I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

All night long, the animation industry is full of giant fans!

In the parallel world, the two words of the commander "cutting the monkey" and the second choice of Alvin Arming were both listed in the hot search list on the Chinese network after the work was blocked!

But in the Dragon Kingdom... The Giant has no such troubles, and the heat wave it has set off is unprecedented!

This night, the two words most chanted in the mouth of the giant fan are Fengshen!

In fact, the concept of so-called **** works is only spontaneously born in the fan community. Such works represent the top of the same category of works! Even if the works of latecomers are very good, it is basically impossible to completely surpass the works of the gods!

For example, slam dunk no one would think that there will be a sports drama to crush it in the future, which will bring you a deeper touch! Then, fans do not believe that there will be a romance fan that will be more touching than this one........

The two words of the giant give fans this feeling. In the history of animation, there may be no works that can completely surpass the shock of the two words of the giant to the fans!

In the parallel world, a large group of two-dimensional people feel that giants can surpass steelmaking, just after the appearance of the two plots of the brave and the white night, but also in the dragon country.......the same!

This night, Zhao Qinyin's fans were almost silent!

Watching the giant fans blow the giants wildly, but there is no way to go out and suppress the other side's arrogance!

Because they are not ignorant, the giant's two words are really too explosive!

In particular, Bai Ye's words, even if viewed with a prejudice against Chu Yu, the fans of Zhao Qinyin were still deeply shocked!

The plot's portrayal of Alvin, the description of Levi's psychological transformation, one of the themes of giants, the cruel interpretation of the world, and...Almin, who was born from the giant's body, and at the same time Alvin's death.......

It can be said that Bai Ye's words have raised the already high status of the giant animation by an unknown amount, directly causing the brains of the giant fans to tremble at this time, and the Internet is boasting about giants everywhere!

Because this is the only thing you can do as a loyal giant fan!

But compared to the giant fans, it is the practitioners of Longguo animation industry who are more shocked!

In fact, the Longguo animation industry has a very complicated attitude towards Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin!

As a result, many older generations subconsciously feel that the works of the two are actually very popular. They can only be said to deliberately cater to the hobbies of current anime fans. In fact, they are two yellow-haired boys!

But starting from Chu Yu's jojo, these people felt that something was wrong!

Then there was Zhao Qinyin's slam dunk, and then Spirited Away.

These two works can be said to have beaten this group of people to no temper. The connotation of the works is much higher than their works, I don't know how much!

Then Chu Yu returned. These people basically thought that Chu Yu should be hammered by Zhao Qinyin, but the fact is... The giant kept suppressing the steelmaking during the basic serialization period, and the steelmaking finished these two. God, it is true that it has surpassed the giant on the Internet... but after the two episodes of the giant were broadcast last night........

There is nothing to say, the giant not only suppressed the steelmaking once again by popularity, but also completely convinced the old seniors in the dragon country animation industry!

"White Night, is the strongest one-sentence animation in the history of the animation industry that I have seen in the past 20 years in the industry! No rebuttal!"

"Simple two-story plot, the sacrifice of two heroes, but the world is cruel, and the essence of choice is to give up! A simple truth, but countless giant fans understand from the animation! I did not admit defeat before, I watched it last night The giant's latest animation just realized that the era belongs to young people after all!"

"Nothing to say, the giant is awesome!"

"Although I think the overall level of Steelmaking is better than that of Giants, the height of Baiye's words is incomparable to any one of Steelmaking's words! Starting today, I officially become a teacher of Shuixin!"


One night, seven or eight veterans in the animation industry, Weibo, spoke out, boasting about the giant animation!

This has further contributed to the arrogance of the giant fans. Throughout the day, major media, short videos, self-media, the new man.com up host, crazy repost these comments, and the giant's latest two-part analysis video is on the new man.com. The top five in the daily search list!

These up masters will not let go of this opportunity for Qia Chuyu traffic!

