I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The video released by Tianxing briefly describes the working status, salary, and income of the practitioners in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry. It is different from Chu Yu, who is in his twenties and has a net worth of tens of billions. The people at the bottom are indeed crying again and again. Tired and low income!

The most important thing is to sell miserable marketing. Although what should everyone do after watching the video, at least in the process of watching the video, most viewers are still pitiful!

It has also been hot on the Internet for a few days, but in the end it just fell apart!

However, the short confrontation also made the friction between Tianxing and some established companies in the film industry more obvious!

At least many fans of Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu have seen the clue!

Tian Xing helped Zhao Qinyin's works in publicity and distribution, and everyone saw the issue of unblocking the relationship!

For Zhao Qinyin's fans, the favorability of Chuyu has naturally risen sharply, but it is limited to the favorability. If it comes to the battle between Zhao Qinyin and Chuyu for the number one in the animation industry in the Dragon Kingdom, then these things are still Will be left behind by Zhao Qinyin fans!

In mid-August, I heard that the sound of waves was released smoothly, and the gross box office was reported to be 2.3 billion yuan. It was the highest-grossing film after the Spring Festival of Longguo this year!

Next, I heard the sound of waves and a series of processes such as playing on the network platform!

It can be said that gt animation production company has been silent in the animation industry since the completion of a period of steel smelting at the beginning of the year, but now it has locked in the top five of the annual income list of the dragon country animation companies with the income of a movie that hears the sound of the waves. Named!

Outrageous and unacceptable! This is what Longguo's other animation production companies think about gt!

In fact, the quality of the sound of the sound is not so high, but it is really unimaginable to have such a top box office income!

I thought that Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu would be an eternal rival in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry. Who would have thought that Chu Yu took control of the sky star, and also used the power of the sky star to help Zhao Qinyin's works escort!

Chu Yu plus Zhao Qinyin's fan popularity, Tianxing's channel connections, and the two outstanding creative talents are outrageous......

And the time has come to mid-June. Judging from the intensity of your name announcement, it is obvious that the gt side values ​​your name, at least several times more than hearing the sound of the waves!

Is it possible that Zhao Qinyin wants to reproduce the results of Spirited Away two years ago in your name?

Although everyone thinks this possibility is very low, it's just that... you still can't help but think about these aspects!

Even fans will think so!

Zhao Qinyin said that the expected box office for hearing the sound of the waves is only one billion, and now it finally has a box office of more than two billion. Zhao Qinyin said again that your name will be much better than hearing the sound of the waves... ...


"I feel that animated movies seem to be more profitable! Teacher Zhao Qinyin's animation work started at 2 billion box office, which is really outrageous!"

"It's just like TV shows don't make money from movies. That's a truth! But this phenomenon is limited to teacher Zhao Qinyin. Other animation films of Long Country generally have a box office of two or three hundred million, which is not bad!"

"Don't think that every work can be so exaggerated! Hearing the sound of the waves is actually a five-second level work, mainly because this work is the first animated film by Zhao Qinyin after Spirited Away, so For fans, there are previous works expecting bonuses, and then several works of the same schedule are all streaming movies or trash money-making works, so that the normal fans of Long Country can retaliate and support the sound of the waves and hear the sound of the waves. The scandal between Teacher Zhao Qinyin and Teacher Shui Xin helped the box office when the sound of the sound was released, and most importantly, with the help of Tian Xing, I heard that the sound of the sound of the sound was not suppressed... so many factors. Combining this together, you can hear the sound of waves at the box office! Now your name is released in such a short period of time, and the fans have no freshness. To put it bluntly, this work can only rely on its own quality! Compared with Spirited Away, I can't even hear the sound of waves!"

"This is a rational analysis. How can anyone's work guarantee a 2 billion box office? Fans are not stupid. Supporting creators is one thing, but the main thing is to think about the quality of the work! But the better situation is, Although the sound of the waves is indeed not as good as Spirited Away, the quality of this work is online, so fans are more confident in Teacher Zhao Qinyin's strength! But where can your name go... ...It is unpredictable now!"

