I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Your name lasts for ten days, with almost 200 million box office every day, making this summer film market more popular than in previous years!

Almost every day, there are news media reports about the box office of your name!

Fans of Zhao Qinyin, fans of your name, a group of practitioners in the film industry, on the fourteenth day of your name's release, which is exactly two weeks, finally saw your name start to decline in the box office... ....

On September 15th, your name's daily box office closed down not a small amount, closing at 140 million, but at this time, your name's total box office has reached 3.2 billion... .

In half a month, your name's box office performance in Longguo is definitely beyond many people's expectations!

Although Zhao Qinyin has a record performance of 8.4 billion at the box office of Spirited Away, this kind of thing, in the eyes of outsiders, is very contingent and cannot be copied!

If a person's work can stabilize the box office at more than 2 billion, isn't this person a personal money printing machine?

There are peaks and troughs that are the normal performance of a creator!

These three films in a row are still niche animation films in the film industry before this. The box office is so high that this can no longer be described by luck and accident!

A group of practitioners in the film industry can see the huge aura surrounding Zhao Qinyin!

This person won't take a photo video someday, he can get a billion at the box office........

A sense of fear of Zhao Qinyin spreads in the film industry of Longguo!

A movie with a box office of more than 2 billion is already difficult for everyone in the Long Kingdom film industry to achieve results in the industry! However, Zhao Qinyin had just three movies, and all three box offices exploded like this.......

Industry insiders talked about Zhao Qinyin's face for half a month, all kinds of reversals were beaten, and only now have they discovered that they use their past experience to look at Zhao Qinyin and her group of fans and the consumer psychology of the second element of the Dragon Kingdom. no point!

They think that young people in Longguo like traffic stars! However, Zhao Qinyin told them with actual results that the power of the people who like the second element is far beyond their imagination!

Zhao Qinyin is like a big villain, suddenly in the second half of this year, she brought her fans into the movie market!

The entire film industry of Longguo has been completely dumbfounded by Zhao Qinyin's two works in the past two months!

Your name is still around 100 million at the box office every day!

Its next release period is about one month away...During this time, how far can the box office of this movie soar?

"So it seems that Zhao Qinyin has no works released in theaters this year. Is this something to be happy about?"

"What about Chuyu? The new boss of Tianxing

........There is an animated movie on the Spring Festival file! He has always been at the same level as Zhao Qinyin in the animation circle. If Zhao Qinyin can have such appeal in the film industry and his works can be loved by so many fans, then this person's work... .. Will it be worse? Will it win the top spot during the Spring Festival? "

"I don't know, I don't want to think about this kind of problem! This kind of problem should be considered for the directors and investors of the films released during the Spring Festival!"

"Although I feel that saying this is a little uplifting, I have to say that there is no actor star in Longguo that is more popular than these two people! Confronting these two people's works, in terms of the popularity of the actors, Live-action movies are naturally at a disadvantage. If you want to compete with the works of these two people, you can only win by the quality of the plot.......Traditional flow movies encountering their works, there should be no chance. I can go to cut celebrity fans to get leeks, but passersby fans are totally unattractive!"

"Is the end of the traffic star coming?"

"Don't think about it too much, these are the only two that Long Guo can crush the popularity of those years of traffic stars! These two people will not have works released in every schedule! What are you afraid of..."

"But that young man named Chuyu, a movie was released during the Spring Festival, and then three more live-action movies adapted from anime will be released next year! He is not low-yielding at all, and these two people are well-known for being highly productive in the animation industry... ..... If you want to, it's not impossible to have their animated films released in every schedule!"

"Freaks come every year, and this year is so many! Are these two people really human? Zhao Qinyin is already so outrageous. If the one named Chuyu is so outrageous, it won't be that these two people will rule the Dragon Kingdom in the future. Like the animation circle, dominate the Long Country movie circle!"

"Have you not seen this yet? Zhao Qinyin is now engaged in anime movies, while Chu Yu is engaged in an anime film, TV drama, big IP strategy! If next year Chu Yu's three comic movies are successful at the box office , That will inevitably lead to a change in the investment atmosphere of Long Country Movies. The current mainstream investment mode of looking for screenwriters, directors, and actors for filming will become a thing of the past! TV series, movies are carried out through animation games and other works. The production method of the second adaptation of ip will completely rise! At that time, whoever holds the high-quality ip will be the sweet pastry on the market... Otherwise, why do you think there are so many people in the film and television industry? Ri always mentions the company of Tianxing...If this company succeeds in its strategy! Maybe the Longguo film and television industry will be upended by Chu Yu!"

"It's not so exaggerated, right?"

"No? In the movie circle, you can find that it is not just Tianxing, but the copyrights of several large-scale light and well-known works on the Longguo website have been purchased by many people early! It's just that there are no IP adaptation works on the market that have achieved great success, so this The branch is not hot enough! Chu Yu's popularity is placed in the long country entertainment circles, and it is the top stream among the top stream. His animation works may be brought up by this adaptation trend! Many first- and second-tier stars I also saw this price opportunity, and wanted to be the first person to eat crabs. In Chu Yu's three movies, many stars squeezed their heads to compete for a position!"

