I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Of course, the meeting between Chu Yu and Yin Tian in the conference room was kept secret from ordinary employees of the company, but anyway, I don't know which big mouth was lax. Within a day, the internal gossip of the company went viral!

"Understood? Chairman Yin was forced by Chu Yu to sell his shares, otherwise he would be good-looking!"

"What Chuyu? It's called President Chu! You have to pay attention. It is said that President Chu is not that, and then that, otherwise it won't be that. There are ears on the wall, you have been in the sky for more than ten years, this kind of thing Don't understand? In case someone goes to Mr. Chu's small report, think about where you are going to find a job, this grade!"

"What do you mean by that and that and that, do you mean that President Chu is careful and must report to you, so he bought Tianxing and Chairman Yin against each other... Indeed, I should pay attention... ..."


"But it is said that Chairman Yin is very angry!"

"It's useless to be angry! President Chu said that not only did he buy the shares of Mr. Sun and his group of shareholders, but also a lot of retail shares on the market. It is said that he has reached the holding ratio of our Tianxing... ..... Chairman Yin is not powerless now! To put it bluntly, even if someone injects 10 billion into Chairman Yin at this time, does Chairman Yin want to regain the controlling rights of the company? In the hands of Mr. Chu and Chairman Yin..."

"I still think this thing is too sci-fi. Isn't Mr. Chu born as a cartoonist? Then he worked on animation for a few years, was banned for three years, and then unblocked and created a giant... ...Where does he get so much money? This thing is too ridiculous..."

"Who knows which channel these wealthy people come from? Just like the founders of e-commerce platforms now, people have not become poor and worth tens of billions in a few years...Chu The total net worth is two to three billion, but these two to three billion are put on the capital market. It is not news that it has increased by six or seven times in a few years! The United States was not a stock market crash the year before, and many people did not **** the blood of leeks. After earning money, maybe there is President Chu among them?"

"So it turns out that President Chu is not only an animation genius, but also an investment master!"

"Don't look at the gods with the eyes of mortals! Mortals are three hundred and sixty lines, and they can't do anything. It is not surprising that a genius like President Chu has a **** of stock behind his back, and he is actually a **** of gambling!

"It always feels more and more hanging. The way you lick the dog really makes me sick! You have to interpret the meaning from the inside of a rich man who farts!"

"Haha........ What's wrong with being a licking dog? The sky changes to the sky, and everything is thriving. Maybe I can lick a piece of sky by licking power?"

"Oh, but I really didn't expect that those small company partners who were arbitrarily kneaded by shareholders with controlling rights would happen to Tianxing. Chairman Yin was the largest shareholder of Tianxing last month, but now... Became a minority shareholder! As long as Chu always thinks, all his ideas and ideas in Tianxing will be rejected..."


Inside Tianxing, rumors about Chu Yu are flying all over the sky!

But no matter how these rumors spread... only one point!

People's hearts are very floating, these people have never been loyal to everyone, but life!

Yin Tian used to be the chairman of Tianxing and the largest shareholder. These people are in awe of him!

but now.......

With the exception of Yin Tian's relations with the outside world, all attitudes have completely changed, and what I am thinking about is how to avoid Chu Yu's reconciliation of the heavenly star!

And the employees of the copy animation production company are even more confused...

They were just making animations quite normally. They only saw boss Chuyu running around here and there all day, and then within a few months, the copy of the animation production company became the holding company of Tianxing, the industry leader Tianxing, almost Become a subsidiary of the copyer?

This is too fantasy...

Chu Yu's actions are not only circulated among practitioners in the animation industry, but also directly out of the circle!

What everyone is concerned about is not the acquisition of Tianxing. What everyone is concerned about is how can Chu Yu start from nothing to do such a thing at the age of twenty-five!

Unlike other legendary entrepreneurs, Chu Yu had no financing, no background, and no capital operation, so he forced himself from zero to the present......

This directly hit the face of a large number of Internet decadents in the Dragon Kingdom. This group of people always felt that the success of others was due to innate factors, and Chu Yu's success... let them find No spray point! Some people can only force a wave of genes and brains that his parents did not inherit from him the talent of animation creation...

Of course, in fact, they are also right. Chu Yu has a plug-in, but no one knows that Chu Yu is such an image in everyone's eyes.......

Chu Yu is like this, not only in the animation circle, but directly on the whole network! Become the object of Internet young people who have to eat melon news after dinner.....

In the face of these phenomena, Chu Yu had nothing to do. Although he didn't like to be famous, that's it!