"Oh, that's right!"

"I don't know what kind of work your name will be, it's so uncomfortable, it's only half a month before I can see it!"

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin has been too low-productive in the past two years. There are only two or three works in a year, and there is no one work in the first half of the year! There is also a teacher Shui Xin... The anime Naruto and the full-time hunter are both aired in October.......It's only mid-August now!"

"Don't sigh, everyone should think about it. In the next month and a half, three consecutive heavyweight works will appear one after another. With these three levels of happiness, why do you have to complain so much?"

"But these triple joys have been exchanged for more than half a year of anime waste! These two people are obviously backed by tens of billions of large companies, why are they so slow to produce works? Rurouni Kenshin, Second Five, initial text Why will the movie version of d be released next year? Why is the game of Naruto and Hunter also released next year, can't we hurry up!"

"The demands of netizens in this session are really high. Teacher Shui Xin has made his debut for eight years, and has nearly 20 or 30 works. Teacher Zhao Qinyin has made his debut for four years. The animation works he created have three to four hundred words according to the number of words... ..... This has been the workload of a creator in a lifetime, are you too slow? Teacher Zhao Qinyin is still single because of fans like you, asking her to keep working, otherwise she will definitely notice me Existence..... Then..."

"ZZZZZZ...Are you awake? I will drink two more glasses of water if I don't wake up!"


As September approaches, a group of two-dimensional fans in the animation industry are becoming more irritable!

Six works gathered in the September 1st National Day file. Zhao Qinyin also ran around inland Japan for publicity. Today, he was interviewed by Longguo CCTV Movie Channel. Tomorrow, he will be on a variety show for publicity. In the process, almost the host will ask her and Is Chu Yu's relationship a high school puppy love on the Internet!

"Mr. Chu Yu and I were just normal cartoonists and assistants in high school..."

Zhao Qinyin said to the media that she was telling the truth, without any psychological pressure!

Most of her fans feel at ease after hearing this!

And after Chu Yu and Gu Yan got the certificate, they took a few days to visit Gu Yan's home again!

Because the two are busy, the wedding will not be held for the time being. Although the elderly in Gu Yan's family are a little uncomfortable, after all, the gifts they have given out over the years have been tens of thousands of dollars, and they all want to make money back at the wedding! The two are not going to hold the wedding for the time being. Then the money given to other relatives will have to be delayed for a long time before it can be recovered?

But Gu Yan said that the time cost for Chu Yu to take a day off is calculated in millions...

After all, Chu Yu's net worth has been increasing at a rate of several billions per year in the past few years. If it is only theoretically speaking, the loss of Chu Yu a day is equivalent to more than 15 million losses!

When the father-in-law and mother-in-law calculated, compared with the tens of thousands of dollars, Gu Yan's words made them directly disgusted. Chu Yu and Gu Yan are husband and wife. Taken together, Chu Yu and Gu Yan stayed home for a few days and rounded them up. My daughter lost tens of millions, it hurts so much! If it weren't for Chu Yu's rare occasion to see them, he would all want to drive Chu Yu and Gu Yan away and go to work!

But even though Chu Yu feels that all kinds of customs and habits are just like that, anyway, it doesn't affect his normal life rhythm, and he still respects it!

For example, I bought a lot of gifts for Gu Yan's family. Although the bride price is required to obtain the certificate and make up the ticket, it must be paid. The father-in-law and mother-in-law collected more than 60,000 yuan from Chu Yu according to the local average!

Counting it down, Chu Yu received this certificate. A group of employees of the company gave out more than 10 million yuan in bonuses and went to Gu Yan's house for a visit. They didn't even spend 200,000 yuan........

Gu Yan's grandfather was suddenly enlightened. Chu Yu came to Gu Yan's house for three days, went out and wandered around, holding Chu Yu's hand when he said anything!

"Did you see, this is my grandson-in-law..."

