I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In fact, nowadays, the Dragon Kingdom animation market is no longer so worried about the possibility of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin overturning!

After all, I have created so many works without overturning. According to inertial thinking, fans basically do not consider this possibility!

Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin are now in the Dragon Kingdom animation world, than Jackie Chan in the movie circle in the parallel world, and Jin Gu's status in the martial arts world should be even higher! Those people in front are still just human beings, and the two of Chu and Yu are basically equivalent to being in the animation industry! High yield and high quality!

Therefore, although the full-time hunter was well received after the first Thursday episode was broadcast, everyone in the animation industry is not surprised at all!

This situation is expected. Although it was broadcast for less than a day, the average broadcast volume has risen to more than 5 million. However, thinking of the length of the giant's more than 60 words, the average broadcast volume exceeds 2,500. Wan, Hunter seems to be able to accept this drawing achievement......

After all, it is Shui Xin, a man who constantly surpasses himself! This achievement is called a perverted explosion in others, and in him, it is just like that...I look forward to the average broadcast volume of his lower work on the first day of broadcasting over 6 million, huh!

But on July 2nd, the popularity of the work of the full-time hunter only lasted for less than a day. At night, the four characters of Naruto were on the hot search on the whole Internet, and the four characters of Naruto were on the hot search.... ....

In fact, for the online world, almost all of these things on the Internet hot search list are occupied by movies, TV series actors, variety stars, singers, etc.!

In the parallel world, open Douyin, Weibo's hot search list, although you don't want to watch it, but in fact, from the top to the bottom, almost half of the hot searches are trifles of celebrity celebrities! After all, people rely on this Qiafan to buy hot search to seek exposure!

However, in the Long Kingdom, because there are too many two-dimensional people in the crowd, it is far beyond the parallel world of China, and it is a bit closer to the level of the Japanese island in the world. This also led to the rise of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin. Renfa's new work, the entire network is like this, completely occupied by the two new work information!

Netizens in the entire Dragon Kingdom can only be stunned to open the software and brainwashed by full-time hunters and Naruto propaganda messages, and those who spend money to get a hot search star will also cry at this time! The basic hot search ranks were squeezed far behind!

As for Zhao Qinyin's fans, the whole network is already cheering at this time! At eight o'clock in the evening, members of the various fan groups became active, waiting for the premiere of Jiuhuhuangying!

Just like when the full-time hunter aired, Xinman.com gave Naruto a super high-profile publicity. Almost today, as long as users enter the website, a Naruto promotion page will be directly displayed on the screen!

"It's so lively tonight! I feel that the website is still stuck compared to when the full-time hunter aired last night!"

"Don't lead the war at this time! I sprayed with water powder all night yesterday! I'm tired!"

"But to be honest, the full-time hunter has a good sense after watching it. Although it is not as shocking as the start of the giant, but the rhythm of the plot is really comfortable. I don't know what the situation of Teacher Zhao Qinyin's Hokage will be tonight, I hope Hokage It's the kind of animation that bursts into the opening story, otherwise the fans of Shui Xin will be arrogant again!"

"The animation industry is celebrating the Spring Festival, and these two met in October by appointment! The animation drought that I have lasted for more than half a year is finally coming to an end!"

"But after watching the trailers of the two works, they seem to be fighting anime. The hunter saw the signs last night. It wasn't the protagonist who went hunting, but the name of a specific group of people! What about Naruto? It should also be a Japanese island. There is a difference between the traditional ninja..."

"I don't know, but according to the information released by gt, Naruto's work is conservatively estimated to be a long story with more than 200 words. Even if it is updated four words a week, it will take a year to finish! Anyway, I hope The two of them have been fighting like this and just went down, I just happened to eat melon and watch anime!


As the time to go online is getting closer, Zhao Qinyin's fans are becoming more and more active!

And Fang Qing was so excited that he couldn't speak in the fan group he joined!

"Finally waiting for this moment, it's been more than half a year, it's not easy!" Fang Qing left the fan group and stared at the computer screen!

After all, he is a fan of Steel Refining. Although the giant is a god, there is no doubt that Steel Refining is his favorite!

Therefore, although he likes both Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, if he really wants to pick a team, he is undoubtedly a fan of Zhao Qinyin!

Although in the past few years, he has changed positions between the two many times!

When the time is up, millions of fans clicked on the link on time. The first step is the daily greetings of the fan barrage, and then the second step is the daily boasting animation!

