I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Today is the end of the giant that Chu Yu announced a long time in advance!

As soon as the time starts at six o'clock, the major animations start to boil!

It's even more early in the morning on Weibo until now, and the giant has firmly occupied the top spot after finishing this hot search today!

Although not all giant fans will follow the fan on time, after all, everyone has their own work, but after all, it is an anime with an average of 24 million broadcasts. It is just a part of the fans who follow the fan on time. The direct result is The animation songs of major websites are obviously stuck!

Under Chu Yu Weibo, a large group of fans wanted to ask him how the giant could end in two words!

After all, judging from the plot of last week, the introduction of Marais and off-island forces should be the climax of the plot! If you want to go to war with Marais, this is just about 30 or 40 words, the animation content is not easy?

People in the animation industry also don't understand. They don't understand how capricious the two geniuses, Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, are.

If their company can create such a work, at least one hundred words are needed to make all the money, let's talk about it.......

Zhao Qinyin, it will be over after just over sixty words in Steel Refining. After the cyborg plot is over, can you continue to explore the gate of truth, bring out more powerful enemies, and expand the content from the country where the protagonist is located to other countries. With dozens of stories coming out, isn't it just about 700 or 800 million yuan in income?

The Giant is too, even more outrageous. It will be over tonight. Isn't the Giant really going to be unfinished tonight?

Many related personnel also expressed their strong interest in the intelligence of Giant's ending drama tonight!

As time slowly flows by, the broadcast time of nine o'clock is getting closer and closer!

Many giant fans' speeches in the comment area ranged from unbelief in the end, to complaints about Chu Yu, and then...strongly reluctant to give up!

In fact, they all know very well that if Chu Yu is determined to end the giant tonight, then they have nothing to do! Just like Lelouch, how many people hope that Chuyu will have a theater version, even if it is to let Lelouch and CC appear in the theater version, if you want to say something, then this theater version bd will definitely sell exploding, the role Figures must be another wave of sales!

However, Chu Yu never said that as long as he lowered his waist, he could cut leeks as much as he could, and the leeks still wanted to be cut, but...

Chu Yu's foundations were also uncomfortable with his salted fish!

Now, I'm even more worried that the giant will have an open ending like Lelouch, that's really dumbfounded!

However, fans were worried and worried, and the giant finally aired the two episodes as scheduled!

The 21st episode of the third season is actually a supplement to Alan's father's memory. There is no fighting plot as everyone imagined!

After the wall of Maria was retaken, the truth outside the island was known by the high level inside the wall, and Alan's memory of his father poured into his mind little by little......

The prosaic plot continued until the final episode. All members of the investigative corps walked out of the wall and set off to the end of the landing!

Then... across the woods, grass, desert...

The place where the group of people finally came is...the seaside!

The same beach as Allen remembered...

The giant fans are fascinated at this time, and they don't care about the progress bar like a ghost story......

"Moved, this is the sea that Arming had been thinking about!"

"He fulfilled his dream of watching the sea when he was a child!"

"Look at these people in the Investigation Corps, their eyes are full of light!"

"Just watching the sea makes them so happy? I want to laugh a little, but actually want to cry inexplicably!"

"Look at Alan's expression, you are not happy at all!"

"Tell you a ghost story and watch the progress bar!"

"No, it's just this time, is the giant really going to end like this?"

"What the hell, this can't be over like this!"

"But to be honest, this painting by gt animation production company is simply...too outrageous! The funding exploded!"


Barrage fans complained all kinds of things, but the animation industry also came to the end of the third season........

Unlike the other people in the Investigation Corps who were excited about seeing Hai for the first time, Allen had already seen all this in the memories of his father.......

t_kt this bgm sounded again......

Alan looked at the sea...... and said a paragraph about the classic animation of giants in the parallel world!

"On the other side of the sea, there is freedom...I have always believed in this way..."

"But, I was wrong, the opposite of the sea... is the enemy!"

Allen looked back, the trace of despair and sorrow in his eyes made people feel heartache!

The fans who watched the anime fell silent all of a sudden...

I thought that this was the giant's slight relaxation in the heavy plot... However, there is no battle plot, but everyone's heart is inexplicably heavy!

"Everything is the same as what I saw in my father's memory!"

Then, in the third season of the animation, lines on the theme of uplifting giants appeared......

"Hey...... all the enemies on the opposite side have been killed, can we......can be free?"

Armin put down the conch in his hand!

A group of giant fans were almost suffocated by this sentence...