"What? You heard on TV that he has billions in assets? Fake, all fake, where is only a few billion? It's a big boss with tens of billions!"

"Look, this is the golden pipe he gave me. Hey, it's worthless. It's tens of thousands of dollars. The golden one is good. My 31 kilograms of tobacco leaves are very fragrant?"

"What? Gold will melt? Smoking will deform? I don't feel it, let my grandson-in-law buy another one for me!"


Chu Yu is a huge embarrassment!

The feeling that Wang Po sold melons made him feel extremely ashamed!

Gu Yan's family is not greedy for money. On weekdays, Gu Yan sent back thousands of yuan a month and said no! Even if Gu Yan didn't take care of Chu Yu, he still earns a salary of one million a year, but what should the family do? He is not ready to wait for Gu Yan to support the whole family!

It's just that everyone has this kind of dazzling character!

Chu Yu didn't get used to it at first, but later he got used to it. It was nothing more than walking on the road and being treated as a giant panda by people in the villages and towns. Anyway, a team of bodyguards followed not far away to protect him during the whole process. Chu Yu didn't worry about being blackmailed by the rogue. , Kidnapping for ransom!

The few days of life in the village and town made Chu Yu people haggard. After all, they had a day of cattle with Grandpa Gu Yan and were exposed to the sun and almost had heat stroke! He was also cancelled by the elderly, saying that if he could go hunting like before, he would go to the mountains to cook rare beasts to invigorate Chu Yu's kidneys!

After returning to the magic capital, the modernization gap between the border county and the magic capital is obvious!

Although Chu Yu and Gu Yan received the testimony, Chu Yu also felt that there seemed to be no change when the two got along!

But after returning from the trip to Gu Yan's hometown, Chu Yu could clearly feel that his mentality had changed........

At least......I don't feel so lonely! The people in Gu Yan's hometown can also be called his relatives!

"Looking at your expression so stunned, did you fail to ride my cattle enough?"

Gu Yan got up early in the morning, took a shower and changed clothes, and put on a light green long skirt, watching Chu Yu's expression full of ridicule!

"Don't mention it, your cow, I rode on it and ran, almost didn't fall off, and the spine of the ox sat up against the middle, it hurts to death!" Chu Yu shuddered quickly!

"You've only been a few days? I've been here since I was a child!"

Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu's face carefully, then put a mask on Chu Yu's face!

"What are you doing?" Chu Yu didn't react, but immediately wanted to tear it off!

"Don't move! You got a little sunburned when you go back to my house. It's better to take care of it!"

Gu Yan pressed Chu Yu, his face pressed close to Chu Yu, and his eyes were serious!

"You are my husband now! I used to be hard to talk about you, I was afraid that you would bother me, but now you have to pay attention to it! You have to pay attention to your health if you make so much money!"

"What does good health have to do with a face mask? I don't stick this nymph!" Chu Yu asked puzzledly!

"Don't you think that maintaining good appearance is also part of good health? Although you are not particularly handsome, if your skin is whiter and more delicate, you can beat more than 80% of men! Don't you want to be A beautiful man?"

Gu Yan gave Chu Yu a glance!

Then dig out a lot of various bottles and cans from the box!

"These are the various skin care products I bought for you! I know you must find it troublesome, it doesn't matter, I will supervise you to use these in the future!" Gu Yan said with a smile.

"Don't, I'm used to getting up and washing my face with cold water, what are you doing? These things are all deceptive!" Chu Yu's eyes were all refusal!

"You can't help me! Anyway, I'm your wife now, don't think that I'll have your temper like before!" Gu Yan sat next to Chu Yu, not letting him run around!

"And if you think about it, you yourself are on three boats. If you don't pay attention to these, you will become a greasy middle-aged man in the future, so don't worry about me and Xiaoyin. Sister Su turns you green to find young and handsome young meat. The three of us are all small rich women now........have good looks and rich, how can you have no sense of crisis at all?" Gu Yan directly zoomed in!

"You won't! Neither will they!" Chu Yu said.

