Tian Xing finally entered this situation, and even Yin Tian is about to be impeached... Otherwise, why would I deliberately spend a day to celebrate this event!"

"But... he was only proposed for impeachment, he may not be successful!" Su Lu looked at Chu Yu.

"Unsuccessful, the star is still his world!"

"Yin Tian's family has run this company for three generations. The other shareholders of Tianxing want to kill him. This should not be easy....Even if he led Tianxing to achieve three consecutive losses, the total loss in three years was more than 30. In the case of 100 million..."

Chu Yu blinked... lost in thought!

"That's true! I'm too happy now!" Chu Yu let out a long sigh.

"Why are your emotions changing so fast? Anyway, in the eight years since you emerged as Shuixin, and now you return as Shuixin, Tianxing's total market value has shrunk by more than 18 billion, and Yin Tian has invested in it by himself. Mistakes account for half of the factor, and your rise squeezes the space of the Star Star market. There are also half of the factors. Even Yin Tian's investment failure is actually due to you. Just like the cooperation between Star Star and the lba basketball league, it was because of the explosion of slam dunks. But the next year it was lifted, and Tianxing lost at least several hundred million invisible losses, not to mention that the 400 million yuan in the surface basket was actually invested.... If you don't use the money to make the basket wind, go find someone. Financial institutions may make tens of millions in financial management!"

"For now, Yin Tian's assets have shrunk by at least several billions because of your existence, but he estimates that half of the hatred is on me! Your expression is not so heavy!" Zhao Qinyin said.

"Heavy? It won't be enough! Just thinking about another thing!" Chu Yu said.

"Are you in a daze again?" Zhao Qinyin said helplessly.

"Your skills are really amazing!"

"No, I'm just thinking, if Skystar's internal conflict this time, then No. 2 shareholder Sun Xianjun did not succeed in usurping the throne... What would happen to him?" Chu Yu looked at Zhao Qinyin.

Zhao Qinyin frowned upon hearing this!

"A company that has been losing money again and again, Sun Xianjun is a simple businessman... and then he has no control over the company, and even if he has control over it, under our target, they can't find it in fair competition. What counter-attack method.... So the loss can be expected and will continue!" Zhao Qinyin calmly analyzed.

"I am him, I will want to run away to find a picker! But he has so many shares, and retail investors on the stock market are not idiots. Tianxing is now a famous green light stock, and the stock market is a lot of jams. The stockholders scold Yin Tian! Even retail investors can't sell, let alone the major shareholders. Sun Xianjun really released a little bit. The retail investors absolutely crashed the sale, pulling the value of Tianxing stock to a new low... As for those investments Needless to say, organizations like companies that are now investing in the animation industry are also looking for your copy of Chu Yu or my gt......Anyway, even if Sun Xianjun wants to run, it is difficult to find Pan Xia........"

"Well, that's right, those small shareholders actually have the same idea, right, Tianxing lost half of its market value, and it is estimated that many people want to leave. If Tianxing will still be like this next year... If you fall further, I'm afraid everyone can't help it..." Chu Yu said.

"What do you want to say?" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu.

"Remember the thing that you and I mentioned in Modu?"

"I think......under this situation, is there a chance to acquire Skystar!" Chu Yu's words fell.

Su Lu, who was eating a fruit platter next to him, also turned his head, his cheeks filled with fruit, he looked like a greedy squirrel!

"To be honest, in the account of gt animation production company, the income of the three money-making machines of Slam Dunk, Spirited Away, and cl has been combined in recent years, and the income is huge, and then I want to tell you that those works are actually okay... .....Not to mention the office building with a market value of more than one billion yuan, how much money does it have on the books?"

"7.9 billion..." Su Lu quickly responded.

"On my personal account, the initial d, Lelouch, and jojo are more than a dozen works.....The sum of the follow-up income of the six or seven years, it is still accumulated.... ..... 5.9 billion..... The two sides add up to 13.8 billion..."

This is a huge number. In just seven or eight years, Chu Yu's fortune is unbelievable, but only in the interior of the Dragon and the Japanese island of the market of more than one billion people and the strict anti-piracy environment, In order to have such a huge income... But even if calculated by the exchange rate, the total income of the two dozen works of Chu Yu so far, more than 10 billion, is still not as good as the ip one year of Pikachu in the parallel world. The income is high!

This is naturally not that these works are weak, but that Chu Yu is simply unable to tap the greatest value of these works!

But even so... Chu Yu's net worth is already one of the best among so many investors in the animation industry!

Many people in the industry have channels, but they don't have as many high-quality IPs as Chu Yu!

"The total market value of Tianxing is just a little over 17 billion. To be honest, if the proceeds from Giants and Steelmaking come to the account... maybe There is not much difference here... If the market value of Tianxing drops a little bit... Maybe..." Chu Yu sees Xiang Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu.

"Wait a minute...you are crazy!" Su Lu couldn't listen anymore.

