I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The news that the full-time hunter is about to end, on the night when the ant article is over, swept the Dragon Kingdom and even overseas with an unbelievable news........

It is true that the full-time hunter may not be the best among Chu Yu's current works, but it has become the most popular work among Chu Yu's works thanks to Chu Yu's popularity and the power of taking over Tianxing. !

And... is also the most profitable work!

The monthly income of the animation's webcasting averaged 26 million and the month was closer to 20 words, but the inland and islands of Japan achieved more than 300 million Dragon National Coins! Hunter's games have gained similar profits in the market, and overseas revenue has exceeded 300 million! As for those around, the monthly income is also very impressive!

Such a work with a monthly income of one billion.......finished?

"What the **** is Shui Xin thinking? He has become a big capitalist with a net worth of tens of billions, and is no longer interested in the business of a mere one billion in monthly income and tens of billions in annual income?"

"Wtf, is this the exception of the top genius of the Dragon Kingdom Second Element Realm? I saw this news, and my heart was dripping blood. It was crazy and extravagant, and Shui Xin didn't take money seriously. Now! How many people in the Long Kingdom earn less than 3,000 a month, and how many employees in the Second Element Realm earn 5,000 or 6,000 in the magic city and are struggling to survive... If you give these people a profit of 10 million Chance, they will work overtime and try to die suddenly... But Shui Xin he.........just like this, he is ready to give up the hunter, even if his monthly income is one billion. Can't touch his heart?"

"You can be self-willed if you have money, but you can't look down on money if you have money! Tens of millions of hunters all over the world are lining up waiting to be cut by him. They know that from the forward game, they are meat buns and dogs, but they are still willing to be cut. .....Now that's fine, the guy Shui Xin said directly, I don't like you leeks, I want to end the hunter capriciously!"

"Except for Tianxing and gt, the third-ranked animation company in Longguo has a profit of only more than 600 million Longguo coins a year. The ip value of Hunter's work is estimated to be able to buy this entire company... .What on earth did Shui Xin think? Don't take advantage of the hunter's most profitable time to make a lot of money, and actually finish the hunter? It's so outrageous!"


A group of practitioners in the Dragon Kingdom Second Element Realm are frantically complaining and discussing this matter on this day!

After all, this kind of behavior... is also placed on Chu Yu! In front of everyone, it can be attributed to the willfulness of the great genius Chu Yu, maybe he has some deep meaning!

Put it on other people.... Needless to say, the entire industry is now absolutely overwhelmingly scolding the prodigal!

The focus of the industry is on the loss of the hunter's profit, but for the hunter now tens of millions of animation fans and game fans in the world!

This news is like a bolt from the blue!

The Ants chapter has just finished, and the Dark Continent has only been mentioned in a few words!


What are you going to do with the foreshadowing in the follow-up plot?

Where does the hunter game go?

Thousands of water heart powders have fallen into a wasteland since then. Can you water heart bear this responsibility?

For two consecutive days, Hunter finished this hot search and directly reached the top of the rankings on the entire network, and the popularity continued!

Xinman.com, Chuyu's second largest base camp, has countless uploaders analyzing the reasons why the hunters ended. Why did Chuyu not make a profit with a work with a monthly income of one billion, so he has to complete this work!

But fans' speculation is always speculation. On the third day of the fermentation, a large group of hunter fans spontaneously ran to the Tianxing Building to protest the end of the hunter!

It's not that they don't accept the end of this work, but the hunter ends after the presidential election, which is more than the giant watching the sea. The giant watching the sea is equal to the extent of cutting the skin, but if the hunter ends in this plot, there is no doubt It's not finished, it's an eunuch!

On the platform in front of the entrance of the Tianxing Building, on this day, there was a dense crowd of fans, at least spreading from the entrance of the company to the parking lot. There were thousands of people!

Everyone was wearing various cos outfits, holding signs, expressing their wishes that they did not want the hunter to end!

In this building, in addition to the employees of Tianxing, there are also employees of many other companies that lease office buildings!

Chu Yu is making such a big noise this time, and the employees and bosses of these small companies naturally know!

Chu Yu, the landlord of the building, was actually preparing to give up his work with a monthly income of one billion.......

This kind of information directly shocked all the office workers in this building, even the owners of small companies!

People are really maddening than people!

When I still think that the rent of this building is too expensive and can't afford to rent it, Chu Yu, the owner of the original building, can purchase the entire building with his three-month income from an animation work... ...And this kind of work is ready to be finished as soon as possible! Thousands of fans downstairs now beg him for more plot, don't end it!


The employees who met Tianxing in the elevator always couldn't help asking if it was true, and if Chu Yu, the boss of the building, was really so embarrassed!

But Chu Yude fans are destined to be disappointed...

After all... they are downstairs in the Tianxing Building, it is absolutely impossible for them to squat down to get Chu Yu...

After all, Chu Yu at this time, in a well-known private hospital in the magic city, don't even talk about chartering, after all, Chu Yu only has a need for obstetrics and gynecology services!