The ed screen appears...

The most important thing is that after finishing these three words, they will be printed in the eyes of fans!

This ending.......

Allen's last words seemed to be not asking his companions, but the audience watching the anime...

Will human hatred disappear?

Will human wars disappear?

At the end of the struggle, will anyone really get the so-called...freedom?

An animation, even if it is only a moment, makes people have such thoughts and doubts... There is no doubt that this is definitely an amazing achievement!

The giant fans were first shocked by the animation scene. Many people waited until the end of the ed song before recollecting it.......

Giant, it's over!


It's over?

"I can't accept it. Can this plot be the end? Teacher Shuixin, solve the question you raised, and let us see whether Alan will be free in the end!"

"I don't want the Giants to end, but... this ending is really shocking! If the Giants has another season, how can we keep the third season of the game?"

"Who cares so much, Rainer, the giant gorilla hasn't died yet, and Marai's scene hasn't been portrayed yet, how could it end like this?"

"Is this unfinished?"

"How can this be a bad ending? Is the story of the giant unsatisfactory? How can it have something to do with bad, he is called an open eunuch! On the surface it is over, in fact the plot is half portrayed and gone... ...."

"Fuck, it can't be the next season! Such a magical animation, it's impossible to end like this, at least the story must have a whole!"

"Although I very much hope that the giant will have a follow-up... But it seems that this is not the first time that Teacher Shui Xin has worked like this! Do you think there will be no plot in the follow-up? Mr. Shui Xin is not yet. There is no follow-up, capricious..... The initial d, do you think there will be no plot later? Ms. Suixin let it end and Takumi promised to join the Takahashi Ryosuke team!"

"How can you say this in such a gloating tone? Teacher Shui Xin did this before. Rurouni Kenshin has not followed up. We can bear it, and so can giants. Can we bear it?"

"Yes, this is unbearable!"

"We will end here if we don't agree to the giant, and we strongly demand the next season!"

"Go, let's go privately with Teacher Shuixin..."


It took a while for the giant fans to wake up from the final ending of the giant!

This ending has to be said, what a **** god!

Alan pointed to the other side of the sea, and with a single sentence, he raised the giant's pattern. The reflection on the war, and the foreshadowing of the follow-up plot, all came out!

It's not that this ending is impossible, but... such a godly animation, it shouldn't end here!

Obviously, the plot for the follow-up has been paved, and the struggle between Pa Island and Malaifang, politics, history, hatred...These elements are now all blended through light and dark foreshadowing!

Only one more season of content is needed. Shui Xin can resolve the struggle and hatred between the two sides that have lasted for a thousand years. This work can be said to be an absolute work of God!

When watching the sea ends here, then it can only be an ordinary divine work.......

Giant fans can accept that giants end up downhill, but they can't accept that giants end up like this when there is obviously a lot of room to rise and the plot is portrayed!

Just like the situation of the giant fans in the parallel world, after seeing the drama of watching the sea, the confidence of the giant fans in this work has reached infinitely high!

Even this kind of super god's plot can be portrayed. They will not consider the risk of unfinished results if the giant continues to create, but subjectively feel that if the giant does not continue to create, it will definitely be a huge loss in the animation industry. !

That night, Chuyu's Weibo was almost overwhelmed by millions of fans' comments, and as more and more fans watched the latest update of the two-part giant plot, the number of people kept pouring in!

The fans did not swear, after all, although the giant is over, it is not unfinished, it just doesn't end where the fans want to end!

You can say that Allen's last words are very meaningful. This ending is very open, symbolizing the beginning of the Pa Island and the World War. Perhaps Allen will spend his entire life in Tata (fighting), he may die, or Can lead everyone in Pa Island to find true freedom...

But what fans want to see is a clear ending. They are lazy and don't want to guess these things. They want you to create a clear final ending for all the characters of the giant....... .

This fan commotion can be said to be the strongest protest from fans that Chu Yu has ever encountered since her career!

And all the practitioners in the industry have seen it for a long time. For the first time, I saw a work that was not protested by fans because of the plot trash, but because the plot was so magical that fans could not accept its end and protest!

However... everything is in vain!

The giant is watching the sea at the end, and the fans' feelings about it is a pity that it ends here. How can such a divine work end in this way?

And if the story behind the giant comes out, Alan personally manipulates the giant to eat his mother. Once the story comes out, Chu Yu can guarantee that now these giant fans will definitely scold him why he didn't end up watching the sea at the beginning, he wanted to do this. Something comes out spicy to their eyes!