Especially Naruto's opening remarks, the introduction of Kyuubi...

And the protagonist Naruto Uzumaki's ninja test...

Everyone's illusion art clones were released accurately, but he was so bad that he even used the famous ninjutsu of seduction........

"Is this really the work of Teacher Zhao Qinyin? I'm so ridiculous. She finally learned that Gang Lian's kind of bitter hatred is not enough to defeat Shui Xin, so this time I take the funny route?"

"Does Teacher Zhao Qinyin want to laugh me to death so that I can inherit my online loan account?"

"Naruto Uzumaki, the protagonist, feels really interesting! Is the waste material starting? It's quite innovative. The Dragon Kingdom combat animation is all the protagonist Long Aotian, and the air is every second. I'm tired of watching it!"

"It feels like Naruto had a more interesting start than Hunter! How slow is the progress of the Hunter's plot? The rhythm of Naruto's endless burst of Hunter Ten Streets?"

"Wait until you finish reading the Four Chapters tonight? You Zhao Qinyin fans, you have to touch Teacher Shuixin on everything!"

"Then you, a fan of Shuixin, come to see Hokage for doing? If you don't read it, you won't see these comments we made?"

"I just hate you, not Zhao Qinyin! I like her work too, but you said this before, it means you haven't seen a full-time hunter?"


The daily barrage of bilateral fans is torn, which affects the viewing experience for some people, but for Fang Qing, this is also one of his pleasures in watching anime! After all, this is the only way to have a lively atmosphere and an atmosphere of not being lonely!

But I have to say that Naruto's work is really an excellent anime at the beginning!

Even when Naruto and Sasuke were children, the plot before the Battle of End Valley was passionate, kingly, and moved, and fans couldn't help themselves! Just in terms of the previous plot, Hokage should be able to contend with any anime without falling behind. Even the king of comic book sales, One Piece, was also pulled down during the serialization of the plot during the period of Hokage!

Unfortunately, it is said that after Naruto Shippuden, the editor Kishimoto changed, so the story of Shippuden is obviously not as exciting as before, and even the style has changed quite a lot!

This kind of problem also appeared in One Piece. The plot after entering the new world was criticized by fans. It is said that it was also because the editor changed. The new editor did not dare to speak and pointed out the shortcomings of the work...

But no matter how you say it, the anime that can become a migrant manga is undoubtedly a work that has perfect rhythm and can attract fans in the first time!

At least after the protagonist of Naruto appeared on the stage, the first half was funny, and in the second half, Naruto went to steal the book of the seal. After Mizuki like Naruto told the fact that he was a fox demon........Plot Go straight to the other direction!

Naruto was discriminated against by the villagers, Iluka's parents were killed by the fox monster, he and Naruto's teachers and students were friends......

And the huge dart that Iruka helped Naruto block Mizuki from attacking Naruto!

What I have to admire here is the original Naruto music, when the sad flute sounded.......

There are no more fans from Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin on the animation barrage!

Everyone was crying!

In fact, people with high tears didn't feel much watching this scene, but unfortunately, most of the two-dimensional group are sentimental! Naruto was discriminated against by the villagers and was tricked by Mizuki to steal the book of the seal, thinking that Iluka was a bad guy, and then Iluka shed tears to let Naruto not be fooled by Mizuki......

Naruto's experience can easily give the general public a sense of substitution and empathy!

At least Fang Qing just felt uncomfortable watching the plot, but when the Hokage bgm sounded, it was changed!

"I only saw Iluka helping Naruto block the darts, and I knew it was Teacher Zhao Qinyin! Success made me enter the plot!"

"What kind of structure do you think Mr. Zhao Qinyin is? The story of Hokage is only ten minutes, and it completely attracted me! I watched all the other animes, but I couldn't get into the state in the end!"

"But to be honest, the nine-tailed demon fox is sealed in Naruto's body! Have a wool relationship with Naruto? People use life to seal the demon fox, shouldn't the people of Konoha village be grateful to him?"

"It's not hard to understand! If I walk around the street with a bomb on my back, I say I won't hurt you, would you want to stay away from me?"


And just when the barrage began to tear up the plot, Iruka said to Mizuki the words that recognized Naruto, when Naruto heard...

Naruto's classic drum beat and flute sound ignites bgm online!

Sometimes it's like, animation, TV series, movies, some logic is weighed to make the plot more impactful, logic is not worth mentioning!

