I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

May 20th, Sunday!

Although it is not a formal festival, a group of lovers in Longguo have long been gathered at the entrance of the cinema at night!

In the movie hall, a pair of silly men and women make the single dog angry! I really want to ffff them!

The queue in the theater is also extremely long compared to the previous few days!

On the major ticketing apps of Long Country, there is no doubt that the movie box office with a speed of 5 centimeters per second is temporarily the first today! Although it's only seven o'clock in the evening, it has reached the 190 million mark!

With the current fame of Chu Yuyi or Zhao Qinyin, everyone is used to the start of such a movie!

However, under Chuyu's fan Weibo, a group of single fans gathered tonight and discussed passionately with an attitude of watching a good show!

"Watching Second Five at 520, I don't know what the fans of Longguo think? Can the lovers continue to the next step after watching this movie?"

"Brothers, the warriors are here. Although the hundreds of people in my theater are all lovers, it is not embarrassing for me to watch the real-life version of Second Five by myself! Because I know that when the movie started, it was these couples who were embarrassed. !"

"A true warrior just dared to watch a love movie alone among hundreds of lovers! Great!"

"Stupid passers-by thought that Second Five was just a normal sadomasochistic love movie, but they didn't realize that the core idea of ​​this movie was that instead of painful misses, it's better to let it go from the beginning! This kind of movie can only be felt after breaking up. Look at it with the subject, absolutely awkward!"

"Quickly, the second five film reviews will be released soon. It is estimated that those lovers will meet to watch this movie on this day, and they will definitely make endless complaints to Teacher Shui Xin!"

"Second May in May, Jianxin in June, and initial d in July! Teacher Shuixin really opened up this year and directly exploded the seeds. I hope he will explode more next year. Put the magic circle, jojo, Natsume, Lelouch and other works have also produced live-action movies or games!"

"Don't say anything else, I just want to watch the live-action version of Lulu Xiu, it is best for Teacher Shuixin to add some new plots in it! Mecha fighting in the air, this is a man's romance!"

"I would like to see Slam Dunk's movie and TV version and games, as well as ad, please make a TV series! Then Zhao Qinyin teacher will participate in Sakagami Tomyo!"

"But gt animation companies obviously don't have such a strong comprehensive strength as Tianxing! I am afraid that the development of these fields will be restricted!"

"Then gt has a strategic cooperative relationship with Teacher Shui Xin, Tianxing! Tianxing is like a Naruto game, just help with the production!"

"But to be honest, I feel that whether it is Teacher Zhao Qinyin or Teacher Shuixin, they have all started their ip adaptations of their past works! I feel that if this is true, I will not be in a long time. I'm boring. Let me watch those mentally handicapped TV series and movies. I really can't stand it, but let me watch movies and TV series adapted from these works, that's different!"

"It should be coming soon. Now, the two companies gt and Tianxing have an unprecedented scale in the animation industry! They have the ability and reason to excavate the works of the two before, who in this world has a lot of money! They cut leeks. We leeks are happily being cut. This is a win-win situation!"

"This can also be called a win-win situation? I have a work, Gaocheng animation, movies, TV series, games, five themes adapted to collect your money, and after that, you will also regularly sell your hands and peripheral props every year for you to consume. You actually think this is Win-win?"

"He likes it, what's the matter?"


Describing the night of the five-centimeter release, Chu Yu's fans said most about the lovers and their predictions about the future development direction of Chu Yu!

Fans are well aware that Chu Yu is now transforming from being a pure creator to being a capitalist in the second dimension of the Dragon Kingdom!

But it didn't affect them to put some of their love for Chu Yu's works on Chu Yu!

But tonight on May 20th, those lovers who poured into the cinema in the evening because they were attracted by the reputation of the screenwriter of Sky City, the second work of the box office of Chu Yu Longguo!

That night, I said that people were dumbfounded!

After all, many people have never seen the original Miaowu. Although they have been listening to night animation fans, this work is a train series, but everyone's thoughts are that there is no such a god...It is just an anime adaptation. Movies only!

After watching it, it will make people depressed, do not believe in love? Funny!

Until these people entered the movie theater, compared to the anime version, the live version of Miaowu Chuyu added a lot of details that were only in the original!

The whole movie has changed from one hour in the anime version to one and a half hours. The main roles of Chu Yu are not necessarily very famous, but the appearance and acting skills must be good, followed by the starring reputation!

But on the whole, Second Five is satisfied in all aspects, at least in terms of the actor's recognition, fame, and the production quality of the work, it is a work that can satisfy fans!

