I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The two most influential companies in the animation industry, Tianxing and t, successively issued announcements of major moves in this March. They are indeed bringing a group of industry personnel from the already very nervous Longguo animation industry, game industry, and electronic music festival. Somewhat dumbfounded!

Everyone knows the truth that the world is changing and society is changing, but few people really thought that this change would come so violently!

Just a few years ago, everyone just thought that although the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, the film industry, and the game industry overlap, they still have little relevance!

The most important thing is that no company in the industry can use a p to make a lot of money in several industries!

Now, the two works of Hokage and Hunter, which were broadcast last year, gave a group of people in Longguo Capital Market an opportunity!

p The concept of multi-development is naturally something that appeared in Long Country a long time ago, not to say that Chu Yu made it hot! But so far, only Chu Yu has succeeded in this!

Yin Tian wanted to do this, but he was brought down by a group of enemies in the film industry and the game industry and Chu Yu from the animation industry. Not to mention the heavy losses, he also lost the company!

If Chu Yu does not touch this one after accepting the Sky Star, with Yin Tian's lessons learned, there will be no big capital to lean on it for at least five years!

But it happened that after Chu Yu accepted Skystar, only one year later, it can be said to have greatly changed the ecology of the three industries!

Now that the total box office of Sky City has reached 6.7 billion, whether this work can surpass the box office record of Spirited Away, at least there is no problem with Long Guoying's pre-three history!

The game adapted by Hunter and Naruto, less than three months after the public beta in January, the speed of the explosion is simply a miracle in the game world!

From 1 million daily active users to 7.6 million Hokage and 6.9 million Hunters, it only took more than two months! Both works broke 6 million monthly water, that is, nearly 200 million monthly water! Two works, only in the third month of their birth, have entered the top four in the Dragon Kingdom mobile game market in terms of profitability data!

The two games of Naruto and Hunter brought the shock of the Dragon Kingdom game world, no less than in the parallel world, the original God brought shock to the industry

But the two games are so popular, is it because the two game changers are novel and very attractive?

Or is there a breakthrough in new technology in game production, giving players a novel experience?

It's not just because the characters, skills, gameplay and animation in the game have a great correlation, it can make these two game works of middle and upper production level jump to become the new favorite of the Dragon Kingdom game industry!

It's a pity that Tianxing has now completely delisted under the operation of Chu Yu! Otherwise, based on the fact that Sky City, Hunter animation and games, and the agency's Naruto game are so popular, Tianxing's stock price will soar in the capital market. Maybe the total market value now exceeds 40 billion. It is also very likely!

Due to their interaction with the game, Naruto and Hunter Animation also have an average of more than 24 million views!

Nowadays, the total number of t animation company has exceeded 1,000, and Tianxing is also expanding the company's global number to 4,000!

After all, Chu Yu is now the number one in Longguo, and there is still huge room for development in the domestic market, but the larger market is abroad!

Chu Yu also has a large number of fans overseas, and they are all waiting for Chu Yu to cut their leeks!

Nowadays, the two companies of Chu and Yu, with the two games of Naruto and Hunter alone, have a monthly income of more than 300 million yuan. In addition to the past copyright value of the Tianxing Animation Production Company, the company's real estate and other values, the Naruto and Hunter animation webcasts have been successively launched. Continued income, your name, the sound of waves heard, and the surroundings of dozens of Chu Yu's past works, copyright follow-up income, Chu Yu's monthly income is also in the hundreds of millions!

Chu Yu now holds tens of billions of cash in hand, not counting the p-value of the works he created in the past, but the value of the two companies with the cash in his hand. The total net worth is not far away from 30 billion! In addition, the monthly revenue of each of its works is hundreds of millions of yuan, and it is still growing! !

In any case, Chu Yu's posture of disorderly expansion of various industries, and his drooling profitability!

Capitalists from all walks of life are jealous!

In March of this year, many large, medium and small animation companies in Longguo encountered capital drop and purchased them at a good price!

Capitalists are not interested in the step-by-step management and establishment of companies. Now that they see the huge potential of the animation industry, how can they leave it alone?

Say something bad!

This money is so easy to earn, why are you a yellow-haired kid in your twenties earning it?

Isn't it just to hype the popularity of animation works, and then lead the popularity to the film and television entertainment industry and the game industry!