The obstetrics and gynecology department of this well-known private hospital was contracted one week in advance in order to have the most professional doctors to provide services for Zhao Qinyin's production at the first time, and such private hospitals can pay for them. For example, Chu Yu Requirement, delivery doctors and nurses, all women, Chu Yu is not so stingy, mainly considering Zhao Qinyin's feelings......

Now, it's finally Zhao Qinyin's labor day......

Chu Yu was sitting on the sofa outside the delivery room, holding a mobile phone in his hand, but had no idea of ​​playing at all!

Gu Yan and Su Luoluo sat next to him, one on the left and the other. Although their faces were still pretty and beautiful, they were a bit more sad than usual!

"It's been two hours! Why hasn't there been any movement?" Su Lu looked at the door of the delivery room!

"No sound at all, it's scary!"

A waiter next to him brought a fruit platter and placed it in front of the three of them, but each of the three wanted to eat snacks!

"The soundproofing of my room is good! Don't worry about it!" Chu Yu turned his head and said in a deep voice!

But his own brain is very confused now!

The four words are confused, and I feel deeply about it for the first time in my life!

At this time, the doctor in the delivery room walked out, wearing a mask, although he couldn't see the expression, but the smile in his eyes instantly made the hearts of the three people fall!

"Congratulations, Mr. Chu, everything went well in delivery! She is a lovely little girl!" The forty-year-old experienced female doctor said with a smile.

Chu Yu let out a long breath!

Upon seeing this, Su Lu handed over a big red envelope!

"How does this make..."

"With a little heart, thank you doctor! It's not a problem, it's not a public hospital..."

The two sides shuffled for more than a long time, and finally......in the delivery room, a nurse came out with a baby!

"Why is it so ugly?"

"Wrinkled, red skin! This has not inherited Xiaoyin's excellent appearance genes at all!"

"No, although Chu Yu is not handsome, nor ugly! This is too outrageous! Looks like an alien baby!"

Su Lu and Gu Yan looked extremely curious, and they didn't worry about speaking. They knew that Chu Yu wouldn't be angry anyway!

"Newborn babies are basically like this. After all, they have been soaked in the mother's stomach for ten months. The skin is normal and red. Ordinary people will take a bath for a long time and the skin will be Zou! It will be fine after a while!" The nurse explained with a smile.

Chu Yu didn't care about this, but took the child from the nurse!

Cautiously......At this moment, Chu Yu didn't know how to describe his feelings!

There is a kind of impulse to scream loudly, but in the end it just fixed his eyes on the child's eyes!

Clear, bright, curious, and...still crying all the time!

Zhao Qinyin was pushed out of the delivery room and slid into the training room!

The three Chu Yu quickly followed!

Zhao Qinyin's expression is much more white than usual, and his eyes are full of fatigue! Chu Yu was next to her, constantly moving the child's body for her to see!

"So ugly!" Zhao Qinyin couldn't help but smiled weakly after seeing his child, his eyes full of joy.

"If you grow up like this, you won't be able to marry in the future!"

"How can it be like this forever? It will be fine in two days! After all, the cutie who inherited your excellent appearance and my wisdom may not be able to marry?" Chu Yu also tried to make the atmosphere more cheerful!

"Chu Yu, I want to sleep, my daughter......you take care of it first!" Zhao Qinyin said softly.

"no problem......"


A large area of ​​the hospital was completely covered by Chu Yu!

In this high-end private hospital, there is an area similar to a hotel, and the experience of staying in is no less than that of a five-star hotel! It's just a little expensive!

For users like Chu Yu who booked a venue and Zhao Qinyin's recovery period, at least one month or more...The cost is simply amazing!

However, even Chu Yu even hunts hunters with a monthly income of one billion yuan, and there will be no regrets when it is over. Naturally, they don't care about this expense!

Doctors and nurses are in this area, serving Zhao Qinyin, Chu Yu and others!

In this process, if no one recognizes Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, it is naturally impossible!

After all, doctors and nurses also watch anime!

However, these people did not dare to go out and talk nonsense. Otherwise, according to the confidentiality agreement signed between them and the hospital, if Chu Yu was investigated seriously, the hospital could sue them for bankruptcy!

Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin are a pair in private? Zhao Qinyin also gave birth to a child for Shui Xin! No wonder these two people have not shown up this year!

This kind of news is crazy!

But no matter how crazy they are, this kind of information will only be rotten in their stomachs! If they didn't deliberately take photos and leave evidence, no one would believe them even if they were blowing around outside!

And is it not good to pay hundreds of thousands of salary in this hospital a year? Why do you want to ruin your job because of some gossip?

Of course, Chu Yu doesn't care about these things. Keeping things like confidentiality is naturally excellent. It doesn't matter if there is no effect!

Being a father for the first time in his life, Chu Yu was numb!

After all, he himself still feels that he is a child and needs care...

