I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

On December 28th and Tuesday, the weather has completely entered the cold winter, looking from the window, it is all covered in silver!

Unlike the cold temperature, all employees of Tianxing have been in a hot state these days!

Up to now, all employees of Tianxing have discovered the difference between this company under the leadership of Yin Tian and under the leadership of Chu Yu!

Tian Xing, led by Yin Tian, ​​was violently beaten by Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin in the market!

And now Tianxing, with its strong industry strength, coupled with Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin hype!

In the past, the game department of Tianxing, which was so much sought after by everyone, caused such a big disturbance in the game industry during this period of time!

Although the Naruto and Hunter games have not yet been launched, thanks to the high popularity of anime, the popularity before the public beta is very rare even in the history of the Dragon Kingdom game!

If the general game works have such topics and enthusiasm before the public beta, they are basically stable. As long as they don't openly treat game players as dogs like the parallel world planning, all kinds of game content changes are normal. It's not a big explosion for games, but there's no need to worry about the level of profitability!

Moreover, the launch time of the two games is also very clever! The Hunter plot is broadcast to the Phantom Brigade chapter, and Naruto, last week, the battle between Li Luoke and Gaara has progressed to white heat!

The two works of Naruto and Hunter are very different from Chu Yu's past works!

The short-length work has a compact plot. At fifty episodes, the plot has entered the middle and late stages of the main line, and like Naruto Hunter, there are nearly fifty episodes, even the early stage of the main line is not even considered! So there are more plots for the plot, the character description in the animation, and the direct result is that you will feel very happy after watching it!

And just tonight, millions of fans gathered in front of the computer, and even outsiders can feel the passion of fans!

In the plot of the last week, everyone hated to pretend that Gaara finally got to the iron plate!

Li Luoke, who was lifted from his body weight restriction, beat him up!

For this character with thick eyebrows, everyone was very annoyed at the beginning. After all, he beat Sasuke violently, and then after the Nakanin test began, everyone liked him again, because he was seriously injured to save Sakura in the process!

And now...

Zhou Fang watched the plot of Hokage Chapter 49 very seriously!

The hardworking genius Li Luoke, in order to overcome the efforts Ning Ci had made, his mental journey went from self-confidence to questioning himself, to being encouraged by Kai, and specializing in physical skills...

In the end, in the forty-nine words, the trick of Xiao Li that Yu Kai said!

Eight Doors Dunjia!

The rhythm of asking for leave in the early stage of Naruto's work is absolutely unquestionable!

The three major migrant workers are dying in the early stage of the plot, and Hokage is undoubtedly the best! In the previous dozens of words, how disgusting the role of Gaara is to the audience, at this time, everyone will look at Xiao Li's explosive hammer and Gaara will be so cool!

The volume of barrage in Naruto Chapter 49 is already very exaggerated!

But when Xiao Li was really ready to perform the eight-door Dunjia technique, the enthusiasm of the audience was also lifted to the peak!

Zhou Fang saw brain congestion for the first time watching an animation!

Watching the blood of giants is because the world's suppression of the protagonists reaches its limit and the rebound is refreshing, but watching Naruto's blood is simple. The characters portrayed in the work resonate with you!

The role of Li Luoke, his past experience, his efforts, all turned into his smooth and dazzling physical blows in the fifty-th chapter animation!

Unlike the Parallel World version, Chu Yu gave this statement a considerable budget. There is no slow-motion slow-motion scene. The whole fighting process not only bursts the plot, but also draws the audience to kneel!

Zhou Fang couldn't contain his excitement and called out in his room!

As for the animation barrage...

"I can see the tears in my eyes!"

"I thought Li Luoke was a supporting role, but I didn't expect it to be so emotional. It's better to kick out the role of Sakura and let Li Luke be a member of the Naruto team!"

"It's too awkward, Eight Door Dunjia, this is the fifth door! After opening the eight doors, isn't the air every second?"

"It's so cool to see me, I love it!"

"Why is such a good-looking animation? Teacher Zhao Qinyin only brought it out now, I can't stand it!"

"I'll just kneel for this statement, it's too ridiculous!"


The whole barrage was full of support for the role of Li Luoke!

At least in this plot, this role makes the audience forget who is the protagonist of Naruto's work! He brought the audience as moved as the protagonist Naruto!

But because of this, even though Li Luok later inflicted a heavy injury on Gaara, he was destroyed by Gaara's last power, and defeated...

The moment when Xiao Li was seriously injured, he lost consciousness and stood up...

The Naruto fans in front of the computer just hadn't recovered from the **** battle, so they were just stupid!

Later in the plot, I learned that Xiao Li was too injured to be a ninja!

Zhou Fang couldn't help it anymore and directly spit out Zhao Qinyin!

The next 51 words and fifty-two words, the fans are all watched listlessly!

I thought that it would be several weeks before the final plot of the Zhongnin exam was broadcast.....



"This is over? Another week to wait!"

"Things a week are not enough to read!"

"But who is the lecherous middle-aged man who appeared in Chapter 52? He can also summon a toad and knock down Huibis, who is a Shinobu like Kakashi!"