At this time, as long as you blow the giant, it is tantamount to absorbing the support of giant fans for yourself!

Of course, there are also many people who think in reverse. At this time, when the giant has almost become gods with the latest two plots, and is gradually trying to suppress steelmaking, at this time to blow steelmaking, it can also attract a lot of Support from Zhao Qinyin fans!

So a strange situation emerged. Xinman.com, a short video website covering animation, dance, live broadcast, life, food, technology and other regions, came the next day, the top 100 in the daily search list, with more than 30 fans. Giant's, more than twenty steel-smelting...

Xinman.com is just a microcosm of the animation industry. Fans of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, in various areas of the animation circle, all kinds of struggles, all kinds of tears, all kinds of duels...

At the end of steelmaking, the popularity reached its peak, and the giant's fans' confidence in it swelled to an unprecedented level because of the words of the White Night Brave. The confrontation between the two works on the Internet, in its own fierce situation, has risen trend!

This kind of confrontation, while continuing to increase the popularity of the two works, is also allowing bilateral fans who are bombarded by information bombarded by the two works at any time to switch between each other!

Just like in the parallel world, most people who have seen Hokage know that there is a Pirate with the same name as it, and there are too many related information, even if they disdain, they will look at the level of another work out of curiosity!

The popularity of Giants and Steelmaking itself is already high enough. After the average broadcast volume reaches 23 million, the growth is very slow!

Now, the broadcast data of the two works has actually grown against the trend, and various performances have directly broken the cognition of a group of practitioners in the Longguo animation industry!

Wouldn't the fans of these two works tear each other and push the results of the two works to the point of surpassing the slam dunk, right?

Is there such a thing? During the same broadcast period, can there be two works with an average broadcast volume of over 25 million?


The entire Dragon Kingdom animation industry is boiling because of giants and steel. For several days, the popularity of the two works has not disappeared. For many movies released, the stars spend money to buy hot searches, but they can't do the power of the fans of the two works. The rankings of search keywords are all under Giant and Steel!

This situation is basically the norm in the entertainment industry of the Long Kingdom........The films and TV series broadcasted in various major schedules are in competition with the works of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin. , The popularity is completely defeated......

Although everyone in the film and television industry has adapted to this situation and accepted the fact that they have a lot of first-line stars, and the first-line directors are not as popular as the two animated screenwriters. Who said that an animated movie still occupies the top of the box office list of Longguo movies? ? If you want to complain and express your dissatisfaction with contempt and mockery, at least you have to break the record of Spirited Away! Otherwise, you will lose your face!

It's just that they think so, but they still have troubles in their hearts!

When many variety show stars mentioned Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, they joked that if they were invited to arrange movies, the box office might increase by hundreds of millions... Everyone thinks that the power of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin is too terrible!

In the entire animation industry, this week is still dominated by giants and steel smelting each!

The news of Tianxing was gradually ignored by everyone!

But in fact, Chu Yu's energy during this period of time is not in his work achievements, but in Tianxing!

During this time, Chu Yu also deliberately released news that he bought Tianxing for revenge, and the purpose was to prevent Yin Tian from getting better, and to make Yin Tian's dream of an animation empire shatter with his own hands!

In fact, people who are a bit sane would not believe that Chu Yu spent billions to enter Star Star to disgust Yin Tian, ​​but stockholders did not care about you so much, and they were locked up by Star Star stocks. The stock has fallen in price for six consecutive years. The set seems to be far away, and now the market is a little bit turbulent, everyone is panic selling!

The inequity of information has caused this situation. Everyone feels that Chu Yu has only the ability to enter the Star Star, but not the ability to completely eat Star Star. Otherwise, if Chu Yu's intention or all the funds are exposed, the Star Star stock will definitely not fall!

