The Bet

Marquise and I had sat for hours already, scanning through document after document, hoping to find anything related to the incidents from last week. With each passing paper, I could tell that he was getting tired, or maybe just even bored, from scanning through all these papers. Every hour that passed, he would start to slow, his form slowly slumping over the table. But he was a champ because he didn't ever complain once about being stuck in a stuffy room mulling over numerous documents. But the discourage upon his face told me that he had no hope we would find what we where looking for. Unfortunately, even though I was use to this sort of thing, I was starting to lose hope as well.

"Can we call it a day your Majesty? I can tell from the doorway to the hall that the sun is starting to set and quite honestly, I am famished. Besides, don't you have a dinner to get too?" He asked casually setting aside a document in his pile of completes. Despite being bored with the tedious task, I would have to say that he did an impressive amount of work. Three huge stacks sat to the right of him. I leaned back in my chair, trying to finish skimming over the last document in my pile before passing him a dirty glare. He sniggered in response.

"I know my duties Marquise McKillion. I also plan on being there when time allows it." At the end of the dinner when everyone was heading out that is. At least I would be showing up. Father would be furious, but the safety of the Palace would come before a dinner with a bunch of high-end pricks.

"Of course, your Majesty. I didn't mean to question you. I just figured you would like an escort to the dinner, since your future husband isn't here." Marquise sniggered again, holding his hand to his mouth as he gauged my reaction. I crossed my arms over my chest, not thrilled that he would poke fun at my love life, fully knowing well that talk like that would get me taken out of the Order. He cleared his throat and adjusted himself in his chair as I stared coldly at him from across the table.

"I apologize once again; I just figured a little humor would lighten your mood. You are always so serious these days. That and your assigned Knight isn't here to escort you to and fro, so I thought I would offer my available hand. I also have been asked to attend tonight. I figured we could face doom together." I scoffed, a smile creeping on my face as he mentioned 'doom'. He knew I was dreading the dinner as well. How keen of him. Unless it was General Bregus who told him about my distaste for tonight's dinner. Unfortunately, though, he was correct about Nicklos's absence, and I was starting to get worried.

It wasn't like my father to hold on to someone for so long. Not even I was subjected to that kind of torture. So, it could only mean that father had indeed heard about the rumor and must be questioning him privately. He wasn't in the dungeons, so he must be elsewhere. Where though?

"I suppose I will accept your offer. If we have to loathe it, it might as well be together. Then we can gossip about the other High Officials and Royals together. I think that would lighten my mood quite a bit." I said pushing away from the table. Marquise rose as well, pushing back his chair and stretching his arms above his head. My body felt fairly stiff to from sitting still for so long. Thankfully the walk from here to my room was long, and I could get rid of the stiff muscles that formed in my body.

"We should find the General first before we head out to get changed. I need to make sure that the Head Maid is being taken cared of until I am able to question her. I also had plans to go to the science department today, but it seems that it will have to wait until tomorrow. What a waste." I sighed as I crossed the room and into the hallway. Marquise was right beside me. I never truly realized how tall he was. Of course, I had never been so close to him either. The tip of my head came right to rest at his shoulder. It oddly made me feel small and it was suffocating.

"I can handle that much while you are getting changed Princess. If your father blows a fuse again because you disobey him, I fear the whole squadron will feel his wrath. Besides, it takes ages for you ladies to look prim and proper. We wouldn't want to be 40 by the time you are finished." He teased. I scowled at his joke, mostly because I hated the idea of wearing a dress. But also, he was right, maids really liked to milk their time when it came to dressing properly. Always adding an over abundant amount of jewelry or other fashion items even for the most simple of occasions.

"What has you in such a good mood? Normally you like to ignore me. So why now, are you so willing to talk to me casually?" I said still scowling at him. Ever since that night, sitting around the fire when he questioned me, he had been acting strange. Normally he wouldn't bother telling me about such rumors, or care much for my well being other than to do the normal tasks that was asked of him. Now he was starting to act like we had been friends for a long time.

"When you first joined the Knight Order, I thought you where just doing it to get attention. Never has a female ever been apart of the Royal army in any way, and now the Crowned Princess was joining the team because her father said she could. But over time, I saw the effort you where putting in, just left everyone else. You struggled, you over came, and you won. It was honestly intriguing to watch. I thought you where just going to sit in your study once you became Knighted, not even bothering to step foot on the battlefield because no woman has ever done so. Again, you surprised me when you where there for every mission. So, I just had to know what possessed you to join the highest Order?" He paused as we walked. Only the sounds of our boots hitting the floor filled the hallway. Then he laughed and smiled at me.

"Let's just say I am happy that you are the one to take the throne in place of his Majesty when this happens. I know I haven't been the best towards you, but I can promise moving forward, you have the whole squadron on your side. You aren't a typical Princess, and I find it refreshing to know that we can place our trust in our Princess." I smiled back, moved by his words. It was probably the nicest thing ever said to me by a man I barely knew. It was also nice to learn that my little speech the other day seemed to somehow win over the soldiers under my command. It took a little bit of pressure off my shoulders and filled a bit more warmth in my heart. There was still hope for me yet.

"I appreciate your kind words Marquise. It's been a long time since I have had anyone new on my side. To hear that you are in support of me means a lot. I know I won't ever be as good as a Queen like my mother, but I do intent to rule it in a similar manner. Things will be different once my father steps down. I hope you are ready for that." I grinned deviously and he chuckled.

"I look forward to the changes your highness, although we have already started to see some of those changes." He stopped at the intersection in the hallway and turned to me. He placed his hand over his chest, hair dangling off his shoulders and he leaned over to bow. "I am afraid this is where we part ways your Majesty. I will inform the General of your concerns and our findings. By the time that is done, and I am changed, you should just be getting your hair done." He said with a grin and a wink as he righted himself. I scoffed at him, trying to act offended, but the smile kept twitching at the edge of my lips.

"Why you…. what will you say when you are the one the keep me waiting. Will you accept your punishment for your cocky attitude?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"I will accept only if you beat me your Majesty. Farewell." He said turning on his heel and heading down towards the opposite direction I was supposed to walk in. I couldn't help staring at his back, dazed, and amazed by the friend I had gained in just a few days. I know we had returned just yesterday from the field, but the way he would joke with me, felt like we truly had been friends all this time. Was it just reassurance all they needed for them to come to terms with my status?

No matter how it was done, I had their support now, and that's all I ever wanted. I could feel years of hard work finally getting recognized. All the time I spent balancing paper work and field work was paying off. I just wish they would continue to respect me when I was forced to step down and to marry my suitor. That was another thing. My promise to Nicklos as his future wife. How would that turn out if he were set out to be executed. Or if he was sentenced to execution? Would I really have to find someone else to replace him, just as we started to resolve our issues? Could I really even try and replace him? I wondered how long I could milk my time in finding a suitor before father just assigned one for me. The fear of not knowing a man and being married off to him absolutely terrified me.

Until I could figure out what was going on with Nicklos, I would have to follow along with my father's ideas. It was the best for the Kingdom that I eventually settle down, because having an heir would seal my seat on the throne. If Illia managed to have an heir before myself, then she would be susceptible to take over regardless of if she were a good candidate or not. I didn't want Illia on the throne, she would flip this Kingdom over the minute she sat upon the throne. She was greedy and clueless on how politics worked, and that was why father was pushing me so hard to drop the Knight title and fulfil my duties as the Crown Princess.