There are a lot of things he has to work on a day. The production of five works on both sides of the company, the composition and structure of the internal staff of the Tianxing company, who will be fired soon, who can be trained, who are going to be promoted, and those who are going to be demoted, And......this company's future development model, management and other issues.........

So everyone in the company, to operate and eat, certainly can't rely on Chu Yu to come up with works, then it shouldn't exhaust him!

Tianxing's past operation mode should be retained, boutique animations should be made, and general animations should also be made.......Just like jump, it is not only serializing the dead fire, but also serializing a lot of popularity, even Very low comics! If you are a company, you must have a balanced nutrition. Those who are picky eaters must not go long!

But after everything gets on the right track, the group of people from the copy animation company must also integrate with the staff of Tianxing......

Then, the works of the gt animation production company on the island of Japan will release new works in the future, and Tianxing's industry channels will definitely be used!

In the future, I will not be suppressed by the works of other big companies in publicity! Publicity costs more, but the effect is much lower!

And..... Tianxing's bunch of tasks for the employees of the ip adaptation department that Chuyu cares about the most.......Speaking of which, Yin Tian spent so much money to build Tianxing. This bunch of departments is really perfect...

This person was just out of luck with Chu Yu, and he was full of abilities when he met Chu Yu, and he couldn't do anything!

This person is not going to stick to the animation industry at all, and even a serious film and television department has been established!

In the past few years, many film and television dramas have been launched. Although they did not hit the market, they adapted those Tianxing's own IP works more than ten years ago, and those group of young people, middle-aged two-dimensional children's memories of anime, honestly can be regarded as a small fire. !

If you give Yin Tian a bunch of high-quality ips, Chu Yu absolutely believes that this guy's energy is beyond his imagination!

But now it's all cheap, Chu Yu, anyway, he has money, and when the time comes to expand the team, Rurouni Kenshin is not ready to go on animation, but the movie version of Rurouni Kenshin, known as the strongest comic modification work in the parallel world.. ....... In fact, you can find a chance to start!

And if this work is adapted to the game, it is also very suitable... But if so, what about the initial D movie version? With Chu Yu's current popularity, these works may easily break through 2 billion at the box office. Although one does not make a lot of money, it is completely possible to make trilogy, tetralogy, etc.... For example At five centimeters per second, I really want to tell you a work like this, and spend some money to adapt it into a live-action movie. Can't it be popular? Isn't it more interesting than the groaning romance movies on the market?

Yin Tian's idea of ​​the future of Tianxing is like this...It took ten years to build Tianxing into such a company that has everything ready and only owes ip, and then it was attacked by Chu Yu.. ....

To be honest, Chu Yu felt a little guilty! If his painstaking effort were picked by others like this, he would have the heart to kill the other party!

But this guilt only lasted two seconds!

The one-week deadline agreed with Yin Tian is coming... Chu Yu is not ready to be soft!

Came to the Star Meeting Room again.......

The first is the resolution to elect the new chairman of Tianxing...

Everyone walks through the process, and then......

There is nothing to say! Chu Yu accounted for 61% of the shares of Tianxing. Voting this thing anyway, the members of Tianxing's board of directors who have the right to vote, as long as they are not mentally handicapped, will know who they should vote for at this time!

They can not vote for Chu Yu now, but tomorrow they may lose their qualifications to vote. The end result is nothing more than Chu Yu holding a second vote...

"Congratulations, President Chu, who has officially become the new chairman of our Tianxing Animation Production Company!"

The witness of the company nearby, a beautiful female employee in the secretary group, smiled sweetly. Her expression looked at Chu Yu as honey, but Chu Yu didn't pay attention to her at all!

From this moment on, Yin Tian's status has been reduced from chairman to director!

And Chu Yu........ Identity has changed!

"Ahem, you all go out!" Chu Yu let other unrelated people wait to leave!

In the room, there are only a few shareholders of Chu Yu, Huang Ming and Yin Tian faction...

"Okay, it's time for business! How are you thinking about it?" Chu Yu looked at Yin Tian.

"I find it bothersome and possessive, so I give you a chance to leave... You are also a major shareholder of Tianxing. How did you unite with Sun Xianjun to bully other small shareholders, and how did you use it? As a major shareholder, use reasonable means to embezzle other people's equity and assets, forcing some people to lose money out of the Star Star... You are an expert among them, and you should know the truth.... ." Chu Yu looked at the person sitting next to him!

"My conditions are very clear! You leave quickly, don't affect my development of the company..... You stay in my star, it will make me sick, but what you lose will be White banknotes......"