"Hehe..... The love of beauty, everyone has it! Even if we don't do this, but if my husband is a greasy man, he will occasionally go to the street to see handsome guys! Maybe we will chase him. Chasing stars, go to the event site to cheer for idols..." Gu Yan deliberately yin and yang!

Hearing this, Chu Yu stopped struggling. He was confident in his three women, but when Gu Yan said this, the sense of crisis would naturally rise!

When Gu Yan saw it, his expression was satisfied, and every one of Chu Yu's eyes started to go on the battlefield with inexplicable bottles and cans!

Gu Yan even took out his set of makeup tools very seriously and began to repair Chu Yu's face!

Is this the daily life of a couple after marriage?

Chu Yu had some doubts in his heart!


Throughout the middle of August, Chu Yu was basically not too busy. After all, it was a company with RMB 10 or 20 billion! The entire company is not saying that Chu Yu should handle everything, the various departments under it will operate automatically like a machine!

Although the various departments of Tianxing itself are busy, the latest major production work is a full-time hunter in October!

The entire animation industry, what I am most concerned about now is your name, which will be released ten days ago.......

The first and second phases of publicity notices have been released one after another!

The plot of your name, Chu Yu hasn't changed much, but slightly adjusted the style of painting!

At least in the original version of your name animation, the male protagonist got that value to tell the truth........too awkward!

The heroine Sanye Mingming is so cute, but the hero is to be honest, if it's not for the quality bonus, in other animation works, it is a proper dragon face!

Chu Yu just couldn't accept it anyway, and decisively made the character set a little more handsome, at least to stand with Sanye and look at the level of coordination!

And to be honest, although your name in the parallel world is praised by many people as always, Chu Yu feels that it is not as fast as five centimeters per second in terms of imagination and shock!

However, this is also related to the lack of production funding. After all, the production cost of your name was only more than 40 million yuan in the parallel world. There is also a part of the promotion cost! It is conceivable that funding is tight for such a cinema movie!

Although Chu Yu did not come up with any explosive investment to give you your name, the pure production cost was 250 million, plus 300 million for the promotion ticket. Although the plot has not changed much, the original movie's faint Jing Ah Nepal's sense of sight will definitely not be there! At least every screenshot can be used as a wallpaper, which is Chu Yu's minimum production requirement for this work!

This can also be seen from the fan comments of the promotional trailer, although they have no idea what the plot of this work is!

But all of them are boasting that the picture quality is good! The picture is eye-catching and shocking!

The announcement of your name is undoubtedly luxurious in this National Day file!

For the other five competing films, who would dare to invest 550 million yuan in self-funding and publicity? The pressure to return to the original work will reach a staggering over 1.7 billion...

Although the schedule for National Day is also a very luxurious movie schedule for Long Country, there are also many competitors! The return cost is 1.7 billion box office works, what should be the profit target?

The main purpose of investing in movies is to make money, not really to make good movies! Chu Yu used 300 million yuan for publicity, but among the five rival films of your name, the production cost of the one with the highest publicity fund was only 110 million yuan, and the publicity fund was 120 million yuan... ...This is the highest of the five works! But it is still far below your name!

So money is not going to deceive people, in late August...in the most intense time of propaganda competition!

Weibo, Xinman.com, Douyin and other apps for critically ill patients, on average, get your name-related promotion videos three times a day, while other competitors' promotion notices are once or twice more, and once every two days less!

Fans think that these things were unintentionally brushed by themselves. In fact, as long as you contribute a broadcast volume, the website will charge publicity fees like the investors behind these works!

This is the power of money. Your work is good, but if you don't have money, you can't buy website recommendations. Others don't know what is the use of your work?

Weibo hot search list, Zhao Qinyin can be on the hot search at any time without spending money, not to mention spending money now!

The top three in the top ten searches are directly related to her and your name...

The investors of several other competing films were very angry when they saw this scene, but there was nothing to do!