Isn't this a process like making artificial traffic stars and then monetizing them?

Capital's idea is very simple and straightforward!

After the Chinese New Year, a large amount of capital suddenly appeared in the Dragon Kingdom animation, film, and game industry!

Projects that have never been heard before by Dragon Kingdom have been launched one after another! Just like Chu Yu, he started developing all aspects of animation, games, film and television, and peripherals!

The stock prices of listed companies in the Longguo two-dimensional industry have risen

"False prosperity is also prosperity! It's a pity that they don't understand that the first person to eat crabs is a genius, and the one who eats crabs later is a fool!"

For the current prosperity of the two-dimensional market and the influx of capital, Chu Yu had already expected it!

Whether it's a parallel world or the people of Longguo, they all have one characteristic. They like to get together!

On a street, as long as a milk tea shop has a good business, ten milk tea shops will be born on this street in less than half a year!

However, only one of these ten milk tea shops tends to be booming, and the other nine all have to close down at a loss!

Although Longguo's two-dimensional market has great potential, it is ultimately limited!

The animation change p succeeded indeed to make money, but how many can be successful?

The monthly flow of mobile games such as the original gods, kings, onmyojis, and Jedi in the parallel world can reach 7.8 billion, even two or three billion, supporting the market value of Penguin's four to five trillion and Wangyi's three to four hundred billion!

But no one paid attention to the fact that the market value of Parallel World's game company ranked first and the second-ranked NetArt was ten times the market value!

The market value of Net Arts, the second largest in the gaming industry, is not up to the third to tenth combined!

The market value of the number one Penguin is hundreds of times more than the market value of the tenth-ranked game company in the game industry!

These people see themselves making money and rushing in, wanting to compete in the market, and want to win this market share from Chu Yu!

But the question is, is it possible?

What do they use to compete for popularity with works like Dragon Ball, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto, and Doraemon? Really think that frying anime is like frying traffic stars? Can fans buy it with money?

In the end, the money poured into the industry will only become the fertilizer for the growing soil of the industry, and this piece of soil is destined to only have one or two plants thrive. The hot money that flows in will eventually be earned by Chu Yu in some way!

Chu Yu was so happy to see it!

With the acquisition of cameras from major, medium and small animation companies in Longguo in March and becoming subsidiaries of major companies in other industries, even the two-dimensional people who are so slow can feel that the two-dimensional industry seems to be inexplicably hotter than before!

But Chu Yu didn't bother to pay attention to this, his actions were still in order!

After the chapter of the Hunter Animation Island of Greed is over, the most classic chapter of the full work, the ant chapter, opens!

If the plot of the Hunter's work before the ant chapter seems to be somewhat inadequate, then the ant chapter is definitely a chapter that sublimates the hunter's work!

As for the work of Naruto, the Ninja test was over. When Kakashi went to mourn the three generations of Naruto who died in the battle, he also mourned his dead old friend Zituo.

Naruto's plot came out of the Naruto test, Oshemaru and the third generation, Naruto and Gaara's peak duel, and came to the plot that Naruto and Jiraiya learn to rub balls, and Tsunade's acquaintance.

The two animations have reached their peak popularity by this time. Although the average number of episodes is still growing, the growth rate has slowed down significantly!

But after all, the length of the two works is long enough, and they interact with the game to increase their popularity. Therefore, the industry also feels that the two works may still have a great opportunity to break the record of the dragon country serial animation giant.

As for the Sky City, even though Chu Yu fans have worked very hard to support him, many people have three, four, and five, but its box office is still fixed at 8.1 billion!

There is still a gap of 300 million from Spirited Away's 8.4 billion box office, but this gap of 300 million cannot be crossed for a film that has been released for 50 days.

"The classics are really classics. Spirited Away can dominate the box office champions of the parallel world on the island of Japan for more than ten years. It's really not built!"

Chu Yu knew very well that there was indeed a slight gap between the Sky City and Spirited Away! The rhythm of the story of Spirited Away and the age of the audience of the story are superior to the castle in the sky!

Sky City may seem more interesting to people over the age of youth, but this kind of fun, even in the eyes of adults, is actually not much better than Spirited Away!

On the contrary, it is the story of Spirited Away's audience of all ages, which is too dominant in terms of box office revenue!