But now...Chu Yu's sweeping behavior in the market is thought to be done by Yin Tian. The purpose is to attract and fight with Chu Yu..... Anyway, as long as Chuyu enters the Star Star, the struggle between these two people will definitely continue in Star Star, and then it will continue to be staged. The first and second shareholders of a company are enemies of life and death, and opinions cannot be unified. Does this kind of company have a future?

The answer is obvious, so isn't it stupid not to run away at this time?

Combining all kinds of negative news, Tianxing's stock price continued to fall sharply, but it rose because of his secret scanning of goods in the market. Between the two, under the operation of buying stocks by his team, and then selling stocks technically, they maintained A balance!

After Tianxing went public that year, the proportion of retail investors in the stock market was quite large. However, when the company made money but the stock price was still relatively low, Yin Tian kept repurchasing the stocks held by retail investors in the name of the company. There are not many stocks, but even so, Chu Yu still spent more than a billion yuan in a short period of time...

Before the meeting of Tianxing's shareholders, Chu Yu held a large number of accounts in total holding about 10% of Tianxing's shares!

However, even so, there are still a lot of Tianxing shares in the market selling off!

On the other hand, within Tianxing Company, the shareholder meeting that had been delayed for a week was finally held!

More than a dozen shareholders are sitting on the round table... Except for Yin Tian, ​​the others have complicated expressions!

Of course, they didn't feel sorry for Yin Tian, ​​but they were all regretting that they hadn't left when Tianxing's stock price was at its peak. Now the stock is sold to Chu Yu at only 40% of the price at its peak!

It hurts no matter how you think!

"I think we should talk about it last..."

Yin Tian is sitting on the chairman's seat, and his conference report ppt is shown on the projector. At the end, he introduces the future development space, future profit model and field of Tianxing to this group of shareholders who are still Tianxing. prospect!

"Chairman Yin, you don't need to say any more..... The stock of Tianxing has fallen for six or seven years. During this period of time, we have never enjoyed the profit distribution of Tianxing! The profit of Tianxing itself over the past few years It's not good. You still invest your only income everywhere in those weird industries, resulting in a loss of nearly 2 billion last year... We don't even bother to say anything about it, after all, invest There is a risk, but you should stop talking about your rhetoric, and waste everyone's time!"

A director said solemnly.

Small shareholders of large companies are actually very uncomfortable on weekdays. This time they finally have the opportunity to spray Yin Tian. Naturally, you are welcome!

"What is a weird industry? Chu Yu wants to buy your shares, isn't it just for those things? I set up these departments and spend money on these things is absolutely valuable, but it hasn't been effective for a year or two. What's wrong, compared with the tens of billions of profits in the future, Tianxing's loss last year is not worth mentioning...Are you so short-sighted?" Yin Tian's tone was majestic and angry!

"Bows and arrows can only be useful in the hands of hunters...... With all due respect, Chairman Yoon......the industries you are proud of, aren't they doing it for others? Wedding dress? The premise of developing top ip is that we have top ip, what is the top animation ip on the market now? It is giant, it is Lelouch, it is steel, it is jojo, it is the initial D... ...You ignored the production of the animation industry and focused on the development of ip entertainment. After you succeeded, the level of the former industry has been reduced to the second-rate in the industry... The reason why Tianxing has become this To the point, isn't it the reason why you put the cart before the horse?"

This has something to do with me?

Without the two of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, our company's works are the top popular works in the Longguo industry!

Yin Tiangang wanted to refute, and another shareholder immediately blocked his mouth!

"Originally, we and Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin didn't have to make trouble to this point! Four years ago, if we had a softer approach and respected Chu Yu, he had insufficient foundation at that time, and it might not have been a chance for him to join our company. , Even if he really doesn't join, let him maintain a good cooperative relationship with us! He is responsible for creating works, and we are responsible for co-developing works with him ip........Although the income is not as high as eating alone, But it's also very expensive! However......Chu Yu was hacked, and Zhao Qinyin also became hostile to us because of his relationship with Chu Yu. The two major ip production machines in the animation industry are because of you, Chairman Yin. arrogant........"