After watching the animation fans, they all said that if the animation version is 100 points, then the movie version can be at least 90 points!

But the anime fan belt recognizes that it is a disaster for those passersby fans!

With a happy mood, enter the movie theater, eat popcorn, drink Coke, and enjoy the hand-in-hand killing of your girlfriend or boyfriend...

After watching the movie for an hour and a half, I was completely attracted by the plot. After the whole person was immersed in the plot, it ushered in the ending of the opposing heroine Mingli who has already left after the train was running...

It is completely different from the ordinary people imagined by passers-by. This movie really touched their hearts!

But precisely because of this, facing the crying object beside them, they feel complicated...

What the **** is this?

Chuyu's Weibo started at eight o'clock, and the passers-by kept pouring in!

"Rnm, refund the money! I took my girlfriend to the cinema to watch a movie, whether you are a comedy love movie or a tragic love movie, but at least men and women have an unforgettable love, so that I can resonate with the object. ! Your ending makes my girlfriend say something that I don't want to believe in a long-distance relationship! My girlfriend and I were originally in a long-distance relationship. I came here today and watched a movie. My girlfriend said he wanted to go home quietly. not going......."


"Brother is miserable!"

"Sympathy! Although I have known that Teacher Shuixin will be very lively tonight in the Weibo, I came to watch the show, but I still express my sympathy when I see this news!"

"What are you? My boyfriend cried halfway through watching this movie. I thought he just had low tears. Then after watching the movie, he ran to the men's room and was emotionally talking with his ex-girlfriend on the phone. The voice came out, saying that he didn't want to be the Mingri and Takashu who passed by in the emotional world with his ex-girlfriend......My old lady, I vomited at that time! I left alone, but now I want to cry. Can't cry!"


"Isn't it, this brother is so scumbag?"

"I don't have so many moths with my girlfriend, but everyone is silent after watching the movie. After all, I and her are also in a long-distance relationship, so she asked me whether the relationship between me and her has become weaker after we were in the other place. ...I can't answer this question! Alas..."

"This movie is indeed a very good work, but it is only suitable for one person to watch. If you watch it with a couple, it is really easy to bring the storyline to the other person...too realistic That's it! This plot!"

"Bad reviews, anyway, I rarely scold people. I will definitely scold the screenwriter tonight, is it a funny head, I want to create this kind of work to make the audience uncomfortable!"

"I looked okay, after all, I reunited with the subject after we were separated, and I still think it's okay to watch this movie!"


The live-action movie version with a speed of five centimeters per second received a lot of negative reviews from fans on the day of its release. However, the fans complained about the fact that the second five is not good, but the whole story tells the audience to watch the movie on May 20 Lovers are uncomfortable!

That night, the score of five centimeters per second was brushed to 7.9 by angry fans, which was the lowest in history since all of Chu Yu's works were broadcast!


The second five box office has not been affected by these remarks!

On the contrary, it is this movie. After the special day of May 20, the score stretched back at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it quickly soared to 8.5!

On the Monday of the second day of the show, it still maintained a daily box office of 120 million yuan!

Except for couples, most movie fans are still fair and objective. Although Second Five is a love masterpiece, at least... Compared to several other movies on the market, Second five is undoubtedly much better... and the storyline, full of emotions, it is easier to impress them!

As Chu Yu accepted Skystar, the company's first live-action movie...

Describe five centimeters as a pathfinder!

That is Chu Yu's work. After being adapted into a live-action movie, can it achieve good results in the market as well?

And this can be seen from the box office of 210 million on the first day at a speed of 5 centimeters per second, 100 million at the box office of the next day, and 90 million tickets on the third day.......

In the first week of the release of the whole work, the total box office of 640 million has already told the market the answer!

One week after its release, Miawu's daily box office has fallen to a level of 10 to 20 million. According to authoritative organizations, Miawu's final box office is estimated to be between 850 million and 970 million.....

Compared with Chu Yu's last movie, Castle of the Sky's box office score of 8.1 billion, this score seems to be not good, very average!

But in connection with the movie works released by Quan Longguo throughout the year, if the speed of 5 centimeters per second can finally achieve such a result, then basically the top 20 in the box office list for the whole year is stable!

How can there be so many 2 billion, 5 billion, and 7 billion box office movies in this world. After most movies are released, it will be difficult to break 100 million, 400 million small fires, 600 million big fires, and 1 billion box office is thank goodness!

For practitioners in the film industry, they feel that animation adaptation works like Second Five are not Chu Yu's main work. Normally, a box office of four or five billion is considered enough!