It's like Naruto steals the book of the seal with his skill that he didn't even graduate from ninja school. Under the protection of a pile of Zhongnin, he stole the book of the seal. In a few hours, he learned one of the shadow clones that no more than ten people can display in the whole work. number!

After the plot, the three generations of Hokage hit the Oshe Maru before they released two shadow clones, but after Naruto learned the shadow clone, hundreds of people appeared in the shadow clone just to hit Mizuki...

Naruto's talent display obviously conflicts with his character setting!

But logic is nothing compared to the emotions accumulated by fans now!

Everyone had a thought in their hearts, to flip the role of Mizuki!

Then Naruto did it...


Fang Qing let out a long sigh of excitement and poured a bottle of Happy Water!

Watching the animated barrage ed song sounded, and the full screen praised Naruto's anime's remarks!

"As expected of Teacher Zhao Qinyin! It's amazing. Although it is a completely different style from Gang Lian, it is still so attractive! No... Hokage's first episode started, better than all her past. The rhythm of the work must be good!"

After Fang Qing praised Zhao Qinyin in his heart, he couldn't wait to start Hokage's second episode!

However, compared to the first episode, although the plot of Naruto and Konohamaru in the second episode is interesting, the sense of shock is obviously not as good as the first episode!

In the third episode, Sasuke Sakura appears, and the three form the seventh group of Ninja. Basically the whole story is to create the two roles of Sasuke and Sakura!

The relationship between Naruto and Sasuke is at odds, Naruto's spoof, because he likes Sakura and hates Sasuke...

"It feels like the relationship between these three people is like Sakuragi Flower Road in Slam Dunk, Rukawa Kaede and Akagi Haruko! Except that Sakura is a bit bitch, the other two people really look alike!" Fang Qing saw this with passion. Also gradually faded!

Although the promotion is a combat animation, except for the first episode, the second and third episodes are all funny plots, and the serious fights are not seen at all!

And the story has progressed to the present, the main line is completely clueless! The main line of Hunter's first episode is revealed, taking the Hunter's exam... and Hokage, there is no such thing at all!

But basically everyone is not too worried!

The familiar style of Zhao Qinyin's work is like the story of a fan in the early stage of a slam dunk, and then bursts in the later stage, and the ad is so verbose in the early stage. Who would have thought that it was actually a story that was necessary to gather Qi Guangyu?

But anyway, the pace is slow...

The second episode and Konohamaru's little theater, the third episode and Sasuke Sakura's little theater, the fourth episode, when Kakashi appears on the stage......

"It won't be the happy little theater with Kakashi again! This is still back to the topic, let's have the **** battle of Naruto playing Mizuki, don't always be funny!"

Although I think this kind of plot seems quite interesting, Fang Qing also wants to change his taste after reading a couple of episodes!

The main thing is that Naruto updated the four episodes only a week. This is the fourth episode. Naruto is still wandering around. The content of the ninja's work, the actual role, the main line, etc., are completely clueless. Although I believe Zhao Qinyin, Fang Qing is still Can't help but complain!

Of course, he is a very demanding two-dimensional element, and most of the fans on the barrage watch it with relish!

"This animation looks like a slam dunk, with a bit of blood in the funny!"

"Let me have fun, is this really a fighting drama? Couldn't it be a mistake in the label? Teacher Zhao Qinyin is just creating the daily life of a sand sculpture ninja?"

"Oh, as a teacher in the class, Kaka started to mess up and asked the three of them to start the Ninja seat assessment!"

"Assemble at five o'clock tomorrow, and tell them not to eat? Why is this, do you measure blood sugar and blood pressure?"

"Kakashi, this bad old man, it's bad! Deliberately let them skip breakfast and hungry for the assessment!"

"Three eliminated one? The eliminated one returned to the ninja school?"


The plot began to become interesting, but in the end...

When Kakashi performed the thousand-year kill on Naruto in the assessment... everything changed!

"Sure enough, this is a funny animation, right! Hahaha, I'm so ridiculous!"

"I can watch ten thousand words in this animation. The depression of work during the day is all laughing! My stomach hurts with laughter!"

"Although it has always been known that Teacher Zhao Qinyin has a high talent for funny, Hokage is obviously better than that during the slam dunk!"

"A teacher holding a little yellow book, a pretending to be cool without talking, a idiot, plus the sand sculpture of the protagonist! I just laughed out of the room with a pig cry!"

"In other words, it's better for Naruto to directly use the seduction technique for an old-fashioned character like Kakashi!"