"Uh, I know that character, it seems to be called Zilaiya, the official database of Naruto Games has been updated today, but the strength of this character, tricks or something, has not been revealed at all, only a name!"

"Does Naruto Games have any spoilers for anime?"

"Yes, it's just the plot information that the animation hasn't updated, and the game doesn't reveal any important things! Just like writing round eyes, closed beta players only know that this thing is still divided into levels, and krypton gold can make writing round eyes. It has become stronger, but in the closed beta game, this upgrade system cannot be turned on, it is in a gray state, and the name of the written wheel is not told after the upgrade. The upgrade tree in the skill bar replaces the name with an asterisk! But what is certain is that the game is made The team will not make these things out for no reason, so..."

"Maybe many details that are not reflected in the anime will be shown in the game! For example, the ninjutsu such as the curse seal and the chidori... and the character mentioned in the daily memory, she wants to be like A female ninja like Tsunade, anyway, there seems to be Tsunade's character card in the closed beta game library, but only if the player's level is at least 90 or higher, no one can get it. During the month of the closed beta, no one can get it. Raise the level so high! So now everyone knows that there is a character card with such a name, but the other looks are not even clear!"

"Damn, I wasn't interested in the game! How can I bear it now? Teacher Zhao Qinyin and Tian Xing did it on purpose, even if this kind of plot is so ridiculous, they are still doing these sorrows in the game... "

"It doesn't matter, isn't this better? The details are not mentioned in the supplementary animation of the game, so you won't feel lengthy when watching the animation, and playing games will not be boring!"

"Slid away everyone, now I'm waiting for the 31st teacher Shuixin and Zhao Qinyin to join the live broadcast to promote the hunter and Hokage, and then wait for the next day to finish the Hokage stealing game directly! The long one week and so on. You can only use Naruto to kill the road!"


Chu Yu asked, the navy in the fan community played a role at this moment!

Before the episode started tonight, Chu Yu was prepared for it! And now, as expected, the mood of animation fans is easily introduced into the game!

When the animation plot is most attractive, the open beta of the game begins.......

Not to mention those who love to play games themselves, even many anime audiences who don't like to play games can't bear it at this time!

The live broadcast of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin on the 31st was directly ranked first on the Weibo hot search list!

Of course, the links to the official accounts of Naruto and Hunter's games are among the top ten in hot search together!

At this time, Chu Yu's promotion of the two works has reached its peak. Basically, anyone who loves the Internet will be covered by the ads of the two games. On the final public beta day, how many players will come... Can't predict!

There are still three days left before the public beta of the two games.....

In itself, according to common sense, Chu Yu and Zhao should have arranged a full schedule for himself and Zhao Qinyin!

But in the past few days, he is basically wayward and too lazy to go to the company! Accompanying Zhao Qinyin at home all day long!

Although Zhao Qinyin's actions are not affected at all at this stage, things like morning sickness are not obvious, and sometimes they can't come once a day!

But Chu Yu was still very nervous. Zhao Qinyin decided to go to the live broadcast meeting on the 31st. Chu Yu considered it and agreed!

However, fans of Zhao Qinyin will not be able to see Zhao Qinyin at any events until the end of the year at least next year!

The due date is July next year, anyway, until the baby is born, Chu Yu will not let her continue to run around again!

"I said you, have you touched enough? It hasn't been long since it hasn't grown out, and it's useless for you to touch it!"

Zhao Qinyin sat on the sofa and looked helplessly at Chu Yu, who was staring at herself from various angles, and from time to time she touched her hands and listened to her abdomen. After watching a movie, she was completely harassed by Chu Yu until she could not remember the plot. clear!

"No way, after all I'm going to be a father, I'm a little nervous! Don't care about me!" Chu Yu coughed!

In the past few days, his whole person is numb, and he feels that he is still young, but if he wants to be a father, it is difficult for him to calm down!

Seeing Zhao Qinyin, I can't help but pay attention to her abdomen!

Zhao Qinyin's body is only three months old, and he can't see anything in his abdomen. Chu Yu feels the same as before, but now...

"I won't attend the publicity activities of the work next year, can this work?" Zhao Qinyin said anxiously again.

Before asking for a baby, Zhao Qinyin hadn't considered so much, so he went on a trip with Chu Yu three months ago and had no restraint during the whole journey, but now that he is really pregnant, there are too many things to consider!

Joining her and Chu Yu's relationship was discovered and announced. Will it affect Chu Yu's reputation? If her birth affects the promotional activities of the gt animation production company, will it disrupt Chu Yu's plan..... ..

"Don't think so much!" Chu Yu kissed her forehead!

"The things you worry about are nothing to me at all! What you should worry about now is your pregnancy!"

"I always feel that after I was pregnant, you were so kind to me! I was a little uncomfortable! You used to not play games at night, just come to me and ask for warmth!" Zhao Qinyin's head and whole body rested on Chu Yu's shoulders. , Said casually.

"I'm very normal! Isn't it right for my husband to take care of a pregnant wife? No matter how much I am addicted to the Internet, I can't play games and ignore you who are inconvenient after pregnancy!"