This is the withdrawal of hard power. Tianxing itself has been operating in the film industry for more than ten years. During this period, the staff of the company's film and television department, at the request of Chu Yu, will do their best to help pave the way for your name and channel, and compete with the major theaters of Longguo to arrange films. To put it bluntly, if everyone has a relationship, whether the theater will arrange the film for you depends on how much you are willing to spend to compete for the film, and the potential of your work itself!

Needless to say the former, let alone the latter! No matter how you spend money to arrange a movie, the theater will not force a high-ranking movie for a movie that no one sees. After all, they also get a commission on the box office income of the work! The theater staff is going to eat! The operation of all relationships between everyone is based on the premise of chasing the highest box office profit!

Now the reality is that your name is on the ticketing app, indicating that there are as many as 1.6 million people who want to see it! Far surpassing several other competitor movies, and Chu Yu has made a **** capital in terms of publicity funds......

Although competitors have worked very hard during the same period, all competition has been settled by this time!

The first day of your name accounts for 35% of the films, and the other five major works add up to only 55% of the films, and the remaining 10% of the films are divided among the 11 small and medium investment films released in the same period. Cake........ It's really pitiful!

This is very unfair, but in fact it is fair in another sense!

On the other hand, it feels so cool. Since entering the animation industry, Chu Yu has been suppressed and excluded by competitors for no reason!

Even Spirited Away was suppressed in various ways when it was released. If it were not for the fans, let the theaters and theater owners tend to help Spirited Away in order to obtain greater benefits for themselves, and Spirited Away might score 2 billion in the box office. nothing! Let alone 8.4 billion!

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. In the film industry, it is the clever woman's rice! Without this thing, even if you are the best movie in the universe, you have to hit the street!

And now...by operating, by throwing money, you can make your name be ahead of your competitors by a big margin when it is released, and this advantage can also be snowballed. Get bigger!

This simple and rude marketing method made Chu Yu feel relieved!

"Capitalists are indeed evil and rotten! Am I considered a daughter-in-law for many years to become a mother-in-law? Or is the dragon-slaying warrior turned into a dragon? Finally, it was not that I was suppressed and resisted, but I used my strength to bully other opponents. It seems a bit sad!" Chu Yu and Huang Ming sighed while chatting!

"What's so bad about this? Those guys didn't want to **** us secretly some time ago, but they didn't do it! None of them are good people!" Huang Ming said with a curled mouth.

"Anyway, now we are just ordinary people... We are just chasing our own interests... Other people are the same!" Huang Ming said calmly.

"That's right, I think too much!" Chu Yu thought for two seconds and said.

"You have worked hard during this time too!"

"What's so hard about this? Many people can do what I do, but only you can do what you do in Long Country!" Huang Ming smiled.

"No matter how I operate capital, if the quality of the work produced by the company is not good, it is also a castle in the sky without a foundation!"

"Hearing the sound of the waves is just for you to test the water! What you really pay attention to is your name and the city in the sky... To be honest, I really look forward to whether these two works More than the box office record set by Spirited Away!" Huang Ming said.

"It's difficult. Although we are now different from the past, Zhao Qinyin's reputation has been improved and he has taken control of the company, Tianxing! But the gap between your name and the level of Spirited Away exists objectively..."

"Really? I think your name is quite interesting, this plot! Young people should like it very much!" Huang Ming thought for a while and said

"But if you want to surpass Spirited Away, it's not just an interesting level!" Chu Yu responded.

"It can only be said that although your name level is a bit poor, our external capital power assistance is much better than when Spirited Away was released, and the schedule is better than then... ...This work, or the fact that the castle in the sky wants to achieve the results of Spirited Away, there are still possibilities, but it is not too high..."

"The market is always unpredictable, this is where life is interesting! It is the best to exceed, but not to exceed, that's okay! Let's try our best!" Huang Ming groaned!

"It's just that, if there is no accident, Zhao Qinyin will have completely stabilized her position in the film industry after the National Day file! Three consecutive movies have exploded, and this is all! Dispel all sunspots' doubts!" ​​Chu Yu Take a deep breath and say!