Otherwise, this kind of small-cost love movie would be considered good if it can get 80 million box office for normal release...

However, the 800 million box office forecasts of a number of institutions directly hit their hearts!

Many famous directors in Long Guo are all sour now!

The well-known director Liu Jiyu Weibo made a speech. For seventeen years of filmmaking, the best-performing work was 560 million at the box office. It took the entire crew two years to complete the line!

However, Shui Xin's random anime adaptation of a live-action movie can win 8.9 billion box office...

Liu Jiyu directly cursed at Weibo, because Longguo has a group of garbage viewers, so these shoddy and unartistic works have a market!

Of course, his comments like this were naturally followed by Chu Yu fans, and the whole person was sprayed overnight to turn off the Weibo comment function!

Liu Jiyu's speech has aroused the support of many practitioners in the film circle!

They all agreed and expressed their support for Liu Jiyu's views!

In itself, this kind of thing is just to vent the dissatisfaction in the heart, and it is nothing more than complaints on the Internet!

They never thought that with a net worth of tens of billions, Chu Yu, who is now a capital crocodile in the film and entertainment industry, would respond to them!

But Chu Yu returned...

"Existence is reasonable! The preferences of a few people cannot be used as a criterion for judging art. There have been 14 million people watching movies at a speed of five centimeters per second. Even on the first day of the show, they were criticized by fans for unspeakable reasons. After that, now the live-action movie version of Second Five has a score of 9.1 on the whole network, and after tens of millions of fans of anime watched it, a score of 9.8..... Works that audiences like and others appreciate are art. , Otherwise.... It's just self-confidence!"

Chu Yu is no longer the kind of thinking that others must counterattack him if he is provoked by others, but after all typing doesn't waste much time, so he simply sent a position to respond to the other party!

But unsurprisingly, this dynamic of Chu Yu has become popular again, and it has also attracted a large group of netizens to like and support!

Perhaps Second Five is indeed not a classic work, but it is not surprising that its live-action movies can achieve such results with the blessing of Chu Yu's reputation for its own production quality!

However, these film industry practitioners, who were jealous of Chu Yu for the sake of black for weird reasons, were directly attacked by Chu Yu's fans!

In the film industry, a group of producers saw this situation, and their hearts were cold!

"What kind of monster is this Shui Xin! Obviously fried cold rice, so many people watched the Second Five Animation, and so many people watch the movie version?"

"It's over. The pressure is coming from companies that have movies on the schedule next month and next month! It turns out that Shui Xin's works, even fans of fried rice, will eat it happily! It can be eaten in seconds! With an estimated box office of 900 million, what about the Rurouni Kenshin movie version? What about the August initial d movie version?"

"In fact, the quality of the works of Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin is high, but compared to the horrible box office, it is still too outrageous. The main reason is that these two people are too good at business. Excellent works, plus the two are horrible. Blessings of popularity, their works are basically like snowballs, and their popularity has exploded rapidly."

"The second five is only 8.9 billion at the box office, why are you so downhearted?"

"Just? Haha, you insulted more than ninety-nine percent of the directors and screenwriters of the Dragon Kingdom... Don't think Sky City's 8.4 billion box office is very high~www.mtlnovel.com~ Don't take 8.9 billion yuan seriously!"

"From the facts, the fame of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, coupled with their perverted creative strength, and the reasonable capital operation of Tian Xing.... The two people's faces are not good enough to write. With the word invincible! I can't think of any way to suppress the expansion of these two people in the film industry!"

"Alas, my movie work next month will compete with the Rurouni Kenshin movie on the same stage. I just hope that the other party will be lighter. If the meat is eaten, I will give you some soup!"

"I think the second five is in Shui Xin's work, and the results are average. That Rurouni Kenshin and the initial d were even more popular during the serialization period than the second five! From the statistics, it is estimated that Rurouni The popularity of the movies of Kenshin and Initial D will be even higher than the current Second Five!"

"Nima, if this is the case, it is better to open a bank for Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin to make money like this..."

"Excuse me, what is it to open a bank? Is it faster to make money by opening a bank than that five seconds, Jianxin's cold rice fried, cutting fans and leeks?"


"It makes a lot of sense, I don't understand the preferences of young people more and more!"


Driving low in seconds and going high, Tianxing can have hundreds of millions of box office revenue, which is not a big deal!

But after the broadcast of the second five movie version, all major theater operators and film production companies understood it!

Tian Xing's cold meal plan was first carried out and it has been successful!

Next, after letting go of his worries, Tianxing should be more concerned about the promotion of Jianxin and the initial d live-action version.....!
