WebNovelNam Yeon33.94%

Chapter 71: Seon-Ho

The day of the festival arrived and I got myself all dolled up more than usual. I made sure to wear colours matching my date's dress...and as I had expected, I had my usual fan club waiting for me, asking if I could change my mind and go with one of them instead. I couldn't help but chortle as I started telling them that the girl I had to go with gave me no choice but to go with her. Every crime she has committed against Yeon I had it laid against me to these girls....and walked away for them to create their own trouble.

I had a few surprises for Yeon and I couldn't wait to see her reaction. But first I met up with my date at the agreed time with all the gifts that stupid kid had given her with the help of her friends. The fact that Yeon hadn't opened them at all made my plan that much more flawless. And the situation with the dress...well, the boy sure was efficient in sending one right to her doorstep...

After walking around for a while under the lights we finally saw them make their way through the market. And right on que I saw the dismayed look on his face as I heard him asking her where her dress and his gifts were. I couldn't help but snort as I saw how confused she look "I don't understand...didn't you put this dress on my door? And you're gifts, these accessories...I got them from the boxes I received from you?" He was starting to look vexed "I know what I got you and these aren't it. Did you even look at them when I gave them to you? I got you pink jade accessories." Her favourite colours were white and blue, and we all knew it apart from this dumbass. "Isn't....isn't this what he likes? The man who took you in?" And right on que when everything dawned on her; she looked like she was ready to throttle me I showed up with my date looking complacent enough. When she saw who I was with she shot me a murderous look before trying to walk away with her date and trying to apologise to him at the same time before we could even exchange greetings. He too looked throughly annoyed as my date left my side to try catch up with him as I made my way to Yeon's side and touching her as much as I could "you look beautiful tonight Yonnie" I whispered in her ear and she almost shoved me down face first onto the pavement, if I didn't catch her arm in time she would have swung at me for sure. "And? Aren't you going to complement me? We are wearing matching outfits after all?" She took one look at me and I swear I heard her swallow before she started to walk ahead of me, her face bright red. "And that's a coincidence is it! How dare you take my dress and give it to that..." I couldn't help but smile widely as I could have sworn she sounded jealous "...and his gifts? What happened to them? I swear I want them back or else I'll....and what am I wearing? Did you give me all of these?" She was slowly turning red from anger so I cupped her face in my hand and brought her closer to me as both of our dates had long left us alone. We were both suddenly quiet and the way she was looking at me...before she came back to her senses and tried to rip herself away from me but I wasn't letting it happen. I dragged her to an empty alleyway...and draped myself around her from behind "that's right. I put the dress on your door and I stole his gifts and replaced them with my own. They're your favourite colours and they suit you well." She completely froze in my embrace before asking me why I was doing this? If I was just punishing her for what she hid from me. At that point I turned her around violently so she could face me as I cornered her against a wall "for the same reason you agreed to run away with me from my father's place. Because you're the only one who looks at me and the only one who is in love with me. So you must take responsibility for me."

She was stunned into silence for a while before she started walking towards me to read my face to see if I was lying to her or not. "you love someone else" that got me angry as I pulled her into my embrace again."Don't even try it; it was a long time ago and it wasn't love, it was a crush. Not even that, something much more fleeting" I had to stand firm if I wanted to convince her. She had angry tears running down her face and I swear I regretted the moment I met that woman, Yeon's tears were not worth it. I tried to wipe them away but she wouldn't let me get any closer to her "You are engaged to marry a family of nobility that far surpasses your own and myself both. You're bride-to-be can really let go of her reservedness and pride to marry you at all costs it seems. You will be content when you marry her, you will have everything you worked hard towards your whole life. Being with a downtrodden epileptic like me can only harm your future, not enhance it like she can. So just forget whatever it is inside of you that you possess for me now; it may pass quickly anyways like all the others." Her words stung both of us but there was nothing she could do or say to make me give up, not again....not this time. I grabbed her again and I dragged her angrily throughout the festival as if we were together with such a tight grip on her but I didn't care I if I hurt her or not. She was mine so she should bear any mark I gave her. She was in tears but I didn't stop until we were at her place and I began to destroy everything in my sight; everything of hers that she struggled for so I could replace it with what I could buy her and she knew it deep down. Thats why she didn't even try to stop me...until I turned on her and I dragged her onto her bed, so lost in my anger that I didn't even realise I had ripped her dress apart. She looked up at me in shock but I felt dark...and desire took over me as I began to tease her by tracing her figure with my hands with such an innocent look on her face that it was driving me crazy. I had finally managed to knock some sense into her as she didn't even try stopping me...she was even looking straight at me although she was trembling...something that I didn't mind at all. It took me all of my restraint as I stopped before I undressed her completely, not wanting her first time to be in a moment of anger. But I put my lips to her ears as I told her to get dressed with a backup I had her friends store for her and to adorn herself with the same gifts I had bought her. But I never said I was a saint. I undressed her myself; revelling her figure, her smell and taste which I wanted so much more of.

Any woman I had ever approached in the past wanted nothing to do with me for two reasons...my father and my false birthright. But here was one of the most intelligent women I knew fluttering at my touch. She was quiet, almost in the same trance I was in as I took advantage of the situation as could without completely crossing the line. She was finally ready a she made her way towards me in an absolutely stunning dress...but she was shy and not used to it. I pulled her closer to me as I made her kiss me. It was soft but stimulating enough for us not to leave our places for a few minutes...until things escalated far more quickly as either of us had imagined....she had to physically wrestle herself from my grip...not that she wanted to, I could tell when she didn't put up much of a fight. We then went hand in hand to enjoy our first date much to the displeasure of others...just in time to see Hyo-Sonn being dragged from Yeon's date and her own dress being ripped apart by my fan club in public. And when they accounted her crimes against 'me' in full view of everyone in at the festival she got so hysterical she actually forgot herself and admitted...or rather screamed who her real target was...in full view of some inspectors who just happened to be in the area drinking on their day off. And with that, she was done with. Yeon looked at me suspiciously but I just kept avoiding her gaze as I pulled her to the entrance away form the boy who tried to keep up with us.

Although we walked side by side in silence, still getting used to our new roles as lovers rather than platonic brother and sister. But we both felt the connection between us that kept pulling us to each other. One would always pull away whilst the other always bumped into each other until she finally latched onto my hands and held it tightly in hers, warming them up in her touch. I didn't even realise I was cold until she started rubbing our hands together. Grateful tears spilled from my eyes but she wiped them before I could, before finally pulling me in for a passionate kiss.