"Why do you want to buy the enemy's company? Yin Tian and other people are locked in their stocks and cannot find the taker. Maybe after six or seven years, the market value will fall from more than 10 billion to five to six billion, and then more than ten. The company went bankrupt a year later..... What are you going to do to acquire Tianxing? This company is going downhill... Isn't it good for them to just lose money to internal bleeding?"

"The reason why Tianxing went downhill is that I was sniped by the foolish investment and business. If I control Tianxing... how can I make some spirits? Those comic games in the Lost Forest will definitely be launched on the Naruto Hunter. Now, maybe the Reaper Pirate will join in... in some dragon ball fighting games, and then the game king Pikachu will gradually be included in the plan... and then gt will It will cooperate with Tianxing and even merge.......It is basically impossible to lose money! So I am not planning to do a loss-making business by acquiring Tianxing!" Chu Yu said.

Although Zhao Qinyin didn't understand the titles of those works, they also understood Chu Yu's thoughts.

"As for people like Yin Tian, ​​it doesn't matter if they are puzzled! But if they find that the company's shares they have released have doubled dozens of times, I think it might hit them even harder!" Chu Yu said.

"But... you mean to buy the entire Sky Star? This......you only need to hold the Sky Star, there is no need to take such a risk... ..."

"I don't care about the company's shares to you and Xiaoyin. You are your own people, but a company that I will put in a lot of effort in the future and is destined to skyrocket in value... even if it's 1% of the shares. I'm not happy to hold it to others..." Chu Yu said.

"I think the Tianxing riot may be my biggest opportunity in the animation industry so far. If I can acquire it... I will have the industry's largest animation production talent team, the first-class ip in the animation industry The transformation team and the sales team......the problem with these things like Tianxing is that the product designers are not good, not the manufacturers and sales staff! These are first-class...those people So professional that I only need to understand the situation and understand that even if I have money, I can't form such a comprehensive company in less than ten years!"

"I may spend 10 billion to acquire Skystar now, but in the next ten years, I think it will earn me ten 10 billion!" Chu Yu said seriously.

This sounds like bragging, but Chu Yu is serious!

"..." Zhao Qinyin.

"..." Su Lu.

"The money is all yours... It doesn't matter if you think the feasibility is enough for us... That is, it always feels a little outrageous!" Su Lu said.

"And...Sun Xianjun is willing to sell you shares, and other small and medium shareholders are willing, but Yin Tian, ​​he may not be willing?"

"No...As long as Chu Yu can hold a controlling stake, he can't help it!" Zhao Qinyin said.

"Chu Yu, who has a controlling stake, can split and sell the Star Star department and channels he needs to GT or copyists, and he can achieve the same goal... But that method is time-consuming and laborious, but Yin Tian himself understands that if Chu Yu can really get to that point... it will be useless if he insists not to sell, it will only make the value of his own shares continue to shrink!"

"But we are thinking too well!" Su Lu blinked.

"Indeed, the actual situation is definitely not that simple, but... in the case of the internal chaos of Tianxing itself, we really have the funds to buy Tianxing... .... It's really not difficult to get in! Maybe it will be... After all, Tianxing is just a treasure for us, and for other companies in the animation industry, that's it!" Chu Yu said.

"I think I can try...I hope that the relationship between Sun Xianjun and Yin Tian will continue to deteriorate, otherwise, as in previous years, when Tianxing makes money, this guy and Yin Tian are on the same line, then you It's useless for anyone to go... he and Yin Tian have held more than fifty-one shares! The other minority shareholders are basically squeezed by these two people!"

"But to talk about it here is just a conceptual stage. Who knows what will happen to the Star next year? If you have a chance, you will see a needle, if you don't have a chance, then forget it!"


Yin Tian, ​​who is far away in the magic capital, did not expect that Chu Yu has grown up to not only want to compete with the sky star, but has the ability and the idea to directly eat the sky star!

He thought it was just an internal fight between himself and Sun Xianjun, but in fact...

Outside Chuyu, he is eyeing the most complete IP development department in Longguo animation industry that he has built over the past ten years!

If Chu Yu is really allowed to succeed, then it will be murderous!

It is a huge blow at the personal and professional level!

But the problem is.... Who has a choice when people are in the arena?

In fact, to develop a dragon with ip in hand, you also have to have a high-quality ip.......No......The staff of this dragon is a huge burden, and it is Tianxing's loss this year. An important part of the billions of funds!

If Tianxing continues to make huge losses next year and its stock price plummets, there is a local tyrant who is ready to accept Tianxing's mess, and billions or tens of billions of shares are willing to eat all of it......Will Yin Tian reject him?

Yin Tian has thought about this question. In the past, when he was ambitious, the answer was no!

Because at that time he felt that Tianxing had a bright future, and his 10 billion market value shares might be able to double in a few years, but now... he is very hesitant!