"Tian Xing is not a small company. It has been in the film industry for ten years. Although the overall influence is a bit different from those of the giant companies that specialize in film, there is no other force in the film industry that can not pay. The price, it is easy to bully it! If Tianxing's policy is correct and the path is on the right path, it may not be long before the giant companies in the film industry will also be dragged down by it!"


For several days in a row, the people in the Long Country movie circle extended from Zhao Qinyin's popularity to Chu Yu.....

It is not difficult to guess what Chu Yu wants to do and what his purpose is, but the problem is that no one can stop Chu Yu's actions!

People who dislike Chu Yu can only compete with him at best, but they have no power to suppress him at all!

Zhao Qinyin's movies are released nationwide, and Chu Yu has also focused his work on several of the company's works!

Second five, Rurouni Kenshin, the live-action film casting with initial D, and the script adaptation!

This kind of thing shouldn't be something that Chu Yu should be concerned about, but he couldn't rest assured, for fear that his subordinates would mess up the matter for him! It can be considered to be deeply involved in it!

Chu Yu is not at all ambiguous about the investment that should be invested, and will not drag it around, making everyone unhappy!

In terms of game production, the progress of Naruto and the full-time hunter is earlier than expected!

After all, the R&D funds are okay. The employees of Tianxing have all turned on the liver emperor mode. Several team leaders have all brought in quilts, and the board and lodging are all in the company. Chu Yu heard that they are even extreme and do not go down once a week. !

After all, Chu Yu was too generous and gave too much. In the game development process, there will be bonus incentives for reaching stage goals. If the revenue reaches the goal after the game is launched, even more expensive incentives are waiting for them!

Chu Yu's practice of putting the cakes directly in front of them without drawing the cakes is indeed surprisingly good!

Isn't there a saying that says that employees treat their bosses as beasts or fathers, it all depends on the salary you pay!

Chu Yu doesn't advocate this kind of liver emperor work model. After all, he himself is a person with a salty world view, but in order to get the rewards given by Chu Yu, the employees spontaneously open the liver Chuyu and don't care! I just told the people below to regularly ask a doctor to come to the company for physical examinations to prevent problems!

During this period of time, your name box office has also entered the mode of its parallel world on the island of Japan!

Although the daily box office declined slowly, it was still higher than many movies that were released later!

From more than 100 million, to early 100 million, to 90 million, 80 million...

Although the daily box office receipts are declining, but if you think about it, this is a work that has been in theaters for 25 days and still has a daily box office of 70 million. What do you want to ask for?

Zhao Qinyin's and Wu Huaiyang's four billion bet is now a joke. After all, by the twenty-third day of your name's release, your cumulative box office has exceeded four billion, and that night there were dozens of hundreds. Thousands of fans gathered in Wu Huaiyang to let him quit the movie circle!

People have been stunned until now, and have been a turtle for three days without saying a word! Obviously want to shame!

But Chu Yu didn't bother to chase him, after all, such a stupid fork came out to sing the opposite, and at least helped Chu Yu save tens of millions of advertising expenses!

After the tool man is used up, there is no need to rush to kill him, let him go!

But the box office performance of your name is now obvious!

In the last 20 days of the release date, Chu Yu estimated that the total box office of your name should have stopped at 5 billion. The fan power may exceed a bit. If the fans are not strong, the 5 billion box office might be worse. ......

"Sure enough, Spirited Away is really a peak!"

Chu Yu inevitably sighed!

He originally wanted to see if Zhao Qinyin's current popularity and the support of Tianxing can force your name to push your name beyond Spirited Away in the Dragon Kingdom!

But now, it still doesn't work!

Regardless of the fact that Spirited Away and your name are on the island of Japan in a parallel world, the total box office of the two works seems to be about the same!

But the thing to consider here is that when Spirited Away is released, the price of the movie is cheap in yen, and when your name is released, the situation is just the opposite! So the gap in the number of movie viewers came out!

After all, capital is not a panacea. The 8.4 billion box office record cannot be broken by marketing!

It still depends on the quality!

But Chu Yu has nothing to complain about! If in the end it can earn 5 billion at the box office, it will be considered an outrageous result. Your name is now at 4.1 billion at the box office, and it is the ninth box office in the history of Longguo movies!

But if it can exceed 5 billion box office, then there will be the top five in history...

It's just that there is no such exaggeration in Spirited Away, but in fact, it is already very exaggerated!


When the time comes to the end of September, the Dragon Kingdom animation industry is still immersed in the aftermath of your name after the release, and the brains of fans have not yet awakened from the touch of your name!

October......but it's coming soon!

"You will move one after another in the second half of the year. I'm afraid your fans will not be able to stand the excitement!" Gu Yan said

"There is no way...I will be twenty-six in two months, so in a few years I will reach the age of Pentium 4, and I will retire in another 20 years. Now...I have only created about forty works in the past nine years.....I have a strong sense of crisis! Otherwise, if these works are broadcast, I will have a gap in time... ..." Chu Yu was lying on the bed, looking at the morning sun outside, reluctantly getting up!

Gu Yan automatically ignored Chu Yu's words of improper people, only forty copies in nine years...

