The Odd Battle

The clearing was quiet now. Every last one of the fake assassins was now lying on the ground, their eyes glazed over. The silence was even more eerie than before. Although this could technically be labeled as self defense, it still didn't make me feel any better. With the solem looks on my comrades faces, I could tell I wasn't alone in feeling this way. This on going investigation was not only wearing out myself and my people, but it was involving others who could not defend themselves. What exactly where they planning using these simple people?

I crouched near a still body, carefully examining the wounds on his chest from where I had stabbed him earlier. It was still gushing out despite having been dead for ten minutes now. I carefully wrapped my hands around the rough black cloth covering his mouth and pulled it down. My heart sank even deeper, looking upon the face of a boy no more than 14 years old. His pale skin reflected the shear terror that was be portrayed in his eyes. A frozen gasp and a silent call out for help. Murding this poor child, didn't make me any less of a monster. With a heavy sigh, I rose to my feet.

I bet if you where to pull down all these masks they would be children. I am sure each one had a tragic background. Each one would be related to something my father did I am sure. Was that not the theme? I was paying for everything he did after all, and now I am trying to clean up the mess.

"Alliah..."Nicklos tried to reach for me, but I waved his advancements away. I was honestly to sick feeling for his comfort. I also knew that this came with the job. There was no love in war, only death and hatred. Their loved ones where already dead I am sure, and this was their last chance to get even. It meant their life, and that is exactly what they gave.

"I bet he set this up. A bunch of kids with grudges getting murdered by the daughter of the tyrant king. If this spreads out, we will have many kingdoms knocking on our door." Marquise muttered, scratching his head as he anxiously glanced at the bodies. I couldn't agree more with him. This was a planned attack from the start. He used the kids to make a get away, and to also add further stain to my name.

If he where to get enough support from the other Kingdoms, he would have no problem over throwing my seat on the throne. The supposed sister that I have, could reveal her true identidy, and take over the throne. Although, I am not exactly sure how that would work in Illia's favor. Now that I think about it, the letter stated that the sender's name started with an I. She is my sister, and obviously not a full blood either. Could this whole story be fabricated just so she wasn't suspected? Or was it just coincidence that my newly found sister also has an I in her name?

I knew Illia didn't like me, and that she would do anything try and hurt my reputation, but I didn't think she would go as far as to hurt the people I love. If this is her actual doing, then she was going to be in for a big surprise when I get back. I won't go easy on her any more. Related or not, to many people have died at her hands.

"Do you really think that the medicine boy is in the Mill?" Michael, who was standing as still as a statue, was no absently walking slowly towards the mill.

"I highly doubt it, but it wouldn't hurt to scope it out. We can't stay here long. I need to get this arrow out of my thigh, and this area is a hot spot for trouble." I said glancing at the dead bodies scattered about before coming to stand next to Michael.

"You really shouldn't be walking around. Let Marquise and Michael scout out the Mill. Seria, help me tend to her wounds." Nicklos started barking out commands, reminding me of when we where training together. His face grew serious as he wrapped me up into his arms and gently set me on the ground. I was nestled between his legs as Seria knelt over me, her eyes zeroed in on the shaft sticking out of my leg. I leaned into Nicklos's chest, bracing myself of the pain I was about to receive. This wasn't my first rodeo with an arrow, but it never got any easier.

Seria placed both hands around the wound, trying to get a better grasp on the shaft so she could pull it out. I gripped my hands into tight fists, trying to resist the urge to flinch away from her hand. The pain shot through my leg and up my hip, causing my to grit my teeth. The arrow lodging its way through my leg didn't hurt as bad as her fishing through the exposed inner flesh of my thigh. Like a hot poker stick stabbing through my tissues, she finally wrapped her fingers around the shaft, wiping it clean before mercilessly tugging on it.

The failed attempt to pull out the shaft earned a pitiful scream from my lips. The edges of my eyes started to turn dark as the pain spread from my leg, to just about my entire body. Nicklos wrapped both his arms around my chest, pinning me to him in an attempt to soothe me.

"Your Majesty I am so sorry, please for give me. The arrow lodged its self further into your muscles while you where fighting and its too deep for me to grab. I would only cause more damage if I kept trying to pull it out." She said as she tore a white piece of cloth from her cloak, and pressed it gingerly over my leg. Panting, I patted her hand gently and collapsed against Nicklos.

"Is there anyway you can cut it out?" I croaked out.

"Your Majesty, I am not sure I am skilled enough to attempt something like that. Not to mention you are already bleeding so much from me just trying to dislodge it. You need a doctor and I am not one." Seria stood and walked away, scouring the ground. I pushed a long and deep sigh through my teeth, hissing at the unfortunate situation I was in. Nicklos squeezed me gently, his warmth seeping through the clothes we both wore. I honestly hadn't even realized how cold I was until now.

The sudden change in my body temperature made me violently shiver as I started to unthaw in his grasp. We sat quietly, waiting for Seria, Michael, and Marquise's return. The way Nicklos's fingers absently traveled up and down my arm, was his way of showing his anxiety. There was a lot he wanted to say, but clearly he thought that right now wasn't the time. I stilled his hand with mine. This almost seemed to nostalgic, sitting her wrapped up like this after getting into a tough spot, just like when we where younger.

"You have something on your mind." I stated softly. Nicklos chuckled, placing his chin atop my head.

"Nothing get's past you does it?" He whispered back.

"Nicklos, you forget that the only thing we haven't done, is slept together intimately with each other. I know you better than I know my own family." I muttered under my breath. He heaved a big sigh and moved his head and buried himself against my neck. I felt him begin to tremble.

"That arrow was meant for me Alliah. You shouldn't have endangered yourself like that. What if it had hit somewhere vital? We can't exactly just show up in the city as we are and get you into a doctor." I felt moved by his concern, and it put a smile on my face.

"How many times have you helped me Nicklos? How many times have you stuck your neck out for me and helped me? Think of this as payback for your generosity." That wasn't the real reason though. Despite having felt betrayed by him before, I couldn't deny that I still had deeper feelings for him.

"Well consider them repaid. I don't want you getting hurt again." I chuckled at his childish reply. No one can guarentee someone's safety. Regardless how much you preach, every waking second could be your last. Whether it be murder, or of natural cause.

"Alliah, you might want to see this."