Yin Tian knows what hesitation means. The hesitation is just that he doesn't admit that he is defeated. But deep down, like Sun Xianjun, he regrets that he didn't sell his shares when the market value of Tianxing was the highest....... After all, there were several investors who were interested in the animation industry at that time. If they join forces, it will be no problem to take his shares!

In fact, he is also a pure businessman! Although this company is the foundation for two generations of his ancestors, it is different from those of the decadent family heirs on the islands of Japan who would rather guard the company's collapse, believing that this is an ancestral property, and die not selling the company. Yin Tian is very realistic. , I'm really filial, it's better to spend some money to burn some beautiful women for my father, and go to the paper house.......Why use the actual money loss to measure your determination?

He controls Tianxing, just want to experience the fun of making money, not how persistent the Dragon Kingdom animation industry is!


Chu Yu did things quickly.......With this kind of thought, let Huang Ming from the magic capital inquire about Tianxing's internal information!

And Huang Ming?

He is far beyond Chu Yu's imagination and is an actionist!

Within two days, I "ran into" Sun Xianjun at a certain golf course in Magic City!

After all, Sun Xianjun is still in the stage of seizing power. Although it is not clear whether the seizure will succeed, whether he can lead Tianxing to resist the challenges of all parties in the industry after success!

But at least one thing...

Even if Tianxing loses money, he spends the money that he loses, and not Yin Tian's stinky boy who took his part of the money to make it. This is very important!

"So......you are the partner of Shuixin, Huang Ming?" Although Sun Xianjun encountered Huang Ming, a general of the rival company, he still had certain qualities, and he didn't say anything against him!

"Mr. Sun is really forgetful. I met you twice with my boss Zhang Mi four years ago......forgot?"

Huang Ming is dressed in a white suit and dark glasses. He is handsome and mature. Even when facing Sun Xianjun, he is not nervous. With one heel on the knee of the other, he is leaning against a chair and smoking a cigarette..... His business aura is ten times stronger than that of Chu Yu, a middle-aged young man!

Although the posture is not very polite, but the momentum is undoubtedly not lost! This is very important, much more important than others think you are a qualified person!

But it's normal. He owns 8% of the shares. Chu Yu has accumulated wealth of more than 10 billion, and his personal wealth has exceeded one billion... , That kind of guilty conscience can cover up incomplete anyway!

Although Sun Xianjun is quite rich, his true worth cannot keep up with Chu Yu when the value of Tianxing's stock has plummeted! Moreover, he is the market value of the stock, and Chu Yu is the real cash Dragon State Coin, which has a different meaning! The cash he can take out, let alone compare with Chu Yu, may not be Huang Mingduo!

"Oh, I remember! I remember you..." Sun Xianjun laughed.

But let alone remembering Huang Ming, Sun Xianjun can't remember who Huang Ming's former boss Zhang Mi is!

But this does not prevent him and Huang Ming from talking very happily on the surface.......especially for Huang Mingyan's ambition to be a new full-time hunter as Huang Mingyan talked about!

A work that he believes is even more powerful than giants, and that full-time hunter will sweep the Dragon Kingdom animation market next year, even Zhao Qinyin can not stop the declaration...

Sun Xianjun's heart is a little sinking, if this is true......how will Sunstar show its strength in the market next year and tell everyone that Sunstar has never declined?

If you can't...I have only four or five billion worth of shares in my hands now, don't I still have to lose money?


After entering December, the plot of the second season of the giant and the plot of steel have almost reached a climax.

Basically last month, there was still a little bit of topicality in other animation works, but this month, it will be squeezed again!

Especially for Giant, the second season itself has a short storyline, with only a dozen episodes, and Chu Yu's broadcast of two episodes a week relaxes itself in about a month! And tonight is the closing day of the second season of the Giant...

But the sensory experience given to fans in the second season of the giant is definitely more than that of the first season. The betrayal of the sixth chapter, the psychological confrontation and coercion of Ymir and Leiner and others, Leiner and Bertot work together to defeat After Ellen could have taken Yumir and Ellen to go~www.mtlnovel.com~ If it wasn't for Yumir forcing her to betray the duo with Herista for his feelings for Herista... .....It is estimated that Allen will explain here!

And in the second season of the plot, Ymir's past memories, how many years did Rainer talk about her wandering around with Ymir from time to time? Sixty years......These plots that seem to be spoiled but do not eliminate key details have caused Chu Yu to be angry again by a group of fans!

But anyway.... The second season of Giants, this Ellen, Investigative Corps and Reiner's battle between the betrayal duo is finally over!

Before the broadcast time, the giant fans are basically in place, and the average anime, the average fans will fatten up and watch again. The proportion of fans who chase fans in the first time only accounts for a very small part of the total number of fans... .... But Steelmaking and Giants, especially Giants, the ratio of this data is very high!

This also leads to the card that can be clearly felt by the major animation websites every Thursday and Friday two nights........

And today, the same is true!