Children are not necessarily touched by the depiction of the environment, technology, and humanities in the Sky City, but most of them will be touched by the efforts Qianxun has made to save the white dragon! Spirited Away at this point-->>

Better than the city in the sky!

Even though Chu Yu's popularity is much better than Zhao Qinyin when Spirited Away was released three years ago, it occupies the Spring Festival stall again! Stacking advantages

But in the end, the Sky City still lost to Spirited Away in the Dragon Kingdom!

This result made Zhao Qinyin's fans sigh, but they were not in the mood to mock Chu Yu fans!

In any case, Sky City's 8.1 billion box office revenue is second in the history of Long Kingdom Film, so it is impossible to ridicule it!

Chu Yu fans are also a little down!

However, although the box office of Castle in the Sky did not exceed Spirited Away, but on the contrary, Zhao Qinyin felt that Zhao Qinyin was better than Chu Yu in the animation market.

Chuyu's favorite thing about black is that Chuyu has no record in animated movies! Now that the results of Sky City are frozen, the sunspots really can't go down!

In this world, except for the first, everything else is useless. Otherwise, with this kind of logic, all the things and people you see in your eyes are all rubbish!

The battle between Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin will never stop, because Chu Yu controls the balance behind him, and Zhao Qinyin's voice is louder, so he will release a heavy work and overwhelm Zhao Qinyin. And vice versa! Chu Yu's operation in this way will only make this argument like the ancients talking about Li Bai and Du Fu who is more powerful, and you will never have an answer to the argument! However, this kind of controversy will appear like Nikkei stickers all the time!

Time to enter April

The two works of Naruto and Hunter are also creating miracles! Fan enthusiasm remains high. Even if people in the industry think that Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin are abnormal, they still have the potential to rise when the average broadcast volume of the two works is approaching the 25 million mark. I'm dizzy!

This data really means that you can earn more than ten digits a year by just relying on two games for network broadcasting!

Moreover, this situation may not be a flash in the pan, and it may last for many years!

From the story structure of the two works, fans feel that the follow-up plot of the two works is still much longer!

Everyone's feeling of chasing after fan has gradually felt similar to the feeling of a group of two-dimensional fans chasing death in a parallel world!

Such a long-form work never ends, and there is no end point in the plot, you will always subconsciously feel that it will never end!

Once such an idea arises, to some extent, chasing such a drama will gradually become your habit! It's like getting up in the morning to wash your face and brush your teeth!

But whether it's Tianxing or t, although the company's profitability is focused on the two works, not all attention is paid to Hokage and You Hunter!

At least in May, the film department of Tianxing held a year's work, and the film version of 5cm per second is finally going to be released!

The release time is also set very coincidentally, on May 20th!

This kind of day when only homophonic stalks became popular, has become an important moment for countless lovers in the Dragon Kingdom to fight for the hotel. Of course, before this, a romantic movie and a rich and equally romantic dinner are indispensable!

So in mid-to-late April, as soon as I turned on my mobile phone, all the love movies on the May 20th and 20th period became popular on the entire Internet!

In fact, to be honest, works like five centimeters per second are obviously not suitable for couples to watch together, after all, a few romances are not good! The whole work is full of love, irony and decadence to reality!

"May 20, when a group of unidentified passerby couples went to see your abusive masterpiece, I wonder if those young couples would still be interested in the next activities?"

Zhao Qinyin, who was resting in bed at home, touched on Douyin, a live-action version of the trailer featuring well-known popular actors Li Yu and Xiao Liu as the heroes and actresses!

She narrowed her eyes and said rather gloating!

"This doesn't affect it. After all, nine of the ten love movies have abused, and the one that is not abused is basically bloody!" Chu Yu shrugged!

"But at first glance, people abused it very fake. Your movie is so realistic that it makes a group of anime fans feel uncomfortable now! Look at the comment section of the publicity advertisment, the comments of your group of fans, It's all blowing wildly that this is a healing sweet love movie, which shows how much they want to pull people into the pit!"

"It's a pity that I'm seven months pregnant! It's not suitable to go to the cinema, otherwise, in my memory, I haven't watched a movie with you for four years!" Zhao Qinyin said with regret.

When Chu Yu heard the words, his eyes flickered!

"Isn't there a cinema near our house"

"Stop, stop, stop talking, I know what you want to say? Don't always do these stupid things, I just complain about it, you don't need to buy a movie theater that is too stupid!" Zhao Qinyin immediately understood To Chuyu's meaning.