Chu Yu reached under Zhao Qinyin's shirt again, and touched her abdomen. It was soft and smooth, indeed, as before, and she didn't feel the second heartbeat at all!

"Don't touch it, itching!" Zhao Qinyin chuckled and curled up into a ball!

Chu Yuren looked stunned directly!

If it weren't for her to be pregnant, Chu Yu would definitely not be able to bear her expression and gesture, and she would straighten the Fa right on the spot!

"I can only say that a three-month-old fetus is really small! I can't feel it at all!" Chu Yu retracted his hand regretfully!

In the afternoon, Su Lu wore a thick coat, long-leg warm tights and black leather shoes and came to Chu Yu's home!

After all, my sister is pregnant with such a big thing, she can't sit still in Tokyo!

As soon as I saw Zhao Qinyin, I went straight up to study Zhao Qinyin's abdomen!

"Sister Su, why are you like Chu Yu, don't touch it..."

"Don't move, I will help you see the condition of the fetus!"

Zhao Qinyin was about to burst into tears again in the room!

Zhao Qinyin had no choice but to find out that he would take care of him when he said that he should stay in the devil. In fact, his man and good sisters were the biggest hidden danger!

In the evening, after Gu Yan returned, a man and three women were seated in the huge villa!

Chu Yu was also worried that the three would not get along well, but the result was the opposite. On the contrary, he seemed to be squeezed out by the three wives! He couldn't talk about other people's topics at all!

"Sister Su is really getting younger and younger. Going on the street with you, you will definitely be regarded as my classmate!"

"Where, Xiaoyan, you are beautiful!"

"Xiaoyin, don't eat too greasy things when you are pregnant!"

"I recognize a contemplative confinement wife who is very considerate and tight-lipped. When the time comes, ask her to take care of you! Don't worry so much!"


At night, Zhao Qinyin fell asleep alone, but Gu Yan and Su Lu seemed to be stimulated by Zhao Qinyin's pregnancy! In the past, Chu Yu took the initiative, but today the two of them took the initiative to invite Chu Yu to the room!

Especially Su Lu, actually changed into the **** cos clothes she never wanted to wear before!

It's a pity that Chu Yu didn't have such a thick-skinned face, let Gu Yan and Su Lu sleep with him!

So we can only choose!

But when their relationship gets better, this kind of idea, or even a more outrageous idea, can be tried!

"But... Xiaoyin is pregnant, the wedding should be as soon as possible!" Su Lu reminded Chu Yu from his side!

Although it is not the kind of wedding that invites relatives and friends, at least in form Su Lu hopes that Chu Yu will go through it seriously!

"I understand. After this wave of things is over, the four of us will go on a trip and take the wedding photos and hold the wedding by the way!" Chu Yu nodded!

Although Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu came to the magic city, the entire gt company in Tokyo is still working in an orderly manner!


A few days passed in a flash!

Soon, December 31st will come!

In the evening, Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin gathered at the headquarters building of Tianxing Company!

The makeup artists kept by Tianxing themselves carefully and delicately helped Zhao Qinyin make makeup!

Chu Yu looked at Zhao Qinyin, changed into his favorite jk suit, and suddenly felt upset!

But no way! Fortunately, Zhao Qinyin was liberated after today!

For at least half a year, Chu Yu did not allow any risk to affect her!

The team of bodyguards hired for her can be deployed successfully within a week without accident!

But now.... After Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin appeared in the live broadcast room, the popularity of the website was so high!

"My wife is here!"

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin is so beautiful!"

"Teacher Shui Xin is amazing, and she fits well with Teacher Zhao Qinyin! Would you like to rekindle your high school romance!"

"Don't even say that I think the possibility is really great anyway! After all, the talents of the two are quite similar~www.mtlnovel.com~ If Teacher Zhao Qinyin really wants to marry, then marrying Teacher Shuixin would be a good choice!"


The barrage group of demons danced in the live broadcast room, at first it was just a small tearing force! !

But later, all attention was focused on Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu's game promotion for Hokage and Hunter! !

After all, although Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin are engaged in publicity, the content of the game they demonstrated does make fans feel quite fun!

Now that the two works have arrived, it is not the case that Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin can attract so many players by opening a live broadcast. After all, loyal fans have long been in the pit! No matter how you publicize it, you are useless!

The biggest significance of this live broadcast is to activate your fans and tell them the time and place of the public beta of the Naruto game! Remind them not to be absent tomorrow...

Soon, the live broadcast of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin ended!

On the way home for the two of them, Chu Yu drove the car, Zhao Qinyin was in the co-driver, and fireworks suddenly exploded in the sky!

This day is also New Year's Eve......

At the same time, accompanied by fireworks at twelve o'clock at night!

Naruto and Hunter game servers are important to unlock restrictions...

The Naruto fans and Hunter fans that I hadn't expected for a long time, through mobile phones, terminal games, tablets and other tools...Log in to the game with an account that has been registered long ago...

This evening, whether it is in the animation industry or the game industry, all colleagues in the industry are staring at these two animation-modified game works at this moment...