"As for me, who is as famous as her, the animated film work of Castle in the Sky, which I created, will receive more attention than expected in the next Spring Festival file! If this can not surpass the vacation record of Castle in the Sky, perhaps That is the limit of animated films in the Dragon Kingdom!"

"This is natural!" Huang Ming said.

"I kind of understand, my brother, why you want to engage in the opposite image of you and Xiaoyin in Longguo animation industry........Your attention will be transferred to her, and her attention will be transferred. To you, but also to reduce the risk of being jealous of others in the same industry and people from other industries..."

The conversation between Chu Yu and Huang Ming lasted for a while, and then they left to do things separately!

The outside world is still speculating whether Zhao Qinyin can stand out again like he heard the sound of the waves in the six film competitions during the National Day file competition, winning two billion or even higher box office results!

Although this kind of thought lingers in everyone's minds, in fact, no one really thinks that your name can surpass Spirited Away at the box office! After all, I heard that Taosheng has a high box office of 2.3 billion, which is the 21st result of Longguo Film and Television, but there is still a huge gap between it and 8.4 billion!

Moreover, the competition in the National Day file is much fiercer than in the summer file...

Some people think that your name is not inferior to the box office and hear the sound of waves, and some people think that hearing the sound of the sound of the box office is 2.3 billion at the box office because of the popularity bonus of Zhao Qinyin's first movie after Spirited Away. Your name does not have this. This kind of psychological blessing, maybe the box office is only one billion, and some people think that your name investment is similar to that of Spirited Away Investment in the past!

According to the theorem that the greater the investment of Zhao Qinyin's works, the better the results, even if this work does not exceed Spirited Away, it will be at least 3 billion!

Various viewpoints exist.......

It's just that they didn't expect that... In the conversation between Chu Yu and Huang Ming, the expected lower limit of the box office for this work is more than 4 billion, and the upper limit is to reach the top... ...

Chu Yu hasn't produced a work with a profit margin of less than 200% in recent years, and the box office of 1 billion 2 billion is simply hilarious! I can't come back!

But anyway, in the last week, Chu Yu advertised your name on the whole network like crazy!

The pre-sale box office ticket replenishment force is not small. During this period of time, booking movie tickets will get nearly a quarter discount!

The 170 million ticket replenishment is decreasing a little bit, and on September 1st, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com your name pre-sale box office is increasing day by day!

On the third day of its release, the box office of "Your Name" is twice as much as the second-largest fantasy 3d movie "Star Palace!" from the perspective of the pre-sale box office on September 1st!

Indeed, as predicted by the outside world, there is no fan's psychological bonus to Zhao Qinyin's first movie after Spirited Away, and the box office pre-sales of your name are not so exaggerated! But in this period, it still broke 100 million.......

If... everything goes well in the next three days!

Then your name pre-sale box office, I am afraid it will still reach the level of 200 million on the first day like hearing the sound of waves...

This prediction silenced the film industry of Longguo...

Nima is real?

Two works, less than two months later, have the pre-sale box office exploded like this?

If you look at it according to this standard, wouldn't your name have to copy the outrageous performance of hearing the sound of the sound of 2.3 billion at the box office?

Still let other works live?

Last year, the total box office of the Long Country movie market in the National Day stalls was 4.2 billion. Even if Zhao Qinyin can drive his fans, let some two-dimensional groups who don't like to watch movies enter the theater, increase the box office volume, then the entire National Day stalls, the total box office It will not exceed five billion volumes...

If your name occupies half of the volume in one work, then there are fifteen or six movies left to play a fart? Most of them will lose money, and only one or two works can barely protect their capital!

Although this is just a prediction, there are too many pre-sales high-end and late-stage works, but Zhao Qinyin has never beaten the street, and for his competitors, the psychological pressure is very great! Thinking of this, in the last few days of the show, all the major investors worked hard to conduct the final propaganda competition.......