Chu Yu is always distressed, how to make so much money by himself, how to spend this money in a way that conforms to his values! After all, everyone has the pleasure of spending money!

It's just that cheap profiteers are definitely not good. Chu Yu would rather donate money than profiteers to **** blood from him, but in order to please his wife, being a king of five is in line with Chu Yu's values!

Chu Yu was disappointed!

"Then buy some small and medium-sized projection equipment. We close the curtains at home and hang a screen on the big white wall in the living room to see it. Anyway, the source of the film is our company!" Zhao Qinyin said casually.

This scheme is relatively simple, and the cost may be hundreds of thousands!

Today, Chu Yu is worth tens of billions, and Zhao Qinyin doesn't bother to save Chu Yu money. It's not too much to watch hundreds of thousands of movies!

"Alright, after all, how noisy the theater is, it's not safe!" Chu Yu accepted the proposal easily!

Others will have to spend May 20, even if he is at home, Chu Yu still wants to spend it!

Watching a movie at home with his third wife, then eating a candlelight meal, and then resting, it's actually okay!

"But in less than three months from Chu Yu, your child will be born! Have you thought of a name?"

Zhao Qinyin blinked, and the collarbone under her pajamas was exposed, so she could clearly see that from her neck to the base of her ears, she was a little pink and trembling after she said this!

She asked Chu Yu about this for the first time!

"Name?" Chu Yu lowered his head and thought for a while!

"How about the name Chuyu regardless of men and women?"

"What?" Zhao Qinyin didn't understand! After all, Chu Yu's name is the same phonetic!

"I hope that after the child is born, he will not run for anything in his entire life, be a happy salted fish, and live a happy life!" Chu Yu said.

"You are a father, how can you expect your children to be like this?" Zhao Qinyin immediately realized what two words Chu Yu had named this name!

"Does the child have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life, without any pressure, the object he likes automatically appears in front of his eyes instead of falling in love at first sight, and live a lifetime without pressure? This is your hope for your child? No?"

"Is this bad?" Chu Yu asked back.

"?" Zhao Qinyin!

"I have this strength! And it's not for this. I'm crazy to make so much money. Anyway, I can't use it up. It's better to donate!"

"If it's not for life's pressure, and if my parents are still alive, and they are still rich, with my high school personality, there is a high probability that I will be a salted fish! Who will be a cartoonist and engage in animation!" Chu Yu said.

"I don't agree anyway!" Zhao Qinyin's mouth bulged, her face is very cute!

"If you were a salted fish back then, how could I meet you, how could I like you, and become your wife and pregnant with your child!" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu, his eyes bright !

"But the name Chuyu is good~www.mtlnovel.com~ I like it very much! But its meaning is definitely not a child. Because you paved the way for him, so you have to be a salted fish for a lifetime. The existence of sturgeon is so famous!" Zhao Qinyin began to be a little incoherent.

"Um, Chinese sturgeons are bred, and they will be served on the table like salted fish!" Chu Yu thought for a while and said.

"You" Zhao Qinyin was almost **** off by Chu Yu.

How can anyone say that about their children, they can hear it in their stomachs now for seven months!

"Forget it, it's useless to tell you! Anyway, after the child is born, I will be responsible for the education or something, and I will definitely not let the child be misled by your thoughts!"

Zhao Qinyin quickly ended this topic!

Seeing this, Chu Yu didn't bother her to rest, and went to the next room to find Gu Yan to explore the mysteries of life!

In April, the promotion of Second Five was gradually heated up, but at the same time, t animation company and Tianxing animation production company also started to start animation production and p development of Dragon Ball, Doraemon, and Pokémon under the sign of Chu Yu. department!

Three works, no matter which one is in the parallel world, it is worth tens of billions of Chinese currency. Even Pokemon, as the first p in the second dimension of the parallel world, this work is compared to the entire Marvel Dozens of mainstream works in the system add up to high p value!

Even after the filming of Marvel's works, the global movie box office attracted $10 or 20 billion, which drove a lot of sales around the work, but it is still not as good as the profit of Pokemon's works!

Chuyu's emphasis on three works, especially Pokémon, can be felt throughout the company!

Boss, seems to be more serious than ever!