Chu Yu's words were too straightforward. Just like the breakfast shop owner rushing people, the three shareholders around Yin Tian looked like they were constipated, but they still held back...

"We agree to sell the shares, but we don't agree with the price you gave!" said one shareholder.

"You gave Mr. Sun to buy them at a price premium of 5%, but you gave us... but it was only at the original price... which is not fair!"

"That is, Mr. Sun can get such treatment, why don't we?" Another shareholder added.

"When Mr. Sun and the others left Tianxing, the total market value of Tianxing was 15.124 billion, and now the total market value of Tianxing is only 14.6 billion...We are at a disadvantage. That five percent......"

"Enough!!!" Chu Yu said loudly.

"Do you think I was buying groceries at the vegetable market with you? Or buying graphics cards online? Three-year warranty and five years to make up the difference?" Chu Yu looked at these three people!

"After I take over Tianxing, the company's assets will increase next year, and I will give you a little spread dividend?" Chu Yu looked at these people with contempt!

"One by one, who is not worth hundreds of millions? The same is true when you do business with others?"

Chu Yu took a deep breath...

"Today, you agree to transfer Tianxing shares, then buy your shares at the closing price of Tianxing shares today! If you don't want to......I won't talk about the second time! You go to Quanlong Country to find, Who will be your pick-up man.......find it by yourself! Tomorrow I will release the news to split and sell the departments of Tianxing that I am interested in to copy the copyrights of those animations that I am not interested in. Pack them and sell them to Jiuxing, Dakai, etc.... By that time everything will be almost done. It may take a few months and a year. Let's take a look at the sales of those things plus this building. The office building, do you have 14.6 billion, and then we will gradually divide the money........Look who has the biggest loss!"

Chu Yu's words changed the faces of a group of people on the opposite side!

Chu Yu is the chairman of Tianxing, and at that time, he will sell Tianxing assets to his copyers at a reasonable price... Originally, the price of cultural assets is not easy to estimate. As long as Chuyu is not too much, they will sue Chu Yu has nothing to do!

Fortunately, in the past, like some countries in Africa, in a certain period of development, state-owned enterprises became private enterprises. Companies worth billions of dollars were sold for tens of millions. Then the person who bought it was the chairman of the company, and he bought it in his own capacity. ...People have transformed from a public meal into a star entrepreneur...

The same operations are available all the time, but the intensity is not so great!

What Chu Yu said was very obvious. He wanted to be a parasite under his company. There was no way. When he wanted to leave, he would take a breath of blood before leaving. Don't even think about it!

Apart from Yin Tian, ​​the expressions of the other three people became very unnatural!

This is how Yin Tian himself played, and of course he knew the feasibility of what Chu Yu said!

He sighed...

"Don't sigh, you won't use your net worth, but will still feel sorry for the five percent of the shares!" Chu Yu laughed.

"At the peak of the market value of more than 30 billion, your 33% of the shares were also worth 12 billion at the peak, and the value fell from 12 billion to less than 5 billion now. You don't feel bad about it. , Will you feel sorry for the one or two billion?"

"I was not there when I sighed. After you were beaten four years ago, Zhao Qinyin came out again! That 5 percent of the stock price is the price I paid for my original strategy failure, so I should pay you and go. At this point, I can only say that God does not help me, otherwise these three years of your absence, without Zhao Qinyin, these departments under me will have no rivals in the market. In three years, maybe my animation kingdom has been built. It has begun to take shape..... I did lose. Indeed, I can't find a creator more talented than you to fight against you, but I have the capital.......If the sky star is here During the three years of your absence, you will develop and grow, and even after your return last year, you will definitely not be able to resist the powerful capital power of Tianxing!" Yin Tian said.

"Oh! Really? Not at you? Do you really think it's just your bad luck?" Chu Yu smiled.

"What do you mean?" Yin Tian frowned!

"Zhao Qinyin and I are assistants, you understand!" Chu Yu said~www.mtlnovel.com~ know! "

"Then the reason why she would have **** with Tianxing is because of me, you know!"

"Know!" Yin Tian replied!

"Then..... You think all this is a blunder! Bad luck?"

"What the **** do you mean?" Yin Tian felt a little wrong.

"An unfamiliar amateur creator who has risen in just three years. Do you really think...it is accidental behind it? Why is Zhao Qinyin's source of funds supporting her creation?" Chu Yu said !

Yin Tian's eyes widened...

"You haven't thought about it, I'm in a group with her?" Chu Yu said.

Although the muffled person is also a good choice, it must be even better to take revenge to let the other party know how he died!