Anyway, they have to be sprayed. One is sprayed in fan praise, and the other is sprayed in the anger of fans. The two powers harm each other, whichever is less, Chu Yu still knows the truth!

Resolutely Weibo responded to the fans dynamically, and the giant is over now, there is no follow-up!

His positive attitude has stimulated a group of fans!

Hundreds of thousands of giant fans ran under the office building of his gt animation production company the next morning and blocked it! Ask him to continue creating...

This matter was in the hot news on the same day, and Chu Yu had a headache when he saw it!

Two-dimensional fans are going crazy, much more fierce than those who chase stars. Fans change one idol every year, and a work of two-dimensional fans can remember a lifetime!

If it weren't for Chu Yu to slip quickly, seeing this, he turned around and didn't sneak into the company, otherwise he would be blocked by angry fans!

But even so, many giant fans can't accept it and directly protested online. If he doesn't create giants, he will never read Chu Yu's works again... they want to switch to Zhao Qinyin's embrace. !

This makes Chu Yu amused... Isn't it all the same? Isn't it all his fans?

However, after two or three days, the wave of giant fans that asked him to continue to create has not been extinguished at all, but has intensified...

Chu Yu sighed, knowing that this matter wasn't real and came forward to give everyone a reason, and it couldn't be resolved!

Xinman.com, a perennial partner, will naturally not let go of this opportunity, and once again take the opportunity to invite Chu Yu to a live broadcast meeting with fans...

This is exactly what Chu Yu meant!

Two days later, a live broadcast watched by millions of people began to be broadcast in the Xinmanwang live broadcast area...

Giant fans will pay attention to this live broadcast as long as they have time!

But the final result is...

"Indeed, Giant's follow-up does have a lot of creative space, and the plot behind it can be very exciting... But everyone has considered, can I control the rhythm of the Giant's follow-up plot? The sea is already a very good ending, and I can't think of... a giant ending that is more powerful than watching the sea!"

"Forced creation will only turn the giant's work into a vulgar war animation! No matter which side in the plot wins the war, the giant's animation actually loses! Just like teacher Zhao Qinyin's slam dunk, It is definitely possible to get the protagonist to win the championship, but such a plot...will it be better than the current ending? During the slam dunk, the entire Xiangbei team worked very hard, so when the slam dunk ended, many fans could not Accept that they didn't realize their dream ending! But as long as you work hard, you can get something. Isn't this a kind of arrogance? Is there only the protagonist in anime working hard? In reality, only oneself is working hard, and everyone else is messing about? Yes, the successful person is not someone else but you?"

"The protagonist you are looking for must be victorious and must have a good ending. The idea of ​​Pa Island must defeat a powerful enemy under the leadership of Alan is actually in contradiction with the theme of the giant... The moment Alan and the others added hatred to the Marais, they were no different from Lena and the others in the aggression wall!"

"The reason why I let the giant end here is because I can't create a better plot, so......let the story of the giant end here..... .."

Chu Yu's words made many fans bewildered!

Although very obscure ~www.mtlnovel.com~ but it seems to make sense!

"Of course, if I have a new idea when I can create a plot that makes me more satisfied, maybe the work of Giant... will have a follow-up!" Chu Yu said on the live broadcast. Words, silence many fans!

Although Chu Yu didn't say it clearly, the meaning is obvious. If you give the current giant 99 points, then if you continue to create, the score of the giant's work may be lower and lower until the word of mouth collapses!

Maybe its main line of plot structure is not too perfect........but the perfect ending of the main line of the overall structure is better!

A live broadcast followed by millions of people quietly came to an end!

But gradually, the protest of the giant fans gradually disappeared!

Although most people don't believe what Chu Yu said, he can't control the rhetoric of the subsequent plot, but now...what else can I do besides accepting it?

In a few days, the riots caused by the giant fans gradually dissipated, and Chu Yu's mythological degree in the minds of the fans was once again consolidated because of the giant god-level plot!

Although many fans were dissatisfied with the ending, the average broadcast volume of the giant surpassed the steelmaking, and continued to lead the steelmaking by half a million!

Given the fact that fans of the two works love each other and kill each other, it is estimated that the two works have successively exceeded the record of dunking, the problem is not too big!

But after the giant ending event, although Chuyu's creative ability was recognized by fans, his personal credibility was questioned by fans......

Whether it's Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, or Giant, they all ended unclearly!

What about the full-time hunter?

Will it also end up unclearly in the end?