This book is dedicated to my family.

My mother Polly,

My father David,

My sisters, Nelly, Claire and my favorite, Angel.

And to also my three step sisters, Esther, Mary, Mirriam.

I love them to much and thank you for nurturing my talent.

If you didn't believe in me, I wouldn't believe in myself.

I would personally like to thank my older sister, Claire, thank you for showing me that people cry not because they are weak but because they have stayed strong for too long.

By the inspiring quote you gave me, I was able to write this book.

I will forever be grateful.

And I would also like to thank and appreciate the queens of vampire fan fiction.

Jr Ward, Stephanie Meyer, L J Smith, E L James and the other queens of vampire fiction.

If it weren't for you I wouldn't be able to write this book.