Anyway, the Tianxing shares are about to be sold to Chu Yu, and the chairman of Tianxing has nothing to say!

Yin Tian's expression became more and more angry!

This is the first time that he has held such a shareholder meeting that criticizes him!

However... his anger can't vent!

Because others make sense!

If he didn't want to completely squeeze Chu Yu's value, but cooperate with Chu Yu!

It's unreasonable that Chu Yu would reject him at the beginning. Four years ago, Chu Yu, holding several of the strongest IP works in the animation industry, as long as the cooperation is divided into fair and just...

In fact, Chu Yu at that time was just a salted fish. He had no ambitions and could not bother to start his own business. The possibility of long-term cooperation with Tianxing was very high! After all, Chuyu can accept the copyright of the work and the sharing of the comics, but it is unreasonable to not accept the development and completion of others!

"The current situation of Tianxing is all caused by you, Chairman Yin! Honestly speaking, as a long-time acquaintance, we are out. In fact, it means that Chairman Yin you are out..." Sun Xianjun Opened the mouth.

"That young man is not the same person as us. Don't use your way of thinking to measure him. Instead of continuing to fight against him on the Stars Board of Directors, it is better to get out early when the stock price is still okay, otherwise it will be a few months later. Later...I am afraid that the shares in your hand will fall in price!"

Sun Xianjun gave Yin Tian one last word of admonition!

Yin Tian took a deep breath, his eyes low!

Even if he is so big with Chu Yuchou, he is still thinking about the meaning of Sun Xianjun's words! This is his businessman's thinking of chasing the best solution to dominate him!

Chu Yu is different. If Chu Yu is engaged in this way by others, he will absolutely keep the shares in his hand, and invest as much money as he has, buy shares in the market, buy the shares of those who want to run away, and expand his shareholding. After the enemy has entered the game, he will continue to add chaos to the opponent, even if the company is destroyed by internal fighting! Anyway, Chu Yu felt that he was great to return to his hometown in Mingcheng, and it would be acceptable to find a job for a few thousand dollars a month! He dare to stud!

The difference in the way of thinking really determines the situation where the two are currently hostile!

Yin Tian wants to be so cruel. He sold all of his property, used the company's articles of association to take precedence, forcibly acquired all the shares of these shareholders in front of him, and then borrowed about one billion yuan, which would allow him to hold more than 5% of the shares in Tianxing. Eleventh...

However, that would be a gambling on his life. If he loses, he will go from a billionaire with a net worth of billions to a billionaire with debts of hundreds of millions.......

He dare not!

He can't bear it!

Without Tianxing, he is still a wealthy man, but to cover the control of Tianxing, he has to assume the risk of hundreds of millions of debts after being poor and white!

Really completely retained the control of Tianxing, can Tianxing turn losses into profits next year? Can hundreds of works by Chuyu and Zhao Qinyin be produced? If not, what's the point of betting on all your wealth, just to make Chu Yu sick?

Yin Tian's reason will always overwhelm anger!

Therefore, Yin Tian did not react to Chu Yu's series of actions!

It's just......If you don't respond accordingly~www.mtlnovel.com~, what's the point of sticking to it?

Chu Yu has a controlling stake in Tianxing, then his goal has been achieved. After holding a meeting, and then through the decision to split and sell the company's department, he can also achieve his goal!

Fight it hard, Yin Tian has a weak chance of comeback...For example, if the two people died in a car accident, they will still be Tianxing that day!

And he who chose not to act...

Actually lost!

Yin Tian knew this very clearly!

Even though there are all kinds of words in my heart to say to the shareholders in front of me, but I can't say it...

The voting of Tianxing's shareholders has begun, and the share transfer agreements of more than a dozen shareholders have been passed one by one!

Yin Tian is in the minority this time. The power of the group of people on the opposite side is far greater than his shareholding ratio. Even if he opposes it alone, it is meaningless!

Memories of a few hours