Finding Laylia's Hideout

I winced internally as our small group walked through the very tightly packed crowd of the city streets. Shoulders brushed against shoulders, spaces where invaded, and it was hard to breath over the many bodies that surrounded us. I was bumped into many times by other people, and despite it being early morning hours, it was mostly by drunken people. Very loud and obnoxious intoxicated people. Even though the streets where wide enough to fit three carriages, it still didn't seem like enough room as we pushed past the dense crowd.

It wouldn't be so bad if all my energy hadn't been spent on Nicklos last night. He seemed so starved for affection that he just couldn't stop at one time. I honestly lost count of how many times he woke me up last night, and each time had been more exhilerating than the last. So not only was my wound irritated, my body was sore, and I was pretty much exhausted. Unlike him who seemed absolutely unfazed by his animalistic ways and seemed energetic. He kissed me on the forhead this morning and rolled out of bed.

Although despite my best efforts to hide the pain and suffering I was feeling, I think Nicklos was starting to pick up on my discomfort. At first he kept a short distance from me, but now, he kept his hand on my back, gently coaxing me through the crowd. He even shouldered everyone out of the way before they could come into contact with me, and I was grateful for the extra assistance. But despite my discomfort with the crowd, it must be nice for vendors this early in the morning. Especially with all the drunk ones impulse buying things they don't need.

Although I couldn't help sympathize with them. Their buildings where every shade of disasters. The plaster was cracking, some where tilted with wear and tear, the stairs where caved in; they where absolutely rough looking. I eyed them, watching as they leaned over the counter to talk with each of their customers. Their eyes shifted every which way as they talked animatedly, not even once cracking a smile. Some had weapons or shields laid out on the counter as haggled for prices, their yellow teeth seeming to gleam in the morning sun light.

A man in particular caught my attention. He was bald with a single thick scar running from the top of his right eye, all the way to the back of his head. The light reflected off the smooth surface, showing off his smooth head that wasn't affected by the scar lining his head. A single black eye patch covered the scared eye, making him look menacing and evil. He wore a tattered white cloth shirt with many dingy holes and what looked to be scorched spots scattered on his shirt. His black leather pants seemed to be in fairer condition than the rest of his clothes.

A black apron sat over his shoulders and tide around his waist. He seemed to be a blacksmith of some sort. Although with the way his eyes carefully scanned the crowds, he seemed to be hunting instead. With the way his muscles bunched under his attire, he looked the part to be a blacksmith, but his careful eyes screamed more or less like a bounty hunter. I wonder what made him create a false ruse?

The salesman standing in the building, leaned nonchalantly out the window. His dark red curly hair, sat spiked in some spots. Clearly it hadn't seen a brush in awhile, and was starting to become one big, nasty matt. His green eyes also shifted sneakily about as his red pale lips moved feverently. They where so fast it was hard to read what he was saying. His pale skin, was much whiter in complextion to the bald man. Almost like a ghost and not a vendor. His attire was similar to that of the man, but he didn't wear a black apron, and his close bore less holes.

The v in the neck was deep, showing off his flat and undertoned chest. Although he sported muscle, it wasn't as obvious as his friend. He was thick enough to lift a heavy hammer, but nothing more. In hindesight, to the untrained eye, it would appear that this blacksmith was talking to his apprentice. But the body language didn't match. And just our luck, we where headed straight for them.

The blacksmith was gazing the crowd, slowly scanning the area until his eyes fell upon Nicklos. The words he was about to say froze on his lips, lost with the wind. His one good eye narrowed as he shifted off the wall, his body seeming to tighten under Nicklos's gaze. This must be the man that Nicklos said could help us get into the brothel. I don't know how that was possible since he didn't seem like a criminal. But I guess you don't get away with crimes if you looked the part. The vendor seemed hesitant as well, a look of suspision crossing his face as he stared at each and every one of us.

"Hugo." Nicklos said as he outreached his steady hand. The bald man sneered, but placed his hand in Nicklos's and shook it firmly. I watched quietly as Nicklos patted the man on the back with other hand and leaned in. He whispered quietly in his ear, his eyes flicking about as he spoke. When Nicklos pulled away and let go of his hand, Hugo nodded his head once. He looked displeased as he gazed over at my other people, obviously not trusting the rest of us.

"Very well. Follow me." Hugo said gruffly. Spit flew out of his mouth as he spoke, anger evident on his face as he led us towards the worn out wooden door beside the vendor window. The salesman pulled away from the window, shutting the shutters and locking them as we slowly entered in side. The door swung open slowly, creaking loudly in protest as we hustled inside.

The inside of the building was just as underwhelming as the rest. Cracked cielings, broken and worn out set of wooden stairs that led to the second floor. A wooden wrack full of polished and ready to go weapons like long swords, short swords, maces, and the likes. A single wooden square table sat in the center of the small square room. One leg had been cut short and was being held up by many tattered books. A few chairs missing the spokes in the back, sat around the table.

Off to the side was a counter full of leafy green vegetations. Some had been tied into tight bundles and suspended upside down from the ceiling. They where drying them out to ground them up into fine powders. The stone mortar and pestle sat off to the side, a set of green powder already sitting in the small bowl. I persed my lips, not sure how to react knowing that we where sitting in the middle of a drug house. The smell alone was pungent. It was as if the smell of clinging to every fabric of my clothing. I felt like I was wearing the drugs it was so strong. People like us, would normally arrest people like them. It felt weird to asking a favor of a criminal.

Hugo, and what I assumed was his assistant, each took a seat on the worn out chairs. He waved a hand, gesturing for Nicklos to take a seat. His head nodded once, and sat across from Hugo, a stern look upon his face. This was the Nicklos I was use to, calm and composed. You couldn't read is emotions no matter how hard you tried.

"I have a very important favor to ask you. It requires your connections to the brothel in town." Nicklos asked, his voice unwavering as they stared each other down. A wide grin spread acrosss Hugo's face, and a soft chuckle escaped his lips. It was low and menacing sounding.

"Me? Help you? On what grounds are you asking me? You actually have the audacity to come into my buisness and ask me to help you? Do you remember the last time you backed me into a corner?" Although he was still smiling, his words sent a chill down my back. You could actually see that this man was mad. A normal human being didn't just smile like that, and still be seethingly angry.

"I think you forget how many times I actually saved your sorry ass too. Like I said, I wouldn't come to you unless it was important. Unless you would rather me arrest you on the account of growing and selling drugs." Nicklos pointed over to the leafy green pile sitting on the counter. The smile on Hugo's face slowly disappeared, and it turned into a grimace. His fingers drummed feverently against the table as he quietly contemplated his options.

"Alright your "Royal Highness, I'll help you. But I want something out of it too." The grin slowly returned, and it seemed more menacing than before. It sent shivers down my spine as he leaned in close, a breath away from Nicklos. Even though I kept chanting in my head Nicklos knew what he was doing inside me head, I still couldn't help but bring my hand to rest on the hilt of my sword.

"We can negotiate. What is it you desire?" Nicklos asked, not a hint of skeptism in his voice.