Truth Comes Out

There was this unbelievably comfortable warmth resting against my back as I woke. Between the soft fluffy mattress underneath me, and the warmth pressed against my naked back, I didn't want to move. My body was humming with a pleasant aching feeling. I hadn't felt so relaxed and revitalized in such a long time. It was like I had recieved a full body message, except that it was more than just that. I can't believe I let myself get carried away, especially before my wedding.

I let my eyes flutter open, casting glances around my small bedroom. A single drawer, a walk in closet, bathroom, and small vanity. It was an essentially equiped room. Convienent for those that are on the move. The wooden floor had multiple scratches against the surface. Many people had used this room before me, that much was evident. But I guess when you are the only inn, in the Criminal City, you where bound to get many people. I wondered if other people did this kind of thing in this bed.

I stretched my body, but winced as the stitching in my leg pulled. I hissed through my teeth as the pain seared up and down my leg. I had been so enraptured by Nicklos's presence last night that I had completely forgotten about my fresh leg wound. I gently pulled back the blanket, praying that the would would still be stitched and blood free. As I examined my inner thigh carefully, I couldn't help but notice all the bruises that where left on my body. A blush creeped across my face, knowing that a huge majority of these where left by Nicklos.

"Was I too rough with you last night?" Nicklos's voice was deep and hoarse. His sleepy voice really was sexy and rougish sounding. My heart flip flopped in my chest and I swallowed my saliva nervously in my mouth.

"You animal, you left so many bruises on my skin. How am I suppose to face the others now looking like this." I mumbled, letting the blanket fall to back on the bed. Nicklos chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me against him. His naked flesh against mine, created a similiar heat that I had felt last night. A throbbing feeling started between my legs and I couldn't help but squirm.

"My apologise, I let my emotions get the better of me. As for facing the others, it's not like they don't already know. Despite your best efforts, you weren't exactly quiet dear." His lips gently grazed my shoulders and I shuddered. Another wave of blesh crept across my face, knowing that I had moaned quite a lot yesterday. My emotions got the better of me too. So much that I couldn't stop myself. I sat quietly, feeling his lips kiss gently from my shoulder, slowly all the way up to my neck. He silently passed his lips seductively back and forth, sending delightful shivers down my spine. A deep chuckle escaped him, so seductive I felt myself yearning for him once again.

"I would love to indulge in more mind blowing copulation, but we unfortunately have work to do," He propped himself up on his elbow so he could look down upon me, and evil grin upon his face. "Are you able to move about?" Teh amusement dripped from his voice as he planted tender kisses on my forehead. I glared at him playfully, but nodded my head once in response. Not able to hold back his laughter, he ripped back the blankets and rose from the bed.

I tried not to stare at him as we both washed and dressed for the day. But it was hard not to admire his strong physic. Even more so, it was hard not to remember how he felt pressed down on me. Who would have known how shameful I would be after having sex once. Everytime I thought about last night, my face would turn red, and Nicklos would wink and smile. I couldn't help giggling like a child everytime our eyes met. It was the purest feeling I had ever felt.

But the feeling soon came to and end once we reached the dining room. The idle chattered that we heard down the hall, came to an ubrupt stop as we entered. Marquise, Seria, adn Michael all looked up simultaneously. They shared awkward glances as we sat down at the table. Their eyes bore into me like a hot blazing fire, making it uncomfortable and awkward. I cleared my throat and leveled my gaze with Marquise.

"Have you done what I asked of you?" I was hinting towards the letter back to father. I was hoping that he would have sent one back by now seeing as we have been here for a few days. If he had decided to hold off on the ball, then we might be able to advert a crisis, or at least let him be wary of evil doers. It was Marquise's turned to clear his throat, and shift uncomfortably in his seat. My hope was quickly vanishing as he produced a piece of parchement paper from his wornout tunic. I accepted it, and unfolded it slowly, not quite wanting to read what he had to say.

You had promised me wouldn't leave before the ball. Now you are all the way in Stratheom of all places you could possibly be. I am very disappointed in you Alliah. But as for the ball I have done as you asked. Everyone is being secretly screened one by one and so far I haven't found anyone with ill intentions. Please understand that this has caused a lot of scrutiny in my part. The counsel members have also shown up and are asking about your wear abouts. Don't forget that you are still the princess and you need to be a represenative of your people. I demand you stop this madness and return home immediately. They are demanding you revoke your role as a Knight, and if you refuse, they demand you step down from the throne.

For your sake and mine, I hope you make the right choice and come home. You are not meant to be a Knight, you aren't mean to be next in line either, but your mother couldn't produce a son. So I need to back here immediately. Illia wouldn't last a day as the leader of this Kingdom, and that husband of her's isn't very strong either. You are my last hope. This is what your mother would want.

My mother wouldn't want me to be a coward. She also wouldn't want me to be peer pressured by a bunch of old wrinkly men who think they where above all. The aristocrats that where specifically put in place by my father because they shared the same views. His stinging comments about my mother not being able to concieve a son. It also made me believe that Illia really was an illegitimate child. I know that before mom was murdered, she wasn't exactly in great health after I was born. They actually even said it was a miracle that we both had made a recovery through the birthing process.

So in desperate need of a son, he must have had sex with another woman in hope of producing a male heir. But with no such luck he ended up with another daughter. But who was this woman and were was she now? Did Illia even have any idea? Honestly, did she even care?

"So he shows his true colors after all. I knew we didn't see eye to eye in the past, but I just thought it was because he genuinely didn't want to see me fall. He just doesn't want Illia to have control of the throne. That and those damn aristocrats want to see me fail as well. If I don't return, they will revoke my right to the throne." I tsked as I placed the paper on the table. It was all just becoming one giant headache. I couldn't get anything done with these people breathing down my neck.

"What are your orders?" Marquise asked quietly. I gave a low and dark chuckle, already coming to the conclusion of what I had to do in order to see the down fall of my enemy, and to make sure I had the crown. My father never had intentions of actually giving me the throne. He would have made me marry first and then give the power over to whom ever I married. Since Nicklos is a strong and well known Knight, he would think that Nicklos would be on his side. Meaning women where just decorations.

"For now we go throw with finding Maxwell and discovering the truth behind this mystery woman. Leave my father and his goons to me. What I need, are answers on this woman that claims to be my older sister." I tapped my fingers rapidly against the table.

"I think I can help with that."