Ha ha......

How can you let those who have created two or three works in Longguo's life be so welcoming!

"But I heard that both Naruto and Full-time Hunter are super-length works. After the two works are released, you don't think there will be any new works for a long time!"

"Hokage is a super long story, it's not a full-time hunter, but what does a full-time hunter say is that it can be serialized for one and a half years. Wait for it...break...break, end When the time comes, I will let Tian Xing continue with a super long work to replace it! But for super long works, I will only keep serializing two or three in the market! If there are more, it will be a vicious competition with each other! But If some short and medium works are created, they will be handed over to Tianxing and gt when necessary!" Chu Yu began to put on clothes!

Gu Yan wakes up early in the morning to help Chu Yu choose the clothes she wears today, from tops, pants, to shoes, watches, and ties!

Not to mention making Chu Yu look like a local tyrant, at least walking on the street will make everyone feel tasteful!

Chu Yu is now the chairman of Tianxing, a big red man with millions of fans in Longguo! Gu Yan doesn't want his husband to be photographed one day walking in slippers and playing in the mud on the side of the road and posted on the Internet as an emoji...

Chu Yu ran to her house some time ago to do it. At that time, he was very playful, and even bought a box of delayed firecrackers to go to the side of the mountain road. When he saw cow dung, he inserted a stick to light it, and the mountain boomed. The sound keeps on, and there are flowers everywhere on the road!

"Well, perfect!" Chu Yu looked at herself in the mirror narcissistically!

"Speaking of it, it seems that you haven't been to Tokyo for a long time!" Gu Yan asked suddenly.

"It's been a few months! After all, Tianxing has a lot more business than GT, and I really don't walk away very well!" Chu Yu said nervously.

"You should go over there to see Sister Su and Xiaoyin! Both you and I have received the certification for a month. Considering the situation here, I haven't urged you to go there. But if you keep going like this, there will definitely be some Resentful!" Gu Yan said.

"You take the initiative to say this, don't you be jealous?" Chu Yu looked at Gu Yan, and touched her smooth forehead!

"I don't have a cold or a fever!"

"I'm not going to be a jealous woman. You finally chose me to be your legal wife. I am very happy, but again, I can understand the loss of Sister Su and the others...I don't think you are looking for it. I don't care about them anymore. I just feel that.......They both gave up the possibility of becoming a legal couple with you. If I were too selfish... Look at Chu Yu!

"You don't have to worry that I will feel uncomfortable. I'm not so stingy. When this is the time, I have already resigned in my heart. Anyway, my husband is you, and I can't control the rest! If you are worried about Tianxing's work, Brother Huang will be too busy. , My words....... I can help you deal with it! Become a good helper like Sister Su! It's just that I might be a little rusty at the beginning......but I think it's me With a high IQ, it shouldn't be too difficult to get started!" Gu Yan was a little embarrassed by Chu Yu!

Chu Yu took a deep breath!

"Thank you!"

Chu Yu didn't say much, this kind of topic stopped short!

Chu Yu took Gu Yan's hand, soft and slightly cool!

Although it is too self-interested to have such thoughts at this time, Chu Yu still feels that it is really great that he can meet Gu Yan and the other two!

From beginning to end, they are accommodating themselves and tolerating their willfulness!

Drove Gu Yan to the company, and then Chu Yu came to Tianxing by himself!

Although your name has not been released from the theaters at this time, the average daily box office is still hovering between forty and fifty million!

But whether Tianxing or gt, the company's focus has shifted to other places!

After all, in October, Naruto and full-time hunter animation, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will be officially launched in the anticipation of fans of the Dragon Kingdom for nearly a year........

Promotional notices, advertisements are flying all over the sky!

Unlike in the past when there were always one or two opponents who didn't have long eyes and suddenly appeared provocative, Naruto and full-time hunter, no one would dare to say that their company's work should be positive and rigid during this period!

All Dragon Kingdom animation companies default that the overlord animation of the October new show must be one of the two!

In the top animation market, these companies have no intention of getting involved!

The ninja hunter you broadcast, we made our two-dimensional spoof Dragon Aotian animation!

By now, everyone in the animation industry has accepted their fate!

Tianxing was defeated by these two people because of the confrontation with these two people, so why bother?

Why should I be jealous of those profits that are not qualified to eat? It's not that you can't make money if you honestly engage in ordinary animation!

Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin are now in the Longguo animation industry, and they have convinced all the companies!

Therefore, at this time, Chu Yu is also very lonely, and there is nothing he can do without a compelling opponent!

Only Hunter and Hokage can rival each other!

The old tricks have been tried and tested repeatedly, provoking the first dispute between their fans and Zhao Qinyin fans. Are you afraid that the work will not get hot?

In the last few days of September, people in the hot weather panic!

Fans have not yet come out of the movie with your name. Soon, the bombardment of Chu Yu's two works on them is about to begin!

Just open any well-known website or app in the animation circle, and the ads that pop up are either full-time hunter ads or Naruto ads!

Other animation works have never thought about competing for these advertising spaces! It's useless to compete anyway! Isn't it crushed by the two works!
