I Shall Reject Him

THE swearing in of the newly elected Lord Sovereign had taken place, but one more tradition needed to be fulfilled—getting a prospective maiden for the King. In addition, there would be some other ceremonial rites fated to take place in the sole council of a few aristocrats, present.

Usually, the action of random maiden selection was done only if the king had no intended maiden as Queen, before the day of the coronation ceremony.

Briceus knew what came next after he was made king, but he felt it was unnecessary. He had his personal reasons for not wanting a female companion, but he feared that he would not have his way.

Within the castle, Briceus was walking alongside his most trusted aide, Zeke. For reasons best known to him, he felt Zeke was deserving of his trust, even though he never gave him awareness of it.

They continued to walk through the enormous passage way, strictly reserved for the 'Nobles', and a minimal distance behind them were some 'Royal guards'. Their ceremonial knight outfit and glimmering silver blades, perfectly suited the occasion as well as their call to obligation. They were the King's personal guards who were assigned to follow him wherever he went within the palace.

"Milord, the maidens shall be await for you in the eastern wing of the castle grounds, at the hall of Termarth," said Zeke who was more familiar with the Castle interiors because his father worked as the Kings' steward for many years before his sight began to grow dim, and he had to be replaced.

"I have no use for useless maidens! I am sure that I shall not be impressed. Neither by their disguised looks, nor their shamelessness in character," Briceus declared.

"Milord! But it is the age-long tradition of Aegremonth. More so, we shall not have your mother, the Queen, speak much on the matter." Zeke threatened, in a subtle manner even though he knew it wasn't in his place to do so. He decided to be wise and cautious with his utterances.

"The queen shall have no concern in what I do. But for my uncle, the Duke, I shall contemplate if they be worthy of my time." This, Briceus said to contradict Zeke's words.

Duke Wauter was a hard man, and difficult to please. Briceus knew that if there was one person who hated him the most and despised the fact that he was declared King, it would be his uncle, Queen Athena's brother.

"The quickest way to the hall is that way, Milord. Why are we headed in the direction of your room?" asked Zeke who noticed the king take a bend in the wrong direction.

"Did I not say that I shall contemplate on the matter? Let me some minutes of solitude."

"Yes, milord." Zeke bowed slightly after speaking.

By this time, they were very near Briceus' room. The hardest part to being a king was that he would be made to abandon this room, his solitary confinement for the first six years of his childhood.

When the queen was very near in her labour date to put to bed, the king had young Briceus sent away to the Vikings' clan in the far north in hope that he could rid himself of his demon son on account of the queen's appeal.

Thinking that the brutal training and harsh freezing climate could kill an average six-year old, Voldemort was proven wrong when his spy informed him that the child lived and became brutal and cold-hearted in the long-run.

Briceus was sent for, a few days before his father's passing. Queen Athena never understood the reason for her husband's sudden interest in the child.

But now that Briceus had been crowned as King and not her son, Aldrich. She felt she understood her husband's betrayal.

Currently, Athena was in her room with her son the prince. Her irritation could not be mistaken as she continued to take vengeful steps as she paced about in her royal space. She gritted her teeth for every time she recounted the unexpected turnout of the inauguration ceremony. Her greatest regret was that her late husband was not alive to defend himself from the mercy of her fury.

"For this, I feel betrayed. Your father the king has done a foolish thing indeed. Not even in death shall I forgive him of this wickedness!" Her words to Prince Aldrich, who was not in a better mood than she was.

"How can he be king?! Mother! This is treacherous! A nobody as King? For say mother, but father used me. What wrong did I commit in staying beside him these long years?! The ridicule is great, and I shall not let this conspiracy go unnoticed!"

"We shall not let it go unnoticed indeed. He would be made to regret his purpose for coming to Aegremonth. Bastard son!" Athena vowed. While Aldrich stormed out of her room.

¤ At The Hall of Termarth

"Ah! Giselle, speak. Have you seen anything this beautiful and bright?" asked Elizabeth as her eyes reflected the luminescence of the brightly coloured flames shooting from the several torches which are situated at respective angles to cause the hall to become engrossed with its soothing warmth and enchanting glimmers.

Giselle who was scanning the luxurious hall, turned to look at Beth who had just asked her a question.

"In truth, my dear. This is the finest scenery my poor eyes ever beheld. Wow! This is indeed a castle," said Giselle.

"I think Cinderella was this amazed when she arrived at the ball. No wonder she could not resist the prince's advances towards her."

"Yes, Beth. Just like you shall not be able to resist when the king takes to liking you," said Giselle.

But Elizabeth had her own thoughts. 'I shall not marry a man whom I think I cannot fall in love with. Not even a king as this who is shameless and cannot find a maiden of his own. For such a king would I not consider,' she concluded in her heart before she spoke to Giselle.

"I have nothing worthy of likeness of the King. Even so, Giselle, I shall reject him if he comes my way. But I know that he would not notice me in fact. I am content in knowing that," Beth declared.

"You are wrong, Beth. You are the most beautiful maiden here. The king would have to be blind for you to go unnoticed by him."

Both girls giggled, but Elizabeth was still cautious of getting seen by Louisa. She knew that if she got found out and got seen with her sister's jewelleries, and silver pair of shoes, she would be in trouble because Louisa was forever clingy to her possessions.

"Why do you feel nervous, Elizabeth?" asked Giselle.

With a weak smile on her face, she replied, "I just don't want to get seen by someone. I could get in trouble if they saw me."

Giselle became confused at Elizabeth's utterances.

"What matter are you speaking about? There are so many maidens here, although a few from Griffinwald like us too. But, I doubt that there is a maiden here that you should be scared of."

Giselle had been very kind to her, but Elizabeth didn't want to tell her about her family's shortcomings.

"You are right, Giselle. Maybe-"

"No, Beth. Tell me. Is it someone I know that you dread this much?"

"Actually, I-" Elizabeth's speech got hindered as the king made his appearance.

The usual ceremonial speech was hailed by a spokesperson to announce the arrival of Lord Briceus.

While every other maiden took a bow to acknowledge the king, Elizabeth stood frozen with eyes aglow, because the sight of the man before her, was nothing like she could have imagined him out to be, up close.