Outside, fans caused a large-scale online and acquaintance protest because of the news of the end of the hunter!

In the hospital, Chu Yu lived there, accompany Zhao Qinyin's physical training throughout the whole process!

But there is one thing to say, Zhao Qinyin's body recovered very quickly, and he got out of bed and moved freely in just three days, as if it was not much different from before giving birth!

Chu Yu played with her daughter Chu Yu all day long, laughing!

As the nurse said, it didn't take long for her skin to flush off, become smooth and tender, her eyes are clear and bright, and she is very cute! Especially when he laughed, Chu Yu's heart was about to melt!

Su Lu and Gu Yan are very interested in Zhao Qinyin's production experience!

If it weren't for Huang Ming's call, Chu Yu wouldn't want to pay attention to the outside world!

"I said, Brother Chu, don't be too immersed in playing with your daughter all day long! Now downstairs in Tianxing Building, tens of thousands of fans are making silent protests downstairs. No matter how you say it, you have to give fans an explanation! I'm so anxious, don't fish!"

"Understand..." Chu Yu sighed long!

"I'm out for a trip, take good care of my daughter!" Chu Yu told Gu Yan and Su Lu!

Leaving this hospital in a secluded place, drove to the Tianxing Building.....

Chu Yu thought that fans would blow up after the Hunter's ending news was released, but he did not expect that fans would be almost a week away!

Still so energetic!

When we drove to the Tianxing Building and walked out of the underground parking lot, a group of Chuyu fans quickly moved into the third floor, and surrounded Chuyu on the third floor!

Fortunately, a group of security personnel first protected Chu Yu in advance, otherwise Chu Yu would be squeezed out of motion!

Huang Ming passed a microphone to Chu Yu from the side! And is equipped with a cameraman to shoot the impact!

The microphone and the cameraman's lens are connected to the equipment of the Tianxing Building, the sound on the facade, and the large screen on the wall outside the building!

"Ahem..." Chu Yu coughed into the microphone, and did not say that he was nervous because of the crowd!

The sound is not ear-sounding, but it can still be heard near the building!

"Teacher Shuixin, why do you want to end the hunter? Are you forced to be threatened by your peers' jealousy?"

"Teacher Shuixin, you finally appeared..."

"Teacher Shuixin, don't end the hunter! Keep creating! We know that your new work must be as good-looking as it is, and it can become a hugely popular masterpiece, but we just can't bear the hunter! It's better to have the beginning and the end!"

"Teacher Shuixin, my son and I both like Hunter's work, so you can continue to create it! We know that you are indifferent to fame and fortune now, and don't care about money and dirt, but you think about our fans! More paintings A little plot, don't just let the hunter end! This is too unfair for this work!"


Threatened? Dead money is like dung?

You look too high at me, Chu!

Chu Yu's expression is weird!

Who doesn't want to continue serializing works with a monthly income of one billion yuan? Once the animation is over, the popularity of the game will be affected, that is inevitable! It goes without saying that the hunter's income will drop a lot after the end of it!

But what can Chu Yu do? The old thief Fujian will update to this place! Although there is still a lot of content behind the presidential election article!

For example, Hisuo and the leader had a life-and-death duel at the top of the Sky Arena. Hisuo was dead, but he was resurrected because of obsession... There is also a new chapter in Kurapika...

But what's the use? With the update speed of Hunter's words in a week, even if the plot continues to advance, the end date is only one month behind!

Otherwise, why did Chu Yu end so decisively!

"I know, everyone is very dissatisfied with the end of the hunter!"

Chu Yu's voice was transmitted to the PA equipment through the microphone, and finally spread to the Tianxing Building!

"There is a follow-up to the story, yes! The hunter will definitely not fill the hole in the near future, and that's right!"

"But I can't help it! The inspiration for this work comes to the presidential election! In the future, I can't think of a plot that can surpass the previous story... so it can only be over temporarily!" Chu Yu The voice is calm, but it also calms the noisy crowd nearby!

No inspiration, so it's over for the time being?

"Temporarily ending means that after I have inspiration, I will make up the follow-up plot?" asked a fan close to Chu Yu.

"Yes! Just like Rurouni Kenshin, haven't I been filling the hole after many years?" Chu Yu responded.

At this time, many fans remembered Chu Yu's previous comment, and they will never break the end...


Chu Yu's fan meeting in front of Tianxing Building~www.mtlnovel.com~ lasted for two hours!

Chu Yu's throat was dry before he persuaded this group of people to go home!

This incident was really first reported by the major media of Longguo!

"Do you want a late God ending, or do you want me to continue to create hunters without inspiration, make it longer, but also closer to the unfinished end?"

Chu Yu's words, instantly spread throughout the second dimension of the Dragon Kingdom!

If you just choose one from here, an answer will emerge in the hearts of fans!

It's over temporarily!

Divine work without ending is still better than unfinished!

But most fans can understand Chu Yu's remarks, and many people still say they can't accept it!

Black Chuyu on the Internet every day!