"Then the protagonists, Naruto, also quarreled with his shadow clone, and was beaten by his shadow clone...outrageous, I just laughed!"


When the ed song of Hokage Episode 4 sounded, the **** battle Fang Qing wanted to watch still did not appear, but to be honest, his stomach was already laughing and hurting!


Fang Qing smiled bitterly, he couldn't tell whether the plot of Hokage's first week was good or bad!

The fierce fight in the first episode made him as excited as a chicken blood, and then three consecutive funny words!

But I closed my eyes and thought about it. Even so, he will still catch up on time next week. Although it is different from what I imagined, it really is... very interesting!

Just watch it as a funny anime!

It was approaching midnight, and most of Zhao Qinyin fans had watched Hokage's update!

At this time, Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin's fans are home. Chu Yu's fans are not at all polite. They say that the Naruto story is off topic and have been trying to make fun of it. Zhao Qinyin's fans directly sprayed the hunter's story and watched the four flat stories. Like water.......

The two sides picked each other's eggs, but Naruto's debut performance was not low, and the average number of episodes broke the five million mark the next day!

Fans from both sides have asked them to cheer in the comment area of ​​Chuyu and Zhao Qinyin's social accounts. Don't lose to each other!

But they don't know at all, Chu Yu, Zhao Qinyin, and Su Lu have started a new wave of travel modes in the Japanese island area these days!

"Your two works seem to be okay on the internet. Don't you and Xiaoyin respond to the fans?"

Su Lu lay on the recliner and put on a light green swimsuit. The waves were rough, her waist was slender, her white legs were long... She was basking in the sun with sunglasses and sunscreen!

This area was under contract by Chu Yu, and the staff were also replaced by women, so Chu Yu didn't worry about Su Lu being watched by other beach boys!

"What's there to say? Isn't this kind of long-form animations that have surged in popularity in the later stages of the opening? Both works are updated with four episodes a week, at most two or three weeks, and the plot has reached a climax... ..." Chu Yu said.

"At that time, the publicity of the two works officially began! After all, the adaptation of the two animation games will be launched in less than two months... I made the adaptation of the works for the first time. Games, that's where I pay attention!"

"Then what if the adapted game doesn't become popular? Tianxing is dragged down by the game department, and you find the opportunity to acquire it when you lose money every year and become weak. You shouldn't want to go the same way!"

Zhao Qinyin was stimulated by Su Lu's figure, and was completely disinterested in swimming in the sea. He was afraid that the contrast would be too strong in Chu Yu's eyes. He was building a sandcastle by himself! But at this time I also continued!

Chu Yu was wearing swimming trunks and carrying two squirting guns in his hands. At this time, he also stopped his nasty behavior of squirting water.

"Loss......I haven't considered this kind of thing..." Chu Yu thought for a while and said.

"Although it was made in a hurry, I have played a rough version of the Naruto and Hunter games, and it's actually pretty good!"

"But the past game of Star..."

"Different from those! Games based on works like Naruto and Hunter, basically whether they can become popular depends on the popularity of the work itself! But don't worry about this..... You think these two works may be affected. Isn't it hot?"

"The hunter may have some force majeure incidents when the plot is broadcast to the mid-term, and some small incidents of force majeure will be sprayed by fans! But in the case of Hokage...The serialization time is long, and the final popularity of the work may exceed your imagination! As for the game revenue ....... I think it may be beyond your imagination!"

After all, in the parallel world, Naruto Mobile Games has a basic monthly income of two to three billion yuan, and the income in half a year in 20 years is as high as 1.6 billion... ip valuation is 101 US dollars! Even if the purchasing power of this valuation is converted to Dragon Kingdom, the value of a single piece of Naruto is enough to buy four stars!

For such a work, Chu Yu thinks it is impossible to lose money in his own hands!

"But it's hard to come out and play once, don't always care about this, haven't the company explained it?" Chu Yu said, and started to complain about Su Lu!

"You have not been in GT, and I was in charge of GT during this time. This is not all kinds of worries! I'm afraid that it will go wrong!" Su Lu was too exposed to the sun, and quickly got into Chu Yu's parasol.

"Didn't you say that you have to bask in the beach when you come to the beach? You can't hold on?" Chu Yu mocked.

"I want you to take care of it? By the time the skin is too dark, you will be responsible?" Su Lu picked up Chu Yu's water spray gun and sprayed it at Chu Yu!

The two were chasing and playing on the beach, and the sand castle that Zhao Qinyin finally piled up was crushed by Chu Yu!

The cold expression endured a few times, but couldn't help it, and joined the two men's fight!

The attendants standing on the beach. Although the bodyguards wanted to pretend to be invisible, they saw that Chu Yu was pressed to the ground by Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu on the beach. Su Lu held down Chu Yu and Zhao Qin. Yin used a shovel to bury Chu Yu's body, and their expressions were obviously suffocating!

If this scene is filmed and put on the Internet, then Chu Yu's strategizing in the minds of fans and Zhao Qinyin's image of cold beauty will collapse!

In the end, Chu Yu lay on the beach, holding the hands of the two on both sides!

"Sorry!" Chu Yu said.

"What are you doing so suddenly?" Su Lu turned his head, his hair was stained with some fine sand!

"It's..... I have been with you for so long! This way, the number of times I have come out with you can be counted!"

"It's good if you recognize the mistake!" Su Lu shook Chu Yu's hand firmly.

"Money can't be earned. What's the point of spending all your time on it! You have enough net worth of 20 billion yuan. Come out and play, except for security expenses, you can't even spend 100,000 yuan in a day!" It is one of the few acts of burning money to forcibly cover the beach scenery!"

"My purpose is not purely to make money, but to expand the popularity of my work as much as possible and make money. The method itself is the same!" Chu Yu smiled bitterly!

"But anyway, you still pay attention to your body! Over eight years, about 30 or 40 works, almost three or four animation creators have created a lifetime. This workload is beyond anyone's imagination. ! The outside world thinks that you and I are the twin kings of the animation industry, but only we know that you are the only one from the beginning to the end... If creating anime is your hobby, I will not stop it, but At least..... Spend more time in life!" Zhao Qinyin also said next to him.

"This...I understand........ When I lay the groundwork for everything, the various departments of the company can coordinate and cooperate on their own, and after they have grown up in various industries, I will take You two and Gu Yan, the four of you will buy a small island to spend the rest of your life, or you can travel around the world directly, and then have three or five children.....Start the life of salted fish!" Chu Yu thought for a while. Said.

"Seriously, stop joking!" Su Lu gave Chu Yu a white look!

"I'm afraid you guys will retire to play games at Tiantianzhai at that time, right? You also travel around the world and have four people together. You want to be beautiful. Last night, all kinds of scams, saying that three people slept together and talked at night. In my mind, Xiaoyin and I have been fooled by you like this. You still have to make an inch of it. Do you still want to be together with four of you?"

"Don't imagine it!" Chu Yu sneered!

"If everything goes on the right track for the company, I will definitely enjoy my life too!"

"Then what does it mean that the company in your mouth is on the right track! You are sitting on the leading company in the industry, Tianxing, and now in the game industry, the film and television industry is developing in three areas.......Plus gt, although Not as good as Tianxing, but after several years of development, Longguo Animation Production Co., Ltd. has a place in the top fifteen. Why are you still on the right track?" Su Lu asked directly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"At least the film and television department and the game department must also rush to the top of the dragon country! By then the company should be much larger than it is now, and it will smoothly move towards foreign markets and become a big-time company in the global entertainment, film and television industry... ...This should be considered on the right track..." Chu Yu said as he thought about it.

"Come on, I guess there will be grandsons at that time!" Su Lu directly complained.

"Don't be so pessimistic! Maybe it will be achieved in a few years?"

"Don't think about it so much! Things in a few years later don't need to be considered now! Now is the most important thing!" Su Lu took Chu Yu's hand, then put Chu Yu's hand behind his head and acted as a pillow. !

"Anyway, Chu Yu, remember what you said today, you sent us a wedding, and what you said about global travel... Don't regret it when you have time, but don't go. , I will turn my face!" Su Lu said

"Understand..." Chu Yu answered quickly!

Su Lu quickly kissed Chu Yu on the cheek!

"Don't forget it!"

"Definitely! It's impossible to dare to forget!" Chu Yu's tone was firm!


The holidays that Chu Yu arranged for him passed day by day, from the seaside to the scenic spot...the footprints of the Chu Yu trio spread a little!

At the same time, during this time period, the popularity and the number of followers of Hokage and Hunter all showed an outrageous upward trend!

The debut of the two works satisfied their fans' expectations for these two works!

In the same way, the atmosphere of competition and scolding between fans on both sides spreads again!
